Sunday, June 2, 2024

Government responds to negative criticisms over budget


Government says in line with the Patriotic Party (PF) manifesto, the 2014 National budget has set realistic and workable programmes and strategies to deepen and accelerate broad based social and economic development.

Minister of Information and Broadcasting Services Mwansa Kapeya said the budget has prioritized job creation through increased and sustained investment in agriculture, tourism, manufacturing, energy and construction sectors among other benchmarks set.

In a press statement realised to ZANIS in Lusaka today, Mr Kapeya who is also Chief Government Spokesperson disclosed that the 2014 National budget has set out clear macro-economic objectives, policies and strategies for 2014 in order to consolidate economic growth and job creation for the benefit and wellbeing of all Zambians.

He said government’s objectives are clear and precise to achieve real Gross Domestic Product (GDP) growth of above 7 percent, create at least 200,000 decent jobs, attain end-year inflation of no more than 6.5 percent and increase domestic revenue collections to over 21 percent of GDP.

The Chief government spokesperson explained that government has also placed high premium on Health, Education, Infrastructure development, and Decentralisation among other sectors.

He further explained that this shows that the PF government has a clear focus and vision to develop the country.

Mr Kapeya added that it is cheap politicking for the opposition Movement for Multi-party Democracy (MMD) through its Spokesperson, Mr Muhabi Lungu, to dismiss the 2014 budget which has been hailed by many as well focused and highly progressive.

He advised the MMD to swallow its pride and give credit where it is due rather than hide behind empty political rhetoric.

The Information and Broadcasting Services Minister stressed that government is on course to implement its development agenda and no amount of unconstructive criticism will derail it from delivering on its promises to improve people’s living standards.

He stated that for the first time in 20 years, Zambians are witnessing a robust and rigorous development programme in all sectors among them construction of new schools, universities, roads, health and other social economic facilities and services which is going on throughout the country.

Mr Kapeya outlined the government programme in a press statement in response to the accusations by the MMD on the 2014 National Budget.



  1. You freeze the salaries of the poor while increasing your own. God is watching you bunch of criminals and he will deal with you decisively in his own way. See you in 2016!

  2. Mr. Minister you should have accepted the invitation to respond to the criticism there and then instead of coming out with so little too late. He minced you completely and you are now feeling the heat. I am sure to most viewers, judging from their comments, his criticism of the 2014 Budget as depending too much on borrowed money and being unsustainable was valid…to be cont…

  3. Instead of being defensive, govt should make a critical analysis of the ‘negative’ comments of the citizens because they could be constructive after all. A critical and honest analysis of people’s views could just help govt revisit their budget and streamline it in line with the citizens’ expectations. PLEASE NOTE THAT NOT ALL COMMENTS WILL BE MALICIOUS. After all we are the masters and we KNOW EXACTLY WHAT WE WANT!

  4. In line with pf mfesto,at more jobs,money.kapeya fya bukaya his forgeting that their is wage freeze and no recrutment for wat jobs and more money his he talking.

  5. Is it really the first time in 20 yrs that are witnessing construction of roads, schools, health centers etc? Why can’t you acknowledge your predecessors’ achievements and just build on them? Maybe not enough but so many strides have been made towards a better life and all the PF need to do is build upon that. The euro bond was achieved because our GDP per capita reached the level at which we could qualify. That was achieved during MMD, early 2011. Please govern the nation instead of politicking. Criticism will never end. Just look at what Obama is going through.

  6. Kapeya, continue getting free money “fyabukaya”
    Mune naumonekela, tompwe tapaba amafi no mutima fyalisankana!

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