Saturday, June 1, 2024

Government concerned with mushrooming of Colleges and Universities


Government has expressed worry at the high number of Colleges and Universities mushrooming across the Country.

Ministry of Education Deputy Minister, David Mabumba says as a result of this, Government has come up with Legislation such as the Higher Education Act and the Teaching Profession Act which are aimed at regulating the Sector.

Mr. Mabumba said in Kawambwa District during a meeting with Teachers held at Kawambwa Central Secondary School recently.

ZANIS Reports that the Deputy Minister said the Higher Education Act will help to regulate the establishment, governance and management of all the Universities in the Country.

Mr. Mabumba said this will ensure that only Universities that meet the established benchmarks are allowed to operate, unlike the current trend where some Universities are running without proper infrastructure and trained lecturers.

The Deputy Minister said Parliament last year enacted the Teaching Profession Act which will usher in the use of Practicing Licence by Teachers both in Private and Public Schools.

He said it will now be mandatory for all Teachers to obtain a Teaching Licence before practicing their Trade.

The Deputy Minister said the Teaching Profession Act will bring on Board a Code of Conduct that will be issued for all the people in the Education Sector to follow.

Mr. Mabumba said as a result of the Teaching Profession Act, Government is currently in the process of constituting members of the Teaching Council which will be charged with the responsiblity of among others, accrediting all Teachers’ Colleges and Universities.

He said the Teaching Council will ensure that all the laid down benchmarks for an Institution to provide Education Training are adhered to.

Meanwhile, Government has said the Construction of Six University Infrastructures currently going on in the Country is unrivaled by any past Administration.

Ministry of Education Deputy Minister, David Mabumba says the Construction of the Universities is a great feat that requires applause from well meaning Zambians.

Mr. Mabumba said this at Saint Mary’s School for the Visually Impaired when he addressed Teaching Staff of Kawambwa District recently.

ZANIS Reports that the Deputy Minister said Government is putting up modern and infrastructure that have nevre been seen in this Country at Mukuba University, Nkwame Nkrumah University and Chalimbana University.

Mr. Mabumba named the other Universities under Construction as Palabana University, Robbert Makasa University and Paul Mushindo University.

He revealed that Government will by April this year also begin Construction of Sir King Lewanika University and Luapula University.

Mr. Mabumba also said Government has merged the Luanshya Technical and Vocational Training College( TVTC), the Luanshya Business College and the In-Service Training College to form a Polytechnic.

He said the Polytechnic will be offering Degree Courses in Design and Technology, Business Studies and many other Courses.

Mr. Mabumba challenged Teachers to position themselves properly by advancing their Academic Qualifications so that the could get Lecturing jobs in the Universities under construction.

He said the Universities will requires workers in thousands for them to operate effectively.


  1. Well done. But open more Universities offering SCIENTIFIC DEGREES.

    Not just of the Mgt Degrees which do not BRING SUSTAINABLE DEVELOPMENT.
    Let them give Quality Education too.
    The infracture shouldnt CHINESE where after few years we start RENOVATING THEM. Make them sustainable…..!!!

    • @Jo,
      The two universities you are mentioning cannot cope up with our current population for people who have qualification for university requirement. What is needed is strong regulations that will ensure that standards are met for a college or university

    • After openning those universities, just shut down all private universities and colleges, we have worsted enough money to our relatives.

    • @Nostradamus. Tekanya mune. I ve never known you to be a bitter blogger. I agree about money wasted.

      BUT the solution is NOT closing these institutions. Rather govt must provide stringent and NO-Nonsense quality control parameters and strict monitoring. Only institutions providing qualifications accredited from well known Universities must be allowed to operate – and encouraged.

      Govt alone CAN NEVER Satisfy the nation’s need for education.

    • Oh yeah, but I think government should open Universities offering practical studies such as design, painting, decor, drawing, architecture, film acting, music , sports science as opposed to the many institutions offering theories in management, sociology, demography, geography, physics, chemistry, mathematics, biology. Our indudtrial base is so low that may of the sciences we learn become useless we get to the work place.

      I would rather we have more technicians doing plumbing, electricals, bricklaying, capentry etc than some of the professions we have had. What I am saying is that we need both in great numbers. Not just academic subjects but also vocational skills development. That is what we are doing as PF!

  2. The private sector where just filling in the huge gap left by the clueless MMD.

    There is more to education regulation than making acts in parliament.

    And I totally agree with you G, science degrees please not vikwakwa degrees!

