Saturday, July 27, 2024

HH accuse President Sata of abusing presidential powers


United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema
United Party for National Development (UPND) president Hakainde Hichilema

UNITED Party National Development (UPND) President Hakainde Hichilema has accused President Michael Sata of abusing his powers in the manner the tribunal to probe the conduct of the three suspended judges was formed.

Mr Hichilema speaking on Radio Phoenix’s Let the People Talk programme in Lusaka yesterday said the tribunal was only meant to settle personal scores against the suspended judges namely Supreme Court Judge Phillip Musonda and two from the High Court, Nigel Mutuma and Charles Kajimanga over their conduct in a civil case.

The case involved the Development Bank of Zambia as complainant, and The Post Newspapers Limited, Mutembo Nchito and JNC Holdings Limited as defendants.

“President Sata suspended the judges and appointed a tribunal to probe them because it involved his close friends, The Post Newspaper editor-in-chief, Fred M’membe and Mutembo Nchito. This is abuse of his powers to act in such a manner,” he said.

He also accused the Government of failing to control price hikes for essential commodities such as mealie-meal and fuel.

He accused the PF of failing to fulfill promises made during campaigns such as the creation of jobs.

He said the country was experiencing a shortage of Anti-Retroviral (ARVs) drugs and that this was negatively affecting the people.

Mr Hichilema said the PF was only interested in enriching themselves at the expense of improving the living standards of the people.

He said the Government had also failed to create better jobs for Zambians as promised.


    • ASK Kambwili and Michael Sata to repeat what they said about who will benefit from the subsidy removal on petroleum products? Then compare their statement to what HH said on Phoenix radio.

    • This same HH has u-turned on RB’s corruption. He is against the lifting of the thief’s immunity so that he can account for the thefts. And he knows very well the law on LIMITED LIABILITY. There is no way the shareholders of a bankrupt company can be held accountable for the debts of the company. Only the assets of the company can be sold to meet the liabilities. But Mutuna was on a mission to fix The Post and Nchito by forcing himself on the case that was being handled by another Judge. Who sent him and who connived with him? The truth will soon come out.

    • Ba HH. that why people saying even if the PF mess up, they will still vote PF. what personal score, there is a separation between the directors and the company.

    • Bafikala, which company law did you do if ever you have been in school. There is what they call lifting the veil of incorporation where wrong doer directors are prosecuted in their personal capacities. There are exceptions to Salamon Vs A. Salamon case. Most PF are cadres have never been to school just like their ***** chi Sata


  2. I personally listened to HH on phoenix yesterday, and I wondered why the people of Zambia chose the mediocre leadership we have now when people like HH are clearly far much better? he said a lot of things including the above but he also gave alternatives. So LT please, try to balance up your reporting so that people can get the complete stories. Any way am hoping you will help Zambians chose for quality. one day Zambians will wake up to realize they have wasted so much time on people like Sata, now Fr. Bwalya? WHY Zambia are you going to be cheated by DEMAGOGUES??? who have nothing to offer other than charisma and deceipt.

    • I listened to the whole program on Phoenix and his interview intelligently tackled hard issues that PF has failed to resolve. But what I read on L/T is “cherry picking” kind of reporting. That’s why a “an haircut” blogger has had all his hair cut, ironically much to the chagrin of “hair hater” Sata. Just because your President goes in the “hallucination mode” each time he sees a potato cut doesn’t mean HH must be recruited to be an un Afro stylist

  3. The comments by nubian,limo and notorius are unfortunate.That kind of attitude is what is driving this country to the brink of a failed,If you hate HH,why then insult his tribe?You are in a civilised nation of the world and am amazed that you still possess the kalingalinga mentality.It;s true when people say you can take a monkey out of a maize field but you will not take the maize field mentality out of the monkey.Let’s debate like civilized people.The issues HH was raising are just the challenges the country is facing.Our relatives back home are feeling the effects of removing those susidies.If you are comfortable with that,then enjoy your stay in the diaspora but remember your relatives in the village.

  4. Whether we like it or not, HH has become a factor. I have since yesterday, with interest begun to like HH. At UNZA I have already noticed the change of wind towards HH. why not Chipimo? Why not Mumba? Why not Sata? but why HH. The guy has humility

  5. HH doesn’t need the presidency but the country needs him as the president. Eko usulile ekoopa noko. Bring your mothers now. The guy sits on multinational boards as an economic advisor and is well respected in all these multinational conglomerates. Then again, Zambians are too academically deficient to comprehend all this and in the end the ballot is diluted by mediocrity casting by your so called kaponyas. What a country! You are beyond help. You are best left to stay in your backwardness and impoverished state. Ever wondered what the employment rate in your pathetic country is? About 95% of you who could hold down a paid position are languishing on the loafers list and you expect the 5% of the workforce to subsidies your lazy a$$es? Get on ya bikes and pi$$ off ya cunt$!!

    • It couldn’t be said better. The country needs this guy, signs are every where. Ahhh, your analysis just sums it up

  6. People like Notorious ,Nubian and Limo these are the ones who have made this country to be were it is. What HH said was right now listen to these bachwards guys who are not objective.

