Saturday, July 27, 2024

UPND dismisses Nevers Mumba’s claims that it is a regional party


Dr Peter Machungwa, Mrs Elizabeth Chitika, Dr Nevers Mumba and Mr Mwansa Mbulakulima at the main area at the Umutomboko ceremony
Dr Peter Machungwa, Mrs Elizabeth Chitika, Dr Nevers Mumba and Mr Mwansa Mbulakulima at the main area at the Umutomboko ceremony

DIVISIONS between the United Party for National Development (UPND) and fellow opposition MMD have continued to manifest with the former calling the latter an ‘obsolete party’ headed for extinction.

Copperbelt UPND chairperson Elisha Matambo said MMD leaders should accept the harsh reality that the former ruling party was finished.

Mr Matambo was reacting on MMD leader Nevers Mumba’s attacks on the UPND that it is a region party because of alleged failure by the top leadership to attend the Mutomboko and other ceremonies in Luapula province.

But Mr Matambo described that statement by Dr Mumba as being based on hurt because of continued defection of MMD members to the UPND.

“Dr Mumba is issuing such statements because he is very hurt that 90 per cent of their members have crossed over to the UPND,” Mr Matambo said.

He said contrary to Dr Mumba’s claim that UPND was a regional party, they membership including members of parliament (MPs) and councillors nearly in all provinces namely Central, Western, North-Western, Copperbelt.

“So no one can buy that story by Dr Mumba that UPND is a regional party. We have MPs and councillors in all parts across the country and so those claim by Dr Mumba is sour grapes,” he said.

Mr Matambo advised Dr Mumba to work extra hard in growing the MMD by attracting members as opposed to launching baseless attacks on the UPND.

“He is talking that UPND didn’t attend the Mutomboko Ceremony last weekend when in actual fact we had representation from there and we even presented our gift to the Mwata,” Mr Matambo said.




    • Nevers statement may be taken as swingeing by the provincial pack, though thats the reality on the ground.

      Mumba’s statement is timely and you can only dismiss it at your own peril.

      reform by first dismissing the current leader of the pack who has a repugnant history of long sticky fingers on national resources and then roll out a development plan if you have one

      The truth of the matter is that other then the stolen and laundered wealth, your current leader of the pack has not added any value to your once vibrant party.

      your party is in an endless state of topsy-turvy, a brutal political quandary with no recovery strategy in place.

      Your illogical arrogance has gotten your party into its current state and your pride as a pack will eternally keep it there.

    • Could someone please help me get access to Mr.Nevers Mumba’s doctoral thesis. i have searched the internet in vain. Mr.Mumba often sounds intellectually bankrupt and reading his thesis may help us understanding where he is coming from. Let also be aware of a divisive good for nothing newspaper editor masquerading as champion of democracy

    • It is indeed, aside from Southern province where else has it got any support?

      It needs to merge with the National Revolution Party to have any chance whatsoever


    • UPND,the sewer mouth.There’s no democracy in these tribally inclined Parties.MMD has changed 4 presidents since inception.Look at UPND and PF.In UPND there was a semblance of democracy at the death of Mazoka.Munkombwe a Tonga has acknowleged that UPND can not win national elections,because it’s regional.So if Dr Mumba said that as alleged,he is not saying something new,but it’s a known fact.UPND,pliz come out of the tribal cacoon and squarely deal with it,otherwise,you perish with your ‘successful businessman’ HH-the Hypocrity Hypontizer,hh.

    • #1 + others: Guys, guys please slow down with insults. NO ONE IS ABOVE THE LAW. To prove this, just right click and select view source on any postings and you will be able to see the IP address for the author. What does this mean? GRZ can complain to your host country regarding cyber crimes.

    • We won’t waste time arguing with a party that is gradually sliding into instinction. MMD is now showing it’s true colours as a PF surrogate party. Why should an opposition party dedicate all it’s energies fighting a fellow opposition party instead of channelling it’s energies towards providing checks and balances to the ruling party or selling their vision to better Zambia?
      Have you buffoons considered the possibility that HH avoids certain areas for fear of sparking violence as was the case when he attempted to visit the Chitimukulu or appear on radio on the CB? Why not condemn PF for creating a hostile environment that restricts opposition leaders from travelling freely? Why do our bemba friends always think tribal?

