Saturday, July 27, 2024

Edgar Lungu orders the release of Kalaba, Sunzu and Sinkala’s passports



Home Affairs Minister Edgar Lungu has intervened in the matter in which the TP Mazembe trio of Rainford Kalaba, Stophilla Sunzu and Nathan Sinkala have had their passports withheld by the Immigration Department for leaving the country without Immigration clearance.

The trio who reportedly sneaked out of the country without immigration clearance when their services were required in Zambia’s recent friendly game against 2014 world cup hosts Brazil in China have been frequenting the Immigration regional office in Ndola from last week for questioning.

But Mr Lungu has directed that the trio be given back their passports and allowed to return back to their base in the Democratic Republic of Congo.

Mr Lungu however, warned that there will be no sacred cows in the application of the laws of the land.

He says government will take issue with TP Mazembe Zambian representative Andre Mtine.

The Home Affairs Minister says exit and entry by any Zambian requires immigration clearance and that no one is above the law.

He says the law will deal with anyone breaking the law whether one is a football superstar or not.

Mr Lungu has since advised the managers of the players both in Zambia and DRC to take responsibility and guide them properly instead of taking advantage of their lack of knowledge of immigration procedures.

TP Mazembe claims the players were injured at the time they were summoned for the Brazil friendly but the players disappeared when they were told to fly to China to be assessed by team Doctor Joseph Kabungo.

Mr Lungu was speaking on The Arena programme on ZNBC’s TV 2 this morning monitored by QFM News.


    • Good lesson though. I am sure whoever player wants to do a ‘3 mailoni brothers” will have to think twice.

    • Nostradamus; You must be really useless, honestly how can you suggest Edgar Lungu to be a PRESIDENT??????????????????

    • @Nostradamus
      iwe nostra here is quote from the post quoting Bwana Lungu

      “They (The Post) have an agenda but I don’t blame them. They looked for a picture…looked for an angle were I looked drunk. Yesterday (Saturday) I did not even drink. This one (Robert Chikwelete) knows when I am drunk, teifyofine? (isn’t it?),” Lungu asked as Chikwelete nodded his head in affirmation.
      “Elo ilya day, nshanwinepo nobwalwa (that day I didn’t drink beer). Mukose bane mwilatina pakulanda (Colleagues be strong. Don’t fear when speaking out),” Lungu told cadres that surrounded him as he waited for his official car at the entrance to the Cathedral.“

    • @Ndobo, do you have a recording of that of Presido Edgar Lungu speaking under influence of alcohol? That is hilarious !!!

  1. Good move mr minister, the boys are innocent. Its a pitty that some *****s who were worshipping these boys a year ago when they put a smile on every zambian’s face and made everyone to be a proud zambian can change their skins and start calling the same boys some stupid names just because of one friendly game. Do not tell me that all of you suckers who wish others bad omens have never stumbled in your lives. *****s.


  3. The minister’s office is too high to publicly order the release of the trio. Lungu should have done so through lower offices. They could even had released the passports quietly! I guess it just shows Katumbi’s connections.

  4. we should learn to conclude cases before we can think of reconciliation this is what Mr Lungu told Mr Sata about Mr wynter and Mr Scort tribal issues,but today Mr Lungu cant wait to conclude the case and has intervened. This is inconsistency to your part Mr Lungu,are you ready to compromise your principles as long as it suits you? justice belongs to GOD only

  5. (1) Mr. Minister why are you saying you will not apply laws selectively if you can allow the mailon bothers to be released?

    (2) You should have remained silent on this issue of applying the law selectively and only issued instructions to officers to release the passports. Why do you keep contradicting yourself?

    (3) On Saturday you contradicted yourself again by asking Guy and Wynter to name the perceived tribalists and corrupt ministers. Yet you also refused to name the people who attempted to corrupt you at your office. tujiiiiii Liii jiiiiii Liiii mweee.

    (4) Why do you want to punish the manager? The mailon brothers are Adults and answerable for their own actions. They have been fying from one country to another every often and so should be conversant with immigration laws.

  6. well this is good news for sport and unity in the country. I guess Katumbi begged state house to intervene. These boys are still the best players we have in there respective playing position in the squad. Viva Home Affairs Minister.

  7. although i don’t support any team Edgar is fearing katumbi because the chap has cash? why do they pursue this matter until it is concluded?


