Saturday, July 27, 2024

Acting President Alexander Chikwanda acts to end misuse of public funds


Alexander Chikwanda
Alexander Chikwanda

ACTING President Alexander Chikwanda yesterday launched the US$78million (K390billion) 2013-2015 Public Financial Management Reform Strategy (PFMRS) with a stern reiteration of Government‘s intolerance against misdirection of public resources.

The PFMRS is a successor programme to the Public Expenditure Management and Financial Accountability (PEMFA) Programme which ended in December last year.

The new strategy would be implemented at a cost of US$78million (K390billion) of which US$185 million (K185billion) would be provided by provided by cooperating partners with the balance of US$41million (K205billion), being provided by the Government over a three-year period.

Mr Chikwanda who is Finance Minister said during the launch at the Government complex in Lusaka that the PFMRS had 10 components namely debt management, which aimed to efficiently manage public debt in order to meet in timely fashion, Government’s financing needs at minimum cost and acceptable degree of risk.

The second component was Government investment, which had the objective of effectively managing investments in state-owned enterprises to maximize returns while under the component of domestic revenue, the objective was to optimize revenue collection, enhance professionalism and productivity of the workforce as well as developing and improving infrastructure.

The others were integrated planning and budgeting, fiscal decentralisation, Integrated Financial Management Information Systems (IFMIS) and cash management and public procurement, with the objective of strengthening the Zambia Public Procurement Authority (ZPPA) oversight and regulatory role in public procurement.

The PFMRS would also help enhance internal audit and control, monitoring and evaluation and the restructuring of the Ministry of Finance.

“When these components are taken together, they constitute a basis for a comprehensive and systematic package of the public financial management system which is necessary for the consolidation of sustainable and meaningful macro-economic stability,” Mr Chikwanda said.

He said prudent utilisation of public resources and public financial management were important policy initiatives of the Government and so it attached commitment to improving and enhancing the system.

He said this was so because, Government was aware that for the country’s socio-economic development programme to succeed, there was need to establish a sound public financial management system.

He said there was need to operationalise the concept of value for money and to enhance accountability and transparency.

He said the development of the PFMRS commenced in 2011 when it was realised that there were facets of the public financial management system which required further strengthening after the PEMFA programme ended.

He said although the implementation of the PEMFA was not wholly successful, some areas recorded progress, which included public procurement reform where new legislation had been enacted to support the decentralisation of procurement to ministries, provinces and other spending agencies and tax administration.

“Despite the progress achieved under the public expenditure management and financial accountability programme. There is still need for Government to continue implementing reforms so that the public financial management system is continuously strengthened,” he said.


    • “ACTING President Alexander Chikwanda yesterday launched the Public Financial Management Reform Strategy with a stern reiteration of Government‘s intolerance against misdirection of public resources.”

      This does not make sense when PF and Mr Sata are busy running endless by-elections. Stop that massive Deputy Minister payroll- please stop taking the Zambian people for a ride.

    • So what good has ZWD done by reporting that Sata will go out? Is that adding any value to a villager who needs development? Surprisingly to note that even some intellectuals here are collaborators of the insulting ZWD. Instead of commenting on the topic you pick on a trivial issue and u want to be future leaders? Most of u are former ZWD members please leave your Idiocy at ZWD we want sanity here. No wonder most sensible blogger have stopped posting their valuable comments here. Mulifipuba sana. Go back to your stupid ZWD. u are making LT boring!!!! Ata seeeee!!

    • So what good has ZWD done by reporting that Sata will go out? Is that adding any value to a villager who needs development? Surprisingly to note that even some intellectuals here are collaborators of the insulting ZWD. Instead of commenting on the topic you pick on a trivial issue and u want to be future leaders? Most of u are former ZWD members please leave your Idioocy at ZWD we want sanity here. No wonder most sensible blogger have stopped posting their valuable comments here. Mulifipuba sana. Go back to your stuuupid ZWD. u are making LT boring!!!! Ata seeeee!!

    • Sata I deeply depressed by the appointment of Sosala as Para-mount chief Chitimukulu… hence taking a vacation.

  1. I now know why the watchdog is a threat to pf ,on Tuesday 30,the watchdog reported that ukwa will sneak out leaving his uncle in how and where do they play their cards.excellent paper.

  2. For shure things now are not right in my country.those days of chiluba,mwanawasa and rb we used to be given a progromme about our president going frm no where we are being told mr chikwanda is acting president.why should we remain in darckness.where is our mr sata?did i miss some news? im personaly sad for this.

  3. Sata is rotten, why should we keep on paying for his rotten Sickness as Tax Payers.

    Let’s take him out and leave him to continue going to India by himself. He’s a rotten minion from his years of promiscuity. As a Private Citizen, no one will really care when he goes to India or not for his unending Medicals.

    • Ulichiba mune, please have yourself educated, there is no need for you utter those words. Those are his benefits for being president. Whether we hate him or not we just have to watch and hopefully kick him out during the next president. For now ilimbe mwana!

