Saturday, July 27, 2024

Reinstate the nurses or brace yourselves for a major crisis, ZCTU warns Government


ZCTU President Roy Mwaba addressing a news briefing at Lusaka Hotel on Wednesday flanked by officials from health workers unions
ZCTU President Roy Mwaba addressing a news briefing at Lusaka Hotel on Wednesday flanked by officials from health workers unions

The Zambia Congress of Trade Unions has warned that the decision to fire nurses that took part in a recent strike has the potential to cause a huge industrial crisis in Zambia.

ZCTU General Secretary Roy Mwaba said the idea of firing workers when go on strike is archaic.

Mr Mwaba warned that the labour movement has the power to paralyse the country’s industrial base if proved.

“Let it be made clear that the labour movement is not weak. We have chosen the option of negotiation rather than industrial action but government should not take us for granted,” Mr Mwaba said.

He was speaking at a news conference at Lusaka Hotel Wednesday morning in reaction to government’s decision to fire nurses.

[pullquote]“Let it be made clear that the labour movement is not weak. We have chosen the option of negotiation rather than industrial action but government should not take us for granted,” Mr Mwaba said.[/pullquote]

The ZCTU Secretary General said government should understand that nurses work under pathetic conditions.

“Whoever advised President Sata to fire the nurses made a huge technical error which they will regret,” Mr Mwaba said.

Mr Mwaba also failed to disclose the exact number of nurses that have been fired.

“We cannot state the exact number of those that have been fired at this stage because some are still receiving their letters of dismissal. What is important for now is to have the nurses reinstated,” Mr Mwaba said.

[pullquote]“Whoever advised President Sata to fire the nurses made a huge technical error which they will regret,” Mr Mwaba said.[/pullquote]

Mr Mwaba said government should not push the patience of the labour movement to the limit.

He also condemned Health Minister Joseph Kasonde’s attacks on the labour movement in Parliament on Tuesday.

“It is highly immoral for Dr Kasonde to start attacking us in Parliament knowing fully that we cannot defend ourselves. If he thinks we are irrelevant, let him not push us. We will not be intimidated. The labour movement does not answer to anyone expect the worker,” Mr Mwaba said.

[pullquote]“It is shocking that a country with a critical shortage of health workers would resort to firing a critical cadre of workers such as nurses, it is highly shocking,” he said.[/pullquote]

Mr Mwaba said the labour movement had hoped that the era of firing workers was left behind in the Chiluba administration.

“It is shocking that a country with a critical shortage of health workers would resort to firing a critical cadre of workers such as nurses, it is highly shocking,” he said.

Mr Mwaba urged the affected nurses not to rush into reapplying for the vacant positions saying they should wait for government to first respond to their demands.

“Please remain calm as we seek dialogue with government on this issue,” he said.

Meanwhile, UPND Vice President Canisius Banda has strongly condemned government’s decision to fire some nurses that took part in the recent strike.

Dr Banda charged that firing nurses when the country has a serious shortage of nurses is an act of foolishness.

Dr Banda said it is folly that the PF government can derive joy and comfort from firing nurses.

He said this is clear evidence that there is foolishness in the midst of the ruling party.

Dr Banda said nurses form the backbone of any health care delivery system the world over.

“Zambia has a shortfall of not less than 20, 000 nurses. As a consequence, some health centres are manned by guards,” Dr Banda said. “It follows then that mistreating the few nurses that we have is a veritable act of government folly.”

Dr Banda said what the PF government ought to admit is that the current terrible mess in the health sector upon which the labour dispute is based was caused by the PF government itself.

He said calling nurses names and firing them is the exact definition of bad leadership.

[pullquote]“Zambia has a shortfall of not less than 20, 000 nurses. As a consequence, some health centres are manned by guards,” Dr Banda said. “It follows then that mistreating the few nurses that we have is a veritable act of government folly.”[/pullquote]

“It is akin to the PF government committing suicide. Firing health workers never works. Let us learn from history,” he advised.

Dr Banda added that mismanaging essential labour in the health sector is not part of the Sixth National Development Plan.

