Saturday, July 27, 2024

President Michael Sata appears in public and swears in Attorney General and Solicitor General


President Michael Chilufya Sata this morning appeared in public and has sworn- in Mr. Musa Mwenye SC and Mr. Abraham Mwansa SC as Attorney- General and Solicitor- General respectively.

During the swearing- in ceremony held at State House today, President Sata congratulated the duo and encouraged them to work in the interest of the Zambian people.

The ceremony was attended by Minister of Defence Hon. Edgar Lungu, Minister of Information Dr. Joseph Katema, Minister of Justice Hon. Wynter Kabimba and Director of Public Prosecutions (DPP) Mr. Mutembo Nchito SC.

Others were Secretary to the Cabinet Dr. Roland Msiska, deputy Secretary to the Cabinet Ambassador Peter Kasanda, Public Service Commission chairperson Dr. Kawaye Kamanga, Ministry of Justice Permanent Secretary Mr. Joseph Akafumba and Cabinet Office Permament Secretary in- charge of Administration Ms. Margaret Miyoba among others.

President Michael Sata during the Swearing in Ceremony of of Mr Musa Mwenye Attorney General and Mr Abraham Mwansa  as Solicitor General at State house on Wednesday  30th July 2014- Picture  by Eddie Mwanaleza.
President Michael Sata during the Swearing in Ceremony of of Mr Musa Mwenye Attorney General and Mr Abraham Mwansa as Solicitor General at State house on Wednesday 30th July 2014- Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza.
President Michael Sata greets of Mr Musa Mwenye Attorney General after the Swearing in Ceremony  at State house on Wednesday  30th July 2014- Picture  by Eddie Mwanaleza.
President Michael Sata greets of Mr Musa Mwenye Attorney General after the Swearing in Ceremony at State house on Wednesday 30th July 2014- Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza.
President Michael Sata during the Swearing in  Mr Abraham Mwansa  as Solicitor General at State house on Wednesday  30th July 2014- Picture  by Eddie Mwanaleza.
President Michael Sata during the Swearing in Mr Abraham Mwansa as Solicitor General at State house on Wednesday 30th July 2014- Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza.
President Michael Sata during the Swearing in  Mr Abraham Mwansa  as Solicitor General at State house on Wednesday  30th July 2014- Picture  by Eddie Mwanaleza.
President Michael Sata during the Swearing in Mr Abraham Mwansa as Solicitor General at State house on Wednesday 30th July 2014- Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza.

President Sata Swearing in Musa Mwenya 0040

President Michael Sata during the Swearing in Ceremony of of Mr Musa Mwenye Attorney General  at State house on Wednesday  30th July 2014- Picture  by Eddie Mwanaleza.
President Michael Sata during the Swearing in Ceremony of of Mr Musa Mwenye Attorney General at State house on Wednesday 30th July 2014- Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza.
President Michael Sata talks to Ministers and officials after  the Swearing in Ceremony of of Mr Musa Mwenye Attorney General and Mr Abraham Mwansa  as Solicitor General at State house on Wednesday  30th July 2014- Picture  by Eddie Mwanaleza.
President Michael Sata talks to Ministers and officials after the Swearing in Ceremony of of Mr Musa Mwenye Attorney General and Mr Abraham Mwansa as Solicitor General at State house on Wednesday 30th July 2014- Picture by Eddie Mwanaleza.


    • We told you not too keep your national mourning hopes high.Just campaign wisely you might win the elections.Hoping for Sata to die won`t just cut it. Get a life !!

    • Too bad.Now we won’t have any false rumours,conspiracy theories,exaggerations and gossip to spread.It felt nice talking about his sickness and death,it used to make us feel better about ourselves. I’m sure my brothers Wanzelu,Jay Jay,Nostradamus,Ndobo,MatipaDudelove,Zagaze,London eye and Engineer(Australia) will agree with me.Its a sad day for us now we don’t know where to direct our hate and bitterness.

    • I don’t owe Sata an appology. Zambians should thank some of us here online papers for forcing Sata out of hiding to start doing the work he is paid for if he really is the one. For goodness sake Sata is not a King.

      If this is really Sata, I still want a press conference and a ZNBC clip to confirm this. It remains to be seen if he really is. In this day and age anything is possible. Photoshoping and animation has changed the world.

      How is Kazimu?

    • Yes he is back to swearing in people as the only visible job he does. He will do well to tour the country and make coherent policy and economic statements that will give confidence in some of us as to his capability to run the country. The celebrations I see from PF cadres as usual is based on just him being seen. Thats useless. Base it on him delivering on millions of promises. As Wanzelu has rightly stated, we owe him no apology. He should apologise for hibernating and not talking to us and this apology to start thus: ‘Am sorry for spending your money on my medical trips and then not updating you about whats was going on.’ Demand accountability for lost time not jumping up and down like fontini monkeys.

