State house has released images of President Sata after much public outcry over the Presidents absence from the public eye for over 20days.The Patriotic Front government was criticized for the misinformation it propagated over the Presidents whereabouts.
President Michael Sata was last seen in public on 25th May during the African Freedom day celebrations.His frail appearance that day coupled with his failure to to show up for the official opening of the National Heroes Stadium in Lusaka later that day fueled rumours about the president poor health status.
On the 22nd June the government announced that the President Sata was in Tel Aviv Israel on a working holiday,the 2nd working holiday he has had this year,the first being in London in February 2nd 2014.
According to the government, the president was in Israel at the invitation of invitation of out-going Israeli President His Excellency Mr. Shimon Peres.However, at the time President Shimon Peres was reportedly on his way to the United States of America.Israel media reported that President Sata was admitted at Sheba medical centre.Government however insisted that the President was on working holiday in Israel.
Israeli newspaper Ha’aretz reported that Zambian President Michael Sata has been discharged from the Sheba Medical Center where he had been receiving treatment and that he was “not in critical condition” during his stay at the facility.
“He was at Sheba Medical Center until Thursday 26th June when he left that hospital,” reported the Israeli paper Haaretz.
President Michael Sata returned from Israel on the 5th July and is said to have celebrated his 77th birthday with friends and family on the 6th July.

Damn! So the circus continues?
Cobra !!! Haters here like Wanzelu,Ndobo,Nostradamus,The engineer and Jay Jay will choke with envy.Haters will hate.
Haters will hate.Long live Sata !!!
No Zambian watchdog formed against you shall prosper.Long live Michael Chilufya Sata.
Ba Kateba. Twakatemwa ako!! ‘No zambian watchdog formed against you shall prosper’
Iye I feel sorry for Ndobo,Wanzelu,Nostradamus,Engineer Australia and Jay Jay because Sata’s health was the only topic they knew and it used to make them feel better about themselves.Sorry my brothers such is life ,sh$t happens.
My Name is MMD Chief Bootlicker and I have passed these pictures to my team of forensic experts and the reuslts are in: The Pictures and genuine and they were taken today using a NIKON D90 camera at exactly 09:33 this morning and they have not been tempered with in terms of picture content.
So, all of you who have been spreading false head of state vegetative stories and crafting orbituaries , please get a life and you have to do better than this next time. Let the man rule and finish his term of office. Government communicate with people to avoid creating this unnecessary vacuum
Mwebena Zambia mwaliba bwino nomba pantu mu concluder.Sata is back bafik ala !!!!
If he he alive we are paying him to sleep
Thats a coffin walking….
MMD chief Bootlicker is the man !! He has said it all.
photo no. 1, the people in the meeting look shocked and want to really see first hand how the man looks like after hibernating for one month. to me he looks finished even from well censored pictures. just look at where hes seated, just a pile of shriveled bones remaining. power is sweet if he can persevere like that just to be called president. bamudala ba sata just resign on medical grounds. you loose nothing but of course gain a few more days of eating nsima
These are SATA’S old pictures-
SATA IS DEAD!!!! If PF dispute this fact, I dare them to show Sata to news camera or speaking to the news cameras-
I dare them NOT statements, any statement other than showing Sata, is confirmation of what we in the system already know. Our allegiance is to the Zambian state and its people not to an individual- The cartel of Mmembe is in it, stealing and aiming to finish the euro-bonds ($750 and £1billion plus loot the treasury).
If in doubt please contact Sheba Medical centre on the details below;
Administrative Director–Mr.Herve Deknuydt
[email protected]
ITS TIME FOR ACTION FROM ALL WELL MEANING Zambians, the scheming in the Mmembe cartel to take the country by surprise is alarming. Don’t say you were not…
Long live your excellency, long live king cobra. Haleisa Halenya chamubaba
Don’t say you were not warned, Elections anytime soon!! Time for ACTION IS NOW -GOD FORBID A HEADLESS COUNTRY, Truth is SATA IS DEAD!!
so “ichitumbi” chi le enda??
Bring out the chap in public noti ifya kula tu setinga!!
But where is the acting president who is supposed to chair this meeting? Has he fallen ill instead??!!
Oh my God what kind of spin is this. Surely all these PF minions deserve to be caged for lying the nation heartlessly.Those pictures released are old pictures dug from the archives. Ba LT show us the latest pictures of or a clip.
If he is alive why does’t ZNBC have any clip of him addressing that cabinet meeting?
