Saturday, July 27, 2024

Last Wk/Weekend in Pictures



Traffice lights at the junction of Independence and Obete Avenue next to Hotel Edinburgh in Kitwe’s Central Business District covered with leaves from overgrown tree branches.
Traffic lights at the junction of Independence and Obete Avenue next to Hotel Edinburgh in Kitwe’s Central Business District covered with leaves from overgrown tree branches.


First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba arrives to grace the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia.
First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba arrives to grace the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia.


First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba arrives to grace the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia
First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba arrives to grace the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia


A member of the Nomakanjane Cultural Group perform during launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia. The documentary s called Conversation on unsafe abortions in Zambia.
A member of the Nomakanjane Cultural Group perform during launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia. The documentary s called Conversation on unsafe abortions in Zambia.


The Nomakanjane performing a play on unsafe abortion. This was during the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia
The Nomakanjane performing a play on unsafe abortion. This was during the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia


The Nomakanjane Dance Troupe entertaining guests during the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia. This was at the Radisson Blu Hotel
The Nomakanjane Dance Troupe entertaining guests during the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia. This was at the Radisson Blu Hotel


Local government deputy Minister Elfrida Kansembe captured during the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia by IPAS. This was at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Lusaka.
Local government deputy Minister Elfrida Kansembe captured during the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia by IPAS. This was at the Radisson Blu Hotel in Lusaka.


A waiter collecting glasses after serving guests during the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia.
A waiter collecting glasses after serving guests during the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia.


Drummers beating their instruments during an entertainment segment at the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia
Drummers beating their instruments during an entertainment segment at the launch of a documentary on unsafe abortions in Zambia


A warehouse belonging to Trade Kings Limited in Lusaka's heavy industrial area was  reduced to ashes when a fire broke out thursday midnight.The Zambia Air Force fire unit who were first responders failed to put out the fire.Later on Lusaka city fire Brigade showed up but also could not put out the fire.
A warehouse belonging to Trade Kings Limited in Lusaka’s heavy industrial area was reduced to ashes when a fire broke out thursday midnight.The Zambia Air Force fire unit who were first responders failed to put out the fire.Later on Lusaka city fire Brigade showed up but also could not put out the fire.


A warehouse belonging to Trade Kings Limited in Lusaka's heavy industrial area was  reduced to ashes when a fire broke out thursday midnight.The Zambia Air Force fire unit who were first responders failed to put out the fire.Later on Lusaka city fire Brigade showed up but also could not put out the fire.
A warehouse belonging to Trade Kings Limited in Lusaka’s heavy industrial area was reduced to ashes when a fire broke out thursday midnight.The Zambia Air Force fire unit who were first responders failed to put out the fire.Later on Lusaka city fire Brigade showed up but also could not put out the fire.


Citizens Forum (CF) executive secretary Simon Kabanda kneeling before Chief Mwangala of the Chewa Speaking in Chadiza District in on Saturday
Citizens Forum (CF) executive secretary Simon Kabanda kneeling before Chief Mwangala of the Chewa Speaking in Chadiza District in on Saturday


President Sata with Educational  Minister Dr Phiri at the site of the Luapula Uninversity in Mansa
President Sata with Educational Minister Dr Phiri at the site of the Luapula Uninversity in Mansa


President Sata the Foundation Stone site of the University of Luapula
President Sata the Foundation Stone site of the University of Luapula


President Sata chats with Mansa Catholic choir members
President Sata chats with Mansa Catholic choir members


UNICEF Country representative Dr Hamid El-Bashir (c)  speaks  with First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba as UNICEF Chief Communications Patrick Slavin (l) listens  when he paid a courtesy call on her at State House in Lusaka
UNICEF Country representative Dr Hamid El-Bashir (c) speaks with First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba as UNICEF Chief Communications Patrick Slavin (l) listens when he paid a courtesy call on her at State House in Lusaka


The Aliboo Trading truck that rammed into a Zambia Railways Limited cargo train on Katima Mulilo Road in the early hours of morning last week in Lusaka
The Aliboo Trading truck that rammed into a Zambia Railways Limited
cargo train on Katima Mulilo Road in the early hours of morning last week in


The Aliboo Trading truck that rammed into a Zambia Railways Limited cargo train on Katima Mulilo Road in the early hours of morning last week in Lusaka
The Aliboo Trading truck that rammed into a Zambia Railways Limited
cargo train on Katima Mulilo Road in the early hours of morning last week in


THE new roads in Lusaka are being given a boast to increase their lifespan by constructing drainages. Above, several workers including women working on a drainage on a newly constructed road off Alick Nkhata road in Lusaka
THE new roads in Lusaka are being given a boast to increase their lifespan by constructing drainages. Above, several workers including women working on a drainage on a newly constructed road off Alick Nkhata road in Lusaka


Bicycles are an important part of life in Chipata
Bicycles are an important part of life in Chipata


The Luapula University foundation stone
The Luapula University foundation stone


President Sata  ans Ps Kasolo watching Traditional dances and songs in Mansa
President Sata and Ps Kasolo watching Traditional dances and songs in Mansa


    • Those pictures makes me feel that a deportation to zambia from the Uk would be worse than living in a British Prison.

