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Tuesday, April 30, 2024
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Today’s Message: He Has Another Seed for You




“…For God has appointed another seed for me…”

(Genesis 4:25, NKJV)

TODAY’S WORD from Joel and Victoria

In Genesis, Eve went through a great disappointment. Her son Cain killed her son Able which was the first murder in the Bible. I’m sure Eve, like any mother, was devastated and heartbroken at the passing of her son. But I love what Eve said in Genesis 4:25, “God has appointed another seed for me.” In essence, she was saying, “I don’t understand it. It doesn’t make sense, but I trust God. This is not the end. He has appointed another seed.”

Friend, when you go through things that you don’t understand, it is not the end. Nothing is lost in the kingdom. God is going to appoint another seed, and that seed represents the future. It indicates what is coming. If you will let go of what didn’t work out, let go of the hurts and pains, then for everything you’ve lost, God will appoint another seed. You’ll give birth to more in the future than you’ve lost in the past. Keep praying, keep believing, keep hoping because God is for you. Trust Him and embrace the good things He has in store for your future!


Father, You are the giver of all life! You give life to my dreams, life to my relationships, and life to my mortal body. Today I choose to release the past and embrace the gift of life You have in store for my future in Jesus’ name. Amen.

— Joel & Victoria Osteen


    • Eskimo: “If I did not know about God and sin, would I go to hell?” Priest: “No, not if you did not know.” Eskimo: “Then why did you tell me?”
      – Source

    • A church run by a controversial multi-millionaire African preacher has been accused of ‘cynical exploitation’ after its British branch received £16.7?million in donations from followers who were told that God would give them riches in return.

      Followers are ferried in double-decker shuttle buses to the church, handed slips inviting them to make debit card payments, and are even told obeying the ministry’s teachings will make them immune from illness.

      Today’s Mail on Sunday revelations about the Winners’ Chapel movement, which holds charitable status, have prompted the Charity Commission to carry out an assessment of the church – one of the fastest-growing in the UK.

      Winners’ Chapel is part of a worldwide empire of evangelical ministries run by Nigeria’s wealthiest preacher David…

  1. Wow…. please do a research on how Christianity Was Used To Brainwash Africans Into Submission!! Man those fundamentalist missionaries really did a number on Africa…

    • I do not think that it was Christianity that brought us down to where we are today. Was brought down Africa was greed: selling one another as slaves and trading our land,rights, minerals for simple things like clothing, spices, etc.

  2. Letter from King Leopold II of Belgium to Colonial Missionaries, 1883
    The letter which follows is Courtesy of Dr. Vera Nobles and Dr. Chiedozie Okoro.

    “Reverends, Fathers and Dear Compatriots: The task that is given to fulfill is very delicate and requires much tact. You will go certainly to evangelize, but your evangelization must inspire above all Belgium interests. Your principal objective in our mission in the Congo is never to teach the niggers to know God, this they know already. They speak and submit to a Mungu, one Nzambi, one Nzakomba, and what else I don’t know. They know that to kill, to sleep with someone else’s wife, to lie and to insult is bad. Have courage to admit it; you are not going to teach them what they know already. Your essential role is to facilitate…

  3. …role is to facilitate the task of administrators and industrials, which means you will go to interpret the gospel in the way it will be the best to protect your interests in that part of the world. For these things, you have to keep watch on disinteresting our savages from the richness that is plenty [in their underground. To avoid that, they get interested in it, and make you murderous] competition and dream one day to overthrow you.

    Your knowledge of the gospel will allow you to find texts ordering, and encouraging your followers to love poverty, like “Happier are the poor because they will inherit the heaven” and, “It’s very difficult for the rich to enter the kingdom of God.” You have to detach from them and make them disrespect everything which gives

  4. courage to affront us. I make reference to their Mystic System and their war fetish-warfare protection-which they pretend not to want to abandon, and you must do everything in your power to make it disappear.

    Your action will be directed essentially to the younger ones, for they won’t revolt when the recommendation of the priest is contradictory to their parent’s teachings. The children have to learn to obey what the missionary recommends, who is the father of their soul. You must singularly insist on their total submission and obedience, avoid developing the spirit in the schools, teach students to read and not to reason. There, dear patriots, are some of the principles that you must apply. You will find many other books, which will be given to you at the end of this…

  5. conference. Evangelize the niggers so that they stay forever in submission to the white colonialists, so they never revolt against the restraints they are undergoing. Recite every day-“Happy are those who are weeping because the kingdom of God is for them.”

