Tuesday, February 18, 2025

ECZ won’t stand by to see the good name Zambia earned after 2011 elections tarnished-Mabilima


ECZ chairperson Ireen Mambilima
ECZ chairperson Ireen Mambilima

The Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) has said that the Commission will not stand by to see the good name that Zambia earned after the 2011 tripartite elections be tarnished by the continuous abrogation of the electoral regulations.

ECZ chairperson Irene Mabilima said that the Commission was deeply concerned with the rising levels of intolerance and violence by political parties during elections and the apparent disregard of the Electoral Code of Conduct and the Commission’s mandate to conduct elections by some stakeholders including the Zambia Police Service.

“The Commission wishes to remind all stakeholders that it is the only legally mandated body to conduct elections in Zambia and it will not stand by to see the good reputation that Zambia has been credited with worldwide following the 2011 tripartite elections being negated by the abrogation of electoral regulations and irresponsible conduct of some stakeholders,” she said.

She said all political parties were expected to ensure that their candidates, cadres and supporters abided by the electoral regulations, including the code of conduct.

She said it was unacceptable that at this stage of Zambia’s democracy, stakeholders should blatantly disregard the code of conduct as had been exhibited by some political party supporters and cadres by inciting and perpetrating violence.

Justice Mambilima said it was the responsible of the Political parties participating in elections to restrain their members and cadres from provoking their opponents and inciting violence.

She said it was also the responsibility of the Zambia Police Service to ensure perpetrators of violence and anyone caught abrogating the electoral code of conduct was dealt with firmly without fear or favour, irrespective of which political party they belonged.

The Commission hoped it would see an improvement in the electoral environment forthwith as Zambians only hadone country which should they should guard together with the hard earned democracy.

And Justice Mambilima has said that there shall be no political party campaigns in form of political party rallies, meetings and door-to-door campaigns between today and March 14, 2013 as the campaign period ended on February 26,2013.

She said Political Parties would only be permitted to campaign using the Print and Electronic media and that the Commission would also publicise the election date to the electorate in Livingstone through mobile publicity, print and electronic media.


    • Mayo why ukupita mumbali just tell off PF thugs to stop inciting violence. Mom ever since these evil men took power by accident we have been in trouble

    • Mayo why ukupita mumbali just tell off PF thugs to stop inciting violence. Mom ever since these evil men took power by accident we have been in trouble. I wish you just accepted to have the elections rigged in favour if RB he is a better devil than what we have now. I wish dan kalale was their to help you.

    • Spot on Lord Voldemort…They must be out there getting an education, starting a ntemba, loving their families, learning a trade, e.t.c.-doing something to better their lives

    • its not the name of zambia which will be tarnished,, but the name of sata and PF, the world is watching! we once had mobuto,,,,,,,,,,,

  1. Insala nd lucking of isukulu with most of our cadres r the root cause of violence in our country,so much as u cn talk,if the two r nt looked into,ndemyeba this country is gona b on fire one,have mingled with cadres a lot nd they r many,they capable of doing anything,so gd leadership eingabombafye!

  2. The ECZ Chairperson should be bold enough and call a spade a spade. Why skate around the names of political parties formenting trouble. Is it a secret that PF is by and large the agitator of this violence? Are the records not available that clearly show how their leader has from time immemorial perpetuated this culture of intorelance and violence? It is just unfortunate that at the end of the day, it is the innocent citizenry that end up caught on the receiving end. The police force are equally cupable when it comes to managing these conflicts. The police are supposed to be impartial, however, since they have to please their masters, they throw their professionalism out of the window. The opposition too are to blame, particularly when they spend time making wild unsubstantiated statements.

    • She is being diplomatic you should learn to read between the lines, of course we all know that she is talking about the government.

    • Those elections are not postponded becaused of one dead chanda from monze,,, but because of upcoming meeting of UNWTO, what will have been the impact of violence of livingstone town??????? think, so mambilima is not doing anyone any favour. The world is watching!

  3. Too bad she just stopped short of saying PF party is abrogating the electoral code of conduct. At least she has boldly named the Police specifically and we know who is pushing the Police to do what they are doing. Very Shameful that Zambia Police has just collapsed so quickly and become partisan.

    They are behaving as if they are the Judiciary, especially if you look at the action of Dr. Jere and the press statement issued by that police chief Stella Libongani recently. What they are occupying themselves with is not the work of the Police.

    Clearly the madam has fired a warning short at the Police specifically and PF indirectly

    We know that PF cadres are always were they are not supposed to be-opposition court sessions, rallies, summons, camps etc .. why is that?

