Wednesday, October 23, 2024

Former PF strong man to head Zambia Railways Board board


Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga (centre) poses for a photograph with new Zambia Railways board members at his office in Lusaka
Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga (centre) poses for a photograph with new Zambia Railways board members at his office in Lusaka

Former PF Lusaka Province Chairman Davies Chama has been appointed Chairperson of the new Zambia Railways Board of Directors.

Transport, Communications Works and Supply Minister Yamfwa Mukanga unveiled the new nine member board in Lusaka and urged the members to ensure that Zambia Railways improves service delivery.

Other board members are former PF Ndola Central Member of Parliament Max Mushili, UNZA Vice Chancellor Professor Stephen Simukanga, Engineer Famous Kabwe, Ms Violent Kabwe and Moonde Jane Limbali.

Others are Attorney General Mumba Malila, Finance Permanent Secretary Pamela Chibonga Kabamba and Transport Permanent Secretary Charles Sipanje.

Mr Mukanga said Government has seen an improvement in the performance of Zambia Railways since Government took over the firm.

“Therefore with your appointment, we expect Zambia Railways to perform even better than it is now doing because you will provide leadership to the management.

ZRL is an important firm which is meant to transport heavy goods as a Government, we are looking forward to improving the services in order to ensure that the company is able to attract the market,” Mr Mukanga said.

Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga (right) shakes hands with new Zambia Railways Board Members Stephe Simukanga as others look on in Lusaka
Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga (right) shakes hands with new Zambia Railways Board Members Stephe Simukanga as others look on in Lusaka
Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga (right) shakes hands with new Zambia Railways Board Chairperson Davies Chama at his office in Lusaka
Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga (right) shakes hands with new Zambia Railways Board Chairperson Davies Chama at his office in Lusaka
Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga (left) addresses new Zambia Railways Board members at his office as the new Board Chairperson Davies Chama looks on in Lusaka
Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga (left) addresses new Zambia Railways Board members at his office as the new Board Chairperson Davies Chama looks on in Lusaka
Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga welcomes new Zambia Railways board members to his office in Lusaka
Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga welcomes new Zambia Railways board members to his office in Lusaka
Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga addresses new Zambia Railways board members at his office in Lusaka
Transport, Works, Supply and Communications Minister Yamfwa Mukanga addresses new Zambia Railways board members at his office in Lusaka


    • Pay attention:

      AN effective government is one where the incumbent president and his Cabinet should identify policy priority goals and the agencies responsible for meeting them, this is effectively what has separated the PF government from any conventional governments beforehand.
      It is one where Designation and empowerment is evident such as the small scale farmers who are thought to be happier now than any time during the last 30 years or so

      An affective government does not trifle with freedom, here we have the PF allowing the birth of press freedom than at any stage in Zambia’s history there are in volume terms more newspapers associated to Zambia being printed than at any stage in Zambia’s history

    • People are driving better cars now, I am told even X5 are there, do you think during MMD this would have happened.

      My point is, ‘If it not broken, do not fix it’ and be careful with what you wish for.
      And Nick keep saying to me, the devil you know is better than the one you don’t…

      Please keep PF till 2021 earliest


    • I am curious to see how much Mushota and Saulosi are paid to blog on behalf of PF. Anyone want to take a guess? My guess is, it’s got to be very good money in order for one to abandon one’s life and stay on a computer 24/7. I would ask for atleast $5000 per month if I was either Mushota or Saulosi. It’s not an easy job to defend the gvt of the day especially PF when this could be the gvt officials job. I would say you two and many PF bloggers does a better job than some of the PF ministers. You deserve a pay raise. Just saying!

    • @Nkalanda, why have you left out Jay jay, ndobo and nastrodimus who literally do not even have time to bath and are busy insulting on internet.

    • Surely, prof.simukanga could he not have pushed names of lecturers from the department of mechanical engineering at unza than accepting the job for himself. Go to the unza website and see how many compitent lecturers we have in that department.

    • I thought fye fye fye was a laughter… laughing at how pictures on the wall Mukanga’s office are crooked. What kind of engineer is Mukanga, who can’t even make things straight.
      And who are in those pictures, board members? There is no Sata’s portrait there.

  1. If he cannot put photos on the wall in a straight line, what can he straighten, this engineer minister? That is why Chirwa says that Zambian engineers are spanner boys.

