Sunday, June 9, 2024

Mbesuma back for Pirates


Fit-again Zambia striker Collins Mbesuma has been included in the Orlando Pirates 18-member team to face Esperance in Saturday’s away CAF Champions League semi-final match in Tunisia.

The ankle injury he sustained in the MTN8 quarter-final clash against SuperSport United had sidelined Mbesuma for two months.

He was part of the Pirates squad that left for Tunisia on Wednesday night ahead of their return match preceded by a goalless first leg in South Africa.

During the injury layoff Mbesuma missed several matches for both Zambia and Pirates.

He missed Chipolopolo’s 2014 World Cup qualifier against Ghana which Zambia lost 2-1 in Kumasi and the recent Brazil friendly match in China.


  1. What is your age my man. Ntofyontofyo? King David please ensure you make proper investments for your earning those injuries + your age you are about to retire

  2. We could have performed better both against Ghana and Brazil had this man been fit. All those chanses couldn’t have gone beging with him in the team. All the best to Pirates.

  3. So king david couldnt play for Zambia on tuesday, but less than 48 hours later we hear that his fit to play for his club??? I smell a rat hear! Am about to to have another son to add to my 3 mailoni sons i already, and i shall name him Ntofyontofyo!

    • Congratulations, Mr. Kaponya! All these sons:
      Miloni kaponya #1
      Miloni Kaponya #2
      Miloni Kaponya #3
      and now, Ntofyontofyo Kaponya
      Oh, and your lori boy Andrea Mtine Kaponya.

      You indeed are a happy man!

  4. how conveniet pirates.!!!!!!!!!!tuesday still injured,wednesday fly to tunisia are now declared fully fit to play,forget about national team it is just a lousy friendly and you are losing anyway.right pirates?well your name says it all.good to see you back king david.

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