Saturday, July 27, 2024

Father Bwalya backs gay people


File: Father Frank Bwalya addressing a PF rally
File: Father Frank Bwalya addressing a PF rally during the run up to the 2011 elections

Catholic priest Politician Frank Bwalya says he would not arrest those practicing homosexuality if he is elected Zambian republican President.

Fr Bwalya said he would respect homosexuals saying this was in line with the Catholic Church which prescribed respect for every individual.

The clergyman-cum politician said this when he addressed journalists in Johannesburg, South Africa at the invitation of Open Society Initiative of South Africa (OSISA) yesterday.

“I will not arrest homosexuals but respect them if I was given an opportunity to run the country,” he said.

The former Zesco Board chairperson admitted that he had no idea on how to run a country and would rely on advisors if he was allowed to govern as President of Zambia in 2016.

Fr Bwalya also said he accepted to serve as chairman of Zesco Board because he wanted to have access to President Michael Sata but was left disappointed after failing to achieve his objective.

[pullquote]I have no idea on how to run a country but I have an idea on who has an idea on how to run the country[/pullquote]

“I have no idea on how to run a country but I have an idea on who has an idea on how to run the country. Therefore, my role will be to identify the right advisors who will be able to help me,” Fr Bwalya who was accompanied by his personal assistant, Emmanuel Chilekwa said.

The 44-year-old said the current political leadership in Zambia had failed to identify appropriate people and experts who would be able to advise the President.

Fr Bwalya recently resigned and announced he was forming his own political party – Alliance for Better Zambia – after getting frustrated with the alleged failure by Mr Sata’s government to honour the campaign promises.

He has been on rampage discrediting the PF government in the recent past although he has been accused of overrating himself in some quarters while the PF labeled him “a frustrated man after feeling under-rewarded by the PF.”

He confirmed yesterday that he had asked for an education scholarship from Mr Sata in November last year but was not given and he had not seen the President since then although the impression in Zambia was that he dined with him on a weekly basis.

He said Mr Sata had turned against his own promise before the 2011 elections on many issues including the fight against corruption and time had come for Zambians to be liberated by the new generation of politicians.

[pullquote]PF was currently afraid of everything and had now resorted to use the police and other State institutions to intimidate the perceived enemies[/pullquote]

He justified his decision to join politics from the civil society saying politicians had always ignored any amount of pressure from Non-Government Organisations and time had come for him to join the platform.

“We have talked for a long time and politicians are not listening to any advice or pressure from NGOs unless such pressure is in their favour,” he said.

He accused the Head of State of deliberately causing parliamentary by-elections by coercing the opposition Members of Parliament to join the ruling party a situation which resulted into unprecedented number of by-elections.

Fr Bwalya claimed the PF was currently afraid of everything and had now resorted to use the police and other State institutions to intimidate the perceived enemies.

He said while he was not against old people in Cabinet, he had been angered by the fact that President Sata had started employing people who were accused of corruption in the MMD administration.
[Times of Zambia]


  1. He will never become Zambia’s President if he is going to go against what the majority Zambians feel.

    So he agrees with ka Ban ki Moon in supporting such mundane justifications for imposing tu ma gay rights mu Zambia? This is not a popular practice in Zambia.

    In a democracy, like Chiluba FTJ would say, the minority can have their say but the majority will have their way. So ifwe the majority Zambians do not want homosexuality in our country and so it shall be.

    • Ba Shakes Head, indeed. Even if i have not done any statistical studies I can infer from experience having visited and lived in many parts of Zambia that traditionally, homosexuality is not a thing we were brought up to believe it even existed.

      As we grew up it is a subject we head of as having happened in the long distant past in the Sodom and Gomorah era in Biblical times. I do not believe in your village anyone can fathom the idea of bonking you in your anus. Go there today and suggest top any of your village mates that you want to have their anus or offer yours for bonking and see what they will say! ABOMINATION! Do not pretend to have become so “civilised” and sophisticated in your culture now to condone unnatural practices that only come from pervert societies. Zambia is…

    • bankoya kansh u kn,,bwalya is just tryna get acces to international funders that would be impressed if they hear him support homosexual…

  2. This Guy, for me i understand where he is coming from and why he is supporting the Gay rights..I guess celibacy was imposed on him and he had to find other ways to meet other demands…I just wonder what is left of his minions..

    • ” It is the mark of an educated mind to be able to entertain a thought without accepting it.” Aristotle

  3. This cheap talk cannot run the country. He was upset for not getting a scholarship? Come on. Father Bwalya has lost it completely and I don’t think he has the backbone to run a political party. You can tell a man’s ability by what he says. Running a nation is not like running a charity. He is in for a great disappointment.

