Monday, June 3, 2024

Bubble Malitoli salutes Nkana triumph


Nkana legend Kenneth “Bubble” Malitoli has saluted his old club for
winning the 2013 FAZ Super League.

Malitoli on Sunday witnessed Nkana bag their 12th league title in
Wusakile after thumping Red Arrows 4-1 in their final league match at
Nkana Stadium.

The ex-Zambia striker said Nkana deserved to win the league this season.

Malitoli won five Super League titles with Nkana between 1984 and 1991.

“I am happy that the 12th title has come,” he said.

“I think that is why they are champions because all along they have
been leading the pack,” Malitoli said.

“I think they deserved to win the league.”

Nkana last won the league in 2001 under coach Patrick Phiri.


    • Muleikalafye if you know nothing about Zambian football, even if you maybe too young to know him just ask mwana….it’s clear you are commenting on something you are ignorant about.

    • Stupid *****. We chinangwa cha mwana. If you have know clue about Kenneth Bubble Malitoli, then you have no clue about Zambian soccer at all. Just shut your trap.

  1. Thank you ba Kenneth ‘Bubble’ Malitoli. Mwempalume, abana bale enda muntampulo shenu. Its continental football at Cheleta 2014!

  2. Hello Ba Kenneth (and my friend!) Anyway, kale but I am glad you guys you were great! I still remember your header in RSA 1996 tournament and there was one game your were very outstanding playing as a distributer of the ball attacking midfilder and upfront! Your brother was outstanding too! Abaume Ba Nkana! We miss you guys!

  3. Born and brought up in Kitwe, I want to let others know that Kenneth “Bubble” Malitoli ‘s fame as a footballer started during his primary school days. Primary school football was very popular then. Anybody that claims not to know him clearly knows nothing about Zambian football, let alone football itself.

  4. Zambia has had several prominent footballing families and the Malitolis are among them. The Malitoli footbal history begins with Bornface Malitoli who was actually the original owner of the nickname “Bubble”. I know several other families – The Bwalyas, Mulalas, Makwazas, etc

  5. Its really been a while ba “Bubble”. Jo mwaice???am sure you were too young then…..These guys used to play not for money but to entertain the crowd where it was a do or die.

    I remember ba Bubble’s elder brother “Mordon Malitoli ( Ba Modo)” refused to come out from that crucial game when he was injured ku mutwe and he had a bandage all his head. Mwaice “JO” don’t talk about something you don’t know,you will mess up.

  6. Bubble was fantastic for club – Nkana and Esperance but he always blew hot and cold for the national team. Top striker at club level but not in the same league like Kalusha or Stone Nyirenda for the national team – let alone Ucar, Bomber and Kaodi

  7. We still miss you Ba Kenneth! Memories of your great wonderful skills and the service you have done for Zambia’s footbal. God bless you sir!!

  8. Ci Jo
    Niwebo koswe nomucila pa matako
    If you don’t know who Kenneth bubble Malitoli is then you know nothing about football
    Go and ask wiso if u know him or if you’ve got one who bubble is

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