Bane Sata alifwa kale, balemyangala no bufi ba PF.
People don’t buy this cheap propaganda. They have now resorted to fabricating cabinet meetings in fear of our Nationwide protest on Thursday.
To avoid the Nation wide protest, Sata should address the nation on ZNBC.
Thank you for the images, but how gullible do the producers of those image think the Zambian people are. What makes them think that those pictures are truely genuine withouf a time stamp on them. Even though a timestamp can be superimposed onto the picture, for any one to authenticate the pictures as truely having been taken on the said date, there needs to be additional information augmenting the pictures. All those who are accepting these pictures at face value must know very little of image processing or just very trusting. In this case I will be a doubting Thomas.
Iwe chi-YAMI VISION 2030+ wilaisa pano mukushitisha amafi. Ngataukwete ifya kulanda abena kainwinefye ubwalwa. Nomba ngawalishiba ifyachitika ninshi uletwebela pa LT instead iyakwita press conference. Abobene bena Fred Mmembe ulebikilako ekwebati ebakupela chimo so that you go on scandalising our government that NOTHING HAPPENS in government without Fred Mmembe authorising it? Ulitolesana uleishiba ifyakulanda. Pakuti walamwipaishapofye na Fred Mmembe wobe teshibe nefilechitika. Kaboseleko ukutali napano, pafula. Ulichinangwa.
All of you wishing ba Sata dead will all be die before him!
These pictures have made my day.I`m so happy.Now i can go and sun-bask with my new Indian girlfriend.I will drink and kama sutra to this.
in all the pictures, he is wearing a gray suit and in the last picture he is in black?
@mwaba jr – i could also ask you; Why was scott wearing the same suit and tie everytime they had a cabinet meeting if you insinuate that the pictures were taken on two different days? try to find another clue, iyi yena iyama suit yakwa chikwanda yakana. besides the effect of black and grey is as a result of the settings pa camera that was used. Nga mulakopa ama picture, you can see this effect when you use different settings for aperture size and shutter speeds. these two settings will affect the amount of light taken in when capturing an image. You can even see that the room itself looks dark in the third photo compared to the other two, hence making the grey look darker or black.
Whose saying Chikwanda is wearing two suits ? You must be either blind or stu-pid not to realize that it is the same black suit in all the pictures.Zambians and daftness go hand in hand.
Whats going on here? Has Mmembe and the PF fallen out? This story would have headline in the Past paper online. Something is amiss here folks.
Zambia reports says Guy Scott has been replaced with Emmanuel Chenda as VP. According Zambia reports, Sata phoned Guy Scott. Why did n’t Sata tell Guy Scott in the face during the cabinet meeting this morning?
All this info confirms that SATA IS DEAD.
Please Zambians lets not be gullible to these PF minions.
After the “Birthday” pictures I am surprised these clowns have not come up with something better this time.
These pictures prove NOTHING. But they are very good because now when the truth comes our we will know who was complicit in deceiving the Nation.
Guy scott has been dropped. he is no longer vice president. Ba Chenda is now vice president.
mwala tushupa no bufi. These pictures were not taken today. They are file pictures related to other pictures which appeared here not long ago.
If Sata is alive and addressed the cabinet meeting, why has he not sworn in those important office bearers who were recently ratified by Parliament.
Something is not right here.
Can Wanzelu/Lloyd Himmambo go jump off the Bridge. Long live the president.
Folks the king cobra I know would have invited selected media house and ZNBC to dispel my info that he is dead.
Its a shame that even ZNBC have failed to show us a video clip of him chairing a cabinet meeting. Instead they also shown a still picture of the president. Even during the time of KK, ZNBC would never show a still picture of the president if he is in the country amid such speculations about his where about.
ZNBC ‘s inability to show us Sata’s video clip proves again that SATA is DEAD.
This is horrific disappointment. So the man is fit!!
Thank God, here we go again….
The Post is now in full control of government, thanks to Sata’s bad deal with Mumembe!
This is the worst deception!
ZNBC did not help in allaying our suspicions.
Looks like this was a bedside chat with three people and you call this a Cabinet meeting? If what is being reported has some grain of truth then Sata has no heart for us! He is only ready to die for the Choncholis!
Only time will tell!
Our prayers and fasting shall not go in vain!
Something must give!
The Post is now in full control of government, thanks to Sata’s bad deal with Mumembe!
This is the worst deception!
