Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Sata increased his salary by 27% and not 10%-HH


President Sata with Chief Luchembe (r), Chief Mukwikile (second from right) , Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda and Chief Munkonge at State House after a closed door meeting with Chiefs from Muchinga Province -Picture by THOMAS NSAMA
FILE: President Sata with Chief Luchembe (r), Chief Mukwikile (second from right) , Finance minister Alexander Chikwanda and Chief Munkonge at State House after a closed door meeting with Chiefs from Muchinga Province 

UPND Leader Hakainde Hichilema has revealed that President Micheal Sata has hiked his salary by 27% and not 10%, as earlier claimed by State House.

Mr Hichilema claimed that Mr. Sata’s salary has been increased by 17% higher than the figure given to the public.

Mr. Hichilema explained that the 27% in monetary terms translates to K87, 406, adding that this amount cannot be a slight adjustment as falsely stated by Labour Minister Fackson Shamenda.

He noted that this adjustment translates to a pay rise of K7, 284 per month and is far much beyond many civil servants basic pay.

The UPND leader added that the argument that President Sata is the lowest paid in the region and therefore needed an adjustment is another lie that needs public disapproval because the president gets a higher salary than Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe and Malawian President Joyce Banda.

Mr. Hichilema has since demanded that President Sata rejects the 27% salary increment awarded to him.

He has challenged Mr. Sata to lead by example as a leader and forgo his salary rather than saying that he will only forgo when opposition MPs do so.

This is contained in a letter addressed to President Sata by Mr. Hichilema dated 21stOctober 2013.


  1. The letter contains more details than what is given here. There are issues of Chellar, credibility and so, that are not reflected herein. LT have you also lost your Credibility? Just cut paste the letter.
    We are waiting for response. it seems HH is really getting PF to a tight corner.
    This is good for democratic checks and balances and i hope unions can do the same in their institutions to hight issues concerning workers.
    Not where a director build his self contained toilet citing he can not share a toilet with fellow members of staff. it only happens in Zambia under PF at an institution built in 1964. Very disgusting

    • HH needs to clear air about whether the his MPs were involved in approving the salary increment or not.This should be the next news item.

      He should also clarify what his MPs will do with the salary increment. Will they use it to buy medication and equipment for the rural hospitals or not?This is a golden opportunity to prove to the Zambians that your party means well for the poor people .

    • Typical diaper boy…The economies of Malawi + Zim Zim are not like Zambia …Why did he snub mentioning SA or Botswana? Ka HH is contradicting himself…If he say’s Sata should lead by example why doesn’t he (HH) lead by example by tellin his Tonganyokos’ MP’s to reject the salary increase to shame Sata? Ka HH knows that if he does that to his MP’s it might displease them. So he is deliberately taking shots @ Sata like he is concerned whn he will also increase MP’s monthly contribution to the party.Why should they wait for Sata to reject if they really concerned??Should I wait for my father to quit smoking for me to stop as well??? thts BS political mileage.

    • Sata don’t know how to calculate anyway. If you put stuff in percentage perspective, he just get more than confused, and his puppy Chellar is even worse to contemplate what is more between 10 % & 27 % of Sata’s selfishness.

    • I am equally surprised that Lusaka Times has deliberately omitted others issues raised in the letter by HH. HH also mentioned that it is dangerous for a sitting president to compare his salary to those of CEOs in the corporate world. He gave an example of Obama who is the President of the World’s largest economy but his salary is very low compared to CEOs in American companies.

    • Lusaka Times are either useless or just another PF mouthpiece. The Statement by HH has been published by other Zambian media in full. Please do the same so that your PF kaponya crowd can read for themselves. You’ve done a poor job of editing a very serious document. Please publish the whole document like you publish statements from PF!

    • BY BRIGHTON PHIRI, 26 OCTOBER 2003 (The post)

      Lusaka — I AM prepared to name some ministers who are corrupt, Patriotic Front (PF) president Michael Sata has said.