  3. I thought in each Province a University must be built, for instance, North Western Province in Solwezi in particular a university must be built. The place where Solwezi Trades school is is big enough to accommodate the university. Why cant you build a university in Eastern Province? How many secondary schools are in these provinces? There are mines in North Western Province and this will allow many people to go to the university and not only Copperbelt University and University of Zambia to go and study these mine related courses.

    I am a lay man, but that is my mind according to the wisdom I have. May God bless Zambia and give wisdom, knowledge and understanding including the humility of heart to our leaders in this country from the President to the Councillor in Jesus’ Name.

    • That is the ideal thing to do. And that is the policy direction. AT LEAST ONE UNIVERSITY PER PROVINCE. But in terms of implementation, there has to be a starting point. You may actually get the best deal of this bargain because lessons would have been learnt from other universities.

  4. The govt should not be WORRIED by the mushrooming of so many private colleges and universities. The use of the word “WORRY” brings out a negative connotation.

    They must be instead be happy BUT, BUT, BUT take this opportunity to put in stringent accreditation and monitoring measures to ensure high quality training.

    No where in the world can the govt alone adequately satisfy the thirst for education hence the need to promote and support private institutions.

    Analysis of the recent Grade 9 and 12 results showed that private schools do better that govt schools

  5. Teaching licenses no teacher will go on strike.If you go on strike your teaching license is revoked which you as a teacher can not or will not work anywhere without a license. End of strikes not how meagre your salary is, You strike we revoke your teaching license so we will introduce licenses among the nurses watch our pace.

  6. Lets nature achievement in Zambia just like other successful countries. Provide Scholarships to say 10 best performing grade 12 students (gender aspect taken into account) in each province every year. This could be under a Presidential scholarship initiative to ensure a sense patriotism to the country. Zimbabwe, South Africa and many other countries have this and the awards are given wide media coverage to encourage other students to perform well.

  7. I have been telling you that PF is a tribal party. 3 universities in what was then known as Luapula when there’s no govt built university in SP, NWP and EP? This is why a federal system of govt is needed in Zambia.

  8. from CBU i went and lectured at Copperstone University. I tell you that Mundia is crooked chap.He used me ,and i was marking master degree papers which he was teaching because he does not even have a so called degree.All these so called private Universities feck.

  9. Zambian Govt of interesting why does it encourage opening up colleges which don’t offer BSc programmes ?when it employing BSc holders?

  10. Indeed lately we have seen the mushrooming of universities in Muchinga and Luapula.
    If Gvt is serious it must realise that a University is not like a hospital which may be located anywhere. Universities need to be located in areas where services and amenities already exist unless the intention is to establish universty towns – and I doubt if our gvt has the resources to do that. The danger therefore is that universties located in Muchinga and other rural areas may not be able to attract competent lectures. Lectures need good schools to send their children to, hospitals, shopping malls, cinemas, nice pubs etc, all which are non existent in those rural areas.

  11. @abena digas, you dont know that many professions such as nursing and law are required to have a practicing licence but they also go on strikes because they belong to Unions

    • And University of Lusaka, cavendish, Liuteb, St Eugene, Copperstone, Northrise appear in the top 60 in Africa? kikikikiki ….at least UNZA appears in the top 100…. the only University in zambia in the top 100. Others will not even appear in the top 1000 in Africa!!!!

  12. My My My,Kwena ni pa Zed! You mean we don’t have a regulatory unit at the Ministry if higher education that regulates and gives licences to institutions.
    So we are just putting up structures anywhere without evening considering the locations.
    And why are the majority of universities being constructed in bemba land.How many universities are going to be built in Luapula province?North Western,Southern or Eastern Province?

  13. Government shouldn’t be worried with the mushrooming of private universities & colleges because these are supplementing government efforts in providing quality education. What needs to be done is to check on their standards otherwise they are a filling a gap in according a lot of people attain tertiary education.

  14. Perfection is not a realistic goal to pursue in Higher Education. What is needed is excellence. As the newly found freedom grows, then you will certainly find some teething problems. The solution here is to create scope for capacity building at institutional level. This will include regular advise, consultations, inspections, visits, etc. Where feasible and possible, some grants, loans and other forms of financial, personnel and material resources will be provided by government. Education is critical for national development. Therefore, some patience and tolerance are necessary. That is called pragmatism.

  15. “Mr. Mabumba also said Government has merged the Luanshya Technical and Vocational Training College( TVTC), the Luanshya Business College and the In-Service Training College to form a Polytechnic.”

    …really?? What’s it called? This merger was supposed to happen two years ago, but I can’t find any information about it anywhere online.

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