ZNBC did not help in allaying our suspicions.
Looks like this was a bedside chat with three people and you call this a Cabinet meeting? If what is being reported has some grain of truth then Sata has no heart for us! He is only ready to die for the Choncholis!
Only time will tell!
Our prayers and fasting shall not be in vain!
Something must give!!!
Lol, you are so easily duped! No wonder a whiteman came with mirrors and sweets to entice your chiefs and they gave him thousands of young strong black men as slaves in return and diamonds. The effect of that level of stupidity in black people is still felt to this day. Someone once said “if slavery was instigated by black people on white people, it would be around to this day” Can you refute that. Look at the likes of my very learned friends Saulosi and Mushota! A little education is more dangerous for a black man than no education at all. Ask yourselves this question: “what is the burning issue current in Zambia?” If the answer is: Disappearing act of President Sata – then you are bright. Next, how do you dispel the rumours of a sick president? if you said pictures then you beyond…
Shot from a far when Scott and Chikwanda are shot at close range, no malice intended!!!
@ 1.16 Wanzelu: My bro Wanzelu, i have been reading your comments sending coldness to my spine. What is the source of your info because you seem to know a lot about the country’s desperate situation of lack of information. Please are you stating “GOSPEL TRUTH” in your comments? kindly respond in the affirmative
Am not easily duped as most of the bloggers up there. For all I care these pictures could have been taken in 2012.
Why is it so difficult for him to get to ZNBC and speak to us?
Wanzelu is an Editor for Zambian watchdog,he and his friends are sponsored by HH to set Zambia Ablaze and install him as President. Wanzelu’s real name is Lloyd Himmambo,you can find him on Facebook and ask him directly how he lost his soul to his Freemason HH for a few pieces of silver.
Peter – We are now entering in a new gear. Sata needs to go to ZNBC and address the Nation Live before this Thursday, failure to which we will pronounce him dead and his funeral official.
To hell with such mediocrity, this is not what the few Zambians voted for.
I told you he is alive.He was just busy watching the world cup and now that his favourite team Germany has won, he is back.This must be sad news for all the naysayers on this blog and at Zambian watchdog.
Now most of you won`t have much to talk about since his health was the only thing you found amusing.I feel sorry for you.My advice is “get a life” !!
I want Sata alive so that my wealth does not dimish due to slippage of Kwacha. Anything that protects my wealth is welcome, including the emergence of the cobra from hibernation.
Whats your take Wanzelu… are loudly silent!
What is drumming on the Wachi Dg? I
So he was busy watching the world cup? For your own information the world cup was beamed globally for 2 to 3 hours in the evenings not all day long. What was he doing for the rest of the time? Idling?
You seem to know more about Sata’s activities than Guy Scott does, You definitely must be George Chellah. Let Sata address the nation to account for the 3 weeks he vanished into outer space and how much money was wasted.
@ Saulosi
The pictures are taken not later than October 2012/February 2013 and evidence is on the table. Anything else is just embroidery.
Am sorry but do not leave on assumptions like most of the bloggers earlier. Pictures cannot deceive nor wood wink me.
These could have been taken in January 2012 for Gods sake.
Show us a video in HD.
After you get the video, you will start asking to meet the president in person. U wont stop, so just sit.
ba cnp! chachine!!
Can’t sit because this is all tax payers money which, assuming your in any gainful employment and not a street vendor, your being taxed through the nose. So why can’t they do the right thing and show us video in HD. Let the man say something. Even I can doctor pics on Instagram. I want to meet him and speak my mind. Let him come.
@Lord lol, of course am a street vendor, am the one you buy versachi from yalondo.
Ka swearing in ceremony atibwa???
hehehehehe i don’t believe in these photo?????
then ask THOMAS NSAMA atase
Look like I’ve seen these fotos before: they’re old fotos to me. very suspect indeed, what with ka photoshop sanitisation software these days. Let him do la press conference or host the chinese or indian infestors.
i will only believe this if ZNBC doesnt show us file pitures at 19:00hrs
ZNBC has showed a still file photo again.
What are we waiting for? Why don’t we just declare him dead and move forward as a nation?
Let us stop leaving in the past please.
Why not walk in front of his people, the ones who voted for him. It is not asking much, the still photos can be manipulated.