    • @ Saulosi,
      Yes indeed the cobra is back but back from where, where has he been and what has he been doing in 5 weeks? Welcome back Mr Sata from wherever and get down to work.

    • Wanzelu, I am sure you would still come up with other theories even if he held a press conference – you and the extremists from ZWD.

    • Sata appears to his confidants so the title should read NOT in public.

      All pictures are fake but nicely photoshoped. I have just analysed them pixel by pixel on my system.

      After hiding for such a long time, only a public appearance via a press conference or going to Magongo to campaign so every body can see him will convince us the doubting Thomases.

    • This is sad news to me and my fellow intellectually challenged bloggers like Wanzelu,Ndobo,Matipa and Nostradamus.Spreading Sata rumours was the only thing we know and can debate on for 24 hours.LT don’t be surprised if we disappear on this blog because other topics outside Sata are beyond our intellectual abilities.

    • @Diaspora, truly is the bad ending of July. We had a wonderful month of FANTASY when Sata was in Limbo.
      Looking forward to August.


    • Sata appearing on TV, forget it! Unless they do some advanced animations, Sata wont be seen on tele live.
      What they need is to borrow ideas from the movie Dawn Of The Apes and split his voice into a digital format and feed it into some contraption to mimic his voice exactly word by word as he would pronounce them.

      How ever if SATA goes on a country wide tour to check on his people and projects physically then I will give him thumps up. Though he will have to answer questions about where he was all this time? Israel , South Africa, or Zambia? Because of his sneaking behaviour, no one really knows apart his confidants.

      Without a press conference, ZNBC live clip, and country wide tour, to me SATA is dead. Without any of these, then the Sata I know has mutated.I need the whole…

    • UPND thought they would easily win the elections after Sata`s death ,now they have been dealt a heavy blow.

    • UPND it is about time you started your serious campaigns, seems like your Sata death wishes won’t be fulfilled any time soon.Go back to the drawing board.

    • Back from where? And why should you be so happy? Did you believe in your heart of hearts that he would not return? And in any case, is this how the affairs of the state should be run?

    • Folks

      Nothing is new about Sata ‘s still pictures and his health status. Last time we queried, the staged a cabinet meeting, in still pictures.

      We demanded for a live ZNBC clip and press conference, PF gave us still pictures even on TV again during his trip to see his son in SA.

      We demanded to know why important office bearers were not being sworn in if the president was fit and well. PF has responded by again showing us still pictures.

      When will this circus come to an end?

      Those of us who are still skeptical about all this cheap and stupid spin will only accept that SATA is alive when we see him at least in Magongo campaigning.


    • Sata’s ill wishers are in PF. No sane opposition leader would love to rule for 2 years and then then face another election after what happened to RB.

    • Countrymen,

      We should not be celebrating the President’s “return”. Look at how sick he is. This man should be rested otherwise he is just using up precious airtime. Pray for him that he may do the wise thing, which, in this case, would be to take care of himself. Forget the politics! Forget HH! Forget MMD etc!

      This is sad!


    • SATA in still pictures is good as dead.

      I am not surprised because I knew PF would show us still pictures again and again so many times until some f00lish individuals begin to believe its true he is alive.

      Unfortunately not all of us can be deceived by the gimmick “show them fake still pictures over and over then they will start believing”

      PF are perfecting the art of telling lies. A lie told so many times makes f00lish people begin to believe without questioning.

    • SATA in still pictures is good as dead.

      I am not surprised because I knew PF would show us still pictures again and again so many times until some f00lish individuals begin to believe its true he is alive.

      Unfortunately not all of us can be deceived by the gimmick “show them fake still pictures over and over then they will start believing”

      PF are perfecting the art of telling lies. A lie told so many times makes f00lish people begin to believe without questioning.

      Some how I feel this is chikwanda in Sata ‘s mask. I can not see chikwanda any where. Where is he? LOL

    • @Lungowe

      I for one do not respect tribalist minions like most of you PF guys because I have no specific tribe I can call my tribe in Zambia. I am simply a Zambian from very diverse back ground.

      Unfortunately not all of us can be deceived by the gimmick “show them fake still pictures over and over then they will start believing”

      PF are perfecting the art of telling lies. A lie told so many times makes f00lish people begin to believe without questioning.

    • And this is enough for you? A total misapprehension is soooooooo apparent in the comments I’ve seen here. No one wants the man dead -you hear? No one! They are simply asking that someone fully capable, not incapacitated by ill-health, incompetency or anything else. take the helm.
      “Insoni”? Fcuking dunderheads!

    • The nutritionist must be awarded at independence day, including Kaseba who has been holding a spoon and force-feeding Ba Sata in last 2 weeks. Thank you for traditional women who recommended Pupwe-chulu, and provided different recipes.
      Ba Sata is getting stronger and stronger…. Ba Sata please this Sunday go to church and thank God.