    • Mr. Chief bootlicker, sir, qwe do remember under Rupiah Banda how Hakainde Hichilema had to run to Chongwe police with MMD cadres on his a$$, and the police, Francis Kabonde, saying there was nothing they could do. We do indeed disagree with PF perpetrating violence, but in the search for cures we have tio admit that this has not started under PF. There are photos in the archives of HH pointing a threatening finger to Francis Kabonde, then Inspector General of police. You may have valid points, sir, but when you are so clearly biased and tell falsehoods you lose your credibility. Some of us who have supported PF are willing to accept when we see that we are wrong in certain things. We ask you to do the same sir, otherwise you will either be part of the problem, or will be irrelevant.

    • MMD Chief Bootlicker licker. Its under your vanguished MMD where police were being controlled. Stop the crap and just watch

  4. MMD bootlicker pf attends even opposition funerals. This political tension can only be defused even Psycho Mata or is Tasa stops the obsession of going after opposition Mps. The more he does it the more the tension wil continue growing. Mind u time is running out and political blindness knows know person. Soon we will be campaigning for the next President and somebody will realise that 5 years is not eternity

    • When RB took opposition MPs, how many MMD cadres were killed by the opposition??? They got fired, yes, and were called rebel MPs, but did the opposition kill anyone? Do you or do you not remember how many times Sata, as an opposition leader, asked his cadres not to get violent, and they complied?

  5. Yes,Mambilima the good name is being tarnished and we know the villains and the….,we know who is malevolent and who’s benovolent …in short it was earned under the MMD and now its being tarnished under the PFools.

    • Rasta, thou shalt not use the name of the Lord your God in vain. Nobodda bring de name rasta inna no bomboklaat partisan politics. Rasta no work for no bomboklaat politician…

    • Rasta, me no mis-informed, man. Ras Tafari is Haille Sellassie’s name before coronation, Prince Tafari. Rasta is short for Rastafari, the movement, or the followers thereof. A quote from Bob Marley, for example, says “rasta dont work for no CIA. Anyway, bottomline, when you use an identity which refers to a group of people to express a personal opinion, you subject the whole group to judgement based on your own individual opinion. No disrespect intended. I apologize if I have caused offence, seen?

  6. ‘MMD Bootliker’ well said. But i think we all shoud be bold enough and call a spade a spade, the MAPATIZYA FORMULA that UPND is preaching must be condemned by well meaning Zambians regardless of their political afiliation.

    • And u dont even understand wat is meant by the ‘mapatizya formula’ jst becoz u want it the way tht justifies yr liking. Suntwe.

    • Mapatizya formula simply means defend yourself when attacked. What is wrong with that? Now examiner, you yourself when someone attacks you, do you just sit there and watch? Would appreciate an answer from you sir/madam.

    • Liars Mapatizya formular means violence coined by the late Mazoka when there was a by election in Mapatizya, this was after beating up MMD cadres were beaten.

    • A grade 7 thug who is not supposed to occupy any place in Zambian politics and only fit for the bus stop

    • Ba educated one go and be the president then. That is why you are not even there because you have nothing to offer with your education. Their is no need to blame Sata, the problem is that most of you are bleeding with hurt at the fact that an uneducated man is leading you and you cannot accept the will of the majority people. The opposition have to calm down and let PF rule peacefully for the remaining years not always throwing tantrums at the govt and distracting them. I wonder if HH or Nevers Mumba would like to be called those names you calling Sata everyday. The opposition have lost direction completely and hence resorting to violence behavior. You should be ashamed of yourself for not being constructive in your debates!

    • I am not a member of any political party. So I speak independently. Firstly, violence MUST be unreseverdly condemned. Secondly, don’t insult people for what you call few schooling years. My mum reached Grade Four and I know that she is smarter than me with my Harvard university education. Imagine sending your child to school and then he insults you that he is more educated.

    • If the Zambians who live in Zambia decided to vote for a grade 7, it’s their choice. You can’t decide for them who to vote for while sitting in your comfort zone down under. Let them live with it. You don’t!

    • Ba Engineer muli ba chikonko. Everything you write is about castigating Sata from day one. No rationality whatsoever from an allegedly educated engineer. You may just have to live with it for now

    • You left before Sata became President, so dont blame him. You ran away because you couldnt survive in the jungle of the fittest.

  7. i have followed zed politics from 91 and 2 be honest i think (1)mmd,upnd,and pf all hav the elements of violence.(2)pf has limits because its leadership manages to control its cadres in case of violence.(3)loss of power has tamed mmd cadres and its leadership should concetrate on selling its ideologies which are superio to the 2.for upnd with the track record of mapatiya 05,mufumbwe 10,rufunsa 12,and livingstone 13,it will be very difficult win zambians.dont just shout 2016 or wish sata dead,do what sata did,go where they dont vote for you and of course tame your cadres from hate blogs(ZWD) because that level of insuilting,u will never win over those who vote for sata.

