Monday, June 17, 2024

Mumbwa DC predicts poor crop yield this year


Army Worms attacking maize plant
Army Worms attacking maize plant

Mumbwa District Commissioner Sunday Shamabanse has predicated a poor crop yield for the 2012-2013 farming season.

Mr. Shamabanse lamented that Mumbwa has recorded an increase in rainfall which has caused floods.

He said the floods will affect most of the farmers’ crop yield in the district this year.

He told ZANIS today that the situation poses a serious challenge to the farmers who largely depend on farming as a sole source of income and livelihood.

Mr. Shamabanse said 18 villages in Nangoma and 17 in Mumbwa constituencies have been greatly hit by floods.

He said the Disaster Management and Mitigation Unit (DMMU) has already distributed relief food and some tents to affected families to cushion the impact of floods.

The District Commission said his office, with the help from the DMMU, has since embarked on a programme of giving out mosquito nets and chorine in bid to avoid outbreaks of malaria and diarrhoea diseases as most water sources were likely to be contaminated.

He said most of the roads in the district have also become impassable due to the floods that have hit the area.

Mr. Shamabanse however, stated that the affected roads will only be worked on by government when the rain season is over.

He observed that it was difficult for government to commence any works on the roads and drainages since the district was still receiving heavy rains.

Meanwhile, Mr. Shamabanse has thanked government for the youth empowerment fund allocated to Mumbwa.

He said the funds have assisted youths in the district to venture into small and medium enterprises.

Mr. Shamabanse cited a youth group in Nangoma area that invested the money into a hammer mill which has since benefited a lot of local people.



  1. Mr DC,just say the poor Chitemene policies have led to this disaster. Nature in form of Army worms and Floods are just complimenting your lies as PF. Remember you promised farmers 30 bags of fertilisers each but like chitemene you shifted! You locked offices of people who distibute farming inputs and expected to get efficience after this? Wait for the consequences of your Chitemene policies!

  2. Don’t use armyworms as a scapegoat for the poor agricultural policies of PF govt. PF govt has not yet distributed inputs in some areas of the country. Some times top dressing fertilizer is distributed first instead of basal dressing. What would you expect? Poor harvest period.

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