Saturday, July 27, 2024

Army worms feast on Levy Stadium pitch


Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola has become the latest victim of the nationwide army worm invasion.

The worms were first sighted on the Levy Stadium pitch over the weekend.

Ministry of agriculture officers on Monday moved into Levy Stadium to swiftly deal with the bugs that have been a national menace since late 2012.

Government officials led by Copperbelt permanent secretary Stanford Mschili also visited Levy Stadium to inspect the spraying.

Levy Stadium will host Zambia’s 2014 World Cup Group D matches against Lesotho and Sudan on June 8 and 15 respectively.


  1. What kind of worms are these? I grew up on the copperbelt and never saw or heard of worms that fed on grass. A picture ba Lusaka Times???

    • Iwe yebo How irrational can you get? The xchap wants information and all you can come up with is this arrogant statement. I hope you aren’t in Zambiaz educatshon systenm

    • @Mwauluka But for my Psychology professor’s lectures I could have been equally baffled by Yebo’s irrational response. She explained that its usually dullards that want to identify others as such. This is in an attempt to deflect this kind of observation about them. Intelligent people very rarely talk about others’ lack of intelligence

  2. LT is it asking too much to take a photo? What’s the point of owning all those smartphones if you can not use them “smartly”.

  3. Give them to PF cadres to feed on them, the worms are rich in proteins

    • The theory that ‘You don’t have to get to 10 blogs before you get a blog by someone whose brain is too close to their bum that all they post is crap’ yet again is slowly being proven.


    • Does it mean that all those who have responded above are PF cadres? or worse are on PF payroll … LOL

  4. Feed the army worms to PF cadres for their sane functioning, they are rich in proteins

  5. Kwena ba Lusaka Times Taking a photo of these is part of your obligation as journalists. Why are u giving us incomplete news? Or half baked news?

  6. There’s an opportunity for job creation here, use the unemployed youth to go on the field and pick these worms by hand. 90 days more money in your pockets, jobs come in many forms and sizes bane!!

  7. In Madagascar, large swams of locasts are having feasts of fury on crops and other vegetation. Handle the small portions of your worms quickly. If locasts came, it would be disaster.

  8. Rupiah Banda and the MMD are the ones responsible for those army worms. They should be arrested for letting them loose. When they were in power these worms were not seen, just because they are not in power they start unleashing them on the PF. They should be arrested and charged for unleashing worms of mass destruction on the farmers and now Levy stadium!

  9. @Mwauluka But for my Psychology professor’s lectures I could have been equally baffled by Yebo’s irrational response. She explained that its usually dullards that want to identify others as such. This is in an attempt to deflect this kind of observation about them. Intelligent people very rarely talk about others’ lack of intelligence

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