These photos are photoshoped look at Minister of Finance suit in one it is grey and the other is black
Wilapena iwe.Looks carefully.
black jacket can never turn grey together with blue jacket ba kolwe imwe.those are two different suits on one
Asila mdala buti! Booza nyoepa…….I was freaked out at his appearance,even the foundation (powder) failed to do the trick.I saw some character’s faces smelling the coffee.
Nice seeing HE HMCS but please fire Guy Scott and Kabimba and bring back team GBM. Remember what happened to FTJ when he woke up LPM. He turned against him
Bottom-line is that we do not have a clause in the Constitution defining when the President is deemed to have abandoned his post. He can disappear from public view for a second, minute, hour, day, weeks, months, years or even a generation! No big deal so far.
I can see the seat for the powerful Secretary General and Minister of Justice Wynter M. Kabimba, ODS, SC, is empty
Oh, just read from the Facebook page of the powerful PF secretary General and Justice Minister Wynter Mwanachambwa Kabimba, ODS, SC informing the nation that he is in South Africa attending the Council of African Political Parties. That explains why the seat is empty
This does not mean anything: the man is really frail. He really looks sick and he needs a lot of rest. This is not like Mugabe, who can box a kambova. This man looks sick and people should be on stand by to catch him in the case he collapses. I am not celebrating his sickness, but i pray that he can use his little strength to put in motion things that can help the future of the country.
CHELLAH has jst made these photos how can CHIKWANDA puts on two coulours suit at the same meeting grey and dark blue, u guys be serious u runing a country not ka temba
Couldnt help but notice a younger mr chikwanda standing in pic one as the pres walks in and the older one seated in pic three. Hahaha
Ok, can he now appear in public. Osa nyenga anthu, kudwala sichimo. In addition why is Wynter mphepo still acting? What shall it profit a man to lose his life and gain the approval of his selfish friends!
wow! i am literary crying from happiness after seeing HEMCS’s photos.. i didn’t realise how much those hateful rumours affected me. thank you lord! i think all of us Zambians should learn to LOVE our leader and put him in our prayers ALL the time. this rumour mongering is not good.
The interesting thing is that we have a President andbActing President. Why is kamimba still acting as President?
So what else are you going to be talking about you Zambians now that Sata is back ?
Umufyashi…………!!!!!!!!!! Long Live……Umuswema!!!
But Zambinas are easily cheated, so you cannot even see that those photos were once used, and besides the first item from the national broadcaster could have been the same cabinet meeting, wake up zambians! He mighty be fine but those are not the real pictures!
You are surprised that Zambians can be cheated? Remember these are the same people who believed in 90 days abracadabra more money in your pocket and went to vote with their own pens because they believed in magic ink that would somehow transport the ‘x’ they put next to Ukwa’s name to RB’s! In fact if George Chella had showed us a picture of Charlie Kays on the starting line up of the German team yesterday, some of our countrymen and women would have no problem in accepting that as the gospel truth.
Even a stuffed lion can look healthy in still frames….this is a complexion of an ill old man even baby oil cannot hide that. .I have referred these photos to colleagues in both the medical and IT sectors.
We need a press conference to assess his ……….
It is extremely sad when it gets to a point where State house has to release images to verify the existence of the head of state, someone who is basically supposed to be in the public eye everyday, someone who is supposed to be seen to be working by travelling to various parts of the country, someone who is supposed to speak directly to his people. Images are produced and dull monkeys are jumping up and down telling us ‘we told you so!’ That’s bullsh!t and you ought to be ashamed of yourselves! You are supposed to be angry about being made to jump through all these hoops over something as serious as the presidency. This confirms to me the extreme dullness of PF cadres, a dullness that is on a very very scary level.
You have nailed the head.
FTJ also used to stay out of the limelight for weeks on end whilst his ministers were at each other’s throats. The start of the 3rd term campaign was a case in point. On anoter note. What does your name dudelove mean? Are you a homosexual? Just asking!
Quest, come here and bend over and then you’ll find out. Elo don’t lie you ka little creep, FTJ never went underground the way this bag of bones called Sata has. I never run out of exhibits to prove the dullness of PF cadres. You’re the latest one Quest.
I will bend over only in your sick dreams. Sorry I am not gay. My butt hole is only for sewage disposal!
@ddudelove: I Forgot to add that u can try your luck on one of those Kapiri gay couple chaps!
You are absolutely right. Thats why I maintain that SATA IS DEAD.