    • @Hyena, diaspora and company
      imwe bafika……. leave me alone talk about the one who has come back from the pit of hell,,,,your sata!,,, dont celebrate too much your man is stll weak,,,,

      your comment is the most wise on the blog,,,, i hope these PF stone throwers get something from your comment

    • @Ndobo, thank you mwana.
      And iwe you have courage to tell these fornicators what they are, ati “bafikala”.

    • I am not at supporter of any political party coz am non partisan. Despite that, i am madly in love with my country. What surprises me is the way some bloggers would want to play smart in terms of photo analysis – saying things like ‘Still photos’, ‘Photoshopped etc. Please stop deceiving those with no or little understanding in Graphic Arts (Superimpositioning and Photoshopping). I have been working with this kind of art for over 15 years with massive knowledge and understanding; in simpler terms, i am a fully qualified practitioner in Graphic Design and Web. What is my point here? All these photos havent been tempered with. They are as real as you see them.

  1. Yes nice to see the President back. I really missed his comedy of errors. Am sure the show is now back on.

    I think UPND cadres owe me an apology about the fake picture claim. Are they going to say these picture are fake again? These picture are genuine too.

    I await for your under 5 comments

    • Ndeloleshafye ba Halenya Halenya people how they will react.
      The Cobra is back with double venom
      Sela babombeko iwe kabolala wa ma Company!

    • @MMD Chief Bootlicker – That’s how senile dementia works. Sometimes the circuits re-connect and the victim ‘regains’ himself and other times, they just can’t connect. It works like a bad internet connection.
      We need to see him talking intelligently at length and in public before we can be convinced that the Cobra is back. Going to campaign in Mangango would be a good test.
      Unfortunately, dementia does not go away as Gerry Nel would put it.

    • Pictures? Really? Guys, let us be serious with ourselves. Now we should be subjected to debating the autheticity of the president’s pictures! To prove what? That he is alive or in good health?

    • It’s not about how any-Fcuking-one reacts. It’s the direction of the country you should be thinking about. Whether anyone is happy or unhappy about the man’s state of health is totally irrelevant.
      It’s the effective execution of the office you should be thinking about, or is that too advanced for your fettered minds to grasp? Think! Think! Think!
      As a side-note, I am of the opinion that our education system lacks something – teaching students the skill of critical thinking.

  2. I will only believe if I see him talking on TV . All these pictures are just a smoke screen. Why would the president say such a few words at the swearing in ceremony where he is known to say a lot of things. And why was other media houses not allowed. This is fake and am not buying it. I want to hear the President address us directly

  3. Recuperated?
    Now its time for the new constitution, refurbish UTH, reinforce the subsidies, bring back the fired nurses, no more by election petitions and conclusively, provide jobs and security to the youths.
    No more “hide and seek” time to work as 2016 is fast approaching.

  4. Insita yaba nga amatako yalakumana. Even someone who has been certified dead wakes up in the mortuary but doesn’t leave long. Semeki its just a matter of time tukesa ku chililo chena!

    • waba ama nyaameeeeeeeeeeeeeee kapokola na wanzelu. thank GOD the wasted party of the useless tribe has been ashamed .viva my president .more many years .go go pf.

    • SATA in still pictures is good as dead.

      I am not surprised because I knew PF would show us still pictures again and again so many times until some f00lish individuals begin to believe its true he is alive.

      Unfortunately not all of us can be deceived by the gimmick “show them fake still pictures over and over then they will start believing”

      PF are perfecting the art of telling lies. A lie told so many times makes f00lish people begin to believe without questioning.

    • I think your God is answering prayers in the wrong way. We don’t want these games to do on. This Sata should leave us alone. We have a country and future to look to. Others go and others come; that is a rule of nature.
      Ask those who attended this ceremony; they almost ran out of the room at the sight of a ghost in State House.

  5. Now these pictures look real, there is no dead person or someone abroad in the audience. The thing that confirms the rumours that have been going on is that Cobra looks frail to the bone. He is definetly not fit to be in public office. If he had any respect for the country Zambia he would resign ‘with immediate effect’.

  6. Wanzelu must be squeezing his/her nanos. Keep dreaming, reality is there to see, maybe use a broken bottle glass to see properly.

    • Well, we have managed to keep SATA’s useless PR machine on its toes. Thumbs up guys, keep it up. We shall keep on hammering them to extract nothing but the whole truth.

      By the way its Not over until I get proper evidence.If you read the Ethiopian scandal, you realise the lengths that these rogue regimes go to hide info about a dead president. In Malawi the truth escaped only after the brother wanted to take over.

      Still pictures only , without a country wide tour at least to Magongo, will NOT convince me otherwise.

    • SATA in still pictures is good as dead.

