Saturday, July 27, 2024

Government purchases over 200 ambulances, medical equipment


An ambulance on surveillance during the inter-company relay in Lusaka

Government has procured over 200 ambulances and medical equipment that will be distributed to all hospitals and other health facilities throughout the country.

Deputy Minister of Health Christopher Mulenga has disclosed that the 202 ambulances, utility vehicles and medical equipment will start arriving in the country by June this year..

Mr. Mulenga explained that the acquisition of ambulances and other equipment was aimed at enhancing referral health services and efficiency in the delivery of health services throughout the country.

He said this after touring the newly constructed Choma General Hospital in Choma District of Southern province today.

Mr. Mulenga, who is also Patriotic Front (PF) Chinsali Central Member of Parliament, further explained that ambulance will assist the country to expeditiously deal with medical emergency services especially accidents and other related medical complications.

He noted that most of the victims that have died in the recent road accidents would have survived if the country had an efficient emergency medical response system.

He said preliminary findings by his ministry revealed that most of the victims died from bleeding and would have survived had the medical personnel arrived at the accident scene on time.

And Southern Province Minister Daniel Munkombwe has commended President Michael Sata for deciding that out of the 650 health posts that will be constructed under the India credit facility, 99 should in Southern province.

Mr. Munkombwe said the people of Southern Province were grateful to President Sata for allocating the highest number of health posts to the region despite the PF party failing to win a seat in the 2011 tripartite elections.

He has since implored Zambians not judge the province by the behaviour of some named politicians who come from the region.

Meanwhile, outgoing Southern Province Medical Officer, Lutangu Alisheke has disclosed that phase one of the constructions of Gwembe and Kalomo district hospitals has begun.

Dr. Alisheke said the contractors for the two projects have already started civil works while the Ministry of Health was yet to select a contractor to start the construction of Kazungula district hospital.

He explained that construction works for Kazungula district hospital have delayed due to protracted debates on the proposed site for the project.

Mr. Mulenga is in the province to check on new and ongoing construction works of health facilities.

He has since toured Mazabuka, Monze, Namwala, Choma and Kaloma districts in Southern Province following President Sata’s directive to ministers to regularly tour provinces to understand and appreciates the challenges of the people so that government can act accordingly.



    • A PF Promise is as untrustworthy as a Cheque signed by George Mpombo. Only an escapee from Chainama would take seriously anything said by a PF Minister.

    • Indeed we need to give credit where and when its due!!! Excellent move by OUR government!!! Please, please, please!!! CONTINUE with the same vigor and momentum!!! Zambia will be a better place for us all…!

    • Sir do not be negative Zambia is our country you are yet to see what The Lord can do for his Gracious is awesome Amen

    • Be specific Mushota ..your statements are so plain i still wonder your level of education. Tell us why we should not believe the PF .

    • Indeed, BETTER DAYS ARE COMING!!!! Show them how its done KING MICHAEL!! We shall support you ALLLLLLLLLLLLLL THEEEEEEEEEEEEE WAYYYYYYYYYY in your quest to improve the living standards of the majority Zambians!!!! Viva,PF Viva!!! Viva!!! Viva Michael Viva! Viva!!!

      Slowly, but SURELY things are happening pa Zed!! No wonder the opposition is panicking! They have realised the extent to which they have become irrelevant.!!

  1. I wish this government was there after Independence, i salute you bwana President had it been that you where given that chance, Zambia would have been a beacon of African. Nevertheless, its never too late soldier on Sir. Remember my Feira District. We need those ambulaces



  2. Buhata! And Munkombwe, what is wrong with this old id.iot? We are not in a one party state you stinking old man! You’re the mo.rons who have destroyed this country with your politics of the belly and arse kissing of whatever id.iot is in State House. It is not a crime not to vote for the wankers in govt.

  3. Or we could start by constructing 3 km long passing lanes in dangerous areas like Chibombo. I think its wiser to take measures to reduce the accidents now. Widen the roads at dangerous areas please.

    • zamule, spot on. In one of my postings after the Post Bus disaster I had advocated for passing lanes, too. It gives a driver patience when he or she knows there will soon be an opportunity for overtaking ahead. It is not necessarily dual carriageways that would solve the problem; sometimes we have to look to other smart implementations.

  4. Right on, we pay tax for such things as medical facilities, but not for bloated Cabinets and by-elections! It is a good start at least for us who are tightening our belts in coughing out the Taxes, but with low incomes.

    Jealous aside, credit be given where it is due!