      Commenting on Zambia’s 39th independence celebrations at State House on Friday, Sata said he could not join plunderers in celebrating the country’s independence.

      “If they challenge me I will name some of the ministers who are corrupt,” Sata said.

      He said he would not submit to President Mwanawasa’s arrogance because of the independence celebrations. Sata said there was too much deceit and trickery under President Mwanawasa’s leadership.

      He said it would be a mockery for the opposition parties to attend the celebrations at State House because President Mwanawasa didn’t recognise them as equal stakeholders…

    • Sata and PF are an unmitigated lie – donchi kubeba. 7 guns now paddling like mad to reach level of HH’s wealth… ki ki. Alas, Zambia wont allow you ba Sata and your fossil uncle chikwanda.

    • Good question. My guess would be he was trying to foo’ the same people who somehow came to believe that the opposition (and not the ruling party) gets to decide how much to pay itself and the President.

    • The problem may not even be Sata. I think the MPs were pushing for salary increments so as to boost their gratuities. But to ensure that the bill was signed into law the adjustment included the president’s salary. Like I said a few days ago, no MP in Zambia has ever declined a salary increment. That is why they are all quiet on this matter. If you follow the debate on the budget in the coming days you will probably not ever hear any questions raised on the salary adjustments by the MPs . Politicians are generally very greedy people.

    • its really uprising to see how short sighted same people are,when banda became president the MMD increased his salary immediately everyone complained including HH,yet HH is supporting RB today. people where dying in UTH when HH went there to support the streaking nurses. yet you say he mean while for Zambians. which Zambians? came on guys even a grade 7 can see through this. all bickering is but to gain political mileage. every is known by its fruits, ask HH how much his lowest paid worker at his companies is getting then you ll see who dreaming

  2. Sata and PF will continue to fail the people of Zambia. A few PF people have good intentions but cannot run a country to development simply because of their lack of ability to be imaginative. Intellectual skills are very low in PF. Alexander Chikwanda is a lightweight, even my dog is smarter than him. You need more brain power bane.

  3. bamambala, HH alamisebanya! You should be telling the truth. “Don’t kubeba” should have been only for campaign purposes – you are now in govt boss.
    Remember, only the truth can set free!!

    • @Mbuya wandepula, ati ”Don’t kubeba” yali ya campaign fye not ukutwala mu govt/state house. Ebwafya bwa politician ngabaya mu office ninshi bakavota bonse niba ngwele. Do not forget we have the power in the hand to hire and fire, 2016 here we come. its only two years plus remaining.

  4. None of you people will be complaining including you HH if it was your salaries that were increased. To me anyone complaining about salary increments is being untruthful to themselves.

    • If the impossible could happen and HH were to become president, we will remember his untruthfulness to everyone for the sake of gaining votes. But leaders are put in power by God.

  5. So it emerges that the cobra had taken a bigger bite out of our taxes and shed its skin to fo0l us.Now the greedy cobra’s venom is becoming really toxic to taxpayers pockets.

  6. mwe bantu!! I thought the president explained that the increment was done by parliament? How did he then give himself an increment? Malice is all I see here

    • @Zambia naichula

      Get your facts right. The MPs had nothing to do with the increment. Its Sata who instructed Chikwanda to use the statutory instrument to increase his salary . Then Chikwanda prepared the document and let Sata to sign it.

  7. Sata needs to address this well than throwing blame on parliament. it is going to bite him later on, being President doesn’t imply getting bigger Salary or increasing your salary while accumulating debt. when hunger creeks in you will be blamed for people starving and sufferings.

  8. Chanda ChimbaIII warned us, even in ordinary life if someone calls you a snake, it is not a joke it is a serious matter. Chanda ChimbaIII mentioned that the man accepts to be called a Cobra and he is happy we should have smelt a rat but we smelt more money in our pockets. We did not look at his lips he meant more money in His pocket, but we mistook it for our pockets. It does appear that us Zambians have no deeper understanding of things or we are a desperate lot? I want to believe that we have or we will learn a good lesson by the time the PF Govt leaves Govt.