    • correct you cant win votes from those who supported SATA if you insult the Learder the voted for beacuse they will feel insulted as well and gues what votes will not come HH’s way. We shall continue to vote for Micheal for as long as we wants to stand. the Devil you know is better than the one you dont know HH need to be replaced o else

  8. i have followed zed politics from 91 and 2 be honest i think (1)mmd,upnd,and pf all hav the elements of violence.(2)pf has limits because its leadership manages to control its cadres in case of violence.(3)loss of power has tamed mmd cadres and its leadership should concetrate on selling its ideologies which are superio to the 2.for upnd with the track record of mapatiya 05,mufumbwe 10,rufunsa 12,and livingstone 13,it will be very difficult win zambians.


  9. upnd with the track record of mapatiya 05,mufumbwe 10,rufunsa 12,and livingstone 13,it will be very difficult win zambians.

    • Let’s oppose violence lest our children die in skirmishes. We want no DRC type of fights. Sorry, this is not politics.


  11. Thank you your Ladyship for this sermon which is directed at these PF satanists. Well versed but directed to Kwangalas who will not take heed of this timely and friendly advise.

  12. Ok let me set the record straight. I’m not supporting any1 in this. Violence is violence and needs to be condemned , just like our Party President Nevers Mumba did a couple of days ago.

    All I am doing is just asking a simple question and can the PF Kaponyas on this blog who seem to be on a roll defending their party please answer.

    Why are PF cadres always attending
    1) Opposition Party Court Sessions
    2) opposition Party Rallies
    3) Opposition Party Camp meetings
    4) Opposition Party Summoning of their leaders by Police
    5) Opposition Party Funerals

    Is this a PF party Policy or are these just withdraw symptoms of 10 years of addiction of being in the Opposition?

    Can you paid PF cadres please respond to the above question.

    • kikikikikikikikiki…ati 10 years of addiction of being in opposition….aahedeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeeee,wiyu wiyu wiyu wiyuwiyu wiyu,wiyuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuuu.
      pf kaponyaz + sata +wynter +edgalu + msekeni alibe nzeru =violence war.

    • For your own information: I think it is the bigger kaponyas themselves in PF who read these blogs. We are glad they do so that they are brought upto speed with the latest developments amongst ordinary people. However, since they are too scared to reveal their identities, they use pseudonyms when they respond to our blogs.
      You don’t really believe that an ordinary PF kaponya has access or even know how to use a computer, do you??? It is the Nchitos, the MMembes, Kabimbas, etc of this world who blog here to save their PF party’s face and to desperately try to lure/lie for more support.
      What are scam !!!!!!

    • Hey @MMD Chief Bootlicker, the answer is very simple, maybe “PF Kaponyas” are searching to be converted. NOTHING WRONG WITH THAT, is there?

      UPND (if they are as smart as they claim) should take advantage of this situation and bring these “lost souls” into its fold instead of BUTCHERING them.

      There is your answer bwana mukubwa!

    • ) Opposition Party Court Sessions : To see how justice is being applied in zambia
      2) opposition Party Rallies: To hear for our selves if the opposition have anything new to offer the zambian pipo but we are normaly disapointed becuase they preach violence all the time
      3) Opposition Party Camp meetings: To check on the strategies of our opponents and capitalise on their weaknesses
      4) Opposition Party Summoning of their leaders by Police: To effect citizen arrest any case they try to escape
      5) Opposition Party Funerals: Africans always supports each other in moments like this no need to be invited after all the funeral of the opposition might be that of in law and my party members follows me to give me encouragement in the trying moments. Thank you i hope i have clarified.

    • @Chicken, please be honest with me when you answer this question.
      1) Are you saying that the people in charge of meting justice need your presence for them to do their job? Is that not incompetence on the part of the appointing authorities?
      2)Are you saying that you need to be armed to be able to listen to what another man has to say?
      3)OK in the interest of discovery of an opponent’s strategy, where have you seen this strategy that you are using work?
      4)Why are we not having citizens arrest of people, why won’t you let the police do their job without duress to ensure professionalism.
      5)Yes we must respect our culture, but you don’t respect one and ignore another.How do you fight at funerals?
      I have so many more questions for you. but these questions should suffice for you and…

    • Mr. Bootlicker, sir, we have already said that despite having supported PF we are willing to admit mistakes. This post you have now put does not set the record straight but rather shifts the goalposts. However, even in the shifted goalposts, I can ask you, did MMD cadres not follow opposition leaders in some of their campaign trails? I repeat, sir, that if you are sincere then you should be balanced in your observations, not selectively amnesiac. We are interested in the survival of our country and its peoples, not in political parties. As an intellectual yourself I put it to you that progress is above partisan politics, and is above insulting your opponents. Your referring to people who disagree with you as Kaponyas does show a lack of scientific approach, a sign of arrogant intolerance..

