Saturday, July 27, 2024

PF neglecting opposition strong holds-Nevers Mumba


Dr Nevers Mumba welcomed by members in Serenje
Dr Nevers Mumba welcomed by members in Serenje

MMD leader Dr Nevers Mumba has accused the ruling PF of neglecting to develop opposition dominated areas of the country.

Dr Mumba has since urged MMD members in Central Province where he is currently touring to be firm when demanding for their share of development from the PF administration.

Addressing party officials from Serenje and Muchinga constituencies, Dr. Mumba said the PF government does not respond to the cries of the people without being pushed.

Dr Mumba charged that the PF leadership does not care about the people from the opposition areas hence the need for party officials to help their people in demanding for their share of development.

“The PF only works when pushed. These are people who don’t hear citizens when they cry. So you the leaders here have to push for development to take place. The PF have to take development everywhere including here,” Dr Mumba said.

Dr. Mumba also advised the MMD officials not to be scared of the Zambia Police Service as they go about reorganizing the party.

And Dr Mumba has lashed at the Zambia Police Service for blocking opposition meetings whilst allowing PF Secretary General Wynter Kabimba to traverse the country holding campaign meetings.

He also challenged the PF Ministers to prove that the ruling party is not just about Mr Kabimba.

Dr. Mumba observed that while the PF Government is busy stopping opposition leaders from meeting their members, Mr Kabimba is busy campaigning around the country as if he is the only Minister serving in the PF Government.

He further charged that Mr. Kabimba is addressing rallies and holding meetings without police permits while opposition leaders have been harassed by police on instructions from the top leadership in Lusaka.

“Every day it is Wynter Kabimba on TV, Wynter Kabimba in the Daily Mail, the Times of Zambia and Wynter Kabimba everywhere. Where are the other Ministers? Is PF only made up of Wynter Kabimba?”


  1. That’s why the Peoples’ Fault(PF) Government is just a One-Term Govt.Even their Party Symbol of a fist,confirms that it’s only 5 years,

  2. true, but they forget it is not party funds that are being used but money from the Zambian coffers paid from taxes even from the opposition:

  3. PF is a selective govt, the public media enjoying taxpayers money shld be partial and provide equal and balanced coverage to all political parties.

  4. Let Dora Siliya now show case that she can mobilize the party.Leadership can be seen,not necessarilly at Presidential level.Let Siliya come out in the open with those dream leaders so that we know them.They say a bird in hand is better than 2 or more in the bush.For now the Leader we have is Dr Mumba.We can not afford to lose him when we don’t know those leaders Dora wants.They also say that:You only appreciate something/someone when you lose it/him or her respectively.

  5. Ok. Which province is the Government constructing a new University? Something which MMD failed to do in 20 years! And didn’t I read in another story, which has now been removed from the front page by LT, that Government is investing K300,000 to set up a water and sanitation firm in the same province? This is the reason why Dora et al want this chap out! Pathetic! Imagine MMD official in Muchinga trying to tell people that PF has not taken any development there and yet they can see a new University in the background.

    • Zon, you have misread President Nevers Mumba’s statement. He is referring to Muchinga Constituency in Serenje which is MMD and not Muchinga province. Please re write your post.

    • Zon,you’re very wrong.The economic circumstances the MMD took over from UNIP in1991 are not the same when PF took over from MMD in2011.In 1991,MMD found a run down economy and they tried to put most of the Macro- Economic Fundamentals as a basis of Economic development.So it was easier for the PF to just proceed with the developmental programs MMD left.UNIP left no developmental agenda.PF actually has failed without any PF original ideas.Even the construction of porovincial universities is MMD agenda.

  6. Its good that Doc MUMBA has been set free to fly work. Dora had tied him to her apron strings trying to control him. She is not a person who works well with other people. She always wants her way.

    Now that she failed to get rid of Nevers she is trying to entice RB to come back because she is broke and wants the money that RB’s sons have.

    Let RB rest in peace. His sons puts him in a lot of problems we all know that. At least Nevers is not part of the old corrupt MMD. It’s a pity that that respectable people like CHITUWO could not see the trap she set for them.

  7. “The PF only works when pushed. These are people who don’t hear citizens when they cry. So you the leaders here have to push for development to take place. The PF have to take development everywhere including here,”


  8. One thing about Dr Mumba statement that intrigues me is that he is confirming
    that the PF government is truly developing this country albeit selectively.In 2016 wina azakalila.

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