Saturday, July 27, 2024

Second offence: Witness tells court how he found marijuana with Airtel sponsored musician Dandy Crazy


Singer dandy Crazy cheering the Chipolopolo boys at the Orange AFCON final in Gabon
FILE: Singer dandy Crazy cheering the Chipolopolo boys at the Orange AFCON final in Gabon

A Witness has told the Luanshya magistrate’s court that six balls wrapped in paper of suspected marijuana were found in the vehicle belonging to famous Airtel sponsored musician, Moses Wisely Chibambo popularly known as ‘Dandy Crazy.’

Paul Chipasa, 39, an Assistant Security Officer at the Drug Enforcement Commission (DEC) in Ndola testified before Luanshya magistrate Edward Banda yesterday.

This is in a case in which Chibambo is charged with unlawful use of property contrary to the Laws of Zambia.

Chabambo was in March this year convicted by the same court for trafficking in marijuana upon his admission of guilt and he is currently serving an 18 months suspended sentence.

In this case, the convict on march 6 this year was alleged to have unlawfully used un-registered Toyota Progress by trafficking in a psychotropic substance namely marijuana a herbal product of cannabis sativa without authority.

Mr Chipasha testified that the accused on the date in question was seen disembarking from the vehicle that was parked at Bottoms Ups Night Club in Luanshya where the substance was found.

He said he and his colleague from DEC had received information from patrons within the area that the ‘donchi kubeba ‘ singer was trafficking in Marijuana.

In his testimony, Chipasha said the accused was approached at the same Club where he was found sited with his friend and that upon greeting him, the accused looked uneasy.

“We later asked him to accompany us to our vehicle, and while we were there, the accused was interviewed by my colleague. He then declared two balls of Marijuana wrapped in a brown paper and money from his pocket,” he said.

He told the court they later moved out from the place using his vehicle because their presence had attracted attention from his fans around the area.

Mr Chipasha said six balls suspected marijuana wrapped in a brown paper was found on the roof part inside the vehicle together with his driver’s licence.

He said some vegetable particles suspected to be marijuana were also found on the dash board in the same vehicle.

Another Witness, Crispin Mulenga, 34, an Assistant Security Officer at DEC told the court that six balls were found in the vehicle.

Magistrate Banda adjourned the case to June 24 and 28 for written submissions from both the defence lawyers and the State respectively and set July 10 this year as date for ruling.

Chibambo is represented by two Lusaka based lawyers,Arnod Chikoli and Paul Mulenga from P. Mulenga and Associates.


  1. 6 balls fye ? Imwe stop troubling the man.Ama bola yachepa for you to use the term trafficking that is for his consumption.I for one smoke ten balls everyday.Leave my Dandy alone.The bible says “And God said, Behold, I have given you every herb yielding seed, which is upon the face of all the earth, and every tree, in which is the fruit of a tree yielding seed; to you it shall be for food”(Genesis 1:29).So ifwe dobo is food mwaumfwa bane ?

  2. Just what do u want to prove u fools? Wisery Chibambo has reformed and is preaching non adherance to these substances apart from serving his 18 sentence. U witches leave him alone! What do u want 2 prove u ‘phds’?

  3. imwe musiee. The Government need to legalize the herb and stop prosecuting people for possessing small amounts and incorrectly calling it trafficking. Can the Government give us reasons as to why marijuana is illegal? It’s safer than alcohol in the sense that you can’t overdose on it unlike, makes you less prone to violence (how many fights do you see in bars everyday?), even driving whilst intoxicated on marijuana is safer than drinking with alcohol in your system, there’s no hangovers and you’re left with a feeling of euphoria. Also it’s shown to help fight cancer and in countries such as the USA it’s prescribed to Cancer patients. How many cancer patients in Zambia would benefit from such treatment? We could be saving lives here. The Government and the people need to wake up.

  4. They want to grab the vehicle where chamba was found. That is the law now according to Ukwa. Remember Liato lost the farm where the K2billion was found.

    dandy losing the car.

  5. Thats very unjust law Was the man offered help after his conviction first time around inform of rehab???????

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