    • Where are these Ambulances? Mind you PF are self confessed liars. Besides even if this were TRUE, a government should never be praised for doing what is expected of them. I don’t expect my children to praise me for providing them with nourishment. However in the event that I fail to do so, I should expect heavy criticism from them. Disclaimer: PF government is not my Father just in case some kaponya takes it literally.

  5. Bravo sata , bravo pf, its rely awórking
    Kafulumende, twašanta,come 2016 vote
    Yami yenu.may God grant u mor yrs &
    Dont wory u wil win ó by electíon, i can
    asure thanks for removing subšîdíëš ít
    It was ónly benefíting the tówn dwelerš
    rite nów i ?an ? pólš at my ?líní? zešco
    ya we ar sharing the natíon cake

  6. Procured from where? All ambulances are assembled by small coach works businesses instead of encouraging local business to set up such companies busy promoting overseas SMEs. 200 is a massive order…
    Wake up!!

    • Jay Jay, the problem is the local guys create seats for 20 people in an 8-seater panel van… imagine them working on our ambulances! They will create bread shelves instead of patient trolley holds in the ambulances! Having said that, we should actually look to equipping our local entrepreneurs with both the standards as well as the opportunities to participate in work like coach works…

    • @Kalok, but then again its the customer who wants to convert a 12 seater into a 20 seater. You see that ambulance in the photo its not manufactured by Mercedes…they only supply the truck unit and the chassis. The assembly company which happens to a small coach-works some where puts together the soft suspension, lights, reflective paint job and the box unit and invoices you simple.
      Even the ZRL coach works in Kabwe or Kapri can do this job with their eyes closed and export the ambulances all over the continent. If only Gov’t could relax duty on these units and parts to reduce the already high cost of production.

    • You are right but are we wait until our SMEs are upto the task before procuring such vital equipment?

    • @msana wanzili- no we don’t but we have to look at the bigger picture…with the all these hospital construction projects all over the place…I can assure you that the gov’t is going to procure another 200 of these vehicles in 12 months time.

  7. One of the very few development related initiative from PF govt.All we hear is sackings with immediate effect,bye elections,new districts and arrests.

    • @ Enka, you may not be a supporter of the PF but you really do have principles!! Guys lets continue encouraging (and demanding!) this government to do even more! Lets give them credit when they perform, but also criticise them when they are wrong! In that way our country will move forward!

  8. At least that is a report not those bubblings with no benefit either to the reader or the author. If the picture shows the type of Ambulances, then one has to think of the expense of maintenance of Benz vehicles. Otherwise the move deserves a thumb up. As for Chibombo, amongst the remedial measures to be taken, a reduction on the bends would make a plus.


    • The number of Deputy Ministers is very huge. It should be reduced to one per Ministry so that money is saved for critical areas like medicine. Sata should reduce his salary to what RB used to get. This way he demonstrate to the nation that he is also prepared to sacrifice.

  10. We were assemblng fiats in livingstone the late twit closed down this brilliant idea by KK.we were making some progress not until some pipo came up with the animal called privetisation.Remember the pineapple cannery,bicycle plant in luangwa,ITT radio the list is endless.I can sum it better by saying that,god left africa a long tym.

  11. Its about time only hoping this has not happened because someone sufficiently connected had a deal to supply and benefit but that there is a genuine change in the way we do things. Do we have paramedics in Zambia anyway? just asking.

  12. In sports 4 instance boxing, wen u are beaten u even huggy yo opponent even though.Dat’s gud spotsmanship .Alas! Dese twits -upnd,mmd nd some briefcase parties dere’s nothing gud out of pf. U demons re u telling de truth?Actually u’re de very liers.

  13. Good move by the government to procure those ambulances. But wait, why emphasising on ‘ despite the PF failing to win a seat in the 2011 tripartite elections’? Are they going to go on and on with this dirty game? What started as a good move by the government is now turning out to be a campaign strategy, to gain popularity in a UPND stronghold. Please, each and every income tax paying Zambian is entitled to all the necessities the government is providing, whether PF or non-PF. Forget about whch parties people support and get on with the work.

  14. In other words, Mr. Munkombwe is implying that the people of Southern Province do not deserve these ambulances because only a few of them vote for PF?

  15. Ok, Nga mulefwaya mwisumuna. After all the PF has a right to be heard. But whether or not you take them seriously is your choice. Ine nincetekela, nomba ninshi? And pliz dont try to change my opinion. Twatotela ba Sata. We know you will deliver!!! Ba Shi Sue (Chris Mulenga) Keep it up ba Mudala. wamyeni ifintu… patali twafuma1

  16. What most of you don’t understand is that the salary of the president is linked to those of MPs and are approved by parliament. If MMD and UPND MPs didnt want this increases they could have refused the bill. i don“t remember them commenting on this.

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