    • The same impatience and intolerance you seem to be condemning is the same you seem to be exercising, including by calling people names instead of arguing based on the issue at hand. By the way, when you call people from other parties Kaponyas, what do you call Bowman Lusango, Watson Mtonga and the likes? The previous MMD provincial youth chairman, Inspector Mute (Golden), used to be a call boy for chelston bound mini buses. I do not wish to hold that against him, no do I wish to undermine him based on that. I just wish to point out to you the hypocritical and misleading nature of your finger pointing.

      Nkwazi flying, in my family alone we have members of MMD, UNIP, and PF. Does this mean we should stop visiting each other or attending each other’s funerals?

    • Secondly, Nkwazi_flying, I have already pointed out that the behaviour of cadres, including those of PF, leaves much to be desired. Why do you find it hard to admit that the behaviour of opposition cadres also leaves much to be desired? I am a Zambian looking for solutions for my country, and I am willing to look beyond party lines, but if you are blinded by party loyalties then you are no different from the people you are condemning, I am afraid.

  13. Zambians are suffering from Fuel & Mealie Meal shortages, to Ritual Killings, now cancellation of political rallies and political violence!
    Why are Zambians experiencing all these & suffering now?

    Where to mother Zambia? Where is this mad man Dicator Sata who is not even fit to be in State House taking Zambia to?

    Zambians do not want to go into the abyss nor a failed sate like Zimbabwe nor Sudan nor Mali?

    But for sure Zambians have little option apart from seeing that Dictator Sata & his bloated govt corrupt PF leaders flees to Zimbabwe or get arrested & be shot in front of FIRING SQUAD like Libyans did to Khadaffi! Surely all Zambians hate Sata now!

    Who is PF & Sata to destroy our peace loving culture & bring his Chawama violence formula?

    • SHAKA OZ can you please help me understand the reasoning behind President HH’s association with one William Banda? I can’t get it. Could it be wrong to connect the violence to this new found special adviser to president HH? Does HH really have political analyzers in the UPND?

    • SHAKA OZ, you ask why these things are happening now… Is it possible that those who threatened to make Zambia ungovernable under PF are infact achieving their goals? This is a hypothetical question, not an accusation. In the process of reasoning it is imperative to look at all the details without bias.

  14. It will be good to see Kabimba die the death that the terrorist Che Guevara died in South America.

    Kabimba is a mad man like Che Guevara who supported the dictatorial & oppressive communism in the world.

    No Zambians would shade a tear if Kabimba died the death of a terrorists as he is terrorizing Zambians now since he became Injustice Minister in Zambia.

    • Did you just say it would be good to see a human being butchered? come on mate have a little respect for human life no matter the difference.

    • @SHAKA OZ:

      Remember, KARMA is a b!tch! Be careful what you wish on others, KARMA might just turn around and slap you right in the face!

    • SHAKA OZ, you just shot yourself in the foot. You have just lost your credibility as a rational human being. I dont like HH, but I do not wish him dead. I wish for him to grow up and be over-five. Even as someone who supported the rise of PF to power, I am still enough of a patriotic citizen to demand an explanation on how ACC cleared Kabimba and GBM, and if found wanting I would want to see them prosecuted, not dead. As a patriot of my country, not of political parties, I am ready to join hands with more progressive forces to seek better alternatives. Unfortunately, you guys are expressing sentiments that suggest you are the wrong company.

    • #19.3 Yambayamba

      That is why you PF kaponyas have a problem. You have Sata’s problem of believing in superstition! There is no karma even UNIP Kaunda who believed in the Eastern religion and encouraged PF Sata to bring back in State House, knows that it does not work as it did not protect him from being chased from State House in 1991.

      You have Agriculture Minister Sichinga who believes in a strange religion & Kabimba who believes in bigamy & prostitution even in govt deals, so how do u expect to find a normal person in u PF kaponyas?

      Wait how Sata will run from State house, Sata forgot that it was us the teenagers who voted for him, Evil Sata thinks that it is his Witch Doctor who made him win the elections. What a shame!

      If karma exist according to u, let Sata be struck

    • #19.1

      If Sata & his evil PF leaders knew & respect human life , honestly they can not be grieving Zambians through the arrest of innocent Zambian opposition leaders for no reason.

      Zambians are just reacting to Dictator Sata & his PF Minister’s oppression, us Zambians are not violent! Its Sata who is provoking Zambians for no reason!

      I look forward to step forward & fire the first shot @ Sata & Kabimba if they are arrested. They are just criminals.