      I am not surprised because I knew PF would show us still pictures again and again so many times until some f00lish individuals begin to believe its true he is alive.

      Unfortunately not all of us can be deceived by the gimmick “show them fake still pictures over and over then they will start believing”

      PF are perfecting the art of telling lies. A lie told so many times makes f00lish people begin to believe without questioning.

  7. The pictures were carefully selected. Why haven’t they given us the front view and a close up of his face? We know all what is happening. And you PF cadres, stop insulting those of us who kept on asking for Sata to come out in the open and declare that he is genuinely earning his salary. Let Sata also address a press conference to dispel all the speculations that did the rounds. Another test he must pass is opening the Agricultural Show. We shall wait and see. So, PF chaps its too early for you to start jumping up and down as you always do because your brains are so small and do not allow you to analyse issues beyond your noses.

    • Keep dreaming and come up with all sorts of scenarios, but the fact is he just did his constitutional work of swearing constitutional office bearers. Going to the agricultural show all making a press conference is not a constitutional duty. Dull chap. Long live the President.

    • @Questionner.

      You right , let him officiate at the show grounds to meet his people and assure them that he is ok. At least he will not dodge the camera at the show grounds.

      After we questioned LAZ spin on oath, PF quickly come up with fake photos again. What a circus! When will it end? If it was not necessary why did they quickly stage the occasion.?
      I have a feeling they staged the swearing in knowing full well that if it backfires, the officers will still carry on discharging their duties as swearing in just a symbolic gesture by the president.

      Its only through asking a lot questions like we do that the truth eventually comes out.

      Aluta continua!

  8. All those calling for us people who demand accountability from this excuse of a president to hang our heads in shame will have a long wait on your hands. Prior to his disappearance, we were critical of his leadership. He disappeared and we became critical of that. He is back, so now we continue from where we left off. Expect nothing positive from our contributions as long as the status quo of running the country like the uneducated dunderhead he is, stands. Ati we are ashamed! Thats fcuking laughable.

    • Be calm and make your point. No need for such vile language. Don’t be like those bitter extremists from ZWD or are you?

    • You know that you’ve lost yourself when you can’t even self supervise your mind, projections,principles and what is happening around you…

    • Nah man, it’s not a question of losing myself. It’s just who I am, thats all, nothing philosophical or complicated about that.

  9. Only Stupid F-O-O-L-S cannot see the unprecedented developments happening in the country in all sectors…Zambia is Changing for Good and we will never lag behind again. MCS is changing the disrespect the presidency has been given in this country,

    He will not unnecessarily appear in public to argue with the media run by rogue citizens aimed at disrespecting the chair. Phase one of developing this country by the PF ends in 2016 and immediately there after we start and continue with the second phase. Zambia is changing for good now and for the future…

    • Only dull cadres who base their conclusions on what they see and nothing beyond that cannot understand that developing a country means striking a balance between this infrastructure you are blubbering about and ensuring a decent living for the citizenry. When you say ‘unprecedented development’ you should qualify that by including ‘unprecedented poverty, hunger, high cost of living, stifling of basic human rights, police brutality etc’ . The negatives as far as human development is concerned far outweigh your tuma roads and buildings and the last time I checked, humans and not roads do the voting.

    • People here fail to understand basic principles about development.

      Zambia had 8 million citizens a few years ago, and now we are 15 million, How do you expect to develop without capacity building. You want to use the same facilities you used before when the population was small.
      Same roads,same hospitals,Same universities, etc


      Here a simplest example for you Sir…

      Before you got married you were living in a one roomed flat, You got married and had 2 children, you decided to move to a bigger house and bigger yard for your siblings to play around…

      If you’re not married, remember that this is how its supposed to be


    • Dude, are you telling me that under MMD we were 8 million and then less than three years later we are at 15 million? How did MMD manage to combine infrastructure development while ensuring people could afford basic things? You speak of capacity building, yes, but does that negate the need to plan strategically so that the bulk of resources is not used on one sector of the economy while neglecting the rest? Is that how you run your home? Do you not strike some sort of balance on how you are going to develop your home? Do you not ensure that your kids get educated and fed nicely while you build your house ku plot? Come now man, lets be objective. The cries of starving and broke people has climbed octaves higher than under MMD. The phrase ‘Mwa sata kuwayawafye’ is now common.

    • SATA in still pictures is good as dead.

      I am not surprised because I knew PF would show us still pictures again and again so many times until some f00lish individuals begin to believe its true he is alive.

      Unfortunately not all of us can be deceived by the gimmick “show them fake still pictures over and over then they will start believing”

      PF are perfecting the art of telling lies. A lie told so many times makes f00lish people begin to believe without questioning.