      Absolutely unmoved and seeing people live a substandard life there, shocking, and LT the caption description your newspapers are incoherent and please employ someone as educates as I am not edit them


    • i knew it before i even opened to read this pictures of the week,that it was going to be dominated with madam kaseba and where she was. And i was right, ba LT you mean to tell me that pictures of the week is always about madam Kaseba sure? we want to see other things too. she can not always be one of the major things happening in Zambia. Thomas Nsama the personal photographer of madam kaseba, be creative wakopako na ama activities happening in schools, sports games, people balechilisha around lusaka, arts and culture pa lusaka play house, etc.

    • Pic 12, that’s being dumb kneeling in the middle of the road.

      is there no other way of showing respect other than kneeling regardless of circumstances?

    • Gen you have made my day.I was also wondering what would happen if you met the Chief in the middle of one of these Lusaka roads which get flooded each time it rains.

    • Mushota you are just a dull muppet. Just look at this “please employ someone as educates as I am not edit them”. Here in Zambia only illiterate riff raffs would write such trash and yet claim to be educated.


    • Indeed – in fact a citizen’s initiative there is all that is needed. Some irate motorist with a machete – we have a lot of them – can simply hack those branches out of the way in a few minutes…

  1. What’s so special about carrying empty glasses? Too many pics on the same event…. abortion shani shani & the first lady. LT, you can do better than this.

    • i was also thinking the same.if you have noticed,all the weekend in pictures always have madam kaseba and her events dominating.lyonse fye ni kaseba.People who have studied mind control will tell you that is how you make people receptive to an idea,concept,person etc by constantly giving the same message, pictures, talk over and over again until it becomes registered in their subconscious mind without them realising it.then later on they would just develop this affection or love of a thing,idea or person and would not know why.they would just say i like her or that idea.
      This is how you can impose an idea or a concept into a persons mind a.k.a “planting an idea” without using force.People will slowly just fall in love with this woman.And they will even kill me here for just saying this

  2. Pic #12,
    The Sata kneeling culture has now gone out of control, even in the middle of the road. Does it mean all traffic must stop until the kneeling ritual is over?

  3. To our friends the diasporans, the building in the far left of picture 1 is Moba (formely ABANI). Next to it is the place where the Nkana Hotel Hotel used to be; it has been demolished and someone is putting up a shopping mail.

  4. Picture 7 Ba LT get your facts right. In light green is Alfreda Kansembe Deputy Minister Home Affairs and in blue is Berina Kawandami Deputy Minister Chiefs Affairs. Please don’t make our children fail social studies, ala!

    • Somehow I can’t blame LT for that, we have far too many Deputy Ministers and reshuffles are taking place on a daily basis. Some reshuffles are not even announced to the public. Lol

    • People could have known them if they were more beatifull, I mean they are not ugly, but honestly they are typical PF, can’t be compared to those women we used to see in MMD.

  5. Every time I see the fotos of the first lady I always wish she could be the president, no offense to the republican president but thats just me. Truth be told, she has the full package and it’s just about time mother Zambia was led by a mother.
    I will definately be shattered if by any chance any of those “Lumpens opt to do the unreasonable” that will be the day I will stop blogging on LT and Zambian issues, that I can promise you! So am keeping my fingers xssed for the president to bend the rules and adopt her in the party.

    • @ cindy,
      I beg to differ, ‘she has a full package’? Instead of her prevailing on her husband to stop his shameless nepotism of appointing Dr Kaseba’s young sister and niece to ambassadorial positions in a space of 2 weeks she appears to be comfortable with that.
      As president she would take nepotism to a higher level. Already there is an outcry in Zambia over these appointments based on tribe and nepotism. Appearing on TV and newspapers everyday does not necessarily qualify one to be president.

    • Zambians even the ones in the diaspora are so gullible – how anyone would think Kaseba is presidential material after she gobbled up tax payers’ money against the constitution is beyond me.

    • Gullible and proud of it! Supporting the embezzler and husband stealer who unethically uses poor woman undergoing invasive medical procedures for photo-opportunities!

  6. Only the construction guys are doing real work.Too often you get the feeling that Zed is a nation of ceremonies and idlers.

  7. Palabana, Mansa, Mongu etc. Laying foundation stones.
    Wage freeze where are going to find people to lecture in these Universities?

  8. Cindy this will only happen in your dreams! Yes countries like Argentina the wife has taken over after the demise of the husband. The greatest enemy to women being Presidents is the female voter. Look at how they have not voted for Nawakwi and yet they (women) outnumber men. Wishful thinking is allowed though no matter how unattainable and that is why they say if wishes were horses we would all ride on them but let me tell you it ain’t gonna happen! FYI this type of cheap talk started with Vera then moved on to Maureen but where are these ladies now? In political oblivion so to say. My advice is may first ladies stop riding on political fortunes of their husbands and form their own political parties and sell their message to the masses considering we are a free country.

  9. zambians are really docile. How can we allow him to develop his areas only. No wonder western province wants to delineate from zambia.

  10. I do not agree with that man kneeling before some chief. Respect is to be found behind the words and statements we make about people, not by kneeling. I may kneel before you, but what is been said inside me is utter disrespect. The quicker we realized that such unproductive rituals are responsible for our backward approach to development the better.

  11. Can the First lady’s ADC even throw a kick. She doesn’t look fit for a security aid. It seems her role is just to open the door and carry handbags!

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