Am an independent observer ,its unfortunately that the pf govt is misleading,chikwanda can’t have two suits,one in black,and grey.i did check in my file pic,the above pic were taken on different occasion.check on Lt archives.u will see them.
something is not adding up. 1st picture, when sata enters first chair on left is occupied by who? when seated on left, fist chair is occupied by chikwanda. are these different and meetings or its the same room? 3rd photo the suit for chikwanda is dark blue while in second photo his suit is grey. I’ve to zoom in n still getting same result. help me people
@ matipa …. there’s a chair in front of G Chella…I think that is where Alexander is seated. G Chella is in the outer semi – circle. Look closely.
About the A. Chikwanda’s suit am trying to figure out whether that is a flash from the camera resulting in the different shade…. Don’t know …..
Do not be deceived every sane person know that the Sata of today can never look like the one they are showing in the picture.
The real Sata of today is far different from what is being posted here. These people are so damn that they even fail to lie even to their cadres. They should have been smart even to at least edit some of those picture when sickness began getting out of hand at least to give us comfort that even though he is not well but at least he is able to do something instead of this they have done which is impossible even for a child to believe. A person who has an illness such as his would not look like the person in this picture of 21 days of being seriously sick. Impossible.
Why deceive the Zambian people, little men!!- These are old pictures, even a little scrutiny of the picture chair settings and background says it all, Lies, lies lies…From Campaign promises lies, to lies on the constitution, lies public order ACT, LIES TO THE GRAVE.
If PF dispute this fact, I dare them to show Sata to news camera or speaking to the news cameras-
I dare them NOT statements, any statement other than showing Sata, is confirmation of what we in the system already know.
The scheming in the Mmembe ,Kabimba cartel and the trinity ( Parliament-Matibini Speaker,Judiciary-Lombe and Executive) to take the country by surprise is alarming. Don’t say you were not warned. Time for ACTION IS NOW – A HEADLESS COUNTRY, SATA IS DEAD!!
Thank you @Katebe Katoto, no watchers of imbwa dog in Zambia formed against the president shall indeed prosper.
My name is PF-Die hard.this pictures are fake. Tricks and lies won’t take us anywhere. If sata is alive, let him appear to the general public who voted him and say” am alive” or else we are just finishing ourselves.
This has turned to “spot the difference” game……. Please let ZNBC show the Pres live on ZNBC to put an end to the speculations….. We don’t deserve this.
The pictures are a lie and gullible people want us to believe lies,let the president swear in mumba malila in full view of muvi and znbc.
Thee are old pictures. No shame! Lies even in sickness sure!
What did the President Say today????!!!. I’m not pessimistic about Sata’s health, but If Sata was to say one word, the POST and CHELLAH would write paragraphys about it. How can a presido disappear for 40 days and all we get pics. Come on guys… Anywz this is good sign.. GRZ must now keep up with this “now u see me (sata)…now you don’t ‘ act.
Pic, possible is that a presidential security official (black)suit sleeping or dozing while he is behind the president?can mcs pass a sleeping op without question him?please all pf cadres take a look at pic,body guard,(black suit) and use your instinct and intelligence.well their more questions than answers in my mind now.
It was on TV2 latest news few minutes ago ! but zwd is misleading…
Analysis to follow!
ZW the prophets of doom prophesied that HE MCS will come back as a cargo, they were 100% sure of this. Now that HE MCS came back they are coining all sorts of things to discredit our hard working President who wants to improve the welfare of this Great Nation. God will surprise you guys. In bemba we say ‘Papona ipompo pasha ibonge’ and ‘Umweo wa nkoko waba kuli chibinda wake’. Be rest assured God loves Zambia despite your enchantments and divination to see our President die. God will have mercy on Zambia by preserving our President for us. We are praying for HE MCS and we know God answers prayer. Muchili muledabwa.
If the President looks as good as he does in these photoshoped pictures then he should have addressed the nation even for five minutes to put everyones heart at rest and do away with the rumours considering that he entered the country incognito with his secret agenda. I am conviced these photos are fake and if so Zambians should vote PF liars out come elections. They have ruled through lies and they continue to do so, see the greed of those around him each one wants to stash the loot they stole before the announcement can be made this includes the First Lady, power and money corrupts good morals.
doubting Thomases wat else du want.let the goverment concerntrate on developing our country dan engaging in usless and cheap argumentation.wont even help us who ar sufering bcoz some of u, u ar hired guns paid by selfish individuals who desperate to go to state house using the back door.