    • Lets face the facts here my guy;
      Zambia is among the world’s poorest nations and unemployment and underemployment are serious problems…We agree as PF.
      MMD was blinding us by subsidizing our lifestyles while denying people in the rural areas basic access to:Electricity,roads,schools,hospitals,bridges,universities,etc
      Our country’s economy is not driven by Service delivery, its infact supposed to be driven by a manufacturing industry. Now, how can you sustain a viable manufacturing industry without the proper infrastructure to support it?
      we must not shy away from making difficult decisions despite the consequences if the long term benefits far outweigh the immediate and now satisfaction you’re advocating for.

      MMDs infrastructure development wa sugar coated and there is

    • Nakulu, yes, the facts cannot be disputed, infrastructure development is taking place and roads are being built but then this brings me back to the issue of balancing. You mention manufacturing industries. Please tell me what strides PF has taken to develop these manufacturing industries. A prudent government would ensure that as they build these roads, they also look at creating these industries you speak of. Are you waiting till all roads are done and then that is when you will make these plans? Where will the money come from because so far the infrastructure is service related i.e. hospitals & schools and these generate no immediate returns if any at all. You need thinkers and planners in your govt who will not act on whims of the president without proper feasibility studies.

    • Dude:Its not government’s sole responsibility to create that industry.This changed immediately after privatisation,There has never been investor confidence in this country and thats why we rush into signing contracts like KCM.This country’s economy is meant to be driven by private industry,thats why more money is also being allocated to SMEs and youth empowerment programs for Zambians.That is what will reduce poverty and balancing amongst the poor and Zambians in general. Its no longer government’s duty to employ all Zambians,but to provide that conducive environment for you and i to set up businesses so that our children and our childrens children can live is safety and prosperity.If you’re waiting for gov to build you a mine and subsidise everything from soap to biscuits it won’t…

    • And someone still insists ‘the constitution doesn’t require them to be sworn in so they can perform their functions’ please lets be serious and not manipulate the law by jargon designed to deceive. Unhealthy looking or not but still he needed to swear-in these officers, next Mumba Malila SC, Supreme Court Judge, and title will change to Hon. Justice Mumba Malila SC,

  10. Now no more hiding at state house. Hit the road immediately to Mangango. A lot has been sleeping due to your hide and seek/sick games.

  11. @Saulosi u speak with so much maturity ..Viva 2016 viva PF viva…Zambias Nelson mandela is back he is alive and kick..ONE MICHAEL

  12. @Saulosi u speak with so much maturity ..Viva 2016 viva PF viva…Zambias Nelson mandela is back he is alive and kicking..ONE MICHAEL

  13. Thank God for the answered prayers! Hate is not going to give any one any job. Please keep on working quietly my president. You do not need to hold press conference or become a flying president like RB. Keep on doing the good job. By 2016 the opposition will have nothing to say

  14. No wonder these politicians always want specialist treatment abroad, indeed Sata is back and walking. I hope he will soon start entertaining us as usual, I have equally missed the comedy!

  15. Good to have this man around, there is a good reason why God has anointed this man for this great man of Zambia. Long live HE M.C. S

    • Good to have this man around, there is a good reason why God has anointed this man for this great nation of Zambia. Long live HE M.C. S

  16. Such a shadow of his former self. Continue deluding yourselves. Clever fellas like Wynter are already in top gear campaigning. They know what must be must be.

  17. Being a Zambian president must be the best job in the world. disappear for 3 months put everything on HOLD….then reappear as if nothing ever happened. You apologise to no one….Zambians when are we going to wake up from your docility.

  18. mwati kuli vaseline mu stae house …. that man there is a corpse, sorry PF hooligans with your “we told you hes alive” comments.

  19. Why should it be a ceremony for the president to appear? Even making headlines as if it’s resurrection. His will be a slow but tormenting death. He made funny of others…it’s his turn. If he dies quickly, he won’t b in pain….

  20. Some of you hater guys even if ba Sata punches you in the face you will say “no it’s Photoshop”. It’s about the same as the way you keep saying “no, HH is popular” and “no, HH is going to be president”. Delusional

  21. The ashamed UPND cadres are now trying to be petty by talking about useless things like his fingers,lips or eyes. Such a dirty bunch

  22. God is good all the time.He has abundant mercies on all His creatures and I wish to advice all those wishing their fellow human being death that God is God.NEVER NEVER to do so.

  23. Don’t rejoice yet are you a doctor.even a dying person can stand or walk few minutes before he/she collapses and die.In most cases pipo feel a little bit better before they day.Just like a crocodile pulls a person in deep waters it first lifts him up to show on lookers what is happening.Sata is not health at all.The doctors know the truth he can only prolong his suffering.Remember even mazoka showed good signs of recovery he even started putting weight and when he thought of going for kidney transplant he died.So death is a mistery and so don’t cerebrate yet.

    • So what, dont you idio.ts get sick? Mwanya, come 2016, you will put your tails between the obvious. Long live HEMCS, Long live PF Government.