    Convert always the blacks by using the whip. Keep their women in nine months of submission to work freely for us. Force them to pay you in sign of recognition-goats, chicken or eggs-every time you visit their villages. And make sure that niggers never become rich. Sing every day that it’s impossible for the rich to enter heaven. Make them pay tax each week at Sunday mass. Use the money supposed for the poor, to build flourishing business centres. Institute a confessional system, which allows you to be good detectives…

  6. denouncing any black that has a different consciousness contrary to that of the decision-maker. Teach the niggers to forget their heroes and to adore only ours. Never present a chair to a black that comes to visit you. Don’t give him more than one cigarette. Never invite him for dinner even if he gives you a chicken every time you arrive at his house.

    “The above speech which shows the real intention of the Christian missionary journey in Africa was exposed to the world by Mr. Moukouani Muikwani Bukoko, born in the Congo in 1915, and who in 1935 while working in the Congo, bought a second hand Bible from a Belgian priest who forgot the speech in the Bible. — Dr. Chiedozie Okoro

  7. We should note:
    1] that all missionaries carried out, and still carry out, that mandate. We are only lucky to have found King Leopold’s articulation of the aim of all Christian imperialist missionaries to Africa.

    2] Even the African converts who today manage the older churches in Africa (the priests, bishops, Archbishops, Cardinals etc of the Roman and Protestant sects), and especially also those who evangelize Born-Again Christianity, still serve the same mandate. Which is why they demonize African gods and Anglicize African names, and drop the names of African deities which form part of African names; and still attack and demolish the African shrines that have managed to survive, e.g. Okija.

  8. 3] Those Africans who voluntarily converted to Christianity before the colonial conquest such as Affonso I of the BaKongo in the 15th century probably did not discern the purpose of the brand of Christianity that was supplied to them. Which was probably why they fell easy prey to the missionaries and the white traders and pirates who followed them.

  9. 4] The African captives who were taken abroad and enslaved, and the Africans at home after the European conquest, having already been forcibly deprived of their autonomy, were in no political position to resist Christianization. Thus the Christianity still practised in all of the African American diaspora, just as that in the African homeland since the start of the 20th century, continues to carry out the Leopoldian mandate.
    Hence, for example, whereas the White Born-Agains of the USA, when in the US Navy ships in WWII, sang:

  10. “Praise the Lord,
    And pass the ammunition,” the attitude of African Born-Again converts today is best summed up as :
    “Praise the Lord,
    And lie down for the manna.”

    Thanks to a century or more of this Leopold-mandated missionary mind control, African Christians are not an activist, self-helping, economically engaged, politically resolute, let alone militant bunch. Hence their putting up with all manner of mistreatment and exploitation by their misrulers, white and black. The most they are disposed to do to their misrulers is to admonish them to “Fear God!”

    • I truly don’t understand wickedness of this proportion. Why would a man awake on a Sabbath day to give a counter message to God’s teaching. What really has the ‘white’ man to do with Faith in 2014? Stupid and contradicting yourself. Try some logic. Today’s ‘Negro’ is learned. He/she has studied History, Politics and Sociology among other studies. We are far better informed than our forefathers.

      Today, I choose God for myself. I am not a product of Yesteryear. The bondage of the past is broken. I am free, free. My White enemy of the past is defeated. Today good men and women of all colours hold hands across the world sharing the Love of God Almighty, Jehovah through him that he sent, Jesus.

      God is not a theory given to me by a white man to imprison me. I choose…

  11. Thankyou for todays message Joel and Victoria!!! Indeed, we look to the future where God has appointed another seed for us!!
    Camouflage: I havent finished reading your posting but i guess its not necessary.
    As christians, we dont look to the past anymore! What happened did happen and we dont hold grudges to the colonialists as regards there ‘evil’ deeds! Its a new life, new world and new beginnings. We all know what happened but it doesnt affect our faith!

    • Indeed, many of us have ‘seen right through’ such excuses for why ‘God’ cannot heal amputees or perform empirically verifiable miracle healings.

      ‘God’ simply does not exist.

    • And you are an example of why Africans are so stupid and enslaved even unto this day in such pagan superstions and following after criminal con men like TB Joshua whose end is behind the bars.

    • Really laughable you saying as Christians we do not look to the past yet they are still chasing Nazi collaborators involved in the Holocaust…meanwhile the give you the bible and tell you to forgive your neighbour and turn the other cheek…forget about slavery, apartheid, our land.
      Wake up!!