What is so hard to appear on TV and or journalists to prove that Sata if okay and working? I do not want to hear bamudala is dead but those pictures can be manipulated easily! There is something happening that they do not want us to know!
ba mwaba jr naimwe cant you see that the camera sometimes makes things to look
brighter and sometimes fade! the thing that you can doubt is weather thse pictures were captured today or a long time ago
….what is really the significance of posting these pictures…??..even if it was motional pictures(video)…what for…?…is it to tell me that he is still alive? ..or that he is fit and well ?…or that he is working as usual??….The speculations about the president has been going on for a while now. Every Jack and Jim has had a share of their thoughts with the hope that something dramatic will pop- up any time soon to dispel the ‘rumours’…. if this is the best his handlers can do to relay message to me that the president is well and good…its fine with me. Though I’m of the opinion that they can do better.
Welcome back Mr. President. We wish u continued God’s blessings.
I cry for my Beloved country to see how the Government can honestly lie to its people like this. Alexander Chikwanda was attending a meeting at Pamodzi Hotel this morning with Miles Sampa and Mutembo Nchito. How possible is it that he was in two places at the same time. Mu likuba!!
Which meeting iwe ? I was at pamodzi the whole day tell me in which boardroom???
Lee Habaponta Bsc, Msc, Phd
Likuba nji likuba! Puso ya mandwani. Greedy. Sesi isize ngwanyi mwa sitindi.
@ Kasimbi Ka Malaiti according to MMD Chief Bootliker, I quote ” The Pictures and genuine and they were taken today using a NIKON D90 camera at exactly 09:33 this morning and they have not been tempered with in terms of picture content.” end of quote.
And according to ZWD, I quote “But Zambian Watchdog can confirm that by 12 hours, a key Cabinet member and Sata’s uncle Finance Minister Alexander Chikwanda were at Pamodzi Hotel in the company of Commerce Deputy Minister Miles Sampa and Director of Public Prosecutions Mutembo Nchito, perhaps scheming on how to sort the mess and succession wrangles” end of quote.
MMD Chief Bootlicker claims the pictures were shot at 9:33 and ZWD says these people were at Pamodzi at 12:00.
Praise God, our prayers are answered. Our beloved President is looking good!!!!!!!!!!!!
Long live Mr President.
I cant believe that my Good friend Hangomba Hangomba(HH) is no more.Death can be so depressive.I was with him at Kalulushi bowling club last Tuesday around 22.00hrs and bought us around before he left.Oh my God!
What has gone wrong with the Ministry of mis-Information? Has ZMBC beein disbanded? Presidential activities should be screened on ZNBC TV, Apparently, not all Zambians will be fooled by such fabricated photos. PF is a shameless party that thrives on LIES. When the inevitable event really strikes, the World will know.
@ Mphangwe, in addition to what you have said, a president who has been AWOL for close to three weeks and had an opportunity to speak about his working holiday to Israel in his so called cabinet meeting, does not even make reference to it but goes straight into talking about development in the rural areas?? I would have thought this should have been the opportune time for him to clear the LIES and speculation?? Please, brothers and sisters let us be serious!!
Not very convinced…but anyway – it is Great Our president is alive and chairing cabinet meetings.
We thank God.
I have just done a forensic audit of the pictures. Scott’s first suit is plain blue and the second is checkered blue. These are big lies.
Images of the President are good: fake real or not is academic; he is there. What is important is that in his good time, must tell us what next on the Constitution; even by the way of a whisper on his working executive table or bedside.
In as muc as i wud not wish the Republican President ill, i wud love to be told the TRUTH about his medical condition and his whereabouts, coz im missing him, tho I believe these pics ar fake, Get well soon if u ar sick ur HE
They found the president…. Yeah. Now heads must roll who lost him, who started the pathetic lies about his whereabouts, condition? can he confirm Mr Kabimba’s acting appointment was genuine? Can he give a televised interview and bring this whole incredible spectacle to an end? The actions of the last 20 or so odd days are so unfunny irresponsible and must be explained – not by the pictures but by a serious credible explanation – why put us through such unecessary worry speculation rumour mongering and (for me) personal fear of a palace coup. I sincerely believed the President was sick and someone had taken over power unconstitutionally – I need answers and so does the entire nation. PF must explain this – its a reason for them never to be trusted with power again.
these are file photos naimwe! if he has balls let him appear on live TV
I hope they get you Zambian watchdog for threatening Genocide with your hate Journalism. I hope they get you lock you up and stuff the key up where the sun don’t shine.