He challenged the Zambia Union of Nurses Organisations to unite its members and show leadership.

“When one nurse is touched it should mean that all nurses are touched. When one citizen suffers an injustice at the hands of the government it means that all of us have suffered that injustice.”

He demanded that government reinstates the nurses now.

“PF, stop this madness now. Remember both the nurse and the suffering patient are your employers! They have the vote. Soon, and very soon, you will feel their wrath. They will vote you out. The power is in their hands. We urge dialogue.”


    • In whatever this Roy man says, i dont buy it. He chewed with RB and the man is hopeless. He should have made statement when Sata said refered to civil servants, nurses in this context as house boys and maids who should respects their masters.
      I will replace this man. We need new thinking blood in the unions.

    • ati.. brace yourselves for what?? wapya munzi!!!… but zoona coming from Roy mwaba of all people, i thought he was one of them… i was wrong, ,, this is one of the few rare wise and brave bembas,, just like the bashilubemba

    • I still give my hand and salutations to the galant fighters we have as nurses. You stood your ground and this is admirable. Frederick Douglass said;
      if there is no struggle, there is no progress.
      The general sentiment of mankind is that a man who will not fight for himself, when he has the means of doing so, is not worth being fought for by others, and this sentiment is just.
      So nurses, like you have been urged,dont rush into reapplying for your jobs, tekanyeni. Dont be afraid, you give away your inner power, when you are afraid, to the oppressor. Be strong.

    • ”ZCTU General Secretary Roy Mwaba said the idea of firing workers when go on strike is archaic.”


    • ”Mr Mwaba urged the affected nurses not to rush into reapplying for the vacant positions saying they should wait for government to first respond to their demands.”


    • ”Dr Banda charged that firing nurses when the country has a serious shortage of nurses is an act of foolishness.

      Dr Banda said it is folly that the PF government can derive joy and comfort from firing nurses.

      He said this is clear evidence that there is foolishness in the midst of the ruling party.”


    • @peter, oh so you saying if someone has a PhD, he should then speak a certain way? infact,what do you mean exaclty? To you earning a PhD should make you speak in a certain way right? like a trained dog trying to please the master or speak like the master or behave like the master!!! What is foolishness? i guess thats what you have a problem with.
      Foolishness – lack of good sense or judgement; stupidity.
      so all banda is saying to suit your slave-master talk you so much like is; the govt lacked good judgement in firing the nurses. in my view,what Dr. Banda said is an opinion and an opinion is never right or wrong. it is a thought or a view on something(s). A PhD should not take away your right to an opinion just because it wont suit the slave-master ethics or code of conduct!!!

    • Nothng is gud frm UPND & ZCTU my bro.Let discipline prevail in all workng fields.Some they nurses by names not by professional.Balelaya ukubombela icalo 4 beta 4 worse,but they are demandng 4 more money.They are stupid elements,let them join us in lower class life.welcome friends

  1. Unions may sound tough but the fact remains that government is employer. Workers must learn to support the employer in order for the nation to go forward. The dear Eurobond will not be channeled into public workers’ pockets at the expense of the most basic infrastructure such as new provincial hospitals, new district hospitals, new health centers, new clinics, new roads, new universities. Get back to work. That is the career you chose. ZCTU must cooperate with government in order for government to deliver development efficiently. Illegal strikes are justiciable because they are wrong and immoral. hat is the basis of the democracy and the rule of law.

    • Still dreaming of the Eurobond!!! Wel it was spent on increasing salaries of Office Orderlies by 200% and that’s why your foolish Govt is borrowing almost daily. Wake up!!

    • Iwe Makasa you are back with your s-ill-y comments. Why do you think it is right for the employer to promise and agree on a salary increment and then not implement it? So it is right for Sata and company to increase their pay three times but not for the poorly paid nurses? Why are you working abroad if it is not to earn more money?

  2. Firing of worker may not come out good but discipline is also critial to protecting the industry. i believe what has happened is ok and serves as a warmning to others that like joining strikes without understanding the rules of the game. ZCTU must not just protect its members wrongly but first point out the wrong to them. Shortage of medical workers does not mean those available can misbehave NO!! Every Employee has a contract with the employer with minimum conditions which must be respected.

