Saturday, July 27, 2024

Unpaid Zambia Railways retrenches seek Presidential intervention



Former Zambia Railways Limited (ZRL) workers who were retrenched in 1992 and have not been paid their dues are now seeking the intervention of President Michael Sata to help them get their money.

Spokesperson of about 250 former ZRL employees, Charles Mbofwana who was with Nathan Ng’uni said the former ZRL employees have waited patiently for over 20 years to be paid their money but in vain.

Mr Mbofwana said the former workers have now taken up the matter with State House with the hope that President Sata will listen to their plight and help them get their money which they worked for.

‘We have suffered a lot and this time around, we feel things will be alright because the Patriotic Front government has shown seriousness in resolving such matters and more especially the president himself whose heart is for the suffering Zambians,’ said Mr Mbofwana.

He said all the relevant government authorities including the provincial administration in Central province and Kabwe Central constituency Member of Parliament James Kapyanga were aware about the matter and that the group was just waiting for an appointment to be made for them to meet President Sata.

Mr Mbofwana explained that the group did not want to go as far as State House because the former workers had hope that their grievance could be easily handled by the authorities that be but it has taken long to be resolved, hence the affected thought of moving further by involving President Sata.

He said the affected people have had their families suffering while some of them had their children out of school due to financial problems and yet they had their money lying in Zambia Railways.

And when contacted for a comment on the matter, Central province Minister Obvious Mwaliteta confirmed that the affected former Zambia Railways workers had been to his office seeking his involvement in trying to have them paid their money.

Mr Mwaliteta however said the matter was no longer being handled by his office since State House is now involved.



  1. To start with, this issue of always saying “we are appealing to the president” is a bit too much in Zambia. Don’t you think we have put too much power in one man? Should the every section of society be dependent on decisions of the president? I think lets build capacity in institutions and also respect whatever decisions they make and leave politicians to make political decisions.

    The other thing is that am not sure how those workers managed not to get their benefits and only make noise after 20 years? That is unusual in Zambia.

  2. How can u stay 20yrs without being paid? How many governments have come in and gone for you to bring your stupidity to PF, c’mon kwateni order, us we paid Prof. Chirwa full benefits because he is educated not MBUZI ZA BANTHU IMWE

  3. This is rubbish. Allow the the prezido some peace.You chaps you finished your monies in katondo and expect our presido to bail you.Ama sausages at gabon and makulululu concumbines please muleukwatako insoni. our presido is a busy man leave me out of your social mismanagement,

  4. These former ZRL workers can be re engaged to demolish illegally built houses on the railway line in Chawama and Lilayi. These houses are built between Zesco 256kv pylons and just 15 to 20m from the rail tracks!!!!

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