MMD Director of Communications in the office of the party president, Muhabi Lungu, says reports in the media for party president Nevers Mumba to resign are baseless.
Mr Lungu said his office has not received any communication from any member of the party calling for the resignation of Dr. Mumba.He since challenged any aggrieved member of the MMD to use the appropriate channels of communication with the relevant party structures instead of rushing to the press.
Mr. Lungu added that those calling for Dr. Mumba’s resignation should do so using the correct procedure.
There has been a seemingly growing rift in the MMD top leadership with some named senior members of the party being accused of plotting to oust Dr Nevers Mumba from the presidency of the former ruling party.
Last week MMD Die Hard Leader, Bowman Lusambo expressed shock to learn that he had been suspended from the party for defending the party president.
Mr. Lusambo accused MMD Deputy National Secretary, Chembe Nyangu of siding with the four MMD party leaders who he said wanted to overthrow MMD President Nevers Mumba.
‘In the MMD, we do not appoint Presidents. We elect Presidents through the convention and that is the reason that after President Rupiah Banda resigned, the party at grassroot refused to allow the NEC to elect or appoint the President.They wanted a President with the legitimacy of having been elected by the majority members of our party and given a mandate of five years.As Die Hard MMD Youth leader, I have sworn to defend democracy in our party and in the nation,’Mr.Lusamabo said.
Mr. Lusambo said the National Secretary should serve, support and always defend the Presidency and the constitution.
Chachine ichi
I tell you! there is hunger and poverty in Zed, i tell you!!!, these full grown men are lifting Never Mumba shoulder high in order to find food to eat ….
zambians need some serious altitude change
Mumba in my view is just as hopeless as the mad man in state house today! although not as confused and scarey. But he doesn’t deserve to go any where!
And he contnues ofloadng mmd membrs fr lease to undp.And a furthr loose aliance wil contnue whil he persues fr more membrs to his bed felow undr 5 iregional economist.Mumba very easy to manupulate if HH has manged whil slepng.
Zambians never cease to amaze me! How on earth do you lay the blame on one man for the collapse of such a function? i mean when an organisation fails to function is it the fault of one person? This party has more than one member( Nervous) How logical is it that when it is outshinned by others or people decide to vote for other partys they so wish, it becomes nervous’s problem? Is he a dictator dectating to you all?
I think MMD lapses are caused by them and not Ba mumba, he is not one man commando the lone ranger! you guys should sit down and strategise, start afresh, come up with a new manifesto, stop washing dirty laundry in public, that is your worst enermy, work together if you have to bear new fruits.
Communicate with each other, market your party, packaging is very important please do away with faces like Ba Kachingwe being mishandled all dressed up in Navy blue suit as if he ‘s been drinking illicit brew. Be smart and clean, consider altering your logo, Nervous alone can not help the party, work with the masses, stop palying Tom and Jerry with Other parties etc PF or UPND, be calculative with your moves, dont let greasy faced Dora open her mouth for you, she is dented already avoid such people to take the front sit, let new clean hot cakes take the chair, lay back for a while, be tactle, show the voters what you can do for them, not just yapping, avoid being defensive.
All am trying to say is that, Nervous Mumba is not the cause of the current status of the MMD but all members are to blame, all those crying foul are dunderheads with their own personal agenda, Nervous is just a lamb being alligned for slaughter. People ought to be ashamed of themselves and become responsible, how can one person be tossed around for the crimes of many, by the way, people choose which party they want to vote for, yes there can be internal problems, how you handle them is what counts, Be smart for once and leave Nervous alone you yourselve killed your party!
Go reach out to the people see how you can get back on track, it all depends on you, even if you chase nervous, you dents will still be vissible, so dullo shaa!
i cant agree with you more,, but sometimes when people are hungry, confused, bufi believing, desperate… ne fyashala, strange things happen
@ Ndobo, imagine! some times you feel like shaking their heads so hard just to pump sense in them if that is possible, simple issues sure, the answer is right there facing them? Nervous this Nervous that, what losers!
Muhabi you are a political undertaker. After UNIP died you stuck with it . NOW you are stuck with a political assasin NEVERS MUMBA. Mmd under nevers wont go anywhre. You hear that.
@Cindy, in summing up you state Nevous is not alone, look at it from a different angle if a CEO of a certain company fails to achieve the set targets you don’t ask for all staff to resign. Mumba is charged with steering MMD in the right direction so far he has failed, he must go together with his advisors. Unfortunately such is life when you’re at the top MMD was a powerhouse hence there’s a large section of its membership that wants them to bounce back to power ASAP. Its tough
Exactly my point, call all the top ten( Bosses) responsible for messing everything up, Believe me, i have checked all angles, if you forget Nervous mumba in my comments, you will see thats why i have given free advice (info) on how to help the whole mess.
spot on!! the whole MMD executive has to shape up or ship out.
Kaingu Dr Chituwo and Simbao must not listen to stupid corporal Major Kachingwe and ka Namugala.
Namugala used to be bonked by Mutati and Sichinga both sympathizer NOW to PF. Remember PF even wanted Mutati to take over a post with UN which he failed.
major Kachingwe is a turn coat a seller out who betrayed RB. RB is still a ROCK for MMD
I thought Die hard lusambo the so called junior member was supposed to be charged by the District of the provincial exe committee. who will then recommend to the so called NEC. we are also told that the position of Die hard does not exist in MMD. if the GS of mmd can charge Lusambo then it means Lusambo is a power house.
The problem Dr Mumba is facing is this,from FTJ to RB as Party Presidents,they have been too Republican Presidents.Very easy to eat.Dr Mumba has to manage these hungry mouths.Further, MMD has never been in opposition per se.So Dr Mumba has a huge task to manage these hungry mouths both as a Party President only(Not Republican) and as Opposition Party.Members have to adjust considerably.In this regard,Dr Mumba needs supportive genuine MMD members and Leadership,especially NEC,not the likes of Kaingu,Chituwo,Immoral Namugala,Traitor Kachingwe,Namulambe etc.VIVA Nevers.The battle is the Lord’s.MMD needs cleansing from bad eggs,and it’s happening already.True colors of bad eggs is being exposed-Kaingu and Co.for example.
Typical…..instead of consolidating and increasing morale of their base following the one piece of good news that this party has had in like forever, they choose now of all times to publish their internal strife. Not only are they bending over backwards to confirm the worst fears of the people that rejected them by the ballot box a short 21 months ago they are also succeeding in turning off any neutral person who may be considering a second look at them. Typical self-destructive self-centred infantile behaviour.. atase
Muhabi always backs losers
Sekwila, shimapepo, ba shi Mumba wesu do not worry we are praying for you as at now you are the driver for MMD.Keep on loving Jesus.
The problem faced by mmd are not strange for any party that loses an election. It is sad that the so called senior members cannot reason and what’s to hold nevers mumba at ransom. Loosing and winning an election is part of this path we chose- the path of democracy. I thought ba kaingu,simbao,chituwo and nyangu where people with wisdom who were supposed to hold this party together? Dr. Mumba was voted by the majority and not appointed. That must be borne in the minds of these 4. Therefore loyalty and support cannot be over emphasised.your president needs your total support. Do not confuse yourselves by fighting each other. Your enemies are happy to see you fight so be careful. Your focus should be these 5 bye elections and ensure everyone is involved.