    • ZCTU just like most public service unions cannot even account for members’ contributions they keep on giving themselves. They are just as indisciplined as the nurses. To hell with ka primary school teacher ka Roy Mwaba.

    • Spot on come to UK where there is displiine a nurse going on strike ans patients die iwe HH you even have the guts to support that evil elements shame Ba opposition

    • It is sweet music to you…a coward and docile chap who believes every retholic from these union even say you love him. What is there to love….

  3. Chimbwi no plan, always day dreaming . It will cost millions and over 3 years to replace those nurses. Above all, it’s the poor sic citizens at risk.

    • do have a slight idea of how many new graduates are on the waiting list?Point of correction.No all the nurses have been fired.

    • Chimbwi has atleast a plan, waiting for a lion to kill then eat left overs. This is really a clueless bunch of individual making a kakoon hell of noise. Total confusion everywhere. They can only operate better in a station. I think they are missing the noise in the station. Pure kaponyas.

  4. Anarchy should not be encouraged from any employee whether essential or not. If we allow this from nurses, next will be the police, then soldiers and then who knows else. When a problem emerges, lets dialogue and follow procedure. The labour movement was mute when the nurses where striking. Lets not look at everything in terms of politics.

    • What Police? you mean those people who harass opposition leaders,scamper when they see armed robbers,bury a murdered political cadre to hide evidence? It wouldn’t make a difference if they went on strike!

  5. They deserved it period. Why going on an illegal strike? These guys went too far. Let them re-apply those who want. I am a civil servant if ZNTU will call for a national strike I will not participate in a baseless nonsensical strike.

    Peace and Prosperity to Mother Zambia.


  7. Ka Roy Mwaba Just shut the F****K up!!!! Tell your maule ku UTH to bring back all those that died during the e strike the we reinstate them!!

    • Mutembo nchito swore to hate Chiluba to his grave because he blamed him for the loss of his sister at UTH due to lack of medicines and strikes by nurses and doctors.

      So mistaken identity direct your grievances for the loss of your relatives to the authors of this confusion – the chief of confusion himself! Not the nurses, man.

    • iwe chi mistaken identity mbwa! bring them back to where? who knows may be those who died it was their time to die! who told you a nurse can bring the dead to life?! even that cronic HIV you have if time catches up with you you will just die even with a qualified nurse by your bed side! think before you comment!

  8. If this is the way we are going to deal with issues,threatening each other l see someone being cuiled in.Roy u have never supported pf.So to many of u so called learned pipo even if we need more nurses dey must stop work any time they feel like?

    • At home bwana. Why should he waste his time defending nurses who were on an illegal strike? By the way what is the tenure of office for ZCTC president and Secretary General. Hikaumba has become irrelevant to the union. ZCTU members please wake up and change your leaders. Just look at Hikahumba’s face the next time you meet him.Mambala naika weight sana. Just chewing the poor nurses monthly contributions. Abashi ZCTU.

  9. Dr Banda added that mismanaging essential labour in the health sector is not part of the Sixth National Development Plan.

    Recall that long term planning is not part of PF approach to anything, therefore this Sixth National Development Plan is a strange phenomenon for them. They only believe in 90 days theory, short term.

  10. Pathetic hypocrisy, having poked members’ contributions and signing for a 4% increament you want to turn around and pretend to be representing the interest of the members. Can you tell the Nation why a Nurse as an essential worker was allowed to go on strike? Show the people of Zambia why you think you are still relevant to the well being of the workers and society at large? To me you are just like any other scumbag.

  11. Tell me u demons,so u allow indiscipline?1 mayb wrong bt mind yo response.Mwaba,yo response is id iotic nd full of hate induced by wat u ve accumulated fro yo RB.Y can’t u engage de govt 2 a round table?As spectetors we shall c who gets mo blows.

  12. Mwaba! So much better than Hikaumba. We are tired of the Bourgeoisie intimidating the Proletariat at will. Forge on Mr. Mwaba because some things are worth fighting for. We are with you all the way.

