Saturday, July 27, 2024

CHAN qualifier called off


Todays Zimbabwe versus Zambia’s 2014 CHAN qualifier has been called off.

This is after the Cameroonian match officials failed to arrive in time for the game at Rufaro Stadium in Harare after they were delayed in transit in Nairobi.

FAZ and ZIFA have agreed the match be played on August 18 while the return leg in Ndola will go ahead as scheduled on August 24.


    • Yaaa but yaluka!! And ifima 8 buses we got from government !! We just come back no singing. Kambwili will be in trouble from Kabimba,

    • Air freight tickets are were booked in advance-Kenya Airways via Nairobi’s JKIA but the unforeseeable circumstances happened-the fire inferno at JKIA that led to the closure of the airport and rescheduling of flights in and out JKIA.

    • Bwafya mwe basungu, us Africans will be insulted daily!! Even if there is a storm in Nairobi, its Africans who planned for it.

    • Abena Nostra, mwa lufyana!! It is Africans FAILED TO PLAN!!! Who never heard about JKIA going up in flames???? CHAN should have immediately been liaising with match officials & made alternate plans knowing JKIA was almost out of action. Even chartering a small private jet could have resolved issues!! Coz next match, very few Zedians will travel to Zim already having spent their hard earned umuzulu!! the people who run CHAN- what sort of business accumen do they have?? I wouldn’t be surprised if in their past life , they were kaponyas!!

    • @ ATA
      thanx for the update. I hope the game goes ahead as it will be expensive to have it played next weekend.
      Can some one out there keep us informed, say , after every ten minutes?
      Wish the lads the best.

  1. surely why not agree to play on monday since we are already there. like landa (#6) indeed this wasting resources the minister of sports need to explain to the nation. anyway when money is not coming from your pocket this is the case…

  2. For how long were the match officials delayed? one day is equal to twenty four hours and football can be played at any time of the day. Does it mean that zimba zamabwe do not have stadia wih flood lights?

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