Sunday, June 2, 2024

Robert Amsterdam did not attack or insult the people of Zambia as claimed by Sakeni-Sakwiba


Lawyer Sakwiba Sikota
Lawyer Sakwiba Sikota

ULP President Sakwiba Sikota has accused Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services and Chief Government Spokesperson Kennedy Sakeni of distorting of Mr. Robert Amsterdam’s statement. In a statement to the media Mr Sikota said that at no time did Mr Amsterdam attack and/or insult the people of Zambia, by calling them “useful idiots”.

Earlier in the day Mr Sakeni released a statement to the media saing that Government had strongly condemned former President Rupiah Banda’s lawyer, Robert Amsterdam’s remarks that Zambians calling for the lifting of his client’s immunity were ‘useful idiots’.

“This is really unacceptable especially that the insults are coming from an outsider. It also shows how unpatriotic the people he is representing despite the country having very educated legal practitioners,” Mr Sakeni’s statement read

Responding to a statement distributed by Sakeni’s office claiming that the Zambian people were “insulted” by information regarding the misconduct of the Patriotic Front, Amsterdam issued the following statement:

“It is very meaningful that Minister Sakeni has been reduced to peddling misinformation to deceive the Zambian people,” said Amsterdam. ”Anyone can go to my website and see exactly what I said, which related to Fred M’membe disrespecting Zambian citizens by publishing false news. If this is all that the Minister of Information has to say with regard to the long list violations and abuses committed by the PF government, then we must conclude that he agrees with the accusations.”

“I demand a retraction and apology from Mr. Sakeni immediately, whose defamatory statement represents a clearly intentional attempt to mislead and provoke the Zambian people. Such dishonesty is unbecoming of a serious government official, and a sign of the PF’s failure to respond to the interests of the public.”

Below is the full Statement from Sakwiba Sikota



We wish to take issue with Government’s distortion of Mr. Robert Amsterdam’s statement.

Mr. Robert Amsterdam did not attack and/or insult the people of Zambia.

Mr. Amsterdam at no stage said that Zambians are idiots. All he said according to press reports is that “…The two men (M’membe and Nchito) have already allegedly abused their powers to force the government to help them avoid paying back a debt to the Development Bank of Zambia, and now, they are asking citizens to play the role of ‘useful idiots’ to support the lifting of former president Banda’s immunity without even knowing why,”.

At no time did Amsterdam say that Zambians are idiots. It is an undeniable fact that the Post Newspaper is trying to find whoever will support their agenda on the immunity issue even if the persons they use have no idea of what exact wrongs President Banda is alleged to have committed.

There is a clique of persons who want to whip up sentiments against the former President. What Mr. Sakeni and people who are trying hard to sway the mood of Zambians into calling for the removal of immunity should do is to clearly spell out the particulars of the offences that they say President Banda committed. Todate we have not been given the “Matrix” of offences President Banda is alleged to have committed in the manner that the Post Newspapers did with former President Frederick Chiluba.

Mr. Sakeni himself has admitted that the State does not have a case to present to Parliament to call for the removal of President Banda’s immunity. What would you call a person calling for removal of President Banda’s immunity in the face of Mr. Sakeni’s admission that the State is still trying to gather facts to support such a move?

We wonder why some people are panicking to the extent of using fronts such as unprofessional tabloids and compromised NGOs to insult the dignity and integrity of the Zambian people by asking them to support calls for immunity when no clear case has been articulated to warrant such a move. In mideveal Europe trial by ordeal was used where people were tried without due process and asked to clear themselves by going through some horrific and irrational ordeal.

We believe that this government has been investigating President Banda since September 2011 and to date as confirmed by Mr. Sakeni they have not found a case worthy of bringing before Parliament. If the State cannot even articulate what wrongs President Banda is said to have committed how do they expect him to “clear his name”?

Mr Sakeni says that President Banda should wait for the due process of the law to clear his name. Article 18 of our Constitution, which contains provisions to secure protection of the law, has these important principles which we wish to remind Mr. Sakeni and the tabloids and NGOs he has enlisted to do his work;

(a) the presumption of innocence. This means one should not talk of someone having to clear themselves when no competent court has found them with a case to answer.

(b) The right to be informed in detail the nature of the offence charged.