    • #19.4 The Equalizer

      There no alternative! Which alternatives that Zambians have now? Sata & all his evil Ministers have closed them all!

      You foolhardy! You mean you didn’t hear how Sata threatened innocent Zambians who wanted to get involved in the constitution making?

      There is no alternative to removing Sata & his corrupt bloated govt criminal Ministers, a lot of Zambians are willing to State forward & fire the first shot especially at Sata & Kabimba, just as the heroic man who killed the communist terrorist Che Guevara in South America. Where Guevara went to export his autocratic communism.

    • @SHAKA OZ

      Trust me, you will know karma when it bites you in the @$s one of these days. And it ain’t juju, you can believe that!

  15. Why is PF using cadres in the first place ?? Is ‘nt he the one who complained about MMD cadres during Banda’s rule ?? So he is using the same strategy to intimidate voters ????

  16. I will be the first one to carry out the mission to hunt Kabimba, who is in the forefront of frustrating Zambians getting a good constitution of what we want!

  17. What I’m concerned about is why the church is silent,apart from the Catholics am not hearing much from the church at large.Zambia needs serious prayers.It is better to solve a big problem while it is still small.Lets not start praying when things are really bad.We need to pray NOW! Let the people of God speak up! Are there any righteous men left in Zambia?

  18. We earned the good name under MMD & RB and now the name is being tarnished by PF thugs and Sata.You can guess which camp will be famous and which will be infamous.

    • #23.1 Yambayamba,

      Wait till you run away with Sata & Kabimba! Even if you are defending yourself, it does not matter.

      Which memory?

      Zambia has never experienced rallies being cancelled in the midst of an election by police nor matter what?

      Zambians has never experienced frequent Mealie Meal nor Fuel shortages at the rate we are experiencing now?

      So which memory?

      It you MORON CHIMPANZEE who need to examine your memory because at the rate things are going in Zambia, you will find one morning (probably tomorrow) that Sata is under arrest at State House nor matter what security, because even those in the Military & Intelligence including Police are also Zambians who have relatives who are suffering like everyone.

      Its only u guys who are farting out of stolen money

    • @SHAKA OZ:

      How old are you, if I may ask?

      You sound so immature and uninformed for me to engage in a reasonable conversation with you. If you were born ‘yesterday’, please be reminded that Zambia did not begin on your birthday. Nonetheless, if you are old enough to remember the eighties but you choose not to, then you indeed have a “memory of a toad!” For how can one forget the shortages we had back then and try to come up here and talk to grown ups like they were born yesterday too? Unless of course, in your small mind you think everybody is as st.up!d as you are.

      This NEVER HAD…, NEVER HAD…, NEVER HAD… crap you are spewing here can only be believed by sycophantic political ‘imbeciles’ like you. I am NOT ONE and I don’t intend to become one.

      Get a life, will…

  19. Mapatizya formula has been a talking point at every by election. The PF has particularly associated it with violence and intimidation. On the other hand, UPND has explained that its got nothing to do with violence. They say it was a “check list” that was designed to particularly monitor rigging especially the stuffing of ballot boxes by the then MMD government. My question is, did anybody die at Mapatizya elections? So why is associated with violence then? I for one know how PF propagandists can scheme a lie by making repeated accusations over and over and over until people lose track and begin to think its the truth. One such lie is that HH hates bembas. Can anyone say where and when HH said that. This statement has been said so many times that it has become “true” when the man…

    • Stephen, how old are you? The system of election monitoring that the PF-UPND pact advocated was “Parallel Vote Tabulation”. Mapatizya formula, even under MMD, was associated with violence.

  20. Livingstone Mayor Agrrey Njekwa was abducted by Zambia Police this morning at 2 AM. His whereabouts are unknown. He is believed to have been taken to Lusaka. Welcome to Sata’s Police State. We the Livingstonians dont deserve this. We cannot be forced to love Sata and his PF!

  21. Why is there violence now when UPND and MMD are the opposition parties. PF never encouraged their members to conduct themselves in any disorderly manner even when they thought they had won the presidency. Please put these stupid individuals behind bars. They are a threat to national peace. Why should another person kill somebody for the sake of winning a political position. Have you ever heard of anybody being harassed or killed for political expedience during campaigns on the copper belt or indeed in Eastern province except southern province. We can not tolerate this barbaric kind of politics perpetuated by selfish individuals for whatever stupids reasons behind such medieval acts.

  22. Justice minister knows her powers are limited and she can only convey her message in a diplomatic manner. Crucial to everything here is the use of our law and enforcement as a tool to settle scores. The minute the police force become partisan they cease to perform their mandated duty of upholding law and order. Zambia’s democracy is still young and I hope we reflect on all these problems we are going through and come out with a constitution that will make these flaws a thing of the past. Zambia needs needs nobel men to come together and condemn this violence before we go down in flames. We need to remind ourselves that our government should be of the people,by the people, for the people. Political parties should compete to serve the people rather than killing them.

