Saturday, July 27, 2024

I cannot serve under any other president other than Mr Sata-Wynter Kabimba


PATRIOTIC Front Secretary General, Wynter Kabimba and Eastern Province Interim Party Chairperson, Lameck Mangani, listen to questions from party members during a meeting at Luangwa House in Chipata
PATRIOTIC Front Secretary General, Wynter Kabimba and Eastern Province
Interim Party Chairperson, Lameck Mangani, listen to questions from
party members during a meeting at Luangwa House in Chipata

MINISTER of Justice Wynter Kabimba has said that he will resign if President Sata steps down.

Mr Kabimba said that he cannot serve under any other president but Mr Sata because President Sata tolerates him.

“President Sata is like my father or uncle. I have known him for over 30 years. He is a good man who tolerates me,” Mr Kabimba said.

“When President Sata sends me around the country to mobilise the party, some people peddle lies that I am campaigning to be President. That’s nonsense!” he said.

Mr Kabimba said he is not interested in positions but to see that the PF grows and continues to serve the interests of Zambians.

He appealed to new PF members to have respect for long-serving members, who he said sacrificed a lot for the party.

“People like Judge Ngoma and Jimmy Nyirenda laid down their lives for Michael Sata and this party. We ought to respect these guys. Some people who sacrificed for PF have not yet even benefited,” Mr Kabimba said.

A heavy police presence under the command of deputy provincial commissioner of police Hudson Namachila and the PF security detail led by Judge Ngoma kept the rowdy crowd under control.

Two factions had positioned themselves to clash over differences of leadership.

Meanwhile, Mr Kabimba has ordered members of the party using President Sata’s name to commit wrong things to immediately stop or leave the party.

Mr Kabimba said he is aware that a lot of people are using the President’s name to promote personal agendas.

He was speaking at a heated meeting between two PF factions held at Luangwa House, where there was heavy presence of police.

“Let us not spoil the name of President Sata by using it to do wrong things. We need to respect our President,” Mr Kabimba said.

He said a known person in Eastern Province is using President Sata’s name and running a group called Jimbos that is harassing and maiming innocent people.

“We can’t allow drunken thugs running amok with pangas and even firearms maiming innocent women. We have a police service in this country to protect the people,” Mr Kabimba said.

He has since ordered the police to arrest the Jimbos and their leader if they continue with their activities.

PATRIOTIC Front Secretary General, Wynter Kabimba, addresses party cadres at Luangwa House in Chipata on Thursday. The meeting was aimed at ironing out wrangles that have rocked the party in Eastern Province.
PATRIOTIC Front Secretary General, Wynter Kabimba, addresses party
cadres at Luangwa House in Chipata on Thursday. The meeting was aimed
at ironing out wrangles that have rocked the party in Eastern


  1. He is effectively saying, he will be the PF presidential candidate after Sata. Further his sentiments are childish as they go to prove his relationship with the Head of State is personal and not professional. This explains Wynter’s lack of objectivity.

    • What Kabimba means, is that it can only be Sata or Kabimba himself as president. But this unholy alliance will disintegrate once very soon. Zambia remains, while individuals and their parties will go.

    • I’ve been praying for two and a half years straight this party to self destruct. Wow! God is great!!!!

    • Birds of the same feathers flock together.You can only work with a retard CNP Charlie Katongo Mwango without manners and morals.Since you also said at ZNBC that there’re no morals in politics.Your team is Darkness to Darkness.Light and Darkness don’t mix

    • For sure HE President Sata tolerates your nonsense. So you know post him, there is no political career for you, what a great relief for mother Zambia. I hope you are live to the fact that you do not have a following for national presidency…

    • I hear Winter is a lawyer, I wonder how? because the man sounds like……? It’s true no wiser leader would appoint you sir for any position .

    • kabimbanomics at work. yes you will never work under any other president coz the next president wont take you on. you cant win if you stood as a candidate under which ever party

  2. Seriously speaking i feel sorry for Kabimba.If Sata is his idol as he continuosly claims he needs help.The man cant smell the coffee.Very few pipo want Sata and for him to continue heaaping praises on Sata is political suicide

    • “He has since ordered the police to arrest the Jimbos and their leader if they continue with their activities” – Kabimba (End Quote).
      It is saddening that the Justice Minister can himself perverse the provisions of justice by letting his fellow cadres (Jimbos) go scott-free for the injustices already committed to ordinary citizens.
      He has effectively manifested his incompetence to continue minister of justice but rather as Minister of Injustice.

  3. l hate Kabimbas axcent, he speaks like a village
    headman. let him continue worshiping Charlie Katongo.



  4. And since sata is dying before 2016 it means that you will be at the top. Simply and plain. But what you dont realise is that you are a poltical reject. And You come from a small tribe in Zambia. The day Sata is no more , all daggers will be drawn at you small boy.

    • The man , a chief of darkness has brought grief and missery upon masses. His timely eminent death will bring economic, political and social redemption. .UPON his tombstone the words shall read. HERES LIES A CONMAN WHO CHEATED ZAMBIANS ABOUT THE NINTY DAYS . more money in the pocket, new constitution, windfall taxes, barotse aggreement.