(c) The right to adequate time and facility for the preparation of their defense.

(d) The right to legal representation of ones choice.

(e) The right to a fair hearing where you do not have a compromised accuser or prosecutor.

(f) The right to be tried by a competent Court and not in the press. Our Courts are at Church Road and Chikwa Road and have not as yet been re-located to Bwinjimfumu Road.

It would appear that the State is hell bent on prejudicing the case against President Banda as everybody from the Republican President, his vice, the Chief Government Spokesperson and even NGO’s who should champion transparency and fairness are all making prejudicial statements and trying to whip up sentiments.

The former President through his lawyers requested the Joint Investigation Team (JIT) to set out what the allegations against their client were but the JIT failed to provide the information. How can the former President answer to charges that are not even disclosed to him?

This Government should demonstrate its commitment to the rule of law by upholding the principles set out in Article 18 of our Constitution. This includes ensuring that it does not deceive people with false news and attempt trials by headline.

President Sakwiba Sikota


21st February, 2013


  1. We have problems in our country! What qualifications does Sakeni have? He is talking like his boss who dies not even a grade 12 certificate. At least Chiluba was expelled in grade nine not these heads we have now…

    • I have lived long enough on this planent and have not yet until now witness an individual holds a country at ransom in the name of legal arbitration. This Armstwist is a pain in the back. He is daily trying every which way to discredit what our nation has achieved so far. Looking for money can have no limit! No wonder they chased him elsewhere, but he has found fertile ground to earn money, and yes he will earn it, here in Zambia. It is a cracker money spinner for him, through the opposition parties. They will part away with some handsome to feed the appetite of Armstwist.

    • Forgive sakeni china mu pita cizungu cama past participle tense, sakeni “useful *****” is different from “useless *****” I won’t be upset if someone tells me Iam a useful ***** just like the way Chiluba said we are docile.

    • The unpatriotic and desperate Zambian who have engaged Amsterdam are the one he is using as useful *****s to try and repair his dented image.

      Sakwiba is a bedfellow of Amsterdam, and it serves his interests to defend him.
      We will certainly not going to allow a foreigner to insult us at the instigation of few political opportunists.

      The onus is on us to defend and protect our country from these vultures


    • Mutembo is Zambian
      Mmembe is Zambian
      Kabimba is Zambian
      G.Chellah is Zambia
      Masebo is Zambia
      Ka Masumba is Zambian
      Mushota LT is Zambian
      Mulongoti is Zambian too, and
      Judge Chikopa is Malawian
      Sakeni is not categolised.. so
      What is the problem if Amsterdam insulted any of the Zambians above? Who are the above Zambians not to be insulted?

  2. Hon. Sakwiba,
    Note that Sakeni is a dishonorable minister of disinformation working for his medicare being paid by Zambians unnecessarily by virtue of being a member of these Pathetic Failures. He is tired and sick polygamist brainlessly posturing without winning damage control skill-sets. Since spending 11 months in the Mfulira based Ronard hospital on a death bed he has never recovered.

    • @ Senior Citizen ; I don’t know when you’ll grow up.I doubt if you have anything in your brain.Of all things,you can only talk about Sakeni’s illness?Has your father never been sick in his life?Honestly,you can’t see that Amsterdam (a white person and non Zambian) has been insulting the President who was elected by the people of Zambia (although you never voted for him),and by insulting the President he has been insulting the people who voted for him?You really should be ashamed of your self.You’re the same MMD who did a lot of damage for 20 years Sata is trying to repair.By the way,Sata is way ahead of you.Just wait,your Rupiah Banda will soon be behind bars,and Amsterdam won’t be there to help him.

    • “In political jargon, useful ***** is a pejorative term for people perceived as propagandists for a cause whose goals they do not understand, and who are used cynically by the leaders of the cause.” wikipedia

    • @Kafupi,
      Whereas I agree with you on the issue of Sakeni’s illness & Citizens derogatory remarks. I cant disagree more about your potentially racist remarks about Armsterdam. Colour should have nothing to do with this and our “judgement” of Armsterdam should be based on the merit of what he is saying and its relevance to our current political & social climate. If there is indeed a violation of human rights, selective corruption prosecutions, denial of rally permits, then his call as a renowned human rights campaigner should be welcome.

