Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Airtel Registers Godfrey Miyanda’s SIM card without his authorisation


Airtel HQ in Lusaka
Airtel HQ in Lusaka

Airtel Subscriber Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda has had his SIM card registered by Airtel Zambia without his authorization.

This is according to the statement made available to the media Brig General Miyanda in which he listed two SMS he got from Airtel informing him that his SIM card had been successfully registered.

Gen Miyanda is one of the people at the centre of the anti SIM card registration campaign and he is on record of stating that he does not intent to register his SIM card.

Below is the full statement

[By Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda – 19th January 2014]

I shall be giving an update on the Sim Card Crusade this week. In the meantime I wish to inform the general public of the following two mobile text messages I received from Airtel, titled SimRegister:

a. Text Number 1: “Dear Customer, we are pleased to inform you that your SIM card has been successfully registered with Airtel. Dial *538# to confirm your registration. 14.16 16 Jan [1].”
b. Text Number 2: “Dear Customer, we are pleased to inform you that your SIM card has been successfully registered with Airtel. Dial *538# to confirm your registration. 14.21 16 Jan [1].”

This is a scandal because I have not applied to Airtel or any other Service Provider nor filled in forms to register my simcards and/or other such gadgets under the Sim Card exercise. So how did Airtel successfully register my simcards? Who supplied my particulars, and, more ominously, who signed on my behalf since these forms require the signature of the applicant?

In fact this is more than just a scandal but it is a forgery. It even qualifies to be defamatory because I publicly announced that I am NOT going to register and I have NOT applied to register! How many people have been registered without applying? I have NOT and will NOT ‘dial*538#’ to confirm what I did not do.

With this revelation, it is possible to speculate that these people (government included) can assign a crime to me and say I used my phone for criminal activities. In fact they can even vote for me without my knowledge! Zambians must see why it is necessary to join the Sim card Crusade and get the Government to revisit this ill-conceived project for fund-raising.

I have written to Airtel (just as I have written to ZAMTEL on another issue – letter attached) to request them to send me a copy of the application form that I allegedly filled in, complete with my signature.

[19TH JANUARY 2014]

And Brig Gen Miyanda also challenged ZAMTEL to explain to him which terms and conditions he had violated for the company to block his ZAMTEL SIM card after he received an SMS that his SIM card with ZAMNTEL will stop working on the 1st of February if he does not register with their database.

Below is the letter he sent to ZAMTEL



13th January 2014

Messrs ZAMTEL,
c/o Message Centre (+26095199004)

Dear Sirs/Mesdames,


On 11th January 2014 I received the following SMS text/message from ZAMTEL without indicating from which ZAMTEL office or outlet it was originating other than the Message Centre celphone. I quote:

“Dear Subscriber, your SIM CARD will stop working on 1 Feb 2014, unless you are registered on the ZAMTEL KYC database . Dial *388# to check your SIM card status. Sender: Zamtel; Message Centre: +26095199004. Sent: 11.Jan.2014, 09:10:34” end of quote.

The same text/message was sent to me on 12th Jan 2014 at 09.09.24 and on 13th an 2014 at 09:23:54.

Before I can act on your message I request further information as to why and how the SIM CARD “will stop working on 1 Feb 2014”. If possible please indicate which ZAMTEL terms and conditions or regulations you are applying to “stop the SIM CARD working”. I request a written response which should be addressed to me at c/o P.O. Box 51055, Lusaka 10101.

In view of the deadline you have indicated I urge you to respond expeditiously but before the said 1st February 2014. To this end please respond within FOUR DAYS of this letter, that is from 14th January 2014. Since you already know my number please call me using the same number so that I can come to collect the response personally. Otherwise you may just post it to the above address. Should you NOT respond by the fourth day I shall assume you do not intend to respond and hence will consider other options of attending to your threat. Should you feel disposed a discussion is also welcome to avoid misunderstandings that may be read into written words.

This letter will be hand-delivered on 14th January 2014.


