Sunday, June 16, 2024

Zambia beat Lime in training game


Zambia beat Lime Hotspurs 4-0 in their final practice match ahead of Saturdays 2014 World Cup Group D qualifier against Sudan in Ndola.

The FAZ Super Division side were down 3-0 going into the break against Zambia at Levy Mwanawasa Stadium in Ndola on Wednesday afternoon.

Collins Mbesuma scored a brace while Jacob Mulenga added one goal to hand Herve Renard’s side a comfortable lead into half-time.

Chisamba Lungu completed Zambia rout in the second half against Lime.


  1. Good practice I suppose. Chisamba, please work harder at scoring. You are such a gifted player. Love you but push toward goal even harder; and greener pastures than you have ever dreamed will appear.

  2. My prediction is that Ghana comes up with a draw Vs Lesotho. We beat sudan and come up with a draw with Ghana. Gateway to Brasil.

  3. Lesotho will beat Ghana by a lone goal .Zambia will beat Sudan. Nkana will be sent to Kumasi to play Ghana since it will be a formality by then Zambia will have qualified

    • Indeed, where is our star striker! Time to shine is now! I also feel that Bonwell Mwape should be given a chance to play against Sudan, one of the veteran players can be benched. Chris, Jacob or Mbesuma can be rested to give so that Bonwell can start building confidence.

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