    • Walasa Twaisa! That is the real reason for all this nonsense ‘Not being given a Scholarship’. Isn’t that trying to corruptly obtain a Scholarship without going through the right procedures ba Bwalya? And you have the cheek to even talk about corruption. The sooner the media stops covering this chap the sooner he will go away!

  4. WOW!

    Finally a politician that understands that gays are human beings just like everyone else!

    Great job, sir.

    • Just like paedophiles and rapist are also humans. If a guy came to you and bonked your 5 year old daughter, then claimed that he was born with the edges to bonk kids and its genetic, should we let him loose and say that he deserves to have his ‘rights’ respected because he was born that way?
      How about a man with a high sex drive who needs atleast two women to satisfy himself, (polygamy) why isn’t such a man’s rights respected in the western world, for as long as those two women he marries are consenting adults?
      Do you see the hypocrisy there bro? (the worlds of Charles Russell). My point here is that homosexuality is just a perverted choice by some western people who want the world to allow them to continue practicing it without interference. Its a choice just like smoking weed is!

  5. A wolf unveiled, all along it had been hiding in sheep skin. An embarrassment to priesthood, chuck this chap out ba archbishop. Very confused human being

  6. For his first degree. He does not know to run a country but supports Gay… 2016, now its 2013 half way. I do not know.
    But God is great. when you turn against him, God uses his spirit to review who you are unknowingly. The man will be arrested by Sata now, for supporting Gay when he touches Zambian soils. This Chap my age-mate is becoming an ashy hole

  7. During his campaign, Sata told us the same thing, he same the that laws of Zambia support homosexuality, this is why we are seeing gay people coming in the open

  8. Fr Bwalya, let get to the bottom of this

    1. You have no idea how to run a country – after 48 yrs of independence, we r not willing to experiment any more
    2. Gay issue – Uhmm, waitaya mwana
    3. Cry Baby – you are crying for a scholarship and if not given u resign? U might just resign as presido when your trip to China is not approved.

    In short, being the Zedian Presido, FORGET

  9. We don’t need such politicians in our country.. for the love of money … a man of God (even if retired/ suspended/ fired/ ex-communicated whatsoever) to support such… it ‘s doom for Zambian politics… What a shame… Useless Frank Bwalya… you will never rule this country….

    • He should not come back to Zambia. Excommunicated from Zambia. He is demonic.
      How many Zambians have denied scholarship and even others upon granted scholarship, their stupid directors refusing to grant paid study leave. But they still the Govt.

  10. Everyone is focusing in the gay rights and not addressing the man’s own admission that he does not know how to run a country but would like to run Zambia. Foolishness! This gay rights issue is what is called a ‘red herring’ people are busy cutting each other fighting to prove they are ‘right’ about it meanwhile the country is being plundered. Unless the ‘gays’ are embezelling maize subsidies or awarding tenders to their friends I won’t devote my time to grumbling about what people are doing in their bedrooms.

    • Mwape Lucy, how did you know that Chipimo is gay? Do you have any facts to prove that if you were taken to court? I would rather you talk in general terms rather than mentioning names of people you have never caught in the act. If you have facts and evidence, go ahead.

      If indeed you can prove that Chipimo is gay then we can be happy for exposing such stupid behaviour of an aspiring candidate for Presidency.

  11. kekekekeke..what does that say about the catholic church now..?am left to tubena Chivuli ukwimi are the ones fudning him..yeyeyeye

  12. Yaba,thanks Bwalya for letting us know what you are made of before too late!We would’nt want to go the Ukwa way,2016,we will be VERY CAREFUL who to vote for.Unfortunately for you,you have just lost mine and many other votes!

  13. I sincerely hope no sane person in Zambia is seriously entertaining the thought of this man ever becoming president – not because of his stance on homoxesuality, but for the simple fact that he is not capable.

    • Agreed but isn’t it nice to finally hear someone standing up for Human Rights? Whatever the motive.

  14. Iwe Frank, which Constitution would you be upholding in order not to arrest those practicing sodomy? In any case, it will not be you arresting offenders. It is the duty of our law enforcement officers to do that.

    We know you are mimicking Barack Obama and David Cameron, in the hope that you can win the vote of homosexuals.

    You Frank Bwalya can kiss the Zambian Presidency goodbye.

  15. “I have no idea on how to run a country but I have an idea on who has an idea on how to run the country”

    At least he is being honest both to himself and the Country..unlike some old man who lied thru his teeth and now his hiding in fear of questions about the fake promises he made

    • Why can’t he the one to be advisor to those who have ideas on how to run the country then?

  16. Sorry, I’ve been trying to resist but there is something wrong with the headline: “Father Bwalya **backs** Gay People.”

    Someone above even said we need to get to the bottom of this.

    Really…? LOL.

