Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND Itezhi-tezhi get letter from his party


UPND Itezhi-tezhi Member of Parliament (MP) Greyford Monde
UPND Itezhi-tezhi Member of Parliament (MP) Greyford Monde

UPND Itezhi-tezhi Member of Parliament (MP) Greyford Monde has finally received a letter from his Party demanding that he exculpates himself on a number of allegations.

Mr Monde who was sworn-in as deputy minister of Agriculture and Livestock on Friday last week has been given a three day ultimatum in which to exculpate himself on four allegations.

Both Mr Monde and United Party for National Development (UPND) secretary general Winston Chibwe confirmed the development in an interview in Lusaka yesterday.

The four issues raised in the letter were allegations over his failure to carry out party duties in the constituency, destabilising the party, putting the name of the party in disrepute and issuing unauthorised statements.

“I have received the letter today (yesterday) and it was delivered in my mail box at Parliament Motel by our secretary general at 09:25 hours. I am currently studying it, making consultations and would respond as soon as possible,” Mr Monde said.

Mr Chibwe said the letter was only delivered to Mr Monde yesterday, as they could not reach him on Friday and the party expects him to respond to the charges within three days.

“Initially Mr Monde was supposed to have responded to the charges by today, (yesterday) but since the letter was not served to him on Friday and was only delivered to him today (yesterday), we expect him to respond to the charges within three days,” Mr Chibwe said.

Mr Chibwe confirmed that the party demands that Mr Monde should state why he had put the the party in disrepute, failed to carry out party functions and why he was destabilising the party in his constituency.

“We will wait for the response and if it does not come, the next course of action would be taken,” Mr Chibwe said.

Mr Chibwe, however, confirmed that the exculpatory letter had nothing to do with his appointment as deputy minister saying accepting the position was his personal decision.

Last week President Michael Sata appointed Mr Monde to serve in Government in a spirit of being all inclusive in spearheading development regardless of one’s political affiliation.

Mr Monde who is the first UPND MP to be infused into Government maintained that his appointment would benefit the people of Itezhi-Tezhi in a short and long term.

He would stick to his philosophy that he was a free man and a Zambian and a public servant and a member of his Party.


  1. Politics of the belly, Monde is too young to start jumping from one party to the other, he will learn things the hard way. Some people are so blinded with money that they can even sale their constituency and forgot where they came from. They should learn from Lubinda’s situation. PF are there just to use you. They are like a cancer which does not mean anything good but destroy Zambia

  2. Monde & PF whats wrong with your heads?? Development will only go to constituencies who are saving PF, you are creating divisions now

  3. I think what is important is to carry out orders given by the organisation you belong to. In this case the party. He did not win elections as an independant candidate. Now being a deputy minister comes with benefits and it is very difficult to say no to such an appointment. We all want to improve our living standards but it should not be done at all costs even betraying your party. But at the same time the president wants to show that he is ready to work with everyone despite of political affiliation. If this is the way he can show it then be it. The only thing which he should do is to give assurance to UPND that he will remain loyal. But is he going to be?

    • UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS: Article 21. 1 Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.
      UPND explain why you are not following the Human Rights? I see that you would like others to follow Article 20.1 Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. But then by imposing disciplinary action on anyone who follows Article 21.1 are you not infinging on Article 20.2 No one may be compelled to belong to an association? Complelling here may be defined in terms of fear for expulsion.

  4. I am hoping the charges are lucid enough and not some fuzzy implied statement (like bringing the party into disrepute must be followed by clear indications). By the way I don’t believe there are party constitutions that explicitly forbid serving in public office otherwise they would not be vying for power. By the same token, serving the people of Zambia is a very interesting concept because it doesn’t state under which umbrella one is supposed to serve. Herein lies the need for consultation for this young man…

  5. The UPND should be very careful in the way they treat their MPs.It seem any of their MPs who agrees to work with the PF government has to be punished by suspension or expulsion.What UPND should konw is their actions on their MPs amounts to intimidation and harrassement.It gives the concerned MPs the feeling that they are not wanted.Monde has indicated that he is a free citizen and has a duty to work for his people.If UPND expels him they are likely to lose another seat in parliament,further reducing their influence on governance of Zambia.When Munkombwe said he supports PF they said it is politics of the belly.Munkombwe knows what he is talking about and the UPND must listen to advise.Munkombwe is a political library who should be listened to.

  6. These charges are so general and speculative that one would be at pains to defend himself. Failing to carry out Party functions in the constituency, am sure examples of which Party functions he failed to conduct and when would be required. Secondly, bringing the name of the Party into ridicule, contempt and public odium, how?? Someone has to explain how the Party’s name has been dragged into the mud. Lastly, distabilising the Party in his constituency, even this one requires solid examples.

    The UPND failed to charge him specifically with accepting the Ministerial appointment and then went on a fishing expedition, which I think may not help. Let us assume that he is found guilty on three counts, does their constitution prescribe instant expulsion for these general misdeamenors????