  24. You know there is something terribly wrong if a mere appearance of Presido at a swearing-in ceremony becomes breaking news!

    • Namona you are right it seems these guys were not sleeping .Umwenso sana they are worried that they will soon lose contract deals.They want to force the old Baboon to continue suffering as all the vitalm organs have only a limited life span of 2months.Ask Kaseba knows the truth.Lets wait for news at 19:00hrs and see if we shall see him talk on TV.

  25. ZWD has been following the STORY OF SATA and I believ his TRANSPLANTED KIDNEY IS WORKING WELL.

    UPND knew tht Sata was RECOVERYING IN STATE HOUSE and at the ‘APPOINTED TIME’ he will come into public view !!!.

    SATA ALL HIS APPOINTMENTS ARE BEMBAs !!!! I cant tolerate this ANYMORE !!!

    • There are about 14 tribes which make up the Bemba speaking people. That is why we say there are 73 tribes in Zambia. So don’t conclude that every Musonda, Mwansa, Mwelwa etc. is Bemba by tribe. In the same way, Ilas and Lenjes are not Tongas – otherwise we wouldn’t have 73 tribes.

  26. Just amazing how PF cadres are ready to suspend logic. Sata appeared on still photos and supposedly chaired a meeting, the cadres went into a hysterical frenzy and celebrated his coming back, only to be done another ‘donchi’ when he retreated into his warm cocoon. He reappeared again with more photos of him placed next to the helicopter and a wheelchair and there was excitement all over the place. Again he has appeared in another UFO-like sighting and people are tripping all over themselves with euphoria. How do we know those photos are real? In 40 days he has been absent doesn’t he feel obligated to reassure the nation he is alive and well by appearing on TV and radio and say something? He knows most citizens think he is dead and still pictures of him merely reinforces this perception.

    • I am not miserable because I get up every day and I am seen at work. I talk with my friends and workmates and make sense, those around me do not hide me from the public and nobody stares at me when they see me. Anything else and I would be miserable.

  27. The polaris and paralysis of the Saulosi and Wanzelu camps epitomises the rift valley like divide Zambia is today; South v North. Hate. Suspicision. Competition steeped in blood drenching rivalry. Hamas-Isrealis sworn enmity.

    No more pretense; between these two tribes lies hatred with a passion quenched occassionally by raids of each others women folk and veneered by the likes of ‘politics of the belly’ Munkombwe.

    Till death, these are shall never cohabit!

  28. If ZWD wants people to find their articles credible, they need to stop with the crazy propaganda. Wanzelu needs to find a better campaign. Sata has risen and now your site looks like a one track arm chair critic. ZWD provides a good information outlet, and a voice for dissatisfied citizens, but you have tried very hard to ruine your rightful place as champion of the people. Please drop, the Sata venom and start criticing him for the failure of his policies!! Sata’ steam need to adjust his shirt cuffs. His team need to make him look as well as he can and an ill fitting shirt is not good. Please look after him, you are his eyes.

    • @Patriot Abroad

      You are patriotic about Sata and his PF , while I am patriotic about Zambia my lovely country being torn apart by PF ‘s rampant lies , corruption and culture of secrecy.

      For your info I wont rest until the truth is told about what these PF minions did to our comedian president- Sata.

      PF have perfected the art of telling lies. They believe, “in a lie told so many times makes the f00lish people believe that its true without probing further.”

      Why still pictures up to now? Still picture wont convince me at all. To me its the same as showing Hitler’s pictures and claim he is alive.

      Sata likes meeting and introducing himself to foreign envoys, why not this time?

      I will only believe he is alive when Sata resumes his relentless project commissioning he loves the…

  29. Good to see the president looking health and working . but am disapointed with our ancient ZNBC,on their 14hrs TV 1 news they still showed these same still pictures they got from facebook. does it mean they dont have video cameras or what?

  30. Was he trying to match his skin colour to that of his suit? Ok, the sleeves yachita over, lets buy smaller shirts and jackets for our leader now that he has lost weight. Kwanja kuchita kubisiska na sleeve ya shirt sure!

  31. Some “good” pictures lately of the beloved President but no audio!! Wonder what has happened to his voice or perhaps not quite coherent yet. Lets give him time please!

  32. WELCOME BACK SIR. The two people who became over excited were HH and Kabimba.

    We are happy for this. Sir, as Nevers said, if you need rest, rest, if you need to go abroad for specialist treatment, let young George jsut inform the nation and we will wish you well and pray for yoy.

    We thank God for answering the prayers of Nevers Sekwila Mumba. He is the only one who asked the nation to pray for you, the first family and mother Zambia.

    Zambia shall be saved.

  33. if indeed this is true, i ll stop reading online news because i ll believe there are up to no good and just hate Sata to the point of his death.
    Bcos i dont expect a man that was described as sick as was potrayed, commatose to make such a drammatic recovery to the point where he is able to swear in pipo. Hope it will be shown on TV today.