  3. english is only our second language, for some people a third or fourth language,,,, so for sakeni this was an honest misinterpretation assuming that he can’t read, an honest misreading of what was said. but question is, why did he not pass it through their muzungu vp before making that embarrassing statement?

  4. Zambians and the entire world know that RB is the humblest Zambian President that has ever served this country. The man is not only an accomplished top Diplomat but more also with a temperate spirit, intellectual prowess, social conscious and rational mind no one in PF can match him except his child friend veteran politician Alexander Chikwanda. Therefore, belaboring to dress RB the tag of PF thugs rascal leadership that insults and cheat themselves over patient Zambians is very poor effort of these usable chaps. You have lamentably failed to soil a statesman. His stars are shinning around the world while his table of Grace expanding while PF sinks in the Pestilences of its lies and hatred.

    • But he is also the humblest currupt presidents zambia has ever had, and by contracting Amstadam to speak for him he has become a useful ***** for Asmtadam

    • Don’t be a blind supporter. Stick to facts.
      Having a university degree does not necessarily mean the man is a thinker, far from it.
      So far you have failed to establish how accomplished a leader your Mr. Banda was.
      Handing over the presidency after losing an election is not being humble but an obligation. Mr. Kaunda handed over without a fight so did Mr. Mbeki, in South Africa.
      Making deals under the table or behind closed doors is not so humble but corruption.

  5. Take it or leave it ,PF is sinking in the Pestilences of its lies and hatred. Gossip and Lies are fast killing the leadership of PF. Redeem yourselves while its 11:45 AM before the hour of tribulation. Put your lives in order time is up against you. The army of youth is not going to be pacified with lies but practical solutions to their lives. You have a time b-o-o-m in Zambia yet you thing leadership is your nature of discord and kitchen sink deceit long exposed? Don’t Kubeba is not flying.

    • Rupiah needs to get the Zambian endorsement for global leadership! As long as he has all these stories hanging around his neck and he fails to clearly and confidently shake them off,he will remain a thief in our eyes!

  6. @BOSS


    • #Hey Kabimba we are living in different times, RB is Children we hear they were Businessmen or women.It is up to government to investigate whether they abusing public resources or not.

    • 100% agreed with Kabimba – Banda and his family and cronnies are corrupt and must face the law – what are they afraid of, why hide in Amstadam

  7. One person was insulted in Luanshya, and the entire province rose to say the had been insulted by Chishimba Kambwli. you insult one woman the all women will feel insulted.

  8. the same bemba chaps will say ulusele talutula kalonda lukalifya fye ikoshi and yet all guns are pointed at amsterdam.
    guys if we remain docile, its such people like amsterdam to pour cold water on some of u chaps to wake up. lets not create gods out of mere political leaders

  9. well articulated Saki! Sekani awe sure,what did zambia do to deserve such mediocre leadership? Please whoever gives these masqueraders power kindly take it away from them!

  10. A time-tested constitution is aimed at resolving nonsense such as the ongoing. Stop the practice of immunity by constitution. If you are clean you should never need immunity. Let immunity be GRANTED on very specific provisions related intimately to the discharge of the office of president – not civil or social behavior like fundraising, wealth accumulation, etc.!!!!!

  11. fyonnse ifi fychabechabe.
    Foolish chaps supporting Amsterdam.what you need to know is that we have a President and that president represents Zambia and once he is insulted, the whole people of Zambia who voted for him and the country at large have been insulted too. Its very simple. What a dull bunch of lawyers.

  12. Simple and logical statement from Sakwiba, SC. Now, if someone in govt has a brain, I mean a functioning brain, let them take note of the procedural steps outlined here to follow up on RB allegation, and if need be charge him

  13. Bushe bashikulu ba Sata is he just pretending all things are well or he doesnt have a clue as to what is really happening in zed? we have not 4goten the 90 days theory. we have not 4goten the trimming of cabinet which we have seen bloat up to comparable levels as mmd, we have not 4goten the air trips by RB which may be comparable to him if 5 years elapse.
    We have not 4goten the woes at UTH even when Kaseba worked there

  14. The problem I see on LT is that almost all bloggers assume they are the smartest and have the most defensible position. It is really sad! When they fail in their support of their positions they normally resort to tribal remarks all insults… what a loss of intellect! Please learn to respect opposing opinions… actually let us just learn or remember our cultural civility.