    • Yes it is a regional party.Made by tonga`s,for tonga`s and composed mainly of tonga`s.This can be seen in the way their current present came in.He came on a tonga bandwagon, pushing out Sakwiba Sikota and Chisanga in the process(because they were not tonga).The rules were clear after a tonga man Mazoka died that only a tonga must suceed.A party with such a history can`t deny being regional because it is in the foundation and DNA of the party.People like Canisius Banda and William Banda may be special assistants(a smokescreen ?) but that is just superficial.It is the Garry Nkombo`s and Shakafuswa`s of this world that runs the show.

    • Yes it is a regional party.Made by tonga`s,for tonga`s and composed mainly of tonga`s.This can be seen in the way their current president came in.He came on a tonga bandwagon, pushing out Sakwiba Sikota and Chisanga in the process(because they were not tonga).The rules were clear after a tonga man Mazoka died that only a tonga must suceed.A party with such a history can`t deny being regional because it is in the foundation and DNA of the party.People like Canisius Banda and William Banda may be special assistants(a smokescreen ?) but that is just superficial.It is the Garry Nkombo`s and Shakafuswa`s of this world that runs the show.

    • Yes my cousins have made their party regional.I hate them after they forced out my uncle Saki because he was not Tonga.

    • @Nasilele and how many times has pf held conventions? How many times has leadership changed hands in pf?
      @Saulosi and Mushota,you 2 hate Tongas with a passion. In your stinking way of thinking, a Party must not be formed by a Tonga? What about ADD led by Milupi which only exist in Western province? It’s not a threat to pf isn’t it.
      YES UPND was formed by an intelligent Tonga who headed Anglo-America African region.NO APOLOGY AND NO REGRETS!

    • Yes it is a Tonga party so what ? You in PF are full of bemba’s ,we are also entitled to have our own son.We are tired of you bemba’s ruling.Kaunda,Chiluba and now Sata all bemba’s.It time for our own son HH to also rule.We will vote with all our cows if need be.

    • Why is every jim and jack hallucinating about UPND? I think they cant take the fact UPND is the party to form the next government whether they bribe the whole nation with loans , and Roads.

      Only f00ls think that roads alone can solve the cost of living crisis created by PF minions. Nowadays, disposable income for hard working poor Zambians has catastrophically fallen to levels pre MMD. Is it surprising? Not at all, because the politics of the past three decades are back with the blessing of SATA in hiding, and his useless ministers.

      How can a country proper with a head of state in hiding only to appear briefly in recycled photoshopped still pictures in all media houses?

      Only UPND and HH have a concrete plan to solve Zambia ‘s economic troubles.

      PF is a failed tribal project.

    • It’s seems like some people were raised to think tribal. People like Mushota and Saulosi only see tribe in others. They are the people who are deliberately stirring up tribal hegemony as a way of maintaining their privileged status quo. Fortunately Zambians now know who the real tribalist are. Keep on with your tribal arrogance and you will be taught a good lesson. You seem not to have learnt a lesson from 2001 when Zambians united against a tribal gov’t.

  1. These foolss are busy fighting each other instead of finding ways to get rid of that useless president and his bunch of dim ministers.

    • All must accept that the North passionately detest and hate the South. And so it is that there will be no unity. Each for himself. Thank God, the South is already developed and does not need anything from the North as it is endowed with all major electricity installations and border crossings for trade purposes and rich in cattle, silver and gold pllus oil!

  2. Before I make any conclusions, I need to wait for a reaction from MMD on this matter. If one scrutinizes the article that appeared in the Post yesterday, Dr. Mumba never actually mentioned UPND or HH.

    I will take a ‘wait and see’ posture. Also, we bloggers and the public at large need to realize that the Post is a master at crating divisions among parties. Remember how they destroyed the PF/UPND pact. But its fascinating how things are turning out, very entertaining!!!!!

    • @ Katongo: You are so wise in your comment – very mature. Alot of bloggers’ emotions are controlled by what is reported by some medias out there who are here to divide the masses – Unfortunately, VERY FEW bloggers realise it, coz they lack wisdom. Its a pity.