  5. P.F, party of Anarchy.
    JIMBOS. Just another bunch of P.F uneducated Militia Thugs, terrorising innocent Citizens. When Zambian’s voted P.F to office, I bet this is not what they had in mind. Surely if crimes have been committed, the Guilty should not be warned, but locked up & charged. That’s how a proper functioning Government rules!
    I would have expected P.F, & their Cadre sycophant Police force to arrest such Criminals, but Panga Fraternity only issues veiled warnings.
    I know how these useless Over bloated Nsima filled Police officers would have acted, had these crimes been committed by opposition members – “Faster than a speeding bullet” to ensure quick arrests!!

    • Blah,blah,blah,blah,blah………………..Its so amusing that you buffons think PF wont scoop 2016 elec.You pphillistines ‘re so dim that you really can’t see any form of development.You so self centered that you just want your families to develop and not national wide like PF is doing,mwanya mukalabosafye ififine

  6. Why are all online publications giving this juju man red lips kabimba so much coverage.The ***** will never become president of Zambia.Red lips can only be president of Masebos private parts period.

  7. WTF???!
    That you never get to hear from real patriotic men with the aim to serve Thierry land!
    In a Normal office of service or political arena, that is solid proof why you should be fired! You are serving a friend en not the People or the country!
    I schudder to hear such statements of indiscipline coming from a lawyer, you should know better sir! Your words are incliminating. Their are ethical cords of conduct in every work place…… Never have any personal relationship or recieve gifts from your boss!
    Mind you, you are not there to serve Sata, but the country en the People, you can be under anyone’s leadership but your sole purpose is greater than your relationship with your boss. Am falling to understand how you can be so proud of such, soething is very wrong here!

  8. Wynter Kabimba , your fake loyalty is all to obvious , it cant take even the old man to see that you are a joker who intends to decive the old man and all in PF , What your real agenda is . This is more than embarrasing. every other day you declare that Sata is your father … your uncle , your whatever … that is not only childish . your ambitions are clear, the rumours abouty your witchcraft etc (they say theres no smoke with out fire) the rumours and your utterances speak volumes. Ati “i will not serve under any other president ” of course you wont . who would allow such nonsense.

  9. Such sweeping statements can only come from a sick or mad person. If this is the Kabimba feels, he might as well apply to be Sata’s garden boy.

  10. “We can’t allow drunken thugs running amok with pangas and even firearms maiming innocent women.” hahaha – but this description fits PF in general and Judge Ngoma in particular!! so, what exactly are you saying ‘Summer’ Kabimba?

  11. This goes to show the quality of leaders we have put in place to rule our country.Ati Minister of justice, Mumba Kapumpa ni Ambassador,that spent force going to Russia.2016 is VERY far.

  12. Its because you are a beneficiary of the wrongs. We are aware of Ilunda Chalo where you are both directors with Michael Sata.

  13. That is why there is chaos in the country.You can not have a dull lawyer misleading a fontini kateka


  15. Keep that skeleton called Charles Michael Katongo Mwango Sata in state house. Dont let it venture out. It is the cause for the depreciation of the kwacha.

  16. “Mr Kabimba said that he cannot serve under any other president but Mr Sata.”

    Probably he meant to say he can’t SURVIVE under any other president but Mr Sata. That sounds more like it.

  17. @ 6.1 Chief of Grief, take some paracetamol to calm down, grief will consume you to death. Be aware Sata MUYASHI be ready for that news as it comes. Zambia has/will be ruled by others other than Sata, why should you lament so sorroful as if you live because of Sata, no, you too, will account on your own to the meaning of life you have now. Sleep over it and do the right thing.

  18. Kawimba No Vision He cant make any difference. He cant see any wrong everything he does is to see that everything is fine in the country. Pls open your eyes before it is too late Sir.

  19. I am Wynter Kabimba Number 1 Herbalist specialized in Manhood booster(big strong and more rounds). I have also Manhood creams, it is new on the market 6 in 1 formula that kick start your sex life at an age and Libindo enhancer.The big Man is currently using the Cream. For inquiries call Ministry of Justice. Tuli Baume

  20. “I cannot serve under any other president other than Mr Sata….” yeah, yeah, blah, blah, blah, we’ve heard that before, ask Sylvia Masebo. Who in the right senses would say anything nasty against the hand that feeds them?

  21. I wish he had confided with VJ before uttering such irresponsible words. Real lawyers usually mind what comes out of their mouth

  22. Twatotela for the confession. So your loyalty is to the man not the party (now we have the Party and Its Leader -PIL). Therefore no one can support you for presidency after Sata just as you will not support anyone after Sata. Good bye 2016!

  23. South Africa’s Trevor Manuel served under Mandela and Thabo Mbeki because he is a very intelligent Man. Back home, Vernon Mwaanga served under KK, Chiluba, Mwanawasa etc because him too was too good in the management of Diplomatic Ettiquette.

    As for Wynter Kabiimba, his dullness and lack of the most minimum content of intelligence renders him useless to serve as a Minister – not even as a Tea Boy – under any future Govt. He has condemned himself -a along with His clique (Nchito, Mmembe, Masebo Mumba Malila, Matibini, Lombe Chibesakinga etc) destined for HELL.

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