  34. The question on my mind is, do we have a functional head of state? Does this ceremony put to rest all of our concerns?

  35. Haters are hurting that Sata is well. Rumor mongers are pooping in their pants coz now people have come to know them as devil- liars together with their evil ZWD.

    The UPND thought Sata would die so they get to state house…hey , this has been faltered. Please UPND just campaign and do not rest your hope on the death of Sata. It will never happen guys. Shame on you devils…shaaaa.

  36. I dont know why people are castigating ZWD I mean honestly if you have kept a dog before you wouldnt be suprised…

    • Awe to me this is another lie. Photoshoping taken to another level.

      PF have perfected the art of telling lies. They believe, “in a lie told so many times makes the f00lish people believe that its true without probing further.”

      Why still pictures up to now? Still picture wont convince me at all. To me its the same as showing Hitler’s pictures and claim he is alive.

      Sata likes meeting and introducing himself to foreign envoys, why not this time?

      I will only believe he is alive when Sata starts his relentless tours and project commissioning he so much loves.

      This is pure “Donchi Kubeba at its best!

  37. Well done Mr. President. We are very happy to see you back in action. Take it easy and utilize your ministers more to do your work. Keep resting and taking it easy. We love you very much.

    • You contradict yourself when you say “it is nice to see you back in action” and then you say “keep resting and take it easy”. Does this mean that Sata’s “action” is “resting and taking it easy”. Cone on…. Confront the truth…….the man is not well,

  38. The man looks blue black like he has been tested for starch. imagine people celebrating his reapearance?lol bushe bama disappearing antics? ite never used to happen with the previous presidents,ngaba ninshi? and where is ka mushota lelo, so balekanyyyenga kuchi mu boer.yabaa!!!

  39. Kanayaka and liver is Green and the Lungs Black ,while the face is blue to grey like a fish (buka Buka)which is embalmed at City Makert.And you Kolwestan you are happy ”at ba president is fit.Vochita chita ba president vabaletelela.He does not even want to visted by pipo.

  40. He really looks bad, I guess he did not appear on TV. Sata is such a stubborn man, why cling to power when all that he can do is appear to swear officers after 30 days of hibernation.

    Just look at the body-language of his Ministers. So tense!

  41. Meles Zenawy of Ethiopia was out of sight for 100 Days (3 months) never appeared in blood and flesh but left a functioning system.
    Umaru Musa Yar’Adua of Nigeria came back after disappearing from public view for longer than our esteemed President Sata; he also left a functioning system.
    Ours has at least now appeared back to public view; at least in Technicolor photographs: may be will manifest himself in digital format or otherwise. Glory is to the Lord!
    We still need a semblance of a functioning system comparable to the two of his late peers no longer with us.

  42. Zambia is bigger than all this nonsense of who is looking well or not,the Govt has structures for work to go on.To my fellow Zambians just concentrate on improving your departments that will be contribution enough to the nation,lastly lets wish the republican President well its cheaper COUNTRYMEN, i hope JayJay na muzako wopanda nzelu mu,mvela.Mwaziwonela…

  43. when God days Yes NO one can say NOOO. Long live our Dear President. God give you double . Zambia needs you u. We love u Sir!!!!

  44. Take your heads out of the sand. Sata is clearly unwell. He is not steady on his feet. The people around him look shocked and dazed after seeing him and the public has not heard him in over six weeks. What is wrong with his voice? Is it that what he says is not coherent? How can anyone sensible say that Sata is back. We will only know if he as usual goes to Mangango to campaign. Listen carefully if he does to his voice and what he says.

  45. If he is well he will open the Agricultural and Commercial Show this weekend. Everybody including Saulosi know that Sata is not well enough to do any public engagement. If the entire footage of the swearing in ceremony is shown with audio people will call for Sata’s resignation on health grounds.

    • You are correct. It is the President’s traditional duty and a custom to open or accompany a visiting Head of State to open the Zambia Agric and Commercial Show. So if the President is enjoy sound health and as fit as a fiddle, no problem – we shall see him at the showgrouds touring the stand over a distance of some 3 to 5 Kilometres! I bet your 3 dollar bill if he will show up!

      The discourse is simple; Bemba insulting those from the South for daring the sickman to leave his bed of lanquish and attend to duties of the office. The South and North shall never unite and will forever repel strongly in a magnetic fashion. There is permanent enmity which is being played in the persons of Sata and HH. For how do you explain the polar opposite stands of Wanzelu v Saulosi/Mushota?