    • @Katongo Nsambe-Thanks for your wise approach unlike these UPND fanatics who behave as though they’re bewitched.The Past reports should not be taken as they come-Mmembe has an agenda to weaken the opposition,so that Kabimba and PF continue to rule for their safety regarding the crimes they’ve committed,non payment of the DBZ K14Billion+ Debt.,for example.

    • Most people here are controlled by ZWD that wants to perceive that all bemba speaking people are enemies of UPND.

  3. I know this won’t go down very well but this crook masquerading as a pastor is now getting under my skin. He thinks his corruption impregnated MMD will ever bounce back to power, he must concentrate on his cases about thefts he is accused of perpetrating while he was in Canada. His party’s corruption has caused so many by-elections and a lot of time being wasted in our courts of law. Never! MMD must – and will-go the UNIP way. Zambia needs fresh ideas for real change!

    • Nevers Mumba is just hate that his a loner in MMD.Those that understand Zambian political Foundations and its Origins(The power Bases)will agree with me.There are power bases ,one from the northern part of Zambia under the Kapwepwe school of thought and the other in the south under the nKumbula school of thought.The other groups are small and work as interplay to balance and sometimes to determine who gets the presidency.Everything as at now points towards the south.why iam I saying so?pliz follow me closely and be open minded.In 1991 all Zambians were united to remove one enemy Kaunda,the southern gave the highest % number of those who voted for Chiluba.In chilubas government just like in the Kaunda the biggest donars were the Nkumbula school of thought.But when it come to power sharing a

  4. Nevers statement may be taken as swingeing by the provincial pack, though thats the reality on the ground.

    Mumba’s statement is timely and you can only dismiss it at your own peril.

    reform by first dismissing the current leader of the pack who has a repugnant history of long sticky fingers on national resources and then roll out a development plan if you have one

    The truth of the matter is that other then the stolen and laundered wealth, your current leader of the pack has not added any value to your once vibrant party.

    your party is in a topsy-turvy, a brutal political quandary with no recovery strategy in place.

    Your illogical arrogance has gotten your party into its current state and your pride as a pack will eternally keep it there.

    • It is fascinating that one region/ethinic group in Zambia always cries about tribalism whenever they are politically challenged by anyone from other regions. No surprise Mumba has joined his kinsmen. Please this country is for all Zambians with equal rights. Why is it that 98% of people who accuse others of being tribal are Bembaz and yet 95% of political parties in Zambia are presided by Bembaz.

      Mr Mumba you a big disappointment, little wonder Membe has found you useful.

    • WE are very grateful to UPND for being a true Party. Regional or non regional is not an issue. What matters to some of us is leadership that recognizes that People are the masters. HH with all his riches does alot of community work without cameras. He has never boasted of his many roles as chairman of many boards, his role as church elder, his role as philanthropist. Many people have been sponsored to school, up to university by HH and he has never boasted of this. That is why some of us are endeared to UPND. Call it regional but which party is not regional apart from those who have no base? Even in the USA the two big parties are regional. Certain states never vote for republicans and vise versa.

  5. Could someone please help me get access to Mr.Nevers Mumba’s doctoral thesis. i have searched the internet in vain. Mr.Mumba often sounds intellectually bankrupt and reading his thesis may help us understanding where he is coming from. Let also be aware of a divisive good for nothing newspaper editor masquerading as champion of democracy

    • @ obatala Dr Nevers Mumba’s doctorate is a honorary one, he did not get it through academic studies. It was because of his contribution in the proclamation of the gospel across the globe.

  6. Please UPND forgive pastor Mumba.. ITS THE EVIL M’MEMBE who hates UPND..he will chock in 2016 cos he know we shall demand that 16bn he owes DBZ

  7. Mutambo has distinguished himself as a UPND’s main source of hog-wash. His masters have been paying members and promising them positions in UPaNdDown. Even William Banda got a position!

    These guys has hoped MMD would unravel. This has not happened and UPND is now desparate to ‘kill’ MMD. The clown Mutambo should know that will NOT work.

  8. MMD and UPND why are we fighting each other when we have a big ugly and heartless PF elephant in the room? Fight our common enemy that is holding Zambia hostage.