    • Ignorance! Even if he left today, government will still pay his medical expenses as former president. Even RB enjoys the same. Mwautwa?

  4. The problem is that you say the right things but do the opposite when it comes to spending recklessly as a Government.

  5. Poor reporting by LT. How did they know about acting president without knowing where the president is? Why didn’t they report about the president’s going out?

    • @ Reporter, have you heard or received any govt announcement informing us of the president’s departure or even his whereabouts? No. So don’t blame LT for poor reporting. ZWD were onto it days ago though, no wonder they are being harassed.

    • Are these figures corrrect or wired???? The new strategy would be implemented at a cost of US$78million (K390billion),

      Of which US$185 million (K185billion) provided by cooperating partners , balance of US$41million (K205billion), being provided by the Government over a three-year period.
      Which is larger, US$185 million (K185billion) or US$41million (K205billion), something wrong here, not being informative to the public……..

    • We know the weakness of the president that he does not hold press conferences or other forms of channels to deliver information. But good journalism calls for following up stories in order to give a full report. Just telling us that Chikwanda is acting president is incomplete reporting.

  6. Please, can somebody clarify following:
    “…The new strategy would be implemented at a cost of US$78million (K390billion) of which US$185 million (K185billion) would be provided by provided by cooperating partners with the balance of US$41million (K205billion), being provided by the Government over a three-year period…”
    It looks like last Budget accounting.

  7. Kateka nikateka bane,he’s abo 2sneak in n out de country at wil.He’s not lik U usefu *****s full of insults.Wen r U goin 2 learn hw 2 rspec our beloved Miko?Nanaka nemwe bankusa.Congrats Alex.U r de hardwekin minista so fa.

    • Hey Alex! I bet you don’t even understand those big words in your speach – do you? Howz that little girl at Chalala? I heard she is doing rounds between you and her very young boyfriend – is it true! Careful mune – ama ARCs tayakabombe Pali iwe kankote! Leave all that to the kids and just grow old gracefully! Monkey.

  8. Ba LT you also supposed to report where the president has gone, you don’t just mention acting president without mentioning the where about of the president. poor reporting indeed.

    • @Zakapondo,
      Your comment is spot on and exposes the mediocrity of some journalism in Zambia.
      How on earth can a news medium emphasize on the acting president without informing the nation where the head of state has gone to? And when rumours and speculation about the president’s health start flying around you blame the people.

  9. This article is about introduction of a very impotant govt financial financial management tool which will go a long way improving the management of our national resources which will in turn improve service delivery with the benefit of improved living standards of our people, but what do we get from my country men and women? Comments on the absence of the President which is not even anywhere near the gist of the article here. Small minds indeeds. Vi daluu, thats y mugelela mapalala, uchosa sisi nanzelu zicoka. Ati ba guy ba guy babula amano. Bapushi.

  10. Zambian watchdog on thursday reported on their blocked but active website, that someone will be living the country for medication. Yesterday in the morning they reported that Sata sneaked out of the country insteady of using his porpular addis ababa, great east road he used alick nkata, abombek n great east road to airport. In the after noons they reported again that he was sported in dubai awaiting to conect to his unknown destnation.

  11. Ba LT moderating such a moderate article! U just want articles which are insulting the President thats all. U are probably even the ones writting and pretending they are coming from bloggers. Plz post my comment fikala fyenu.

  12. You can insult ZWD but the truth is that the ZWD is ahead in reporting and revealing corruption in PF. Viva ZWD. So where is the president?

    • ZWD has moles in the PF government paid by filthy rich HH. The moles leak the info ZWD who then add their spin to it to sensationalise it. Remember HH promised not to let Sata rule – “over my dead body” HH said. Things will only get worse for Sata. Watch this space.

  13. So ZWD was right after all that the president sneaked out of the country…like I said before they are always right 85% of the time. Only in Zambia can a head of state just go without informing anybody.

  14. That sounds like a lot of money to spend on a training programme. The figures do not tally.
    The new strategy would be implemented at a cost of US$78million (K390billion) of which US$185 million (K185billion) would be provided by provided by cooperating partners with the balance of US$41million (K205billion), being provided by the Government over a three-year. What’s the actual cost of this project? How many such programes have we undertaken and what have been the benefits? We need more info,please.

  15. Air mile Ukwa oh my foot! Sneaking out of the country using the back door. Wasting tax payers cash as a medical tourist instead of improving UTH. Confused Sakeni on the band wagon of medical tourist wasting yet again more tax payers cash while UTH remains without a PET and MRI scan. What a bunch sick *****s and a drain to the much needed tax payers cash.

  16. I reported this news already and people called me names because I am a pain in their neck! Keep blinding the poor Zambians and I will keep throwing the truth on their face and one day they will see again. Sata is slowly recovering in United Kingdom and will soon be back if our sources at State House are to go by. We have infiltrated the system and more than 30 000 like us on facebook in less than a month. Unlike other website who have been on facebook for more than 5 years with poor likes in terms of numbers. Our target is 100,000 like in less than 1 year.

