Sunday, June 9, 2024

China-based Zambian’s salute Chipolopolo’s performance


Zambians living in China have hailed Chipolopolo’s display in the 2-0 loss to Brazil in a friendly match in Beijing on Tuesday.

Brazil struggled to beat the 2012 African champions as they needed two second half goals to triumph at the National Stadium in the Chinese capital.

The fans who cheered Chipolopolo say the team performed well against the five-time world champions.

Others said they thought that Brazil were going to record an emphatic win over Zambia.

“It was a good result, we played well despite losing,” a Zambian student based in Beijing said.

Another added:” We are proud of our team, we thought we were going to conceid just after 10 minutes.”

Dede and Oscar were the scorers.

Meanwhile, Zambia played against the 2014 FIFA World Cup hosts minus key stars like Collins Mbesuma, Rainford Kalaba, Stopilla Sunzu, Nathan Sinkala and Davies Nkausu.


  1. Only in Zambia can you get praise for being a loser! Let us be realistic and learn to aim for the best! Culture of being first loser should be done away with

    • Only in Zambia, that is where we inspire people by praising them. eventually they bring a Cup. Zambia is better that Spain who lost 3. 0 on the hands of same Brazil

    • @OK my family taught me to aim for the best and not be content with second place. Let us emulate the spirit of competition that the Germans have and we too might become a super power one day

    • What kind of human are you? The worst kind I suppose. Please accept as a fact of life and success that even in defeat or failure, there are always valuable lessons and things to be learned and appreciated.

  2. Zambia Chipolopolo should also use long range shots at Goal even as Mweene should Open his eyes because he has been scored often from afar.

    • Yes, I really would like to see our defenders try them long rangers whenever they can. Let’s not just leave it to the strikers. Patrice, go on and open the flood gates of fire power…we are not called Chipolopolo for nothing. Let’s have fire power from all directions. But begin by practicing it first. Fire power is all we need to add to that team. Bravo!!!

  3. Celebrating a loss is not normal mwebantu. Any way the only comforting thing is that we will not miss Renard actually it was good riddance. I think Beumelle is well above Renard. Renard used to behave like someone who has been bribed in his substitutions & team selections at times.

    • Did you evenwatch the match? Do you know that Zambia is 70 something while Brazil is in the top ten, Zambia was missing 5 of our first team while brazil was busy subbing players from Europes top leagues. I say Brazil was lucky. and SHAME ON YOU!

  4. We need such kind of matches for our guys to improve.The only differences I noticed were : 1.Tactical abilities: we were far away from them in tactics and technique ie we could not use the pace in counter attacks,too slow to reach their area.
    2. Fitness: Our players need to be subjected to proper physical training coupled with good diet as advised by nutritionists.Our players were pushed off the ball too easily.You can even tell that the goals came as a result of tiredness and loss of concetration from our players.
    3.Creativity in front of goal; Our strikers were not pushing or showing intent to score ie always waiting for challenges and the mildfield did not help out much as the ball supply upfront was very poor.
    We can only improve on these set backs by playing at such levels.

    • You’re right in your analysis though some of your points are really for the club coaches to work on ! It’s good FAZ are insisting that only properly trained coaches should be in charge of teams !

  5. To become a super power one day. that is a dream which will never come true. Thats when other countries like USA, UK, Germany, Japan etc would have developed may be 50times and be snding their citizens to outer space.

  6. Meanwhile back home , Sate sate Reynold Kampamba scores hat trick as Nkana lead 3-1 in Kalulushi and loo set to go seven points clear ahead of Zesco with five games to go !

    • Full time Kalulushi 1-4 Nkana !!!!!!!!!!!!!!! Seven points ahead of Zesco ! Saturday Nchanga vs Zesco ! If Nchanga win then they replace Zesco on second slot !!!!!!!!! ALEISA , ALEISA UYO KALAMPAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAA !!!!!!!!!!!!!

  7. Zambia played like the CHAMPIONS they were born to be, THAT WAS THE COSAFA TEAM that played brazil and they made them sweat.


  9. Did you hear that Ghana Trashed Egypt 6 goal to 1 in Kumasi
    No one can stop Ghana because they aim high. No fear of opposition

    • Did you hear or did you watch the match? The egyptians played very poory and the score line would have been even higher.

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