  9. teling the truth does not destroy friendship whether we like it or not UPND is a regional party.UPND was once a very vibrant party some of us we risked our lives to mmd over upnd but with the coming of hh things started to change and we dicided to leave,the man (HH) is full of himself not only to his political oponent but even to his members within the party everything is about him,full of boast of his riches without knowing that the more he boast the more people (voters) kips a distance from him,zambians wants a leader who they feel is with them on the same level closer to them even if u ar rich humble yourself among them let them not feel or see any gap between you and them.thats how Mr SATA won many hearts of the Zambian people dispite being rich by zambian standard he embraced…

  10. Upnd is tribu party. Rember the way they treated mr sakwiba
    and bob sijinga saying that upnd will never be lead by a non tonga.

    • UPND and HH are not tribal it is the people who say only a tonga should lead whose statement should be condemned. HH and UPND need to disassociate themselves from that statement and let the people who made that statement apologise to the Zambian people for lack of good judgement. Dr Mumba could not have said that, we should wait for his response and that of MMD. The reporter could have just made this story up . No one should be judged by tribe but by character.

  11. Bembas, Bembas, Bembas! These people are tribalists. Just go to any parastatal today and see the stinking tribal empires for yourselves.

    • Do you mean Bemba speaking people or the Bemba tribe? There is a big difference. There are about 14 tribes which make up the Bemba speaking people. These tribes also share names but they are separate tribes – that is why you have 73 tribes. So if you think every Mwansa, Bwalya, Musonda Bemba then you are ignorant.

  12. UPND must just accept that there are a REGIONAL party because claims to say you sent a representatives doesn’t make good sense.Why didn’t UPND think of sending a representative is Southern province for that ceremony which the vice president Mr.Guy Scout officiated,ask who attended H.H. Accept that HH is too tribalistic .

  13. UPND must just accept that their are a regional party cause we have seen HH’s presence attending traditional ceremonies in Southern Province and doesn’t he sent representatives in his own land.

  14. We won’t waste time arguing with a party that is gradually sliding into instinction. MMD is now showing it’s true colours as a PF surrogate party. Why should an opposition party dedicate all it’s energies fighting a fellow opposition party instead of channelling it’s energies towards providing checks and balances to the ruling party or selling their vision to better Zambia?
    Have you buffoons considered the possibility that HH avoids certain areas for fear of sparking violence as was the case when he attempted to visit the Chitimukulu or appear on radio on the CB? Why not condemn PF for creating a hostile environment that restricts opposition leaders from travelling freely? Why do our bemba friends always interpret everything as tribal?

  15. Its dirty politics at its pick. “Nervous” has driven a knife into the side of UPND. Instead of impulsive and uncoordinated responses, UPND could have done better to formulate a well articulated response. Guys you need a strong Public Relations and communications Unit. With the new developments between PF must be laughing its lungs out.

  16. Mumba`s IQ is very low. He has never used his brains to earn a living. Its either through tax payers or through donations in the church. That is the problem when you put such people as national leaders. He has no story to tell, because his life is all about begging, and yet his colleagues are talking about businesses that they have built and how they are helping communities.

    I`m from North-Western, and I have never heard that Mumba has attended any of the traditional ceremonies there. Can I conclude that he is a tribalist?
    Mumba should spend time talking about how he has reformed the MMD—–because right now, I doubt if MMD will even manage to win 10 Parliamentary seats in 2016.

    Under Mumba MMD is gone!!! Let him hold a rally in Lusaka and see how many people will attend.

    • Please have respect for Dr Mumba , he started victory ministries from the nowhere and it is now international, HH has never done any thing apart from investing in already established companies by way of buying shares, Using money looted from Privatisation.

  17. I`m from North-Western, and I have never heard that Mr. Mumba has attended any of the traditional ceremonies there. Is he a tribalist?

    Mr. Mumba has just failed to run the MMD. With due respect, every party that he has headed has closed down. Only shows that Mr. Mumba has no story to. Last week the nation heard (on a TV interview) who HH is and where is coming from. Let Mr. Mumba tell the nation who he is, what his successes in private life are, and how he is using those successes to transform the MMD. Right now, people know Mr. Mumba as a person who has never earned a living using his brains. Its through tax payers and donations (as a Pastor).
    I doubt if Mr. Mumba has any clue on the direction that Zambia needs to take. In fact I doubt if MMD will win more than 10 PMs in 2016.