  7. Excuse my French but I am venting. I am a proud Tonga! The first ever recorded indigenous settler in this part of the world. Self sufficient and economically sound. I am able to feed the vast parts of the country through agriculture and hard work owing to successive good rainy seasons and extermination of fatal animal pandemics. I challenge you, economically, academically and physically you Tonga hating low life scum to prove your salt! That’s if you can even understand the wrath expressed here. I do not need any monkey in my business. We need to breakdown the country in so many different categories and find out which ones are fairing better than others. Topics, should range from: most HIV/Aids, worst criminals/tribe, education,employed,unemployed,wealth,sexy,stable,trustworthy etc….

  8. Some bloger elements are cursed to reason. Surely how can one choose not pick sanse from what HH said yesterday, but opt to support pathetic failures who have lamentably failed to provide essential basic needs to it’s people! Hatred for HH will not add any value to this country coz ur scrap at plot one is more like a robot.

    • HH is not happy with tribunal just because it involves his enemies The Post. Is he telling us that friends of the president DESERVE INJUSTICE from the corrupt judges? The case was being handled by Judge Wood and all the witnesses had already testified, but from nowhere, Judge Mutuna pops up and says,”I am now handling this case and we are starting ALL OVER AGAIN!!!!!!!!!!!” We want to know who sent him and who else was involved in this scandal

  9. The very fact that HH is able to stand on the platform and defend corruption make him unsuitable for presidency. The man is inconsistent

    • He should also clear his name in the miseary he left in Luanshya. How can you trust a man with the entire nation’s treasury who has a history of privatising even people.

  10. Why did HH man went to support RB if wanted to be the president of Zambia? This itself shows how myopic is. He wanted the MMD to rule Zambia three decades and when would he become of Zambia? Because PF has one more term to go and if he is not careful chipimo or Mr Bwalya will take over. I dont hate the man but his too pendurous, you dont who he will support tomorrow.

  11. Some of these comments are not fit to be written here.upAndOWN is not a factor in this nation because he is regionally inclined and he never denounced this.Always, he is negative towards the president.He is against Sata because Mr. Sata, at one time hinted on probing him on the liquidation of some companies and that is why he supports rb.Birds of same feathers flock together.The tribunal is there to clearr the judges of the allegations.They are not guilt until proved so.Why oppose it.Shame, double standards.UNZA is Zambia.The people who need subsidies are those in rural Zambia, but don’t benefit from such subsidies except those in towns.

  12. The CB have already put it right, that 2016 it is written on the walls that Zambia needs HH for president.

  13. Yeah ! HH has got my vote come 2016 ! He reminds me of Mr Kavindele who wanted to run for presidency against KK some years back !! Some one with a good knowledge of economics and management is definitely required to run the country !

  14. Zambia’s President Michael Sata says he is shocked by revelations that opposition leader Hakainde Hichilema may be worth as much as $72 million.

    Speaking at State House, Sata commented “You have worked for a long time but you are not as rich as some politicians. Surprisingly in Zambia, some politicians are richer than workers in formal employment.”

    A document that was allegedly “leaked” by UPND members detailing Hichilema’s wealth has been circulated among state media journalists this week. The documentation alleges that ranches have helped Mr Hichilema to emerge as one of the leading suppliers of beef to Zambeef Plc, Zambia’s major exporter of dairy products.

    Mr Hichilema has ranches holding over 90,000 cattle in Central and Southern provinces valued at over K360 billion,…

  15. 2016 please hasten. We don’t need anymore rags to riches candidature for the highest position in the country. We need you HH to teach us not how to become rich but wealthy. We are tired of just hearing of wealthy Asians in Africa. But you know what, your own people that you share the same creed and skin colour would rather your wealth was owned by a foreigner. That’s how backwards their nature is. A friend of my did make me laugh the other day, He said, ‘you know what?’ ‘if slavery was instigated by black people selling white people, it would still be rampant to this day!’ Can you imagine a Nigerian stopping the trade? He would be like, listen now my broda, I have 2 English young men for sale now. He would use the ill gotten profits to go and buy one mbubugar and one chip in…

  16. HH better? more like awesome!! The guy employs thousands of impoverished Africans. He creates wealth and doesn’t so much as talk about it. He is not a pauper looking to benefit from government coffers. I mean the guy has got money baby, when I say money I mean real money, the guy is super loaded! super loaded my son! start counting from 1 to a million x 76 times and that’s all in dollars baby.

    • HH better? more like awesome!! The guy employs thousands of impoverished Africans. He creates wealth and doesn’t so much as talk about it. He is not a pauper looking to benefit from government coffers. I mean the guy has got money baby, when I say money I mean real money, the guy is super loaded! super loaded my son! start counting from 1 to a million x 72 times and that’s all in dollars baby. Keep on until you get a headache and stop to think – this guy really is doing this for the love of the country. There are three types of people in the world; those that know what’s going, those that heard of what’s going on and finally those that have no clue what the fock wagwaan!

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