  7. UNIVERSAL DECLARATION OF HUMAN RIGHTS: Article 21. 1 Everyone has the right to take part in the government of his country, directly or through freely chosen representatives.

    UPND explain why you are not following the Human Rights? I see that you would like others to follow Article 20.1 Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association. But then by imposing disciplinary action on anyone who follows Article 21.1 are you not infinging on Article 20.2 No one may be compelled to belong to an association? Complelling here may be defined in terms of fear for expulsion.

    The UPND policies should be reviewed.

    • They are refusing because of the motive behind these appointments. Sata knows he needs majority of votes in parliament why he proposes things like lifting RBs immunity. He can achieve this by appointing opposition MPs as minister then they will side with him

    • Yes, though that is the case people have the right to individuality and choice. While we want to protect our personal policies, we should not infringe in univeral human rights. People vote for MPs and not political parties. Right now the people have not revolted against the appointment but the party has. Who sends who to parliament people or parties? By the same token the motive behind UPND refusing MPs to work with PF is merely out of pride and ego. A leopard does not lose its spots. A principled UPND MP may remain loyal to the party pronciples even working with the government. Where is the trust?

    • Be realistic, how can people voice their thoughts?? Its only thru established NGOs and political parties. If people just assemble and start making noise you think police would spare them?? The system we have in Zambia is to use NGOs or Political parties to voice our concerns

  8. Lets be critical compatriots, do you all agree that its high time we called a spade a spade..? In as much as we have different people / parties we support we should not close our eyes and see the truth, lets say you were HH or Nevers and you badly wanted to be presido would you also take the route they have taken.? Sane minds will say NO..! Bottom line is we all need development except the opposition chaps. If you disagree let me know I only hope you will be logical not emotional.

    • Meaning the party has found it difficult to expell Monde and now are making some allegations on flimsy ground to find an excuse for expelling him. They are scared of being accused of causing a bye-election. I saw this coming.

  9. Universal human rights also recognize that there are rules and regulations that need to be followed in order to attain objectives of a common good. Freedom is not license. I know this a term that even dictators have claimed usage to infringe on rights of citizens. What Monde needed to do outside the rules of his club was to quit his position and stand in the party of his common interests. By election? You guessed right, he would have caused it.

  10. `oh now because UPND has to enforse it’s dicipline rules the Universal declarations are being quoted,,PF how abot reminding you what Sata did to the 22 rebel PF members. here are some for you to think about

    Article 7.
    •All are equal before the law and are entitled without any discrimination to equal protection of the law. All are entitled to equal protection against any discrimination in violation of this Declaration and against any incitement to such discrimination

    Article 13.
    •(1) Everyone has the right to freedom of movement and residence within the borders of each state.
    •(2) Everyone has the right to leave any country, including his own, and to return to his country.

    Article 20.
    • (1) Everyone has the right to freedom of peaceful assembly and association.
    Good Day!

  11. A member of parliament is a people’s representative. He/she has a duty of care for the people of the constituency. It therefore goes without saying that at all times the MP MUST do that which is good and necessary for the people however it is done.

  12. Jst the other day the mp 4 livingstone rebeled against the leadership style of the party.Again the itezi-itezi mp has throw mud in2 the face of the pipo at the hierachy.I advise the powers that b 2 reflect and do something on how they are going 2 hold the party 2gether.

  13. i must say the comments on this article have been refreshing , shading light and not just broadcasting insults ..way to go guys..mother zambia for all..

  14. When people know that they have made mistakes they will find lame excuses such as talking about the party leadership in UPND. Why should the party leadership be an issue only when you are offered a position in GRZ, that being childish. If one has failed to perform with CDF even with GRZ position he will fail to serve his constituency. I sure he spends most of the time in Lusaka with his wife.

  15. Interesting that UPND is ready, willing and able to even run off to South Africa to hold press conferences in defense of their perceived abuse and denial of THEIR human rights and call on the Commonwealth and other international bodies; and yet own MPs! Besides their fake lawyers, does UPND seriously believe they can dupe these international bodies into buying their cheap ploy. I doubt it.

  16. Interesting that UPND is ready, willing and able to even run off to South Africa to hold press conferences in defense of their perceived abuse and denial of THEIR human rights and call on the Commonwealth and other international bodies; and yet deny and abuse the same human rights to their own MPs! Besides their fake lawyers, does UPND seriously believe they can dupe these international bodies into buying their cheap ploy. I doubt it.

  17. Monde has got courage,am sure thers other UPND mps tha would want to be in govt but fear mapatizya.he is not the first or last one to accept to serve in govt.others wil follow suit.

  18. Too much appointiments. We need to see development now sir. 2016 is very near and you promise alot of things. Please lets move forward as a country than every day charging ministers from one to another.

  19. I like Monde’s smile he is handling this well despite the pressure.
    We need more young politicians in Zambia to bring in some fresh thinking. But its a difficult vocation because you have to deal with so much negativity. We need to be more supportive to the young men and women who want to join politics its good for the nation.

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