Honestly speaking Sata is the seating President of ZAmbia. If he is fine as the PF cadre wants us to believe, why hide the man behind the public curtains?
The public figure has become a public secret hidden in the same suite that he was last seen wearing when the chinese vp visited him at state house.
The picture also show that security guys were alert in case he ….. down. ???????? OMMM
The level of ignorance in Zambia proves that the country is not ready to take care of it’s own affairs. How can people jump up and down when old images are released to show the president is well? If you google Sata cabinet, and change your search to images, you will see that these pictures have been fiddled with. He made an effort to show up in court to defend himself on useless matters don’t you think he would come out spitting if he was in good health? If these crooks can manipulate the presidency like this, what chances do we have of a free and fair election? Sata or no Sata, Zambia is in serious trouble.
For sure the levels of ignorance in zed is to unredeemable levels. Very dull, these zedians! I cannot imagine jump up and down over these clearly old photos intended to fool foolish zedians. Shame! For sure Zambia needs total salvation from dullness.
Those who have watched ZNBC TV news please update….. ZNBC TV is disabled from the internet so I can’t watch. Please those who have access… I’m waiting anxiously.
they just showed the same still images. nothing new.
That’s the problem with lying, you have to keep on lying to cover up previous lies. PF is now running short of convincing lies. But that’s not something to worry about, Zambian people are so gullible they are willing to swallow any garbage, even if it comes from confirmed liars, PF. I think this is the major problem. I am now beginning to understand why KK could insist on contesting elections with a frog or some wild beast and people actually accept this as normal. There has been a total news blackout on Sata for close to a month, suddenly he appears out of the blue and chairs a meeting!?? The sheep-like (docility) acceptance of everything dished out without question is what’s alarming.
@ umunobe ….. thanks for the feedback. Am disappointed to say the least… thought they would show him. Anyway thanks.
PF YA MUYAYA!!! NAfuti nafuti !! Come 2016 !!!
We have just used old photos here to see how this can buy us more time. We used the first picture sometime back in April and it seems people can believe anything as long as they can be made to believe !!! I guess these pictures will shut you up for now !!! While we come up with a master plan of all plans! Most of you little people are so gullible Zambians across the world! “Don’t Kubeba wa muyaya” !!!
Why? Because we have genuine interest for our people who are being shameless lied to with these phoney photos. ..we have NOTHING to lose that something people like youself can’t understand. You can’t continue wasting taxpayer’s funds on a head of state who is not fit for purpose and disappears without giving us an account of his adventures abroad. Sata is our servant get that in your head.
While it is good news to hear he chaired a Cabinet meeting, a lot of reservations remain because of the way the whole matter has been handled. For example why is it that for the first time ZNBC released still picture at a time the nation desperately wanted to see its president? Why now when previously we have seen cabinet meetings on ZNBC where the president has castigated his ministers? Therefore the only fair and prudent way to end this is a simple public appearance kwapwa!
I have forensically examined the pictures and find something very suspicious about them. Firstly people should understand that when you take a photo on any digital camera, EXIF data is recorded that will for some cameras will include the location where the picture was taken. In all cases the digital camera will at a minimum record the date and time the picture has been taken and this will refer to the system time that has been set on the camera. Assuming the camera used is digital, I expected to see this data when I saved the photos above and in windows 8 all I did was right click the mouse and then click on properties. The menu that comes up click on the tab called details and as I scrolled down to my amazement the origin data where the date and time taken is supposed to be showing.
It is not common to find a digital camera used by the post reporter having this important feature missing which means the camera has no system time set in which case there is a default assigned. One other thing I have learnt is that this EXIF data is manipulatable by merely deleting it. Also you will find that the Facebook page of His Excellency does not allow you to save photos from it at least on an iPad (or iphone) since the iPad automatically recreates this EXIF data. I am wondering then if these are photos taken today on a camera that has this feature disabled or were tempered with by deleting this. In any case this is very suspicious and can also be incompetence of a camera man who must have known such data is only proof to settle the state of health of the President.
The next issue I have is that I waited to see the ZNBC news today. To my amazement in the light of the current issue of what the state of the president is, ZNBC opted to also show the same still pictures quoting the Facebook page of His Excellency Michael Sata. Surely if The Post newspaper camera man was allowed to go to a cabinet meeting, why would ZNBC not be allowed to ensure we have motion camera shown? Yes some people would have doubted even this but at least a few minds would have been settled. Why is it that only a select few now have access to picture the president and leave the rest of zambia with no access to seeing the president work? I am sure every zambian wants to see the president on tv swearing in attorney and solicitor general. We await to see if this does not backfire
GRZ has consistedly said our president is fine.I don’t see any need for him to appear live on TV for a few tribal minority haters to believe.Our President is alive,kicking & working hard to develop our country.Long live MCS!
