Saturday, July 27, 2024

U.S. and U.K. Announce Additional $10 million for Helping Survivors of Gender-Based Violence


LUSAKA – At today’s launch of the Ng’ombe Clinic One-Stop Center, the U.S. Agency for International Development (USAID) and the U.K. Department for International Development (DFID) announced an additional $10.2 million in funding to fight gender-based violence and give survivors greater access to clinical services. These supplementary funds, provided by DFID through USAID, will, with the support of the Ministry of Health, double the number of one-stop centers across Zambia from 8 to 16.

Gender-based violence (GBV) is a serious global health and human rights scourge that knows no social, economic, or political boundaries. The Zambian government is taking great strides to combat GBV and encourages international partners to join the fight. The 2007 Zambia Demographic and Health Survey indicated that almost half of all women suffered some form of physical violence. One-stop centers have been set up to help survivors of GBV. Today, USAID, with funding from the U.S. President’s Emergency Plan for AIDS Relief (PEPFAR), DFID, and the Zambian government opened one-stop center No. 8 in the Ng’ombe compound area of Lusaka. The new center is administered by World Vision through the GBV Survivor Support project, which is one of three U.S. and U.K. government-funded sexual- and gender-based violence prevention and response programs in Zambia.

“The United States is pleased to join the Ministry of Health’s fight against GBV through the continued expansion of the one-stop centers at health clinics,” commented USAID/Zambia Mission Director Dr. Susan K. Brems. “Through the Zambian government’s initiative and leadership in placing medical care and access to police and legal services in one location, together we are able to serve the broader community. People at every level have a role to play in stopping gender-based violence in their communities.”

The Head of DFID Zambia, Kevin Quinlan, added, “Globally one in three women is beaten or sexually abused in her lifetime. Violence is used to intimidate, humiliate and discredit women, forcing them into silent second-class citizenship. The time for suffering in silence is over. That is why the U.K. government is pleased to support the Zambian government to eliminate gender-based violence in the country.”

As a successful model for an integrated response to sexual- and gender-based violence, the one-stop centers are the first of their kind in Zambia and have been developed to ensure prompt and comprehensive services to survivors of violence. Each one-stop center offers survivors a multitude of services: medical help from professionals; collection of criminal evidence by police; legal advice and crime reporting guidance; and psychological care through counseling and access to survivor support groups.

In addition to the GBV Survivor Support project, USAID, through PEPFAR and DFID, funds the GBV Access to Justice and GBV Prevention and Advocacy projects. With $27.4 million in funding over a five-year period, from 2013 to 2018, the three GBV projects will reach five million adults and children with preventive messages, assist 47,000 survivors, and train 160 police and 65 prosecutorial personnel.


    • Madam Mushota please, we are not children. Who is a real man and who is a real woman?

      Read Geneis 6 verse 5-8 (NIV). God is not talking about the human race and not men as in male. WOMEN and MEN are both capable of evil. What we are fighting in society today is evil of which the symptoms include violence against women, abortion, gayism, lesbianism, adultery (takes 2 to agree), greed for money, hate of spouse’s relatives fearing they will claim a piece of husband’s wealth etc. When a female spouse dies the widower does not automatically inherit – the relatives grab and no our society sees nothing wrong. The other way is the opposite even when the couple has no children. Are women really innocent????

    • Sorry, I meant, “Read Geneis 6 verse 5-8 (NIV). God IS TALKING ABOUT THE HUMAN RACE…not just about men as in male”

  1. Men are victims today because of the stereotype that it is only men who terrorise women.

    It is not the masculinity which is a problem but the tongue. Our women have used the power of the tongue to twist and torment our sons, fathers, uncles, brothers and grandfathers. Have you not noticed that households with the following attributes have been stable:

    – husband is a bully but is also rich?
    – husband does not keep his brothers, sisters and relatives?
    – wife does not work or if working earns too little to sustain herself?
    – husband earns far much more than the wife?
    – husband lavishes wife with grand gifts. No word will be raised by wife against abuse including physical violence against her.
    On the other hand no marriage lasts where:
    – wife works and husband loses a job.

  2. # let me say this# shut up! You are an example of what is wrong with this world today. How dare you? Women and children have been at the heart of violence for centuries and all you can do is ignore that and quote a verse from the Bible. Research statistics you moron.

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