Saturday, July 27, 2024

Nkandu Luo pledges to resolve the chiefs’ wrangles


Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Nkandu Luo
Minister of Chiefs and Traditional Affairs Nkandu Luo

Government says it will not be derailed in resolving wrangles among chiefs.

Chiefs and Traditional Affairs minister Professor Nkandu Luo says that no matter how much people may belittle her, she will not be distracted in her resolve to ensure that peace prevails among traditional leaders.

She said her office will go ahead and resolve the wrangles in order for the government to realize it dream of developing rural parts of the country.

“ I have a thick skin and no matter how much people will belittle me , I will not be derailed to put things right among warring chiefs for the sake of peace and development in the country,” said Professor Luo.

The Minister was in the Tourist capital to tour of various projects been implemented under her ministry in readiness for the forthcoming United Nations World Tourism General Assembly (UNWTO) in August this year.

ZANIS reports that the Chiefs and Traditional Affairs minister said this during a press briefing in Livingstone , today.

Professor Luo said chief wrangles will always there in the country for a long time as they have been existence from time immemorial adding that government will not be derailed in solving them.

The minister however said she was available to traditional leaders that value her advice, and expertise to ensure that development spearheaded in their chiefdoms.

“You must be aware that wrangles among traditional rulers have been in the country even during the colonial time and of course these emanate from difference in opinions on various issues but the most important thing is to manage them and I am managing them,” said
Professor Luo.

“And I can also say this that I am available to all the chiefs that value my advice and expertise to ensure that development take shape in their chiefdoms”.

She also said government recognizes the importance of traditional leaders in fostering developmental projects in their areas such as roads, schools among other and will not allow rifts among chiefs to disrupt such developments.



  1. Is there a veiled threat here? Development should take place regardless of whether a chief values your ‘advice and expertise’ or not.

    Let the wrangles be dealt with as they have always been – within the chiefdoms.

    Sit back down lady, and leave Ulubemba to abena Lubemba.

    Thanks in advance.

  2. What are you talking about Tasintha? There are no wrangles amongst the Bemba Chiefs. It is Sata and yourself who have inserted yourself into an issue that does not concern you. The Bemba Chiefs are happy with Sosala as Senior Chief Mwamba. The question to ask is: why is Sata blocking him? The traditional institutions precede all governments in Zambia before and after independence. Traditional authorities have always sorted out their succession issues. They don’t need help from anybody in State House. Sata, you’re abusing your authority!

  3. LT I was first to comment on this statement. Why is my post being moderated? I posted as below:

    Is there a veiled threat here? Development should take place regardless of whether a chief values your ‘advice and expertise’ or not.

    Let the wrangles be dealt with as they have always been – within the chiefdoms.

    Sit back down lady, and leave Ulubemba to abena Lubemba.

    Thanks in advance.

  4. Goncalves,

    I totally agree with you. It is President and Nkandu Luo who have created the wrangle. Sosala and Bashilubemba are very innocent in this matter.

  5. Luo came in with a bang sowing the spirit of confusion in local government whilst she was Minister there and was hastily removed to her current which then led to her threatening to resign. She will carry that same spirit of confusion everywhere she goes.
    The Bashilubemba have spoken. Luo should resign. The nation doesn’t need leaders with thin skin, we need listening, caring leaders.

  6. wrangle? what wrangle- the Bemba chiefs are agreed, they want Sosala, not the man sata has in mind.
    This is the trouble with tribalism. The Bemba generic was used as a cover for a small group that now even wants to eclipse the Bembas themselves.
    donch kubeba at work.

  7. Lusakatimes has has pathetic grammar, look at this, “chiefs wrangles will always there” I am getting irritated with their poor grammar. Should just switch on to use a local language you are familiar with.

  8. BORING, BOring, Boring, boring. Hypocrites, you charged during elections that RB was going to dethrone chiefs, never dethroned even threatened one except in your own figmentation of imagination. Today you dethrone chiefs and threaten them like children parading them at state house, its a shame. Deception and manipulation of citizens has never lasted any where in the world. Zambians look forward when Sata’s PF rule will be no more.

  9. Professor!!!!!!!!!! discussing customary issues. Even if it is politics of the belly. Surely a Professor who is supposed to be researching, reduced to a villager arguing with villagers.

    Over my dead body

    • And I can also say this that I am available to all the chiefs that value my advice and expertise to ensure that development take shape in their chiefdoms

      My thinking as well. Is she a professor in chiefs and tradition affairs? Besides its mr Sata who is causing problems so let her give her advice adn expertise to him.

  10. Why is this prostitute Luo making noise? Honestly no one pays attention when Luo and Chief INJUSTICE Lombe Chibesakunda barks like DOGS

    These are empty tins who are busy tormenting innocent LEGITIMATE Chiefs like Mwamba

    Is Nkandu Luo suffering from lack of sex? She was dumped by Dr Manda in a good way. Now she is trying to project her hatred for Dr Manda towards LEGITIMAT Chief Mwamba

    I really love what am seeing coming to Sata and his evil henchmen like family tree relatives in his GOVT
    Zambians wont spare u guys, they are angry because they are HUNGRY from lack of FOOD which they cannot afford

    Policemen, Soldiers, Intelligence officers, Guards, poor people are all suffering & dying! The only people who are not suffering is Sata and his PF criminals leaders like LUO

  11. She says she is ready to give advise and her “expertise” to the chiefs. Since when did she become an expert on traditional matters? Some people overate themselves just because they are experts in some field then they think they have the monopoly of knowledge.

  12. Please can you tell us what isthe promblem? We as bemba’s we dont know what our chief Mwamba has done.

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