Cc: ZAMTEL LAMYA HOUSE, off Dedan Kimathi Road, Lusaka
Cc: ZAMTEL off Church Road, Lusaka
Cc: Director General, ZICTA, former American Embassy Building, Lusaka (Off United Nations Road)


    • Good move General. These guys already know people ‘s mobile numbers and all they want is you to append your signature so that if and when they feel like framing you for a seditious crime they can go ahead and do it. When you refuse they will say you registered and they know it s your number responsible for a particular online crime.

      People be ware of this scheme because some people are going to used as examples by the PF rogue regime.

    • His craving for attention is becoming utterly pathetic, in fact I’m starting to think he was probably deprived of attention as a child. Even if they registered him by mistake why should he run to the press before getting clarification from his service provider, is he the only subscriber? It’s to grow up Mr General Sir

    • The idea of sim card registration is itself not a bad one in a proper democracy where cell phone service providers are completely private and under no undue pressure from govt, and the judiciary is independent, because the cell phone has become a serious tool for committing crime. Regulation governing call and SMS interception or record perusal requires an order of high court before execution, but then the judiciary unlike ours should be fully INDEPENDENT.

  1. And you people back home and use that network for those indians. i feel sorry for you.iam abroad and each time i receive a sms from zambia then there will be a repetition of that sms for more than 20 imagine i receive 5 is neusceating. can some one please tell those patels.i hope the other repeated texts are not eating on the airtime of the sender



  3. Miyanda did you read the small print declaration when you agreed to use the AIRTEL sim card? Stop throwing toys out of the pram!

  4. This is a PF Govt scheme to tap and secretly survey people’s conversations. This is an invasion of privacy and every Zambian must resist this nonsense.

  5. The writing is on the wall. This is a clear case of fraud, intimidation and violation of rights and liberties of a customer by Airtel. It is very obvious that Airtel has been made to do this by Sata’s PF Govt. It is a great shame. Airtel cannot be trusted with people’s mobile Nos.

  6. When I went to replace my MTN Sim I found it registered under a female name. So u foooools if u dnt know what u doin stop inconveniencing pipo

  7. Even me, when I went to register my number and sim card I found that it was already registered. I was shocked but of course I let it pass as one of those issues I should not waste my breath on as no one will die from my registration or not-my registration. There are better things and causes to argue about and defend. Though for Miyanda, I know they may have twined his number to listen to his conversations with the view of domesticating him. They fear him …….

    All the best for this week Mother Zambia and the World at Large!

    • Same for me on one of my lines….

      Went to have it registered, and found it registered!

      I’m sure the name showing on my line must be “Sim Card Banda” ….. LOL!!

      Ni na mvela ulesi, i just went home!

  8. …And the General is right. Sata’s eccentric PF Govt is clearly not doing this in good faith at all. This is not about fighting terrorism at all, and it is not about safeguarding people’s sim cards against theft and all that nonsense. This particular case is evidence enough that Sata intends to bombard people with PF sms brain-washing information, incriminate those who resist, and rig all bye-elections, including the 2016 Presidential elections.

  9. Is this man a true General or he was just fast tracked by his cousin? I understand he has an Llb qualification, alas he thinks upside down and probably passed using the now common leakage. ‘General’ grow IP and show maturity. To mobile telecompanies stop sending general messages and target specific people. Those who feel they re too big to register their sim cards, simply cut them off at the due date. The can continue with landlines they voluntarily registered.

  10. Having worked in subscriber management of one of the first network providers,the agent can accidentally type a wrong digit leading to the above small event.1st feb please airtel no more extensions cut off comedians like this one above.last time i checked he rarely topped up,he likes Zamtel free minute, yet he wants publicity..