  15. I personally do not see any marks of insults from the speech espoused by Robert Amsterdam. I am not surprised that Sakeni is acting emotionaly, trying to arouse the people of Zambia’s feelings. he does not qualify to be a leader. in any case i suggest that he should be very careful whenever he intends to issue a statement of general reaction to avoid negative reactions. Mr. Sakeni, do not create your own words as u make reference to statements usshered by others, they may turn against u. bravo. SS.

    • This thing of lifting the immunity of the former President Mr Bwezani Rupiah Banda is and very simple thing. People around him are busy protecting and defending his immunity to be lifted…this provokes curiosity as to WHY they are busy difending him. Then, there must be really something because if Mr Rupiah has nothing to do with the charges laid on him, then he doesn’t need to fear and does not need to be protected, let his immunity be lifted and he will show the truth to the Zambian people if the accusation is true or false, otherwise the fact that there is alot of defending and protecting raises alot of questions. Leave the old man untroubled by allowing him to have his name cleared by proving he is clean

    • Is that your answer to the well thought out and articulated argument Saki has put forward? Does that make you a usefull……….

  16. Ba LT, where is my post concerning patriotism. Have you been bought by the Watchgalu?? This only happens at their site. Maweeee

  17. “(b) The right to be informed in detail the nature of the offence charged”
    You also inform your client not to avail himself to the authroities. are you not contradiciting yourself Sir-kwiba?

  18. If Zambians can believe the 90 days story and continue to believe that an MP can only bring development to his constituency when in government by blowing k6 billion ++ on the byelection (when k6 billion will not be invested in the constituency), then yes Armsterdam’s statement can also be true. Actually an average Zambian is a kaponya = useful i.dio.te.

    • Only the useful *****s will be offended. As for me? Knowing that I am not a useful ***** i have no worries except for the useful *****s who are enraged.

  19. I blame PF for all this rubbish coming from a foreigner, they should have nailed RB like last year. All they need to do is to bulldoze the lifting of his immunity and throw him in prison we see what this useless Muzungu would do. You can’t allow impunity to thrive and flourish just because criminals like RB and his sons have money. It’s ridiculous that a nobody from wherever is starting to set the temperature of our politics while we are ndwiii. THROW RB IN PRISON NOW!!!

  20. Amsterdam will do or say anything to fatten his pockets even go to the extent of insulting zambians.he could be related to judas,the one that betrayed jesus.

  21. The mistake PF is making is to treat RB the way Mwanawasa treated Chiluba.They are putting new wine in old wine bags.RB and Chiluba are two different individuals with different educational,political and social backgrounds.Between the two one of them is quite smart. It is up to you to tell.Let me give you an example,it would be easy to lift Sata’s immunity but it would be a battle if not imposible to lift Mwanawasa’s immunity. There you go.

  22. Reading from some posts here one can see why Zambia is so backward. people think with their emotions and not brains. RB’s lawyer is very right infact even the president himself is playing the role of a ‘useful *****’ in the Fred M’membe and Mutembo Nchito’s scheme. I dont think these guys are supporting Sata on principle it is what he can do for them that matters! these two guys are very clever and there is no way they could support Sata the way they doing now if it was not for what he can do for them!! They control him and have him right where they want him to be! he is being useful to them!!!

  23. I liken saken’s intentions to those of the alarmist in Rwanda who ended up sparking off the killings of innocent people there. In the first place, where will the hatred of this magnitude of one person in the name of RB lead us to? What do the perpetrators hope to achieve by their campaign? The PF’s time for rhetoric is long past. What people want to see now is money in their pockets, food on the table and other services to be rendered. Not verbosity.
    Zamians are a mixture of intelligent and of course, the gullibe. So some people will easily take the utterances of this wide mouthed saken to be gospel truth and start reacting senselessly.Zambians need to be careful. I fear and doubt,really whether the four or three years of PF rulling will be peaceful….Hope zambia won’t be like…

  24. Some of these debates are not for those with dead brains. It is for those people who think. So if you think you have a shortfall of stuff in your skull better you stay out of these debates. I am refering here to Pola and Robin. Their mouths stink of their mom’s grayish matter in their cants.