  23. Good questions Boot licker , CNP Police are to blame for this
    violence, they supposed to be at these gatherings in numbers
    to deter violence ,

    • When they tell you not to gather and you arrogantly gather without a permit, what do you expect them to do? Even if they are wrong in not giving you a permit, you make yourselves vulnerable by doing the “illegal”… I am not saying the cops are justified. I am saying the opposition should be smarter than that sort of carelessness… If it is a trap they set for you, then you walk right into it with your eyes open, and then cry foul. That is not very intelligent.

  24. You put a Gang Lord in state house and you are shocked zambia is slowly turning to a gangster paradise. Well said madam, you can call a spade a spade, say “PF please adhere to the rules of the elections code of conduct”

  25. Madam, u have tried all sorts of methods to curb this situation save for one, madam please insert in your code of conduct a clause that should NOT allow any political leader to talk about another leader or other party at each rally held….Let leaders sale their party and themselves ..fullstop….Not from start to finish …its Sata this Sata that or HH this HH that…what has SATA got to do with your party of HH for that matter……..Madam ..I put to you and the commission to be serious on this matter ..just get a copy of speeches by these leaders …say their last three and you will agree with me on this score.

    • I agree that the name calling by all leaders is too much, but I do not see how ECZ can legislate that. It is imperative, when discussing policy, in some situations, to mention the other leader when debating what he or she has said in relation to the subject at hand. Unfortunately, our leaders take that too far, both opposition and the incumbent.

  26. We have old ‘cha cha cha kapitaos’ in both PF and UPND (e.g. one Tekere Banda), and the end result is rivers of inocent blood on the streets. God help us!

  27. Please we all know what happen in mapatizya, if am not mistaken over 13 people were injured. From hencefore, the term mapatizya formular was coined. It is so cheap and shamless by UPND to say this is not associated with violence. Only uninitiated oblige to their sentiments that mapatizya formular has nothing to do with violence. As for me I will do every thing in my power to make sure that UPND does not get anywhere to power because they are indeed a threat to this Country as they have demostrated not on one intance by many. It was the Mapatizya, mufumbwe and now livingstone. You use your propaganda blog the ZWD full of nothing but hate, sensetional reporting and blocking messages and IP adressed from bloggers with different view points and conclude that PF has lost populality? YOU LIAR!

  28. What has your so called learned HH now found in Rupiah a person he demonised and labled corrupt? what has changed now? If your HH thinks of Leading our beloved mother Zambia he must amend his ways, Zambia is not Southern province but made up of ten provinces.

  29. Justice Mambilima said it was the responsible of the Political parties participating in elections to restrain their members and cadres from provoking their opponents and inciting violence.

  30. As for me and millions of Zambians we are being SATA and his government period. You may say anything about this but I dont not care.

  31. Any well meaning person including u ba mama Mambilima knw who r de most violent cadres. ln 10 yrs of pf being de opposition never killed anyone ,never participated in any violence dat upnd and mmd did .Upnd has continued.Even here it is o violence.

  32. Mama Mambilima ,u even know who are the most violent party .U know dat it is upnd.Even here it is 0 violence.Go 2 zwdogs. Just mention them.Anyway u r just anoder hypocrite. Have we forgotten de way u treated Sata? He has 4given u bt u stil hurt him

  33. Zambia’s good name actually became tarnished the day this government won the elections. By the time they are voted out we will be a hell of a lot worse than Zimbabwe. This woman is obviously just doing her job but I can bet deep down she sees my point of view,

  34. PF and that inebriated leader of theirs are the ones flouting ECZ rules. Name them and shame them. do not think he will appoint you chief justice, forget you are too independent and clean for their liking.

  35. Judge Mambilima, one of the few voices of reason, who is also able to stand up against injustices. Hope more Zambia will take heed of her guidance and honesty.

  36. Soon madam will be harrassed and accused of working with the opposition but we who love Zambia respect Ms. Mambilima for doing the right thing. Thumbs up mum

  37. The truth is dese masonist,i mean upnd are the most violent even wen u go dru de comments online it is dem who are more of insults. 4 how wrong r we going 2 tolerate dem ,imwe ba Mambilima? Are u happy de way sata is insulted even if he may wrong.


  39. i live in L/stone and all was quiet until last week when a whole bunch of PF cadres came into town. , they realised their candidate was a moron- literally cant speak in public or answer a question put to him, and knew they had to rake up some mud and smoke to deflect attention. PF has been following UPND and causing trouble and pulling strings- and I voted PF so it hurts me to see such behaviour. they shd’ve lost this seat gracefully and moved on.