    • Liking a page does not necessarily mean that you like them as per se 25% of that maybe PF sympathizers and the other 25% neutral observers. Its knowing how to keep those followers interested a page with half that number can be just as effective. We need to WAKE UP and start using social media more wisely, interactively and effectively. Go to Baba Jukwa’s page on Facebook the Zimbabwean blogger scroll down his page and you will get a snap shot of how to use social media intelligently.
      Wake up!!

  17. LT these figures don’t make sense and don’t add up…but its also disappointing to note that we as a country can’t raise a mere US$185 million from our own resources yet we are more than willing to construct useless football stadia, districts centres, pointless provinces and pointless universities….we still have to rely on “cooperating partners” to sublimate our budget. We are more than happy to beg from them (Western donors) yet we are cosying up to its enemy North Korea – what type of foreign policy is this? The likes of Japan through JICA made it possible for us to hold inter school games in the 90s, still continue invest millions of dollars in education and SMEs projects in Zambia and PF is sending the Vice President for a state visit in NK.

  18. I think it’s healthy to have a president with a good eye in the financial world, i wouldnt mind him being the next head of state, my opnion.He would lead us to a stable economy has he understands the financial dynamics.

    • And what is he at the moment, one would think the man who are talking about is a mere office administrator at Finance yet he is not only in a position of influence but has the president’s ear. How can he make a good leader when the current budget deficits occurred on his watch…what financial dynamics?

  19. Well done Honorable Minister.Now advise the President to fire Provincial Permanent Secretaries who are non performers.They are making PF unpopular.Scrutinize them and you will understand what i mean.

  20. What are we, something like 650 days into the PF administration and it takes an acting president to act on the misuse of public funds?

    • Yes – almost 50 years into Zambian independence and nobody has managed it yet OK? At least someone is trying

  21. Amazing some of these comments – an important policy announcement and all some people can do is speculate about where the president is. Complete lack of interest in national development, just overwhelming bitter hatred of the individual

    • Clutchplate Banda,
      I really like your name ‘Clutchplate’, I can’t stop laughing and my ribs are now painful, I really like it. By the way ignore that USA flag on my name, I am right in London and Wish I could meet you and of course my car is automatic, no clutch.

  22. Lets talk soccer right now. Whats wrong with the TV picture coming out of Levy Stadium? The Botswana commentator is telling his people to see the kind of poverty in Africa and that as Batswana they should appreciate the little they have. At least they are able to show clear pictures on TV he says. Is it true this is because of our poverty or something is wrong with what?

  23. @ 24, people are sluggish now as they know no policy makes sense with this govt. Why then worst their little energy talking about such cr..ap. People have switched off and waiting for this govt to disappear one way or another.

  24. PF is the most sincere party. Why should we demand to the president where abouts. DONT KUBEBA is PF policy they arejust leaving up to their policy.

  25. If Chikwanda is sincere, he should have a look at ZCCM-IH matter… Thus he could recover more than $1 billion… ZCCM-IH chairman wila mung’omba is an incompetent

  26. Sata is my man. He is wiser than ZWD. He is a father and so, he must have a tactical master plan. I have no problem whether he sneaks or he announces his departure. He is a Warrior. Who knows may be he is just taking a rest in one of the rooms in statehouse. Being president is no mean task. Chikubabani chabe. U miss those days when u were paraded in the sun waiting to wave at u and perhaps take a glimpse of your ugly faces with hope that he invites u to state house later? Those days r long gone. Just work hard u fools.

  27. Only you were not told that they went to buy shoes, or were going to take some one’s wife or were not coming back… those are the things they did not tell you. Our President is not taking away some one’s wife. and is coming back.

  28. It is difficult for HH to become President because you Guys attach him to Tribalism. I have been with Tonga People they are Jovial and you can easily be their friend because they are good. I wonder where the Tribalism comes from when you write about politics.

  29. ZWD, u r doomed. U will never bring PF down. Sata is working like our late Mwanawasa(mhsrip). Start thinking outside the box, visit the rural Zambia and u will believe my words. Overspending on by elections is not a Zambian issue. If such elections were not there, that money too wouldnt be there. Zambia is affilliated to so many world governing bodies whom it runs to when by elections are innevitable. So u don’t need to make noise over money that doesnt belong to Zambia. Only that space here is limited, I meant to shed more light on this with tangible facts. Tisiyeni titandizeko Ziko.

  30. Chambishi, HH is very stingy. His fellow Tongas have told me so and I further confirmed with the wife. No wonder the rustlers r pouncing on his loot(animals), enmasse. They say he stole the money and converted it to cattle so they too have to help themselves out since it is the only development in terms of Government indirect help near them. Its like Liato’s loot. HH has hidden his loot in cattle. 500 herds stolen? Ha!! God is now angryyyyyyo!!!!

  31. ZWD has moles in the PF government paid by filthy rich HH. The moles leak information to ZWD who then add their spin to it to sensationalise it. Remember HH promised not to let Sata rule – “over my dead body” HH said. Things will only get worse for Sata. Watch this space.

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