Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government hails Launch of Proflight transport plane


Government says increased air transport can contribute to the growth of the aviation industry in the country.

Local Government and Housing Deputy minister Nicholas Banda says that government was excited with the initiative by the private sector to invest in air transport.

ZANIS reports that the deputy minister said this after the 105 passenger Proflight plane successful landed at Harry Mwaanga Nkumbula International Airport yesterday.

Mr. Banda said the move by Proflight to offer an alternative to road transport was quite welcome.

He stated that government would always support investment in the air transport sector as one way of decongesting roads whose lifespan has been shortened due to over use.

“As government we are really excited by this development by preflight which should be emulated by other players in the private sector to accord Zambians alternative transport and decongest our roads,” said Mr. Banda.

Mr. Banda also said plans by the government to establish a national airline has reached advanced stages .

He added that competition in the aviation industry should be encouraged so that the services could benefit even ordinary Zambians.

And Proflight Marketing Manager Hellen Mwamba said the Carry Bird airfares pegged at KR250 is sustainable and expressed hope that many Zambians would now afford to travel by air.

Ms Mwamba also said the 105 Passenger plane has been leased from Star Air Cargo of South Africa.

And Senior Chief Mukuni has hailed the launch of direct flight by the private airliner saying the move will help to boost the hospitality sector in the tourist capital ahead of the United Nations World General Assembly (UNWTO) to be co-hosted between Zambia and Zimbabwe in August this year.

Chief Mukuni said the development was a good step in the right direction as the country prepares to co-host the UNWTO in August.

Meanwhile, Government and Industry director Captain Phil Lemba says the airline has plans to expand its services to other neighbouring countries such as Malawi, Democratic Republic of Congo and Zimbabwe after the company was successfully granted clearance.

Capt Lemba also said the company was waiting for the lifting of the ban on Zambian aircraft into the European Union following serious concerns of safety of the planes.



  1. Frankly some of these minister do not have anything of value to say…road damage? it is the trucks owned by GBM and his friends…why don’t you use ZR.

  2. Zambians can’t even afford three meals a day due to rising prices yet we’re now talking airfare as affordable? Are we ready to take head on the East African aviation giants also?

  3. We are tire of hearing about your plans to introduce a national airline. start and then announce. Numbala #3, tell us more about the accident.

  4. Why this time people are dying in road accident and also prices are rising.
    What is wrong with this PFFFFF

  5. Is this Heleni Mwamba related to GBM? Just wondering…….. coz it might be plundered cash ka. Anyway we shall record her name for investigation for the new Govt soon.

  6. hehehe shes married to GBM’s son Chipo, but guys please there’s no connection this is private airline..but kaya tetiwishibe! #amjustsaying…..

  7. Stop posting “Ndeloleshyafye” – Your passiveness is unproductive – and you are making the blog BORING! That’s why you are taken advantage of. It’s not clever to just write “Ndeloleshafye”. You are mentally lazy and relying on other bloggers to discuss issues for you.


    Stop it! You are mental parasites.

  8. Editor of LT please, this is not a transport plane, but a passenger plane. A transport plane carries cargo, and it is also called a freighter or cargo plane. Your headline is misleading.

  9. Stupid government.

    Start by re-opening City Airport to civilian traffic and abolishing airspace restrictions! Then perhaps people will be able to use air travel productively.

    Renaming airports is just plain stupidity!

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