Sunday, February 16, 2025

Polls close in Mansa, turn out described fair


Voting in Mansa
Voting in Mansa

Polls have closed in the Mansa central parliamentary by-election which saw a fair turnout of voters. Final results of the by-election are not expected until tomorrow around 10:00 hours.

Mansa central constituency has 70 polling districts and 88,943 registered voters as per 2011 voters register. Five candidates contested the by-elections, these are PF’s Chitalu Chilufya,UNIP’s Charles Mwewa,FDD’s Alfred Mwape,MMD’s Malama Kapolyo and Rosemary Mwiche of the UPND.

Meanwhile Patriotic Front National Chairperson Inonge Wina has expressed confidence that the ruling party will scoop the Mansa central parliamentary seat.

The people of Mansa central today went to the polls to elect a new parliamentary representative to replace the late Kennedy Sakeni.

Ms. Wina has told Qfm News that reports reaching her office give a clear indication that the Patriotic Front is likely to scoop the seat.

Ms. Wina stresses that the party did the ground work to be guaranteed of emerging victorious.

And the District Electoral Officer Davies Bwalya failed to give statistics of voters in all the polling stations by 14:00 hours due to a lapse in communication facilities on the part of the Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ).

Mr Bwalya explained that Presiding Officers were not trained to send voter information electronically to the totalling centres as arranged because the supplier of IPADS which were supposed to be used in the exercise did not supply them on time.

He however, he said the gadgets will be used in future elections but for now, Presiding Officers would have to deliver hard copies results to the totalling centre.

Meanwhile, Mr Bwalya has commended the peace that has prevailed since the election started. He said there has been no violence reported adding that he hoped the peace will continue even after the election results are announced.

ELECTORAL Commission of Zambia (ECZ) official Mukiti Lukonga (standing) checking voting proceedings at St Clement’s Polling station during the Mansa Central by-election
ELECTORAL Commission of Zambia (ECZ) official Mukiti Lukonga (standing) checking voting proceedings at St Clement’s Polling station during the Mansa Central by-election


    • the level of tribalism in p.f, luapula en northern province tells me p.f will win comfortably even after all the insults sata has showered on them………….hopeless lot!!

    • @ZP, Why did you leave a suicide for Sata??
      Look now @ Cat Power can’t even see your ghost standing together with hot Lukonga in picture!! Do I see Ba Sakeni too… MHISRP.

    • @ Nostradamus I think you’re an 1diot. Cant you see the captions written under the pics where the first says ” voting mansa” and the second describes a wrong picture with all in the pic seated. Get over the fact that you made a mistake 10 months ago and corrected you mr fake lecturer. Shame on you!

    • @Cat Power, you are a mechanic and like to repair mistakes. I am not a lecturer, my business card & job description title is “MORALIZER”. I fix people’s behavior, look it up. I am able to see through stupidity, for example why can’t you see human figures in the last picture? The picture with women on benches? If you are not able to comprehend, then come to my class.
      Sata, Cat Power, Saulosi, GBM, Ndobo.. can fit well in my lectures/class. The best class voted in 2009, 2011, 2012. I am not sure what happened in 2010 (I think because of World cup), and this year it has been a crowd puller… I come LT to find notes. PF has given me so many free case studies, they deserve to be paid… I will bring it up in our Friday Faculty meeting.

    • @ Nostradamus you win. I will not understand you. Since even on google Moralizer is not even defined in some dictionaries though I can see its even preachers who can be described as some so maybe you’re one so I will leave to to preaching and sermons. You’re also from luapula so you may hail from mwense too my home. For your information now am also at university of Southern Queensland studying ADNG associate degree in engineering. The Beaty of learning maths and physics not just the bible. Thanks boss

    • ZP (Zabwino Palibe) Its time you hunted your ass!! PF just won with a very huge margin. Oh! what excuse will you make now? Rigging?

    • 1.@ZP, Why did you leave a suicide note for Sata and Kabimba, are you their sacrifice??
      Look now @ Cat Power can’t even see your ghost standing together with hot Lukonga in picture!! Do I see Ba Sakeni too… MHISRP.

  1. Isn’t procurement of iPads just for transmission of election results a worst of resources. ICT specialists please guide us.

  2. Who said the turnout was fair? The ECZ was quoted by ZNBC news expressing shock at the low turnout of voters. Examples quoted in most polling stations indicate a turnout below 10%

  3. I hope PF is defeated and loses this seat just to inject some serious introspection into their disasterous and irrespensible style of leadership.

  4. I was in Zambia. PF is performing better than what MMD did in 20 years. You guys in diaspora can say all kinds of things but the fact is that PF is winning Mansa and will win big in 2016. Roads are being built, streets in towns are now lit up, schools, hospitals and universities are being built. PF has been in office for 2 years only!

    • You are absolute, bro. PF is doing a fantastic job. Zambians have eyes but they cannot see. And they have ears and they can’t see.

    • @ Deus.. you can call me what you want, what im saying is the truth… the man cannot control himself when it comes to women.

  5. zambians, its high time you changed your attitude, PF is doing fine and they deserve a win in Mansa. President Sata is the best so far, u who are criticizing just hate him 4nothing adayz da man is committed in bringing development.

  6. Dr Chilufya 9600 votes. fdd 1300, mmd 1100, upnd 300,others 300.
    Upnd noise all the time!

    • Why should you say that, are you being honesty or you just don’t know what you are saying? Do you know that When Chiluba was the president even Mazoka had some seats for counselors in the same village where Chiluba came from.

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