  11. Kekekekeke! Brg.G Miyanda u have really craked my ribs at how u now gettin on Zamtel. & jst ur argument makes sense Sir. You are a man of ur own conscience and I’m proud of u. U never moved even if you know u the only one hoding a view u believe in whether the many are doing things for sake of doing it you have taught me not to act for sake of “everyone is doing it.” Your are a real man Sir and you speaking for the silent many. U know the attitude of most Zambian they jst do stuf without raising a question and always do things out of fear to speak thus scampering from the hand of “big brother.” I’m supporting you Sir

  12. Msana sure! How old are u Sir. I’m finding ur contributions to lack lots of struck. Kindly ask those who have entered the school of political science of wht really goes on, on the political front. And on the under world of politics. Its like u were born in the 2000 and u using a borrowed Pc. There’s nothings u know on politics Sir. Apologies if I sound offensive but this is jst my opinion

  13. @kapuli….true they should already have this at Zamtel, Airtel and Mtn. if you lose a contact just dial //#921@+** wait a few secs and type the name of the person…wait avfew secs. and scroll to the contact. …and Lo and behold you can call!

  14. It might yield no results but de man has a point & its a solid one. I like ur argument General. Most of us Zambians we jst accept things for sake that authority has tod us without thinkn through or a pose as to question whts in what we being tod to do. Yes bwana yes bwana yes bwana always

    • @gadafie ,the last one we heard of was excuted and was miyanda’s class mate in training we hope you are not the same one in another form.i am Currently in Zim and even here sim regestration is mandatory,what mr miyanda is doing is just seeking unnecessary attention,if he doesn’t agree quietly he should just throw away his sims since he doesn’t want to play by the rules set by regulating authorities.

  15. And such a man wants to be President of Zambia who resists TECHNOLOGY ADVANCES?? So ignorant??Zamtel don’t resond and when he hands deliver it, make sure you tear and throw in the trash can in his presence

  16. Just register and move on. Zambia is not the only country to do that. Countries like SA did that 5yrs ago…………..

  17. kudos to Airtel, why can’t they do it for us all in order to reduce those vima queues in their shops. Imwe Ba Miyanda, you will be in the forefront complaining when your number is blocked in February. Concentrate on your campaign. not ifyo

  18. There is omething wrong with the BIG MAN to cmplain loud and clear on sm card registration. The best would have been for him to take ZICTA to task. The mobile service providers are just following what the govt feel should be done. I dont know why some people are rying to make a big issue on this exercise. Those who will not register by the stated date will have themselves to blame.

  19. Do not discount the General’s worries. I am sure you have heard about the revelations by Snowden on the NSA of USA listening in to people around the world especially world leaders.

  20. Have you ever heard of “SMS Spoofing”. Please check it on the internet.
    When ever you receive a message do not take it that it is coming from the number shown in the SMS. In the USA SMS cannot be used as evidence in the courts of law
    due to sms spoofing. There is also email spoofing check it out.

    The messages that Gen. Miyanda received could be spoofed messages and not from Airtel and if I were him I would keep quiet. The messages could be from the internet.

  21. I am trying very hard to understand the Brigadier General’s argument but I am not succeeding. I will leave the comments to bloggers who have followed his thinking. Period.

  22. On second thought, I think that the Brigadier General has too much time on his hands. How I wish I had that kind of time….!!

  23. I was expecting to read something like he had gone to airtel to verify his registration messages and give us the response he was given.But to my surprise,he is busy telling us grapevine.It is a uselless claim in my opinion becuase the best is to go to airtel and do a verification.

  24. Let the General visit Botswana or South Africa he won’t use any sim card without registration so ba General grow up baba

  25. I registered my 2 sim-cards with Zamtel in March 2013 but currently, with the *388# check, I’m told my sim-cards are not registered! This is what is bound to happen after deadline; most people would discover they are not registered after all. Their sims will not work and uproar will ensure. The exercise has not bn taken seriously even by network providers themselves. ZICTA take note. Went to Zamtel to complain but realized I was not the only one complaining. Had to re-register. Buchushi pa Zed, no redress.

  26. I wish to confirm that Brigadier General Godfrey Miyanda did not register his SIM card with Airtel and that the text messages that were sent to him were sent in error. I also wish to add that his SIM cards are accordingly not registered. We sincerely apologize for the embarrassment this circumstance has caused to him.

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