  25. Does Zambia have smart forensic investigators? If they are there why have they not come up with evidence against RB or otherwise? This cat and mouse game must come to an end. It is a pity Zambians are being made to act as “useful id1ots” for either RB or the PF government in the process of debating this matter.

  26. what is happening today,happened sometime in ones life its just that kabimba and sakeni have been challenged by the so called armsterdam hence the crying aloud. if you have three relatives,you go to one of those three,you are chased, meaning you have remained with two. you go to another one he too chases you meaning you have remained with one. you go to the last one he also chases you, what option have you remained with? someone who can listen to you. what has been happening is these fellows didn’t have where to go,thats why they went to armsterdam now you want to blame them when you yourselves didn’t give them chance to listen to what problems they had,they went to the police,stella chased them,they wanted to engage the president he too chased them, what where you expecting them to do?

  27. Well spoken Floyd Chitalu, One thing that I am afraid of is if the govt does not move fast on RB by the time we are going to wake up we will find all the fortune that RB accumulated fraudulently milked away by this legal mercenary called Amsterdam. I have never seen Such a shameless lawyer. He acts as if he is R B’s spokesperson. By the way can somebody give me the profile of this so called ‘International lawyer’, including some high profile cases that he has successfully handled. I am afraid we may be busy talking about an ‘International fortune hunter’.

    • Well he’s trying to turn Kim Dotcom piracy saga in to a ‘human rights’ issue. Persecution by entertainment industry I think is the phrase skeptics are smirking at. Try megaupload story.

  28. Is it possible to have Amsterdam’s speech so that we also read it? He may not have actually said ‘*****s’ but he could have called the Zambian citizenry *****s in another way. Sakwiba, since you seem to be Amsterdam’s spokesperson, please avail us with his speech.

  29. No #37 don’t ever insult me again, if you re fond of undressing your mother in public. please keep the habbit within your family

  30. Unfortunate choice of words. Perhaps it was a polite attack. Let me try. Ladies, gentlemen, children and those playing useful *****s. Nah. Still comes across as careless wording. The intent remains to project what could fairly be deemed as a less than average intellect upon the subjects in question. Not sure it merits clarification. It’s already a dirty fight so both sides need to be thick skinned based on the presumption of innocence until proven guilty. Was it insulting? Subjective. It wasn’t complimentary though but if you expect civility in a public battle for hearts and minds you’ll be sorely disappointed. Ducking court is tedious work.

  31. Please Mr. Amsterdam, just do your job as the lawyer to the Banda family and stop meddling in the politics of Zambia. If you have any issues with the Government, please handle these through the courts of law. You should stop inciting the Zambian people to rise up against each other. It is people like you who are responsible for civil wars in countries. Please leave us alone to enjoy our peace. WE DO NOT WANT A CIVIL WAR IN ZAMBIA. WE HAVE NOWHERE TO RUN TO. WE REJECT BLOODSHED IN OUR BELOVED COUNTRY. WE SAY NO TO FOREIGNERS INCITING US TO FIGHT EACH OTHER! NO NO NO NO….
    Engage the Banda family’s percieved enemies in the courts and not in the media, foreign or otherwise. Pleeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeese

    • But Sata, the PF and The Post have taken the fight to the public and press. This means that Amsterdam must also defend in the press. You want to tie RB’s hands whilst useful *****s are contracted to attack him every day in the press. I am sure Amsterdam would not be talking in the press if people like you were not attempting to try RB in the press. Try to be fair.

  32. I thought in any investigation suspects are supposed to be questioned in order to establish whether formal charges are warranted. In certain countries (e.g. USA) prosecutors can impanel a GRAND JURRY to hear evidence and decide whether to issue an indictment. But this is not our legal setup in Zambia. So, in our judicial system, it is agencies such the ACC who are charged with the responsibility of gathering evidence and then deciding, through some cabinet appointee, whether to lay formal charges against someone. Article 18 of our Constitution was never meant to be used to frustrate this process.

    Of course suspects’ rights must be respected at every stage in this process, but trying to stretch a Constitutional clause to fight battles with THE POST newspaper…REALLY?!!

    • Yes investigations must be done without taking away the protection of Article 18. There is the right to remain silent even for people who do not have immunity. Investigations are not dependent on questioning the suspect who has the right to remain silent.