  17. Bwalya, don’t call him “Father” any more because he has disqualified himself as a catholic priest, in fact the church needs to act swiftly and discharge him from religious services.
    He cannot be trusted.
    He does not know how to run a country, so what does he want? To experiment with the people of Zambia? What a joke? This guy is not serious.
    He loves life out of church, so just become a commoner and stop calling yourself father, I for one will NEVER call you Father again, you confused ex – priest.

  18. Fr. Bwalya, Fr. Bwalya,Fr. Bwalya,Fr. Bwalya! Is that how dull you can be, really? From the very start you start de-campaigning yourself? You are really dull. In the next 20 years, forget about becoming president of Zambia.

  19. This is the real job for Archbishop Telesphore Mpundu not that Chainama Emmanuel Community prayer group excommunication .

  20. I now agree that Mr Bwalya is a disgrace and misfit in Zambia. Please cage bwalya before he pollutes inocent minds of our new generation from this abormination.

  21. Fellow citizens,the issue of homosexuality is a spiritual battle.The platform for the antichrist is being prepared.Christians will be persecuted for preaching the truth about homosexuality.In the West,preaching that homosexuality is a sin constitutes a hate crime and it carries a jail term.Remember TRUE CHRISTAINS DON’T HATE THE HMOSEXUALS,BUT THE SIN OF HOMOSEXUALITY.
    In Botswana recently a beauty pegent was booed when she mentioned that the greatest challenge facing the youths today is homosexuality and that the practice will not encourage population growth as is the wish of the president.

  22. this Mr. Bwalya i presume has been pressured by the demands of fending for himself, for a long time he depended on the offerings of the poor which he no longer enjoys now, so he is trying desperate ways of attracting sponsorship. understand him please but just do him a donchi kubeba by allowing him put some pressure on the PF but pa last donchi kubeba that we the zambians denounce gayism.

  23. The people championing the gay rights are not dull.They know that the more you talk about an issue the more people become aware of it.The targest are the youths and now the majority of the youths today think being gay is cool because the majority of hollywood movie stars are gay and are in the ocult.In 20 to 30 years from now homosexuality will be practised like giving somebody a handshake.Brace yourselves for hard times ahead as prophesied by the bible.

  24. Yangu uyu kapuli amano bubi! When you come to C/B, we shall whip you uliwachabechabe kanshi! You have started sebana wikute so early! What a waste of seminarian fund!

  25. When Kambwili mentioned that Fr. Bwalya was getting insane alot of people thought Kambwili was just joking. This guy is a lunatic, period.

    Further, fellow country men and women, lets fasten our seat belts. Mealie-meal prices are going up. This is a sad development. Zambians had a lot of hope in the PF government and I was one of the Zambians who supported PF. Now, looking at the way things are moving, PF is going no where come 2016.

  26. The man does not have an idea, but instead opts to run the country in remote control. That’s how people find themselves losing power and those with money control the show. Zambia is not for CNP like Bwalya, how do you aspire for leadership when you have no idea how to govern people you want to ead. GO BACK TO THE CHURCH WHERE YOU MADE A COVENANT WITH GOD. ONCE YOU BREAK A COVENANT WITH GOD AND DECIDE TO LATER BREAK IT, WHOEVER IT MAY BE WILL NEVER BE NORMAL…

  27. “I have no idea on how to run the country but I have an idea on who have ideas on how to run the country.” Well, something like that it is reported.

    Why can’t he let those who have ideas run the country while he becomes an advisor to them?

  28. It must be understood that Fr. Bwalya was addressing a South African forum that belongs to a Nation that recognizes Gay and lesbian rights. So he was trying to appear politically correct and possibly woo financial support from Gay right activists in SA. But he’s greatly missed it big time back home. He’s given real political ammo to his enemies and critics. Besides Zambians do not appreciate why Gays should have rights, so he’s lost some potential votes and sympathy from a cross section of the political spectrum and ordinary people. Sata did this and won some funding, but things have greatly changed. Big mistake Father!

  29. Frank Bwalya is a man who will say or do anything just to please the people and that is a weakness in a leader coming from a religious background. This guy should be in front to talk about moral issues and why practices like homosexuality should be discouraged in our country. A good leader should stick to his principles and laws of the land, just because he is South Africa it does not mean that he should not respect the laws of his country and expect to rule it. It is not the job of a president to go around arresting people, the police are there to enforce the law!. Sata did well to turn him down for the scholarship, he should pay for it himself! If he can afford to rent a house for $5000/month, he can afford to pay tuition at any Zambia university.

  30. Heis not saying gays should marry, he is just saying we should treat them in a more compassionate manner. Jesus Christ would not arrest and abuse people for being gay. he showed love and compassion for ALL. Being gay is not the same as murder rape or being a pedophile because their is no victim when two single consenting adults engage in a homosexual act. We can give homosexuals spiritual guidance but we should not treat them like criminals.

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