  9. If we have a deeper understanding, here is a simple test: The man appoints a Juniour Judge in the Name of Chikopa to chair a tribunal involving our senior judges. He stays in the country doing nothing at tax payers cost, he defies our own courts decisions or orders. The Chief justice case, the Govt has engaged a “battalion” of lawyers to defend “The controversial chief justice”. We have countless by elections some whose outcomes are predictable. All of the above at tax payers cost. Sata himself is not paying a NGWEE instead, he is increasing his Salary at the rate of 3 times every two years. The people who were promised more money in their pockets are paying. The list of similar events is endless. If we cannot understand these simple things then we will never understand anything.

  10. That what happened with Chekalako. it assumed it started from state house, trickling down to office orderly. Now directors are redesigning their officers, breaking walls to install toilets. why? selfishness. I can not share a toilet with a few members of staff.
    Worse allowing their girl friends to get double payslips.
    It only happens in Zambia.
    Very disgusting.

  11. Bakawalala baingo seka!!
    Don’t worry Zedians, our Government’s about to borrow more Money, @ high interest rates, to ensure the wage hike’s reach our leader’s bank accounts. After all we were told “They are all in Government to eat”.














    • It think you should use a dictionary and get the meaning of childish. You childish, the one who fack and say he got 10% or the one who calculated are reviewed that it was 27%.
      The spokesmen are a shame. It whatever happens, regardless of how you paid, do just speak without sense.

    • @Luapula

      Look at my earlier blog top to understand what exactly happened.MPs are not allowed to debate Presidential salary issues. If it were the case I am opposition MPs would have shot it down.

    • Wanzelu, then what are MPs doing in parliament. Just to rubber stamp decisions. Then parliament should stop to exist.

    • @Wanzelu so what are your UPND MPs doing in parliament if to you MPs are not involved in debating president affairs such as salary increment? I think HH and his people on this matter are playing double standards and proper political propaganda.

    • @ so-called “wise man” and the other guy, the increment was signed into law by Mr. Sata’s Finance Minister as an SI…… and was NOT voted on as an Act of Parliament.

      Got it?

  13. @Italian Presido Material

    An increment is an increment.
    Whether 1% or 50% or 100%.
    Whether for the President or
    Members of Parliament or anyone else’s.

    The question is why accuse the receiver
    and not the approver?

    Was your HH not briefed by his own MPs
    prior to and after the motion was tabled
    in parliament?

    In my view someone in UPND should have
    surely gone to him with minutes of Parliament
    deliberations that day.
    The fela (HH) should have then raised objections
    to the increments right there and then.

    That is how Parliament works.

    • Very Typical of the The TUFIMBWI NO PLAN (Small CNPs). Very crafty and sly.

      Now the you want to BLAME the Opposition MPs for INCREASING the Presidents Salary. So they are the bad people now. How many opposition MPs do we have who are so powerful as to propose a motion in parliament and bulldoze every one including the President?

      Guys muletontokanya elyo nokufwa insoni.

  14. Typical diaper boy…The economies of Malawi + Zim Zim are not like Zambia …Why did he snub mentioning SA or Botswana? Ka HH is contradicting himself…If he say’s Sata should lead by example why doesn’t he (HH) lead by example by tellin his Tonganyokos’ MP’s to reject the salary increase to shame Sata? Ka HH knows that if he does that to his MP’s it might displease them. So he is deliberately taking shots @ Sata like he is concerned whn he will also increase MP’s monthly contribution to the party.Why should they wait for Sata to reject if they really concerned??Should I wait for my father to quit smoking for me to stop as well??? thts BS political mileage…

    • I think you are now taking these debates too personal as if HH bonked your woman. Try to be civil and objective in your debates. Learn to criticise objectively not just mumbling like you are grade 2 chap. Your comments tell a lot about your level of education and your ability to understand complex political issues.