    • You mean as AFRICAN Christians. Africans were taught Christianity so that they could forgive the white man for enslaving them.

  12. This letter looks phoney and a hoax whose purpose is polemical. Some are referring to it as a letter of the king to the missionaries while others are claiming it to be the King’s speech to the missionaries: priests and pastors.
    It should be noted that the missionaries in Belgian Congo were not all from Belgium and did not all belong to one religious denomination. In this case and given his level he could not write a letter or circular to individual pastors. At least the addressee would have been the Governor General or leaders of churches with a presence in Congo.
    The other point that needs to be appreciated is the role of the church in spreading a education in Africa which was an empowered of the beneficiaries which helped to emancipation of the African people.

    • “When the missionaries came to Africa they had the Bible and we had the land. They said “Let us pray.” We closed our eyes. When we opened them we had the Bible and they had the land.”
      – Desmond Tutu

    • Spreading education? Were you ever schooled in a mission boarding school? I was…you do not know how powerful a tool religion is when indoctrinated on the young…ask yourself why they never taught us about afrikan consciousness and awareness at these selfsame mission schools.
      Please wake up!!

    The role of the Church in liberation struggle cannot also be underestimated.
    The problem with the African people is not colonialism or christianity. Missionaries played an important role in the fight against slavery which africans themselves promoted by selling their own people into slavery.
    It is the Bible that teaches love for one another and codemns killing and exploitation of fellow of fellow human beings.
    The problem is with our mind set which needs leaves much to be desired and needs to be changed. The African people need to develop self confidence.

    • Mano Mambulwa stop succumbing to Western propaganda’s argument that we fuelled slavery. That was but a ploy to halt Africa’s claims for compensation. They needed slaves for their economies to grow so whether Africans cooperated or didnt they were going to get their slaves. Dont you know why we Africans claims for compensation for slavery have not progressed? Its because the West knows the amount would be too gigantic for them to repay. They prefer settling this under their own terms: i.e. giving you aid which they tie to conditions meant to brainwash you. When you talk about the role of the church in Africa’s freedom don’t forget who put us there in the first place

      This what happens when you read nothing but your book of lies called bible, you forget yourself and lose your mind.
      Do you know who Badu Bonsu II is? He is the Ghanaian King who had been lynched then decapitated by the Dutch….his head was recently returned by Netherlands in 2009.
      This is an example of what happened to every African King who refused to participate in slavery and who resisted to European invasion….this is why we always advise you to read more about self.
      Wake up!!

    • Also refer to Leviticus 25 44-46 New International Version (NIV)

      44 “‘Your male and female slaves are to come from the nations around you; from them you may buy slaves. 45 You may also buy some of the temporary residents living among you and members of their clans born in your country, and they will become your property. 46 You can bequeath them to your children as inherited property and can make them slaves for life, but you must not rule over your fellow Israelites ruthlessly.

  14. “The man that took your eye is telling you to turn the other cheek. The guy that never forgives is telling you to forget “

  15. Part
    an eight

    part series on
    , examining
    art, politics,
    technology and cultures
    various nations on
    . Episode
    Looks at
    ns who came to
    slave traders,
    explorers such as Stanley and David Livingstone,

    the missionaries, and empire

    builders like Cecil Rhodes. Episode6: Begins in
    the1880s to about 30 years later
    when all, except for Liberia and Ethiopia, becamesubject to European colonial rulef

  16. Dear brothers and sisters in Christ,
    I appeal to you not to believe in this story. It is not authentic and not a historical document. It is a forgery which @ Camouflange had copied from some web site and pasted here.
    Some of these people who are speaking ill of Christianity and God belong to “dark world religions”. Their aim is to plant a seed of doubt in your minds.
    God is neither white or black. All human beings are created in His image and are all equal before him.
    Of course Christianity may have been abused by certain whites just like it being abused by blacks today. Even independence and democracy has been abused by African leaders against their own people.
    These messengers of the devil exist even in Europe. They use all sorts of tacts.

    • Who is the devil and where does he live? Who taught you about the existence of this man called the devil?
      God has given you faculties to think and question….you honestly think the selfsame god would also tell you to digest every word in the Bible or Koran without question.

      Wake up from your stupor!!