    • @LION: But suspect RB has refused to even show up so he can go and stay MUTE before investigators if he so chooses. Opting to REMAIN SILENT does not mean you refuse to answer to a lawfully issued subpoena by yelling immunity, immunity, immunity!

      Presidential immunity was never meant to shield folks from INVESTIGATIONS…the Constitution does not say that! Presidents only enjoy immunity from PROSECUTION for crimes which they may have committed in the course of discharging their “NORMAL” Presidential duties. But there is nothing normal about corruption, or allegations of corruption.

      So far, not even RB can point to anything the ACC, or anyone else for that matter, has done that amounts to infringements upon his rights guaranteed in Article 18. Or am I missing something here?

  33. Why are Zambians allowing this foreigner to disturb the peace we have continued to enjoy? Soon we will be colonised by this stupid Lawyer, thanks to Bwezani.

    • How is the peace disturbed by RB having a lawyer represent him and also answer to the attacks mounted by PF, Fred M’membe and others in the press?

  34. The same reasons Alabi was voted out of power inspite of the expensive campaign are the same reasons his immunity should be removed. Its not patriotic Mmembe or gallant Nchito who forced people to vote out the alleged corrupt leader. God bless Zambia.

  35. Saki has generated a very lively debate and if he was finished like you say everybody would have just ignored him. He seems to have hit you hard and effectively. Apart from that he is probably getting paid whilst you are being used as a useful i.d.i.o.t.

  36. How the might have fallen! Saki has become a stooge of a foreigner, Amsterdam. Conniving with foreign individuals to undermine the government of the day is treason. These traitors should be rounded up before they cause chaos in our beloved country. We cannot let a foreigner meddle in our internal affairs using agents like Saki because the next time we will be dealing with military mercenaries hired to topple the govt or cause anarchy. South Africa is the capital for mercenaries, we don’t know what these guys and the RB clan are planning but one thing is clear, they would do anything to get into power or avoid jail. Legit lawyers argue in courts, not on the internet, Amsterdam should advise his client to surrender so that we can see how good he is in court.

    • Tell Saki and Amsterdam what the charges against their client are instead of running round spoilinv someones name without any clear charges.

    • Tell Saki and Amsterdam what the charges against their client are instead of running round spoiling someones name without any clear charges. How is Saki doing anything wrong by defending his client in the arena you have devided to try RB?

    • You are just afraid of your shadow!!

      Why can’t you state EXACTLY the crimes RB has committed?

      RB is entitled to a fair trial; he is entitled to a lawyer of his choice.

      SAKI is more intelligent than all the Pathetic Failures put together.
      Also ues your head to think.

      What Sakeni says is only fit for the DUSTIN BIN.

  37. To prove that Saken is an illiterate man who cannot understand the English language, Amsterdam’s setence misunderstood or being twisted by Sakeni, which referred to Mmembe and Nchito, was as follows: “The two men have already allegedly abused their powers to force the government to help them avoid paying back debt to Development Bank of Zambia, and now, they are asking citizens to play the role of ‘useful *****s’ to support lifting immunity without even knowing why.” We now know that Sakeni is bent on misleading the Zambian people to the advange of his Ministerial post of MIsinformation.

  38. Dull creatures are you Zambians…very dull creatures who are useless. You think a foreigner like this creature Amstadam are angels. No wonder the foreigners do not respect you….where you are try to insult the president of that country and see if you live in that country……you dull creatures….shaaaa.

    • Your name does say it all.. “Truth hates”! You are living in denial and oblivious to reality. Those who are concerned about the Zambian presidency and the current state of affairs are not dull, contrary to your speculation.

  39. USEFUL *****

    Term invented in Soviet Russia to describe people who blindly supported the likes of Lenin and Stalin while they committed atrocity after atrocity.

    Today, it refers to brainwashed liberals and leftists the world over (usually college students that aren’t necessarily *****s, but just misinformed, naive, and ignorant of facts due to being indoctrinated with liberal/socialist propaganda through their public education) who believe that George W. Bush has committed more crimes against humanity than leftist darlings like Saddam Hussain, Yasser Arafat, and Osama Bin Laden, and still defend Communism, the cause of over 100 million deaths to this day.

    Hon. Minister`s reaction is simply due to his failure to understand the statement that Amsterdam made.

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