      If you put hate in front your arguments people may not understand what you are on about and take you for a f0ol. So man try to be civil. Zambia is for every body. Even me and you will one day aspire to lead our nation.So please try to exercise a bit of decorum in presenting your arguments not insults through and through as if you are a down syndrome chap,which I believe your are not.

    • It is HH who should be civil in the first step. He really thinks like you; that the president orders his Finance Minister about how much he wants! And your UPND Mps have not come out to deny that they were involved. Anyhow, this is typical of someone who has never been in govt.

    • @Wanzelu, that was wrong comparing him to down syndrome bro. Down syndrome is a very unfortunate illness that can happen to anyone during or after birth, it doesnt mean they are any less human

    • The caliber of this writer depicts the mediocrity of the party he is supporting. Very little education if any. Insults are his main menu. Us civilized parties have no room to respond to such rubbish/ Continue writing and no one will respond. Until you come to our level of intellectuality, I hope you can understand what i have written.

    • His/Her (whatever the sex) level of intellectuality is something we need to bear, it looks like very dangerous political mutations happened to this person. Kaponya or street mentality!!

    • @wanselu. Tell your HH to be objective first before you ask any one else.He is the one who is full if hate and that bonking question should be directed towards your HH.Its not true that PF has no credit to its name why not applaud.Here in Livingstone development is visible even the blind can feel it when they walk the newly tarred roads.

    • @Robot

      I get your point. I should not have used that comparison but instead I should have used an example of Mbamba drunkard.

      @Chinyama development can be visible , but of what use is it if the majority of the poor people can’t even enjoy it for lack of enough money to buy health food ,basic essentials and send their kids to school.
      Out of all those facilities you see being developed in Livingstone ,how many of those facilities are accessible to the poor people from the city?

      The issues raised by HH are about equity. Is the national cake being shared fairly or it is just the President and politicians who are getting an elephant’s share on the back of extremely poor tax payers? I did not find any thing hateful in his article unless the meaning of the word hate has been…

  15. The issue here is simple the president leads, he does not follow. So he should the ball rolling) did the same and that how it failed. As it is the president does not even need a salary as all his expenditure is taken care of both now and even after he leaves office.

  16. being a president is just hard mweh i remember the way ba sata used to critisiz his friendz kikikiki welcom to the real world boss show us how its done lol

  17. Caders life never changes no matter what. U can even tell by the way he/she comments on important national matters. Guys let’s be serious with national interests, coz one day we shall also find ourselves in decision making positions and we shall regret doing exact oposit wat we criticized. Am cofused.

  18. No wonder the poor Miners at KCM have been told by their company management through the command from the government to pay extra tax to ZRA for the period 2006/07 and 2010/11. The major aim here is to meet all these fake extra costs which the PF administration has incurred. The real culprits from KCM in the finance department who have not been remitting the actual amounts of money deducted from the Miners’ salaries to ZRA during the period have been left off the hook. If one were to go to ZRA with just one or two miners annual pay statements with annual PAYE deductions and compare that amount with what was remitted to ZRA, one would be surprised to discover that there is always a huge difference because the figures does not relate at all. What is the problem with this country mwe bantu ?

  19. Please please! This money if true is still too small for a presindet consindering the responsibility and everyone including HH would want to have more. I feel as a profession that SATA should earn even more money for his work than he is currently getting. Do you people know how much most of high proffessionals earn (not paid)?

    • The President does not touch his salary to pay for mealie meal,relish,water,electricity,fuel,motor vehicle expenses,servant wages,security,phones or any other expense which the ordinary voter worries about.How does his salary become small or little? When he leaves State House,his house is built for him at a place of his choice and he starts to get 80% of the current President’s salary.
      Greediness blinds people to only think about themselves.Maybe this is the level Michael has reached.

  20. Does anyone has evidence that would support HH accusation? He could he be lying too! If it was 27%, why would PF lie to the nation when they know that the opposition MPs also know about the % that was awarded to president SATA.