  17. It is refreshing to see more people also championing the cause to free others from the lies and deception of those like continuation, i salute you. Mano mambulwa i can only say,who taught you that africans sold each other?What you call slavery is different from what the africans practiced.our so called slavery never reduced the person to being an animal and losing their self identity as a human,but instead it was a process of assimilating the conquered people into a tribe.making them adopt the new way of life of the conquering group,not cheap labour.our mistake was we thought the invaders who came had the same humanity,alas!Those africans who indeed gave away the other africans were a bad seed and am sure they never for a second thought that their people cud be mistreated

    • Zagaze please help unbrainwash this Mambulwa guy. Africans at present have no identity because they have been manipulated this way and that way. They aspire to be something other than an African all the time because they have been told it is a SIN to be African. Yes Religion has played a major role in confusing the poor african. Mambulwa thinks its the Christian missionaries who taught us right and wrong. That king of Belgium knew this better than Mambulwa. We had our own ethics and morals which those Europeans who trashed our identity didn’t want us to develop. Europeans wanted to control the world like they did and like they still do.

  18. People you should be honestly be asking yourselves this;

    If everything of substance was taken away from the black slave (reading, culture,language etc) Why was Christianity allowed?

    • @15.3 Jay Jay,
      Please be informed that I am bookworm and I read widely, even books and materials that are critical of what I believe in. However you are free to take me for whatever your wish me to be.
      Yes, I want to confirm that I enjoy reading the Bible and I am proud of it. I also read the Koran and the Gita in addition to the Bible.
      Being a Christian and believer in God, I do not consider myself inferior to anyone. I am proud and happy that God created me an African and black.

  19. Christianity is not all about Africans. Christianity is thriving even in western countries like the US. The fact that it has declined in Europe does not mean that everyone should abandon it. Missionaries may have contributed to colonize the continent but their positive contribution outweigh the negatives by far. In fact this is a very lame and dysfunctional reason to disbelieve in Christ. If some missionary abused christianity, it does not take away its authenticity. I can assure you that Christianity is spreading rapidly in South America, Asia and ofcourse Africa. Statistics show that in next decades China will lead in numbers as far as Church growth is concerned. This shows that this faith is not a human thing it is divine. If you think athiesm is good for you it is your choice. This is…

  20. Mambulwa the document above is historical. In Zaire it was very common at Universities there. Go read about Mwikwani Bukoko the Congolese/Zairean guy who discovered the letter. A movie about him was done some 14 years ago

    • For your information I have read the English translation of the letter and its French version. My critical analysis is that the letter is not authentic. Nothing more nothing less.
      It cannot be true and even imaginable that a Catholic priest could sell a second hand Bible in 1935. It is a total lie.

    • Mano Mambulwa each time this letter resurfaces doubters arise to try and sow doubt in readers. Its been surfacing since 1999 on the internet. Since you are a self confessed product of the Catholic church here is a posting that someone Let out the last time there was this very debate:
      from the Catholic Encyclopedia, (Yes!You read right,Catholic Encyclopedia!)though they tried to water down the devious activities of the Christian missionaries & made it look like it was a necessary evil in order to save the Congolese from himself;
      The natives
      The irreligion and ignorance of the Congolese have often been exaggerated and misrepresented. They are not so debased as many pretend. They recognize a supreme God, Creator of all things,

    • They recognize a supreme God, Creator of all things, but they seem very largely to ignore His immediate Providence and His interventions in the affairs of this world. They believe in the existence of spirits, and admit to a metempsychosis more or less happy in a future life. Their worship is a species of gross fetishism, propagated by the sorcerers, whose influence is very great and often most pernicious. These sorcerers are the “wise men” of the Congo; they are consulted about everything. If misfortune comes or crime is committed, it is to them that recourse must be had, and whoever is designated by them as the cause of the evil must pass through the test of fire or of casque (poison drink). The State forbids such tests under most severe penalties.

    • Superstitious fears and slavish attachments to amulets are the chief obstacles to conversion. Others are the practice of polygamy, largely due to the custom which prevents the wife from having any relations with her husband during the period of lactation — from two to three years — lest she should make her child unhappy; the cannibalism which exists in certain parts; ingrained habits of idleness; gross egoism; the worship of might as confounded with right — in short that sum of differences which separates, as by an abyss, the essentially pagan soul of the Congolese from the Christian conception of right and wrong which the missioners try to impart. The excesses and the evil example of the Europeans themselves render the missionary’s even more difficult.

