Tuesday, June 11, 2024

Chilumba wins first game at Power


Power Dynamos ended a two game losing streak with a hard-fought 1-0 win over bottom placed Lime Hotspurs in the delayed Super Division Week 14 match at Arthur Davies Stadium in Kitwe on Sunday.

Reliable midfielder Emmanuel Chimpinde scored the decisive goal that handed Power a first win since 25 May when the Kitwe side beat Kalulushi Modern Stars 1-0.

Chimpinde buried home a cross from Kennedy Mudenda on 52nd minutes.

Lime had put up a spirited performance in the first half ensuring that the two teams went to the half time with scores tied at 0-0.

This was the first home match for new Power coach Tennant Chilumba who kicked off his reign with a 2-1 loss at Konkola Mine Police a week ago.

Power have now moved into seventh place on the table with 19 points.

Meanwhile, in the lunch time kickoff at Arthur Davies Stadium Green Buffaloes silenced Roan United 1-0 to move into sixth place on the table.

A 28th minute goal by Percy Bilyoti helped Buffaloes to increase their tally to 20 points.

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  1. I think Power Dynamos will win league title. They have good players, they don’t just a modern bus like Zesco.

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