Sunday, June 16, 2024

Include computer lessons into the Zambian school syllabus-Sampa


Commerce, Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Miles Sampa
Commerce, Trade and Industry Deputy Minister Miles Sampa

Matero Member of Parliament Miles Sampa has called for the inclusion of Computer lessons into the Zambian school syllabus.

Mr Sampa said the ever evolving technological advancement in today’s world demands school pupils to be computer literate.

Mr Sampa who is also Commerce, Trade and Industry Deputy Minister made the call in Lusaka today when he officiated at the launch of the MTN “21 days of Yellow Care” that will see the company’s employees conduct computer lessons at three selected schools in Matero Constituency for the next 21 days.

The Matero Parliamentarian was also delighted that the company will donate 10 computers to one of the three schools.

The schools are Mulongoti, Hillside and George Primary Schools.

And speaking on behalf of MTN Chief Executive Officer Abdul Ismail, Clement Asante said there is urgent need to address the low levels of Information Communication Technology (ICT) knowledge in Zambia.

He attributed the low ICT literate levels in the country to lack of exposure to technology adding that MTN was trying to bridge that gap through initiatives such as the 21 Days of Yellow Care.

And Lusaka District Education Board Secretary (DEBS) Grace Banda said the move by MTN will enable pupils have hands-on computer lessons.

Ms Banda said the initiative by the phone service provider is timely as it comes at a time when most schools are introducing computer lessons in their schools.

She commended MTN for supplementing government efforts in the provision of quality education to pupils.


  1. This is a good suggestion — now we just have to lobby Micro$oft to include Bemba, Tonga, Lozi and Nyanja in their next release of Windows and we’ll be good to go!


    • You don’t need to computer lessons, on *****s think like that, even Bill Gates himself didn’t learn in school. Learn to WRITE and READ.
      How are people managing to text on phones in villages? You will need phone lessons in schools too?
      Some of you went to school to learn how to use computer, I didn’t.

  2. Ba MTN nabeve, only three schools sure, for all they are reaping from Zambia! So, what impact will that have on computer litracy in Zambia, if I may ask? I think the Minister is correct, if not already late; it should be country wide – in local languages, ofcourse.

  3. Promote your zambian languages in all that you do don’t think behind you can’t depend on your colonial masters for everything you need to be enovetive to develope and explore more

  4. Hon Sampa, computer lessons are already in the new curriculum please orient yourself with the PF education policy

  5. I like the idea. But ba PF need to do more than this, first, the constitution, the kwacha issue. May be after 2016.

  6. Why do we have black africans and foreigners in top MTN positions? u mean we cant have a Mwanza ‘, Tembo to be CEO OF MTN unless ASANTE? U PEOPLE u dont rememmber how Ghana denied u a place in 2014 world cup and u bring their people here??

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