  18. I`m from North-Western, and I have never heard that Mr. Mumba has attended any of the traditional ceremonies there. Is he a tribalist?

    Mr. Mumba has just failed to run the MMD. With due respect, every party that he has headed has closed down. Only shows that Mr. Mumba has no story to. Last week the nation heard (on a TV interview) who HH is and where is coming from. Let Mr. Mumba tell the nation who he is, what his successes in private life are, and how he is using those successes to transform the MMD. Right now, people know Mr. Mumba as a person who has never earned a living using his brains. Its through tax payers and donations (as a Pastor).
    I doubt if Mr. Mumba has any clue on the direction that Zambia needs to take. In fact I doubt if MMD will win more than 10 PMs in 2016.

  19. At least HH is an employer of thousands. We are all zambians regardless of tribe. Any one can be voted as President of this country. Stop preaching politics of hate. what are teaching our children? Ba Pastor should preach love. We can not make another mistake of voting for the same tribe, they have failed us.

    • I`m from North-Western, and I have never heard that Mr. Mumba has attended any of the traditional ceremonies there. Is he a tribalist?

      Mr. Mumba has just failed to run the MMD. With due respect, every party that he has headed has closed down. Only shows that Mr. Mumba has no story to. Last week the nation heard (on a TV interview) who HH is and where is coming from. Let Mr. Mumba tell the nation who he is, what his successes in private life are, and how he is using those successes to transform the MMD. Right now, people know Mr. Mumba as a person who has never earned a living using his brains. Its through tax payers and donations (as a Pastor).
      I doubt if Mr. Mumba has any clue on the direction that Zambia needs to take. In fact I doubt if MMD will win more than 10 PMs in 2016.

    • That is a lie, Grant Thornton employs 85% Tongas or bantu botatwe. What is your problem rosemary, Dr Mumba is a politician.

    • See how you contradict yourself? You we are all Zambians regardless of tribe. In the same breath you say we should not make the same mistake. Of voting for the same tribe. Genius!

  20. the northern block got the mammoth share.This forced pipo like Mazoka and latter Mwanawasa who latter joined UPND moved out.2001 Chiluba new Bembas alone would not win an election hence he rejected Sata as presidencial candidate,but insteady he chose Mwanawasa to divide the choice.But later own Mwanawasa was rejected by the Kapwepwe click ,he then looked to the Nkumbula click for survival and the death of Mazoka made that possible.Mwanawasa won withought the kapwepwe block voting for him.How ever the Kapwepwe click boosted Satas’ chances to win,after Banda who inherited votes from Nkumbula’s territory and added just abit from eastern block(interplay)It was easy to bit Banda because the Nkumbula click left Banda alone.

    • The current scenario is that since most of the Kapwepwe click left MMD Nevers Mumba has no pipo of his own to lead that’s why HH is telling him to accept the predicament.The MMD northern western,western ,Central and parts of Lusaka bases have gone back to the original group the Nkumbula school of thought.Nevers may have a chance if Sata dies.In the case were Sata is alive and contest the elections Nevers will act as spoiler.In which ever way HH has the biggest opportunity to grab the presidency.Mind youth Nkumbula click have never grabed the world cup are very determined to get this time .Chances are high as the Kapwepwe group has shown a lot of nepotism in the selection of ministers ambassaders and permanent secratry are all Bembas.This will play to HH’s advantage.

    • To sum it up.Zambian politics is based on tribalism.The Bembas and the Tongas run these tribal groupings to get to presidency.This is the what has made as poor.I SIDO MARK believes only when we change the system of governance shall bring power to the pipo and development shall reign in all parts of Zambia.We need a federal type of Government or a highly decetralised type of government were we shall have resources of each states are propery managed by its own pipo.This is my opinion .

    • Democracy is about numbers. Check which part of Zambia is highly populated and who is popular in those areas (Northern, Luapula, Muchinga, Lusaka, Copperbelt, Central, and Eastern provinces. Southern Province taught other provinces how to vote.

  21. Ba Nevers, you wanted HH to attend when his counterpart from PF was not there? His PF counterpart sent a rep, so it was just in order for HH to send a rep from UPND

    • But the other one you are talking about is the sitting president while HH and Nevers are in opposition. Your reasoning in not only and fool.ish. Don’t compare HEMCS the King to to a nonentity cowdung like HH ok!!!!!!!!!!!

