Sunday, June 16, 2024

ZCSD backs FODEP in refusing to register under the NGO act


The Zambia Centre for Social Development ZCSD has backed sentiments echoed by their counterpart Foundation for Democratic Process that government is westing its time in threatening NGOs that have not registered under the controversial NGO act No 16 of 2009 with de-registration.

Speaking in an interview ZCSD Executive Director Lewis Mwape said the threats are baseless as there is no way government through the Ministry of Community Development can de-register organisations that are not registered with them.

Mr. Mwape likened the threats to a man who tries to divorce a woman who he is not married to something he said is impossible as one can only divorce someone he/she is married to.

He reiterated that their resolve as NGOs still remains the same and that they will not bow down to pressure nor be intimidated with what he termed “miscommunication” of sending threatening letters to organisations that are not registered with the ministry.

“For us what we think is that the issue of threatening NGOs with de-registration is neither here nor there because in the first place how can you de-register an organisation that is not registered with you? How can you divorce a woman that you have not married? How can you de-register an organisation that you have not registered?” Wondered Mr. Mwape.

He added, ” so its misplaced communication that the ministry is trying to threaten our members with de-registration which is unfortunate and we urge the ministry to suspend the exercise us it will not take them anywhere.”

And Mr. Mwape has questioned how government intends to de-register them when they are registered under the company’s act.

Mr. Mwape’s comments fellows government’s threats that it will de-register any NGO that has not registered with the NGO act No 16 of 2009 to which the NGOs have refused to do so even after government extended the registration period.

The NGOs have called for the repeal of the act as they consider it to be unfriendly to the free and independent operations of NGOs in the country and that it will be used by government to control them as well as stifle their freedom.


  1. Just register what are you afraid of! by not registering then you know you are up to no Good. Anywhere you go, there is regulation to protect the weak. Self regulation is Zambia has failed on account of some NGOs siding with Political parties. Bravo Government!

  2. NGOs looking for confrontation with government are defeating their purpose of complementing government efforts in national development. The Black Market mentality is not right. Registration is premised on legally defined rights and responsibilities for all NGOs. This is all about Law and Order.

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