  40. upnd inkomi sha bantu, mwipaya muli mu opposition, ngoko mungatekela? mukatafye hh iyo imbwa ibwelela kumalushi (lelo ati rb aliba corrupt, mailo at iyo) tefyali Mazoka ifyo, eco icalo conse camutemenwe! nomba apaishila uyo mumbwe, bulanda!

  41. Ban caders its a shame we don’t need them they are thief send them to school the Bulawayo time are gone long ago no more mposa mabwe.

  42. The above ECZ spokesperson, is another project instructed by Sata in a desperate attempt to smoothen the PF’s failed embarrassing attack on UPND earlier this week in Livingstone. The postponement of elections is one of the ways of persuading the citizenry and the international community especially the Commonwealth community that PF is non-violent and is a victim of violence. Such an approach is flawed and an insult to the Zambian masses more importantly to the real victims, the UPND.
    Despite claims made by ECZ that it is independent of any outside influence and impartial, the emprical evidence available defeats its claims. It is safe to say that it is a quasi-intrument of Sata and his thugs/hoodlums and it serves the new designed purpose of making pro-Sata pronouncements

    • @Stela#50.1
      Sorry about the omission of ‘i’ in the word called ’empirical’
      Empirical evidence is evidence which originates in or based on indirect or direct observations or experiences. It does not depend on inference.

  43. Sata and his pro-Bemba security-forces are abusing the general citizenry especially those who are identified as being more close to the UPND or the opposition members who do not buy into his lies.
    Sata has succeeded in isolating himself from the international community and confusing the semi-literate and the illiterate northerners with his mediocre definition of power and supremacy in relation to the status of Bembas, a case in point.
    The 2011 PF election victory did not transform the inferior psyche of Sata and, it is a curse which if it is not curtailed, it will amplify ethnic hostilities. The psychology of hope and desire for peace will not be an option and it will be replaced by the desire to destroy at will and kill targeted oponents. This state of affairs is not for the citizenry.

    Thank you very much for your level-headed, well reasoned and patriotic postings on this blog. I wish all bloggers, regardless of their positions, would take a leaf frm your style and argue their cases with rationality and decorum, putting the interest of the nation above all.
    Thank you again, sir/madam!

  45. Ba jackal, dats simple to understand, we av ichikopo in state house voted by the majority uneducated majority, countries like Nigeria,Ghana or south Africa etc yo Satan cant av access to state house nt even ministerial post. But change is coming.

  46. i dont think the kind of leadership being exhibited by Madam Mambilima is sustainable or in the interest of what her sworn office stands for. She is compromising the tenets of the office of ECZ by simply postponing elections, then so what and why? violated of electoral process are supposed to be punished. what is true and in evidence is that in livingstone, a certain party, be it ruling or opposition has fallen fallen short of the precepts of electoral statutory provisions to candidates and political parties in an elections as evidenced in the death of a political activist. Application of charge should not be of timing and suiting to weather, but rule of law should apply fairly and true to democracy. The parties at call UPND and PF must be suspended from contesting and let the by-election

    • let elections go on and suspend the two political parties, PF and UPND. How can the violence of two political parties hold the nation at ransom, if they continue being violent, let them be deregistered. They registered their parties on agreement with Registrar of Organisation to be peaceful organisations. Madam Mambilima, please stop being a coward and start giving the Zambians their true expectations of your work culture and ethical being. I dont believe this is you. something is not right. Suspend the two parties, PF and UPND

  47. We have a problem on our hands because a small regional party which has come to a realisation that it will never extend its tentacles beyond the borders of Southern Province has come to a realisation that it has no opportunity of ever forming government, therefore it has resorted to violence. Can you just imagine, almost evry by-election the UPND has been involved in has been violent. Look at what happened in Mapatizya, Mufumbwe, Livingstone, Solwezi just to mention a few. Ka Hichilema with your small ego dont destroy this peace we have always enjoyed just because it has dawned on you that you and your ka tribal party are just underfives who have no place in the mind of the majority reasonable zambians

    • Shut up, these are rotten utterances coming an irresponsible mouth. You are not the first one and you will not be the last one either.
      We are used to this.
      Ask yourself this question, why is HH spending hundreds of thousands of US dollars on educating some of us in top ranked universities around the world?

  48. Thank you @ BOOM & WHATEVER for clarifying but, I beg to differ with the use of empirical evidence in this instance. Political theory is a fluid subject that cannot be subjected to strict testing or a unified and universally acceptable outcome. I would rather use principles of rationale and reasoning to contrast truths and falsehoods. Its arguable that observations are subject to prior personal beliefs and experiences which cannot meet the strict standards and nature required of empirical data. In other words your observations on Judge Mambilima are subject to debate due to views held by other people in contrast with yours.

