Saturday, July 27, 2024

Bemba Traditional Councillors resolve to ignore president Sata on chieftaincy


President Michael Sata
President Michael Sata

A Special council meeting held by Bemba Traditional Councillors (BTC) has resolved to ignore President Michael Sata’s decision to put the Mwamba chieftaincy on hold.

President Sata had decreed that Henry Sosala should not be referred to as Senior Chief Mwamba of the Bemba people in Kasama until controversy surrounding the chieftaincy settles.

The meeting called Ichenje, held in late Chief Chitimukulu’s area, was attended by traditional councillors called Bashi Lubemba and the caretaker of the Chitimuluku paramount chieftaincy, Chief Chimba, resolved that Mr Sata’s actions were eroding the powers of Bashi Lubemba who are responsible for making royal appointments or dethronements.

Sources that attended the meeting said the Bashi Lubmeba emphatically maintained they still consider Henry Sosala the duly appointed senior Chief Mwamba.

When contacted acting Chief Chitimukulu, Chilufya, confirmed the resolutions but said bashi Lubemba would travel from Mungwi on Monday to give the official position on the matter to the Press.

Mr Sosala was however, quoted on Radio Mano saying the position of Senior Chief Mwamba had not made him royal. Speaking in his native ichiBemba, Mr Sosala said: “Ine nafyelwe imfumu kabili nkafwa imfumu.

Tekweba ukuti nasangwike imfumu elo naile pali bu Mwamba. Nafyalwa ku bafyala imfumu.”

When translated Mr Sosala said he was born a royal and would die a royal as his mother was a queen mother who gave birth to chiefs.

President Sata in a letter addressed to Traditional Affairs Minister Nkandu Luo said it was not the intention of his administration to meddle in chief’s succession processes but would not stand aside and watch confusion take root.

Mr Sosala had been quoted by a daily newspaper as having said he had not undergone traditional initiation ritual are required by custom.


  1. Shikulu ba Sata ala balekeni abena Lubemba baisove abene.Yaba awe royal family iyi nayo yafyongo mwe.Abena chief Mpepo nabo kwaliba ifyongo.Awe mwandi.

    • Its not aba Bemba, its amano yakwa Sata, fyonse fye manje ni Ba Sata. Who does he think he is compared to traditional chiefs? Only that these days Chiefs go to church, if it was those days Sata nga nabamulowa. Kumutumina akalumba ka mu dry season.

  2. Chiefs are believed to be people with wisdom ..This succession wrangles are always there from time imemorial..Mr Sata is a child of tomorrow concerning this..Dont you dare to insult us….

  3. Why should rituals, among which are contrary to the incumbent’s belief be the reason to deny one recognition of chieftaincy?

    Perhaps the head of state should leave these matters to the royal establishment of the Bembas, and if they call for help, the President can intervene.

  4. Chiefs are believed to be people with wisdom ..This succession wrangles are always there from time imemorial..Mr Sata is a child of tomorrow concerning this..Dont you dare to insult us…. Sata you are a no body without Us..I dont intend to be trible but its FACT..

  5. Sata is no longer “King Cobra”, he’s “King Octopus”. His many tentacles are so itchy that he will meddle in literally everything from the Judiciary, Legislature, Opposition, Constitution, Church, Media to Traditional Chiefs. All this in a space of less than 2 years. What’s wrong with the President Kansi? He can’t just work properly in accordance with his terms of reference as enshrined in the constitution? Always controversy! Aawe sure Ba Sata!

  6. Government should have no business whatsoever in these matters. Presidents and his cabinet are beneath Ishamfumu.

  7. Its amazing how Ukwa seem to be opening war fronts everywhere. 2016 will be interesting

  8. it makes less sense for pipo to comment on things they dont understand. within the shilubemba there ar 2 camps and an appeal was made to th gvt not to recogise him as chief not until all the probles ar solved. learn to remain mute and not speak bcoz u dont like sata. NO

  9. Money and corruption are eroding our traditions. People are no longer true to themselves and their traditions. Give them a bit of money and they are ready to say anything to discredit their own traditions. It is a shame that these so called Royal Establishments have failed to modernise and adopt a written code for their customs. The so called Bashi Lubemba should be more transparent. Everyone knows who the next English monarchy is, should the queen become incapacitated. For some reason, our so called royal families don’t seem to have clear lines of succession. The death of the incumbent almost always leads to arguments and skullduggery.

  10. The President should leave Bemba issue to Bemba chiefs. If he wants to meddle he must meddle in Bisa issues Mwebo ba Sata Tulekeni fwebene. Mukoumvwa bata?

  11. Imwe ba Lusaka Times stop playing censorship games on me. Pub lish my comment on Sata the b isa interfering in Bemba issues

  12. Nkosi ya Ma Nkosi Mpezeni is ready to rule the Bembas….ngati mwalephera pemphani tandizo kwa seo Angoni, tikuweluzeni…..!

  13. Chief Mwamba has been a chief for a long time without undergoing those rituals and we have not seen any serious local discontentment against that. Even when PF was in opposition (and they had no boundaries on what to comment). Why has this become an issue now? MC should no be unnecessarily antagonistic simply because he is an a vantage point. Was this action by the president the best available option given the many other available option. Why does the president appear so uncomfortable with persons he perceives to have dissenting or independent thinking?

  14. Stop embarrasing us . lt is just that i am against any traditional leaders l would have too opted 2 side th bashilubemba . We must begin 2 vote for chiefs in Zambia kabili tafyaba straight ifyakupyanana. With ama govt allowances one will b killed.

  15. Iyo kwena ukupesha chibola kumubonswelamo , abemba nne nsoselo shabo . Any way all the best akwasu.

  16. eee you rats (bakhoswe) from the east and you the hyenas(basuntwe) from the south please leave the monkeys alone they will solve their problems in the trees.

  17. Aya malyashi yakumwesu, ku luBemba, tayakumine ubuTeko. Twapapata aya mashiwi yabufumu, tayafwile ukubimbamo ba kateka ba buteko bwa chalo. Poseni amano mukufikilisha amalayo mwalaile abekala chalo cha Zambia. Bashi LuBemba are more than capable of sorting this simple family affair. So, uko!!

  18. iyo kwene bashi mulenga,mwalatuka nobufumu?
    Yangu wemwaume,its a war that you’ll lose so terribly!
    Infumu nimfumu mwebo nimwefye baPolitician tata!

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