@dread 67
And you are not bothered that the president has not been shown on tv and has not appeared to the Zambian people in public or indeed at any public event in now 22 days? I am sure a lot of stupid Zambians like you will just think it is fine even if this goes to 90 days of the president hiding. Mind you I am not one that is sure if the president is well or not well, but this for me just shows Zambians can be led by someone who is incapacitated or potentially dead without even questioning anything. I think it is only right for us to question as this institution is placed in power by the people. He must if he respects us show that he is alive and well or else speculation shall continue. Otherwise what remains is cabinet plundering whilst we watch with no leader to control them.
Zambia politics this is now funny wishing someone to die believe me people don’t die like that you don’t wish anyone died no matter how you hate the person. We only die once God help Zambia
No need to show pictures, why not come on TV and address the country. There is nothing wrong with a President being sick. The only reason Sata does not want to come out is because of his history of mocking Kunda and Mwanawasa.
Breaking news! Sata has just fired Guy Scott, so mudala is alive and working!
If PF think, this is the way to run a country, then they better think again. PF Public relations unit is it State House public relations unit needs to be fired. It has failed lamentably to manage Sata’s illness. As Zambians let us demand more from these nincompoops running the country.
@Kakonkote If you don’t agree with what my opinion doesn’t mean I’m stupid.Learn to debate without sarcasm.Where’s your proof that the president gravely sick not to continue working to develop our country?And this trend of generalizations,”we Zambians”,”the problem with Zambians”,stop it!Have you gone round Zambia to hear people’s views?Which Zambians?
@Dread, a good number of us can not just look away and let Mmembe and his friends rule us by the back door. I’m sure you are aware that Kabimba, Mmembe and group are not elected people but yet they are controlling the instruments of power. We can’t just watch the cartel hold our President at gun point and do nothing. The army is failing to protect him so his people have to. Together we can!
Surely when have pictures of someone chairing a cabinet meeting become news? Sata should just go into town and work around town, that would be news indeed.
Given PF’s long history of brazen contempt for the truth, online news organizations and Zambians should think twice before believing state house facebook pictures and other propagandists like Mmembe, whose disregard for the facts has been well documented. But if Zambians in their usual fashion insist on believing PF anyway, they should absolutely be prepared to challenge these lies.
Now HH and his friend Lloyd the Dog have played their last campaign card and it has not worked. UPND is DEAD
Go and check the mortuary (or Sate House!) to see who is actually dead!
Case of mistaken identity? Or just a F00L who believes what he wants to see instead of reality?
The lying,opportunistic chiSata can stage manage anything.
HH is the most stupid person on earth. He was hoping to see Sata dead, only to see him chair a cabinet meeting. Fo0lish boy. The UPND MPs are also f00lish like their leader. They pressed Dr. Scott in parliament to take them to State House to prove their warped mentality that Sata was not in State House. Fo0lish group indeed.
Welcome back Mr. President. Please be in state house just for the First term.
Funny how people believe Sata, came straight from coma to chairing a meeting! How can anybody swallow that rubbish? Very soon PF’s stup!idity will implode with a shattering crescendo seeing they are fast running out of lies. If it’s true Sata is back after rejuvenating and convalescence at a medical facility in Israel and has restored his vigour, then obviously he will commence his favourite games, (he calls it work) of swearing fellow crackpots and incompetents, lobbing insults at Chitimukulu and other mindless activities. Or are they going to dish out another still image?
Long live president Sata and God bless you for taking care of Zambia!
The next time we have general elections, candidates should tell us by which mode they will rule the country e.g by Pictures, face book, twitter etc.
It is amazing how this Govt. has changed the face of governance in Zambia. It is also amazing how they have managed to destroy the office of the presidency by lies after lies and shameless ones for that matter.
long live the King.
Remember, it is King Cobra not just ‘king’. What is Kaseba’s position in all this? You mean even doctors behave like Kaponyas? It can only be in Bemba Zambia!
Please, do not show us photos of the president of Zambia only. Let us see and hear him talk to us. Is that impossible for him to do?