  22. Neves Mumba is 100% correct. UPND is a provincial party. It is tribal party and that tribe is in one province, Southern Province. It is headed by one tribal fellow, harbouring tribal sentiments,supported by tribal bloggers on tribal ZWD. It has tribal MPs in parliament championing tribal hate against the republican president and the ruling party.

  23. Nevers Mumba is just hate that his a loner in
    MMD.Those that understand Zambian political
    Foundations and its Origins(The power
    Bases)will agree with me.There are power
    bases ,one from the northern part of Zambia
    under the Kapwepwe school of thought and the
    other in the south under the nKumbula school
    of thought.The other groups are small and
    work as interplay to balance and sometimes to
    determine who gets the presidency.Everything
    as at now points towards the south.why iam I
    saying so?pliz follow me closely and be open
    minded.In 1991 all Zambians were united to
    remove one enemy Kaunda,the southern gave
    the highest % number of those who voted for
    Chiluba.In chilubas government just like in the
    Kaunda the biggest donars were the Nkumbula
    school of thought.But when it come…

  24. The Cartel has once again been infiltrated by the MMD through Nevers Mumba. PF is now using MMD to deny Zambia true leadership.

  25. ba Nevers Mumba, MMD is a failure. When MMD had taken over govt in 1991. The best thing they accomplished was to thicken the Ministers pockets with stolen tax payers money and privatize most of the companies like ZCCM, other mining institutions for a cheap price. Now all those cheap investors are taking advantage of cheap labor and showering themselves with our resources then selling goods under the table so that they can evade tax

  26. sido mark you have hit the nail on the head.upnd all the way.friends let us forget about this progress distructor called never mumba.

    • A lot of people know that the tribal tag was pinned in people’s minds by UPND’s proclamation that ‘ONLY A TONGA CAN LEAD UPND’. Whether you like it or, it is the statement that gave birth to tribalism. HH is not sensitive, this morning I heard him on the news asking Nevers if he attended the recent Lwiindi ceremony. I was taken aback because an intelligent person as you claim him to be should have avoided to mention a Tonga ceremony. So to me he was saying ‘I cannot attend Mutomboko because it is Bemba-oriented.

  27. For sure all zambians know that UPND’s represents the Tonga’s togather with the Bantu Botatwe…..the post newspaper call the Bantustan community. Will never vote for UPND in my whole life including in my eternity

    • @Dead: Who cares about scumburg like you. You can EAT as much SH.IT as you like and after that lick your like other Mokeys!!


  29. I think non-tongas are being unfair to Tongas, because anything that is Tonga is tribal while anything that is not tonga is not tribal. To be faithful and truthful Bembas are the most tribal. Wherever you meet this useless for nothing bemba he/she does not want to learn other tribes. if you want war with tongas why don’t you declare it. the little respect that this country has is coming from honest and hard working Tongas and Ngonis. All institutions headed by kolwestan are in shambos.

  30. Fools! stop the tribal nonsense! it has destroyed nations before…in this age and era, to even waste time,money and energy on tribalism is not only sinful and shameful but also being uncivilised…God has already chosen a leader for Zambia regardless of what you say,think and do for He never makes mistakes,neither is He swayed by one’s tribe,skin colour, status or home area!…hence no tribal fool can undo this Divine act…let us concentrate on uniting and developing Zambia… you have wasted my time and God’s resources-repent!

  31. Ba H.H and all his cronies, let me make it very clear. H.H, will never rule this beloved nation. Tonga tribalism is as good as not reaching an organism. in short, it sticks, ba satan imwe, you are full of hate. You isolate others. Over Bobby East’s penis, you will never rule ba Tonga.

  32. Those queiring about Nevers’ Mumba’s academic credntials; he was awarded an honourary degree for spreading the gospel. But he had a 4 year degree in theology from CFAN Dallas, USA, he also has a a genuine academic Masters degree in Public Policy, a 2 year residential program from the Regent University in the USA.

    • You will receive this massive resistance form mighty southerners and the bantu botatwe until you civilise. We have seen your true colours of primitivity now. We didn’t know that you are angels of liars and deceit. We though when you say Zambia you meant every one kansi you meant only your clans men. Aluta continus southerners!

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