    • RB was thief who stole from Zambia while these guys are footballers who brought AFCOM to Zambia…..I hope you note the difference between Caesar + Jesus by giving what belongs to them.

    • RB was thief who stole from Zambia while these guys are footballers who brought AFCOM to Zambia…..I hope you note the difference between Caesar + Jesus by giving what belongs to them….

  8. The are afraid that Katumbi will close pedicle road!People, power and politics. Very soon government will be compelled to apologise to Katumbi. In any case it was uncalled for to confiscate passports from the trio. It is not tenable at law at all. Leave the young men alone. Life will punish them squarely for their unpatriotic conduct. Life is a roller coaster!You can’t stay forever in a neighbour’s house.

    • Stop exposing your ignorance to the bloggers. When a paasport is issued to an individual, it still remains the property of the government. This is the reason why it can
      be reposessedat any time.

  9. Hon Lungum has done the right thing and its up the individual palyers and their respective managers to be more responsible in future. You can go around the world but at the end of the journey HOME IS HOME. You feel more free.

  10. The players were not injured or sick, hence their disappearence for them to fly to China and be examined by Joseph Kabungo. TP Mazembe is very unprofessional and let FIFA slap the whip on this Congolese club, how can they refuse to release our players thereby citing baseless claims over sickness and injury!

  11. some bloggers on Lt really amuse me.what lungu has done is interfering with the immigration dept investigations and all u can say is bravo edgar.then it was pointless to begin the investigations hes playing sacred cow now that’s why corruption will Neva end in this country cos of such attitudes we always fail to finish wat we time someone else will do the same since these have been pardoned they were supposed to be disciplined no player is above the country.he is afraid of katumbi

  12. Application of justice by th government is funny. RB’s passport issue had to reach courts of law…government dragged legs to act…ba Edgar consistency boss!

  13. Soon the m brothers will be availed with proof the had crossed then punishment should follow.Give documents for now and continue with investigations,Minister Lungu stay out of it,,

  14. These interferences by high offices only demoralize hard working professionals. Let the immigration do their work independently, diligently & professionally.
    The whole lot of a minister sure………. come to think of it, why did this same minister find it so hard to give back RB his passport, & here he’s acting like an angle for some disgruntled footballers. Hope te whiskey!

    • No, why? Instead keep them in Zed. Let them play in Nkana, Buffalo or Zesco. Congo is a bush.
      Tpm will source players elsewhere without arrogance and complex.

  15. Well done Mr Minister. These Bembas with their monkey reasoning need guidance otherwise everything in this country can be set on fire. No court of law found the 3 boys guilt of any offence. Its just an allegation which the police and Immigration were investigating. I used to respect that Webster boy of Joy FM till this afternoon. The way he handled today’s topic on “Headline Feed Back’, awe sure! The boy has really exposed his s.tupidity. He is so ignorant of the law, very dull.

    • JJ you are a fo0l. Why do you hate bembas? I am sure you were conceived through the anus. On tumfweko, you are there attacking bembas, Lusaka times you are attacking bembas even when the topic is something else. So you think you are intelligent. I know you and your ka tribe will keep on being ruled. You bitter chaps. You think Lungu did not consult before releasing them? JJ you such a dull bafoon, a dull looser.

  16. Mr. Lungu you are the man for sure!!! no one can defeat you in Zambia you deserve everything God bless let those chap enjoy their time…Thnax

  17. Hon Edgar Lungu should be saluted for providing corrective directives in his Ministry which is infested with bed-bugs and fleas programmed to harass the three young footballers. Bravo to Edgar Lungu. Keep it up as you gradually instil sense to evil elements who are bent on executing punitive measures to the young players


  19. what a pleasant surprise from Hon. Lungu. However, under which statutory provision Immigration sequestrated passports in a first place?

  20. Time to move on from these unreliable players; this time it was friendly, albeit a very significant friendly; next time it will be a crucial qualifier. Let’s find some replacements and never recall the trio before we’re betrayed again.

  21. Edgar Lungu is a breathe of fresh air from the moribund Sata. It is said nature hates a vacuum. In PF right now there’s no leader. This is really auto piloting at its best. Anyone can say anything. Lungu sensing a gap in PF is now calling the shots in his drunken state. Guy Scott, Wynter, Sata are all hibernating, Sata the worst because he is even snoring! Kaya lero!

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