  13. Sometimes you Zambians expect too much from Sata to reason for you. The man is literary bunkrupt upstairs and does not mean any good for Zambia. He is still living in the era of late Mobutu, Kaunda and his friend Mugabe. He wants to be hero worshiped whereby people beg for mess. Well at least Sata’s f.o.o.lishness is bringing Zambians together. There is less talk of tribalism. This is the positive side!

  14. I can’t be suprised when i hear Roy say that because he is mmd hiding in the union.Do u want tit for tat ? Bring it on ! We shall c who wins tho on the other side the patient loses the most.

  15. Of late everything Sata touches comes out with negative energy;
    1. U-turn on the constitution
    2. Firing of nurses
    3. Government to borrow more
    4. Paramount chief of the Bemba people
    5. Barotse land on aljazeel etc

    The man is a nut case!

  16. The PF is a very dull government! They have chosen petty fights over the health of Zambians. Firing nurses only results in. More misery on the sick.
    Government should instead accept the blame for being deceptive and treacherous!!!

  17. In my opinion, the ZCTU is slowly becoming irrelevant. When these nurses had gone on strike, their silence was deafening. Now it’s like they have suddenly awakened from their slumber and want to be seen to be doing something useful. Simply pathetic.

    • Roy, why didn’t you help Minister Kasonde to persuade nurses to return to work before ten days absence from duty mandatory for sacking elapsed? Now you come in to play intimidation of Govt with threats when your members illegally stayed away from work and lazily wants to be paid for laziness. Unions should fight for both workers’ rights discipline and dedication to duty and high productivity. There is need for immediate change at all Union leadership levels. I repeat, these nurses can get reinstated but should not be paid for the days they did not work, so that they do not get complacent and learn to go on legal strikes only! Some good nurses had continued to work while few bad eggs were making noise tarnishing the nursing profession.

  18. Sata messed up on this one, firing 10 is fine but firing a lot of people especially skilled ones when we don’t even have enough nurses is pathetic and uncalled for
    Why should the President behave like a Coward never address the nurse personally
    instead just put his signature. he has started a fire brace yourselves everyday he is going to be condemned on this one, this won’t go away easily.

  19. This ka Roy Mwaba is just a vuvuzela who barks louder than he can bite. The chap has become fat on workers contributions and eating with government. Those of you who are praising him. Wait and see if he will say or do anything else after this. The problem with zambians is that u believe any tough talk without actions becoz of docility…..

  20. The LT admin today must female. I mean where are my comments? Please approve all of them including the job alert i posted for nurses.

  21. Much as Government should be strongly condemned for firing Nurses, ZCTU should also share the blame and workers unions maybe they need to change ZCTU Leadership next time they have elections, this is because time and again ZCTU have failed to make sure that the negotiation they make with government benefit workers, they are not proactive in making sure government implements such deal. Why waking up when workers go on strike and now are been fired. Hikaumba and Roy Mwaba leadership should be removed.

  22. The nurses deceved to be fired.How long can you watch people dying in the name of better salaries?If such nurses went back for work,they could have killed thousand more because of frustrations.Lets be fair the way we blame government.Surely a graduate doesnt get k10 000 but a nurse wanted such monies plus allowances,God forbid.

    • You foool world over health workers get more money than others because they risk their lives everyday living is a health risk environment

  23. This is typical ‘Bark worse than bite’ thinking… What role does union have to play in all this because it now sounds as lost as ‘Hakaivotela Heka-HH’…. surely,something that even UPND condemns and someone goes ahead to support? Thats real sick…. Nursing is not a profession carried on for personal development but mainly as a service to others first… Its a job that should be done even for no pay.. How does letting people strike a NORMAL/SANE human being that striking and ‘taunting’ govt is the right thing to do? Firstly,what they are showing that they dont even know what they are worth… The reason we go to school is such that there is a distinction in not only behavior and knowhow but character…. if by virtue of qualification we will pay a nurse(diploma) then what will the…

  24. ZCTU says,

    “We have chosen the option of negotiation rather than industrial action but GOVERNMENT should not take us for granted.” Mr Mwaba, president of ZCTU said.