    • Add to this the abuse which, in the district where the rubber trade flourishes, or in the neighbourhood of towns, imposes a hard task of from fifteen to twenty days per month of forced labour instead of the forty hours fixed by the law; the unfortunate division between the Christian churches and the acts of petty opposition consequent thereon — and the problem is still further complicated. Nor is all ended when the Congolese is converted; he must be continually urged to hold fast to the gift he has received, for his fickleness is very great. Often he imagines that his obligation to remain a Christian ceases with the contract which binds him to a mission or to the service of Europeans.

    • In the eastern part of Upper Congo the Arabs, who frequently make slave raids, have managed to win over to their religion many of the intelligent tribes of the Bakusus. These proselytes regard all their workmen as slaves for life; they are immoral, fanatic, and very hostile to the Gospel.
      The noble work of evangelization in the Congo, however, is far from being fruitless. As formerly under the Portuguese rule, so today the missionaries find souls in which their teaching takes firm root. Mgr. Augougard gives the example of a catechist of the tribe of Babois who, seeing the resources of the mission failing, undertook to feed and clothe the children of his school with the profits of his sewing-machine.

    • The most intelligent part of the population inhabits the Domaine de la Couronne and is well disposed toward Christianity. Until 1908 these people were shut off from all immediate missionary influence; they were evangelized, however, by some of their countrymen who had become Christians while serving in the army. Many travelled long distances to see and speak with Catholic missionaries, and both men and women, nothing daunted, undertook perilous journeys in order to reach the missionary stations. It is not surprising therefore that the missionaries have been received everywhere with enthusiasm, and that the natives have offered to build their simple habitations and schools.


  21. @14.2 Jay Jay,
    For your information I am a product of missionary education and I have been a boarder. I read and understand some latin.
    The document in question is a fabrication. There was no way at that time the document could have been produced to be distrubuted to all the priests and pastors due to lack capacity. There were no copiers or printers at the time.
    I cannot imagine, if that document was genuine, it could have been handled so recklessly by the priest. For your information no one was selling second hand bibles at that time. There were no salaula books on sale. Books were being given freely. Catholics did not allow their flocks to read the Bible. I repeat with certainty that the document is fake. It is on the internet and many people have doubted it.

    • @MANO MAMBULWA I wouldn’t be surprised if you lived in the biggest Public Library in America and was muilti lingo because its one thing reading and understanding and digesting what you are reading…you are what is called an educated fo*l and I do apologise if that comes across as an insult.

  22. Jeremiah Camara an author, international speaker, activist, mini-movie and documentary filmmaker. He is the author of the books Holy Lockdown: Does the Church Limit Black Progress? and The New Doubting Thomas: The Bible, Black Folks & Blind Belief.
    He did a research study and he found that every culture or country in which religion was placed second are making significant progress in scientific advancement and economic stability. As you can imagine Afro Americans were dead last in those catagories. The reason being is that they are by nature a very religious and spiritual people. So it’s no surprise that Afro Americans spend three times as much time during the week in church than any other races.

  23. The slave master knows this about us. That is why it is important to him to keep the Christian doctrinal lie alive as a distraction. That Christian doctrine tells us that we can live the way we want to live and it’ll be alright because Christ paid the price for you(your consumerism). It also tells us that me being the slave master can do what ever I want to you and all you’ll do is pray for me because I got you trained! That Christ doctrine also reinforces today,as it did years ago, the slave master wishes to keep us down and suffering then we’ll get ours in the sweet bye and bye after we die,meanwhile the oppressor is stealing and raping the earth right now in Africa! Think about it, in your black neighborhoods in the US there’s a church on every corner its worse in Africa.

  24. You go out to the white neighborhoods in the US or UK and you don’t see that.We should ask ourselves why don’t we ever hear our former slave master/oppressor ever talk about going to heaven?It’s because the the oppressor who created and sold us that Christ lie we tell you about every week doesn’t believe in it! He’s living in his heaven right now and he created that christ lie just for us to have hope. There are 85,000 BLACK CHURCHES within the United States alone and hundreds of thousands in Africa.That should tell you right there that they’re not giving back to the community like they should.

  25. If those churches united in the USA and each donated $1 to a unity fund,that would be at least $85,000 a week going into their communities. With that kind of money running through these BLACK CHURCHES there should be no reason why our schools are in such bad condition and our black institutions of higher learning should be struggling to make ends meet. So I would say that RELIGION has alot to do with it.Especially Christianity because as you can see it’s definitely one of the biggest money makers on the planet.

    Wake up people and really understand the difference between God and Religion!!

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