    • Yes HH is right. Zambians were cheated by Shamenda and Kapeya. The aim was to make the crime look less evil. Sata’s salary has been increased to K414,406 million from K327,000 million in 2012 and with a special allowance of K108,934. Basic Arithmetics gives 26.7% and not 10% i.e K414,406-K327,000=K87,406. Now divide K87,406 by K327,000 to get the percentage increase and you have: 87,406/327,000=0.267296 or 26.7296%. Rounding off you have 27%.


  22. Zambians let us learn to tell the truth, President Sata did not suggest his salary to be hiked but parliament. Mp,s, Ministers and the president are in the same category so if their salaries increase also the president,s salary should increase by the same percentage. If a leader is not paid well he can come up with plan B (corruption).

  23. The truth hurts like a fierce punch and HH is scoring them like Floyd Mayweather, Mike Tyson and Muhammad Ali combined! HH 3 – Suntwe No Plan 0! Enjoy the bout!


  25. Always supporting others ,shall forever be behind why not aspire for the same office than supporting HH or Sata ba Mumbwe imwe!!!!!!!!!!!

  26. I agree the Presidents salary is far below imagine I earn morethan he does ,just that most of his expenses are paid for …Who would refuse a pay rise…Tell your ka HH to share his riches with the poor maybe God can make him President one DAY!!!

    • There is a difference SATA is duping the poor Zambian tax payer, while HH ‘s money is not out of poor tax payers’ pockets but from his personal international business portfolio he has acquired over the years.

  27. Most bloggers on this site who have difficulties in expressing themselves over raised matters mix their opinion with their local dialect (Bemba) . The problem appears to be thinking in Bemba and translating in English with difficulties end up with a mixture of English and Bemba – bad language to understand.

  28. hey good man Sata my boy for that increament you deserve it…. you have given us so much its high time u satisfied yourself…… Bingo Sata>>>>

  29. So what. Most civil servants earn more than the President. Is that normal. He worked hard to become a President. Even in 2016 he will be President. Check the infrastructure development country wide.

    • How far did you go in school? HH is right. Zambians were cheated by Shamenda and Kapeya. The aim was to make the crime look less evil. Sata’s salary has been increased to K414,406 million from K327,000 million in 2012 and with a special allowance of K108,934. Basic Maths gives 26.7% and not 10% i.e K414,406-K327,000=K87,406. Now divide K87,406 by K327,000 to get the percentage increase and you have: 87,406/327,000=0.267296 or 26.7296%. Rounding off you have 27%.

    • No !!! it was more money in your pockets & it worked for him.They are busy putting things in place to fulfill that promise through Job creation and entrepreneurship, empowerment through low rate loans etc keep watching from the terrace.


  30. Bloggers dont be cheated by Lusakatimes. They are just an extension of the Zambia Daily Mail reporting Govt propaganda and falling under this tribalist Emmanuel Mwamba. Verify facts with Watchdog. HH is 100% correct.

  31. If your retirement is based on your final salary, you have to make sure you maximise the opportunity of any salary increment that comes your way.

  32. I saw this anomaly on the calculation and pronouncement by Shamenda and Infyabukaya minister they lied to Zambian people their increments were 27% and not 10% as stated for the president. You claim to be servants of the people and yet award your self hefelt salaries. if infact morality demands that because your salaries are already high you award yourself a lower percentage. that is how a credible leader works not this fake govt under SATA . shame on you. Shame on you Cabinent.
    May the Good lord deal with you as you deserve – inflict more diseases on your thieves.

  33. I never heard of Hakainde Hichilema while Mazoka was alive. Where did he opportunistically spring from after the death of MAZOKA. Ubushiku bwaluba umukote, Icimbwi cinye mfwi.

  34. None of our MPs saw this discrepancy? Come on ministers and Mps say something about the numbers. Is it 10% or 27% or it was just a slip of the pen.

    Answer with numbers so that no one is insulted here

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