    • Good observation my dear. Those are just of sloppiness and lack of attention to detail by the so called Engineer Minister. I think he just cleared with a Pass and he wouldn’t even qualify to work in the Industry , but be just a politician

    • Mwebantu this is a board. It is not at the operational level. We should get worried about the CEO not being a progressive engineer

  2. There goes another PF cadre…enough said…”a country of sheep will one day be ruled by wolves”…wake up people

  3. Sata has managed to divede the Tongas and Bembas. That was his greatest wish before his death.

  4. another cadre chairman. what value to these cadres bring to our parastatal institutions ? and these are supposed to offer policy direction to the company. will this country develop like this sure, where nepotism and cadrelism supersede intellectualism

  5. LT what about telling us the qualifications that Davies Chama has instead of rushing into labeling him with that PF tag ? This sensational reporting you have started of late is becoming pathetic.

    • Imwe please, which media will you ever appreciate? So, all PF cadres and their leaders only want a media that supports them!!!! Even if you want dictatorship to flourish, remember that Zambia is a democratic country. Lets embrace diversity of thoughts and the independence of the media.

    • @Bob….LT has always been good when it comes to balanced reporting, but of late they have been trying to be Zambian watchdog wanna be’s.I believe that every paper/media must have its own style.Like in this case they are just reporting about his association with PF without looking into his academic credentials.This kind of reporting is sending a message that his appointments is not on merit but on partisan lines.High time we stopped putting politics in everything.

    • I am curious to see how much Mushota and Saulosi are paid to blog on behalf of PF. Anyone want to take a guess? My guess is, it’s got to be very good money in order for one to abandon one’s life and stay on a computer 24/7. I would ask for atleast $5000 per month if I was either Mushota or Saulosi. It’s not an easy job to defend the gvt of the day especially PF when this could be the gvt officials job. I would say you two and many PF bloggers does a better job than some of the PF ministers. You deserve a pay raise. Just saying!

  6. Ninshi aba bemba ababakofye.Parastatals had failed during kk bcz of these kind of appointments.

  7. In our time ZR used to function well when all the employees from the top to the toilet cleaner were Tongas. The Hitima (Chalonga ndime chalonga oyu) used to function on time and it used to ferry stolen cattle from Botswana.

    • Yes I remember you were doing a very good job of swapping the fat cows in transit with the thin ones from some known local farms.

  8. Sailosi @9.2
    You PF cadres are amazing.You accuse LT of politicking when you have a cadre being appointed to head a board of a strategic parastatal?In the picture is another cadre Sipanje who is PS Ministry of Transport.PS office is supposed to be for Technocrats and not Cadres.I suppose you see nothing wrong.

  9. Bringing ZRL into perspective again is one of the greatest achievements of government. Please work harder and prove that ZRL is great.

  10. Congratulation Abakulu ba Mwefu. (You should know the writer)
    I trust that you will rise to the challenge. How sweet it is to see the confidence to stand among the top and highly qualified men and women in Zambia.
    I have no doubt that you possess leadership qualities. This is an inspiration that our time to take over the running of the country has just arrived. I am coming as back to take over as Executive Director of one named instution, its just a matter of time.
    What more cano ne say,
    Ala-kutali twafuma. I am sure I am the only one that can trace your successes up to those strategic level.
    Congratulation again

  11. Kwacha trading at K11.011 to a pound and K6.650 to a dollar. With such appointments you think the kwacha will ever stabilise?

  12. Non issue; the CEO is key rather than a Board Member. Besides, all major decisions at Zambia Railways are probably made at State House. I’d be surprised if the government didn’t hire a consultant to oversee all infrastructure projects, especially with the Euro Bond.

  13. Oh dear Violet Kabwe is still alive! (Looks finished though) she is Satas niece, the one he took to Medical Stores as MD when he was Minister of Health and we all remember what happened there…Nepotism at its best. Anyway all this is very very shortlived. So enjoy while it lasts.

  14. No body with a weave has ever invented anything. Even weave wearing cleopatra inherited the Pharaoh-ship and became Who-re-ish while a leader of a great civilization.

  15. The board provide direction to mgt and CEO and so you need strategic thinkers on the board to help ensure credible leadership by mgt otherwise its rubber stamp and more money in the pocket as usual!

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