  47. The biggest beneficiary of an absent Sata is not UPND it’s MMD. UPND need to pray very hard that Sata does not expire or retire from politics before 2016. The PF is a conglomerate made up of the former UPP Kapwepwe inspired Bemba suprimist and a the copperbelt and Lusaka thugs (Kambwili and Komoki types) and a few disillusioned non Bemba who wrongly think they can use Satas base and political infrastructure to eventually take over the reins of power. Kabimba and Membe of the Post reputation together with nchito. Poor madam Inonge is just a used condom through Membe .Sata the glue that keeps these distinct groups together once he goes they will split up as the will vie for leadership and the losers will break away. Nevers mumba is the likely inheritor of the UPP clique not UNDP

    • At next election there will be a lot of disgruntled Zambians who will feel cheated . The non Bemba population will not vote PF due to failed promised and exclusion from power. Mainly in Lusaka , northwestern , western and even on the Copperbelt to UPND. He will not make any gains inEastern province . Nevers will therefore have no base and lose to UPND. If Sata does not stand Nevers will inherit that base in not only Muchinga but CB and Lusaka as well. He will then leverage his church credentials to appear as being above regionalism to the other parts of Zambia and use Rupiah in Eastern province . So the prognosis is this. PF is a one term party I any event. If Sata is alive UPND will win , if he retires MMD will win a head to head against UPND. So UPND happy with Sata alice

  48. Wanzelu, promise you I am not into PF or any other party right now. I am weighing my options. However, my stomach turns at vicious attacks on an old sick man, I am a Christian and would not condone such if it we redone to. I do respect Sara as a seasoned politician of many years. I enjoyed ZWD, but as above unholy attacks are just wrong. I hope all Zambians will try to be neutral at this stage, until all mandates are reviewed thoroughly. Wishing you all the best.

  49. Most of you are being sympathetic with mr sata and now that he has appeared in his frail body you claim those who questioned mr Sata’s disappearance without any plausible explanation as haters of PF, ashamed and embarrassed now that Sata has appeared briefly at a swearing meeting.
    This is shameful and shallow thinking. No zambian wished mr Sata any ill health or feelings. To the contrary, Zambians wanted to be told the truth about their president, where he had gone without informing the nation. Zambians wanted to pray meaningfully about the state of health of their president. To claim that mr Sata’s appearing is shaming other Zambians is cheap politicking with little concept of presidency to a nation. On the other hand these same people shaming others would not be courageous to ask.

  50. Where has the president been all this 5 weeks also that created uncertainty in a nation?. Claiming that he has returned back, the question is returned from where?
    These shaming people were happy that the country was without a president, confusion reigned without knowing who was in charge of national affairs, some one acting while incumbent was under myth over his presence. That state of affairs would not go on unchallenged and it was right to question it demanding a response.
    There is nothing shameful about it, except to keeping quiet pretending all was well when not, is in effect shameful and embarrassing for modern day governance.
    We await for more active role our president will demonstrate in discharging day-to-day duties in the coming days for which he was voted for as head of…

  51. Day two ,who watched ZNBC news last evening? Do you remember I told you about Sata ?How many heared his voice on during news at 19:00hrs?If no one did ask your selfs why? Did you see the walking style.He limps fast he stops and talk to people and continued walking until he reached his table. During National athem he was heavily leaning towards the table for support.IF at his voice was audible why did ZNBC fail to produce what he said? Iam still asking Zambians to tell me what happened on 29th June,2014,at around 02:00hrs.

  52. Good to see you Mr President in person. Wishing you good health in 2014 and beyond. Recall to balance the appointments to ensure all tribes are represented in your govt, all the best as you rule the country.

  53. Excuse me. I would like to find out something. How many of us commenting on the health status of the President, can claim to be 100% healthy?

  54. I am not at supporter of any political party coz am non partisan. Despite that, i am madly in love with my country. What surprises me is the way some bloggers would want to play smart in terms of photo analysis – saying things like ‘Still photos’, ‘Photoshopped etc. Please stop deceiving those with no or little understanding in Graphic Arts (Superimpositioning and Photoshopping). I have been working with this kind of art for over 15 years with massive knowledge and understanding; in simpler terms, i am a fully qualified practitioner in Graphic Design and Web. What is my point here? All these photos havent been tempered with. They are as real as you see them.

  55. I wounder why pipo sit down the whole day worrying about other pipo.Even if the president is dead or alive today doesn’t affect ma livelihood i still wake and make my money.Lets not worst time worrying about other pipo but worry about yourselves.Even when jesus was dying on the cross he emphasized this to say dont cray for me but cray for yourselves that when judgment comes we shall be together in heaven.

  56. Ricky Bobby- surely you have no clue of what senile dementia is. Frustration and lack of a place you can call second home is making hallucinating and afraid of your own shadow.
    Mr Sata remains our president and it is God given. Long live Mr President, May the lord of love and care enrich you with the gifts of forgiveness, love, wisdom to rule and bring all the people God has given you to lead together as a father of the nation. For those who call you names and insult you for give them as they do not know what they are doing. God bless Zambia

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