    • @Stela#56
      My brother/sister I take it that you are approaching this issue from a philosophical stand point. Be it as it may, I put it to you that I am not referring to static research which becomes an end in itself because it is stored in a university library in its dusty form. But, my core point is the mere fact that as a positivistic researcher using experimental methodology, you can interact with the research panticipants directly or indirectly by putting questionnaires to them quantitatively and by so doing the process becomes an action oriented research. You develop a theory after carrying out a research as opposed to solving a research hypothesis/question. This creates facts which are evident in the current Zambian meyham.

    • @BOOM & WHATEVER. You are now deviating from the subject and thereby confusing yourself further. You are not defending your use of empirical evidence, but are now delving into research methodologies. Thats not the issue here. As a researcher you say you are, you ought to be balanced and methodical in your approach. There is a big differance between inductive and deductive methods in research.

    • Welcome to the party, it seems that you are throwing your insight into the field which is defeating or offending your mirroring of its entirety. I am sure you can easily access a text on research methodologies and its importance to the end-users or be it those who finance research projects. I have conducted both natural science reseacrh works and social science research projects. There are no confusions on my part.
      Deductive methods are not connected to what I mentioned above. Deductive methods are connected to qualitative research/interpretive research/constructionist research because the researcher is detached from the research . His data is not standardised and he makes a correlation between two variables whereas in a positivistic approach/quantitative he adds numbers.

    • I did not argue that there is a connection between deductive and inductive approaches in research. I do not know where you sourced that undertaking from. You attempted to put your own words into my mouth. That is a lie on your part.
      How does one gather data? You explore the taken for granted, be it in natural science diverse disciplines i.e. obstentrics, ontology, family medicine, Public health or social science disciplines i.e. Psychology, Sociology, Criminology or outside the realm of sciences, in history.
      During research you can conduct interviews or you can use case studies. You can also carry out your research in a lab, natural environment or you can use an experimental design in which experimental subjects and control participants are used so as to not to bias the results.

  49. Hello! Cornelius Mweetwa was on ZNBC news on Tuesday where he confirmed that MAPATIZYA FORMULAR is real and they will implement it. So what is MAPATIZYA FORMULA? And what did he mean? I used to think the statement that “IMITI IKULA EMPANGA” made a lot of sense but I have come to realize that this is not true. Cornelium is just a young chap but starting from UNZA, his behaviour has been that of dishonest and greed. Go anywhere, KCM, AIRTEL,MTN, ZAMTEL, COUNCILS (NDOLA CITY) etc, the chaps who are stealing, doing corruption and victimising others are the same IMITI IKULA (young chaps), especially when they are empowered with positions. So, dont let selfish desires control your life and emotions. So the LEADERS OF TOMORROW still remain the elderly.

  50. Why are people just rushing to conclusions that the UPND are responsible for Chanda’s death without any supporting evidence? It is dangerous to blindly follow Katanga’s careless talk when it is well known that she is no different from a PF cadre.
    The truth will one day surface no matter how long it takes.
    I refer to questions asked by MMD Chief Bootlicker @ 17, they may hold the answer to who killed Chanda. Elsewhere it is suspected that he fell off a PF vehicle.

  51. It so sad that we can enjoy the comfort of our livingroom, watch news and only come out quick to condemn the police without first putting into perspective what they go through on the ground. Lets take into consideration that the police have the mandate to prevent crime. Dr Jere is not stupid to have come out that way. He had his men on the ground and fed him info on what was happening. I was in his office when he personally called Irene Mabilima to take action or the situation would escalate into the ‘Kenyan experience’. All this lady said was she had enough experience in the elections business than Dr Jere and needed no lecture from a new graduate. Dr Jere new he had to make the stakeholders realize the volatility of the situation in Livingstone.

    You can condemn him madam but deep…

  52. @Distant Drums – You are also saying Katanga is PF, without proof. Swallowing your own words? Anyway, thats what happens when you support on tribal grounds.

  53. i feel so sorry for this mum. She is one of the stars of our country, a person to be proud with as a personality in Zambia and one think tank. at times she is faced with so huge a mess such that she has to walk a on a thin rope with hope that it may help through. as her title may be, she is a human being, and for her to still be there, she may have good intentions, with hope from me. is she still a lawyer?

  54. 22 MPs blocked from entering Mulungushi Rock of authority , Monze MP punched in the stomach by Mutisa – Micheal Sata was then secretary General of MMD
    2001 Opposition FDD candidate won the Chawama by-election MCSata with his MMD cadres hacked FDD caders with machetes . Thats when it all began when SATA began his quest to be president of Zambia. In my opinion we are yet to see the worst. May God help our Country

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