Saturday, July 27, 2024

ACC can’t fight graft alone- Wandi


ANTI-Corruption Commission (ACC) director-general Rosewin Wandi
ANTI-Corruption Commission (ACC) director-general Rosewin Wandi

Anti-Corruption Commission Director General, Roswin Wandi says the fight against corruption in the country cannot be won by the commission alone but needs concerted efforts by all stakeholders.

Ms Wandi said all stakeholders in the country need to come on board and support the commission in the fight against corruption if the fight is to be won.

ZANIS reports that the Anti-Corruption Commission Director General was speaking in Solwezi today.
This was when she called on Northwestern province Permanent, Secretary Augustine Seyuba at his office.

Ms Wandi said government has put in place a legal framework to strengthen and address issues of corruption.

She said the commission will ensure that the law is enforced and polices are implemented to win the fight.

She appealed to her officers to go round all the districts in the province and sensitize people on the dangers of corruption.

Meanwhile, Mr. Seyuba said his office will not condone any acts of mismanagement and misappropriation of public funds meant for programs aimed at developing and reducing poverty in the province.

He assured Ms Wandi that he will provide a vibrant leadership in the fight against corruption and urged the commission to actively engage the church in the fight against corruption saying it is one of
the key stakeholders, which can help to put across messages of corruption to society.

The Director General is in Northern Province to meet with various stakeholders to hear their concerns on how best the fight against corruption can be won.



  1. Spare us your nonsense. First tell Sata that he has no powers to stop your from investigating his corrupt ministers. Once you show some spine we may think of helping you. Meantime you can go hang!

  2. @jangula u r rght. madam i dont thnk u ve any prblm invstgtng ordinary pipo lyk me, de challenge u ve z 2 invstgate those n gvt & those connectd 2 gvt. so tel kateka tht ths fight cnnt b won wth gvt interference period & de fght will b won

  3. Ms Wandi here is one typical example of how corruption happens at in ALL govt ministries 1.A tender is advertised with a closing date set for Friday afternoon. 2. Govt officials meet over the weekend to ENSURE that only the bids of their partners in CRIME are compliant. And they do this by;(a)Pulling out essential/critical compliance documents like tax clearance certifcates, NCC reg documents, Supplier’s support docs, etc from the bids of other genuine bidders that they identify as threats. (b) Insert any missing documents in the bids submitted by their partners in crime, reconstruct their submissions and ensure they are fully compliant. 3.Please introduce the following measures:(a)Bidders to give ACC copies of their bids just before tender closing time(b)ACC to Check tender award reports

  4. CONTINUATION: Govt entities should appoint statutory State Information and Records Management Officers as custodians of all critical procurement, policy, contractural and other important information, and it should be classifed as criminal for such officials to mishandle of lose these records. All names of winning bidders & their bid prices should be published for each bid, and it should be standard procedure for any losing bidder to be informed why they lost the bid.

  5. CONTINUATION: Govt entities should appoint statutory State Information and Records Management Officers as custodians of all critical procurement, policy, contractural and other important information, and it should be classifed as criminal for such officials to mishandle or lose these records. All names of winning bidders & their bid prices should be published for each bid, and it should be standard procedure for any losing bidder to be informed why they lost the bid.

  6. Wandi u are a cadre not a professional that’s is why you feel ACC can’t fulfil it’s mandate. Thus ACC must be disbanded especially you madam because ACC has never been compromised before as it is under you a natural failure.

  7. Many Zambians feel Ms. Wandi is a PF cadre. Her call for stakeholders to come on board is a trick to enlist whistle-blowers for punishment by the PF regime. Fred Mmembe, Mutembo Nchito, Silvia Masebo, GMB, Wynter Kabimba were reported by concerned citizens for various kinds of corruption practices, yet these offenders are protected by the very ACC. Wandi only swings into action to investigate opposition leaders on flimsy and fake corruption allegations raised by the Kambimba-Mmembe- Nchito cartel as they create smoke-screens to hide their plundering programmes.

    Ms Wandi is being advised to please SHUT UP.

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