    The same statement was issued by the President in Mansa as he warned striking nurses EXCEPT that ZCTU substituted the word ‘NURSES ‘ with the word ‘GOVERNMENT’.

  25. Facts:

    1. Govt persistently pleaded with nurses to return to work but they refused.
    2. ZCTU was not strong enough to persuade the nurses to go back to work.
    3. ZCTUs threat to paralyse industry is neither here nor there. In any case most (83%) industry in Zambia is in private hands in Zambia and people are reasonable enough to avoid those unnecessary solidarity strikes any more.
    4. ZCTU should be careful not to be seen to incite workers as this is a very serious offence.
    5. Nurses are lucky that govt has given them an opportunity to re apply for their jobs. Let this avenue be exhausted first.
    6. I am tired!

    • Proverbs 28
      New King James Version (NKJV)
      v8: One who increases his possessions by usury and extortion
      Gathers it for him who will pity the poor.

      v14: Happy is the man who is always reverent,
      But he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity.

      v16: A ruler who lacks understanding is a great oppressor,
      But he who hates covetousness will prolong his days.

  26. But you know who trained those nurses isn’t it you and your govt but why do they act childishily they have no where to go even in your house if you are wise you discipline your children you can’t just allow them to abuse people in front of you because they are your children

  27. Zambian nurses have been geting K4000+ wen teachers and agricultural officers with same level of education were get K2800. Now that govnt has increasd pay for them nurse say ‘we cant get same salary as a teacher’. This selfish thinkn and Government shld not bow to such nonsence. Lets if ROY can do anything NOT ALL NURSES ARE FOOLISH! VIVA PF 2016! UPND scemes will nt work.

  28. Proverbs 28
    New King James Version (NKJV)
    v8: One who increases his possessions by usury and extortion
    Gathers it for him who will pity the poor.

    v14: Happy is the man who is always reverent,
    But he who hardens his heart will fall into calamity.

    v16: A ruler who lacks understanding is a great oppressor,
    But he who hates covetousness will prolong his days.

  29. Zambians, plz lets not oppose everything that govt is doing just coz we are in opposition! I lost a relative during the nurses strike and i must say it really painfull! Life is more important than money i presume! Bring back experienced patriotic retired nurses. Most of these modern young nurses just bottom power to get their fake qualifications! Fire them all!

  30. The law and discipline should be enforced. Where was Roy Mwaba with is team for more than 10 days that the nurses were on strike. Its criminal negligence for health providers to go on strike.
    I strongly believe that union leaders are to blame for 4 percent, and firing the nurses is good riddance. This great country shall never develop without discipline and this is why we are where we to day because of indiscipline.

  31. Spot on come to UK where there is displine a nurse going on strike and patients die iwe HH you even have the guts to support that evil scheme shame Ba opposition

  32. zctu you signed 4% increament why turn around today. I think you have over stayed on your positions give chance to others.

  33. Where was Roy Mwaba when these nurses were on strike? He knew that he can’t chew anything from the current government. That’s nonsense

  34. Roy,pf is not corrupt mmd. Dare do that i diot.Already u are inciting the workers.U were eating with RB and u made things difficult for pf. ‘kudelela uku.’Pf better to turn yo pangas on idi ots like this one.Are u happy to c pipo who’ ve died?

  35. If most of the comments on this blog are an indication of the caliber of present and future leaders we have, then there is no hope for my former country now or in the near future! Zambia is doooooooomed!

  36. Mr Shamenda has reacted angrily to Mr Mwaba’s statement saying ZCTU should not threaten the government.
    “What does Roy mean when he says ZCTU is considering various options in responding to government’s decision to fire nurses? What he is saying is basically a threat to an elected government. Mr Mwaba should not incite the public to turn against this government,” Mr Mwaba warned.

    “I will call Roy to verify the context in which he issued yesterday’s statement because it would be irresponsible for a union leader to use threatening language against a democratically elected government,” he said.

    Mr Shamenda said the ZCTU and the unions in the health sector should be encouraging the affected nurses to reapply and not inciting their members to turn against the government.

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