Monday, June 17, 2024

Causing the diplomatic downgrading of Zambia from transition to crisis is shameful-Msoni


 Nason Msoni
Nason Msoni

The Opposition APC has admonished Acting President Guy Scott for the way he has mishandled himself in the last 48 hours which lead to the country being downgraded in terms of diplomatic ratings and has called on him to sort out the mess before foreign leaders start arriving.

APC President Nason Msoni said the down-grading of the diplomatic rating of Zambia from transition to crisis is shameful, uncalled for and reckless which Guy Scott should fix by assuring the nation and outside world that he will behave himself for the remaining mourning period.

“The down grading of the diplomatic rating of Zambia from transition to crisis is shameful and uncalled for and at best reckless.

“Guy Scott must now fix this mess by giving assurances that for the reminder of the morning period he will endeavor to conduct himself in a manner befitting a statesman mourning a departed colleague and friend.”

He also called Dr. Scott to ensure that he puts in security measures to curtail any violence by cadres in the presences of visiting international dignitaries who will come to attend the funeral.

He said, “we also urge him to put in place sufficient security mechanisms of ensuring that the final resting place of president Sata next week will not be disrupted and characterized by violence in the presence of visiting international dignitaries.”

The Opposition leader’s concerns comes in the wake of sporadic violence which erupted after Guy Scott fired Edgar Lungu before being reinstated as PF General Secretary General.

Meanwhile yesterday veteran Politician Vernon Mwaanga expressed his disapproval of the conduct of senior PF officials describing it as “horrifying and worrying.”

Mr. Mwaanga said was disrespectful to president Sata who single handedly formed the PF that wrangles should take centre stage and urged all parties to be level headed and sober in the period of national mourning.

He wondered why the members of PF have continued jostling for power at a time when the country should be mourning their leader peacefully something the public has agreed on.

The veteran politician further appealed to members of the ruling PF to stop the “madness” which he said has the potential to tarnish the image of the country to the outside world.


    • I think Sata (mhsrp) is vindicated for not having let Guy Scott act as president. HH was also right for calling Guy “The most stupid whiteman under the sun”. Thank God, Guy will not be anywhere near corridors of power with 90days

    • I choose to trust the umuthu ni bululu feel we have in Zambia that is shown by how we respect peace which will take hold during this time of sorrow. Personally, I don’t read too much into what the West thinks about me and my kind with their indicators (gini coefficient, human development index, life expectancy fimofimo)…these measures are for their use, are designed with a subjective stance, and many a time to ‘put us in our place’. Sata will be put to rest and no war will come to Zambia, we shall have elections (sadly PF will win; 90 days is too soon to beat them with the kind of opposition we have and level of education of the electorate). The West shall continue to steal from us purely because we can not make JUST INSTITUTIONS FOR NOW.

    • It is not Guy Scott, It is the PF that is rotten from head to tail. PF should be buried with its founder and owner. PF has served its purpose and it should go!

    • Guy scott did the right thing to fire Lungu at least now he has stoped his verbal attacks on the acting president and holding dark corner meetings ,before sata is buried .we have relative peace for now .If scott did not do that the country was decending towards anarchy. The constitution is clear that the veep automatically becomes acting president for Zambia and PF constitution is clear the Veep automatically becomes president of PF. This ka Lungu wanted to paint a picture that he was PF president when in fact not.Stop undermining Scott or the country will burn in fire. Dont think this a PF affair we shall all get fade up with you . We shall vote you out any way.

    • Bwana Msoni.

      This type of statements are not only dangerous but irresponsible. Sir, either you are myopic or selective in your judgement.

      Which in your opinion is more degrading or chaotic between the two:

      1. The constitutional acting Head of State (and PF) cracks a whip to enforce discipline. A few unruly cadres riot but the whole thing is calmed down and peace continues

      2. A group of belligerent party leaders, disobey a humane appeal, incite cadres to remove the acting president. And the entire moaning period degenerates into an ugly power struggle. The confusion and mayhem that follows lasting days – and maybe succeed in toppling the acting president and hand instruments of power to their desired man.

    • Ba Msoni. Which of the two would “down grading of the diplomatic rating of Zambia from transition to crisis” even more? A situation where order is restored by taking the sternest possible action or where anarchy is tolerated?

      To me, a leader is one who is not afraid to take action when it is needed. That is what is meant when you say – “THE BUCK STOPS WITH THE PRESIDENT”

    • @Prince, thank you for commenting for me.
      Wednesday was my last day to mourn Ba Sata, I got too much to do. I can’t stay away from work for such long time.

  1. Everything is corrected. Msoni you are late as usual. HH did make a plea the first hours things started happening. Ba Msoni ukushishita, what is your party again? Just stop issuing statements, instead just visit those PF people and talk about how the weather is.

  2. Guy Scott is an absolute nightmare to Zambia.

    PF should have known not to let him act as President. He has never displayed diplomatic conduct to Zambians or South Africans. He has alwYs antagonised Africans in his politically incorrect language. How did PF think moving the quiet Lungu out of the role was going to work? It was always going to be a disaster for Zambia.

    In 48 hours he went on a wrecking mission, with his cartel mates and put in action his takeover agenda which caused all this furor in the Mourning period. PF must remove him after the burial. The test has proven he can never lead Zambia peacefully.

    He really is a very confused man AND old and quoting the press with a motor neurone disease. How many international hospitals do we need to pay for? Not fit.

    • You people who sit outside the country advocating treason, I have no words. The President cannot just be “removed” unless by coup. Is that what you want? While you sit “abroad” and watch the fireworks with glee. Sick people

  3. Dear Patriotic citizens.

    Indeed it was heartbreaking to watch international news outlets such as BBC n Al Jazeera report as though Zambia was on Fire. Politicians, please let us mourn our Beloved late President in Peace.
    RIP MCS.

    • The riots started on Monday night in several places in Lusaka, including the University of Zambia and a government building designated as a place for Sata’s mourners to gather, according to witnesses.

      Protesters had descended on the building, Belvedere Lodge, with stones, machetes and other weapons, and police fired tear gas into the venue to clear demonstrators from the area.

      The protesters were angry over the decision by Scott to dismiss Lungu, the ruling party’s secretary-general.

      Lungu, who remains defence and justice minister, said his dismissal was illegal and accused Scott, who is of Scottish descent, of “insulting our culture”.

  4. This is racism, bullying and ignorance at its best. Imagine if Obama was treated this way, you the same people who are advocating this cho chise style of thinking will be the first to cry foul. Mind you scott is zambian, he was born in Zambia, why is he being treated this way, the man has not even defended himself. Why is he being judged and yet the people who caused the riots are being praised. Lungu played right into scotts plans on this one (he has just proved that lungu and co don’t care about Zambia’s image, watch this space). During the late presidents funeral Scott will look like the right person to take over zambia. You will all be praising him the same way you were praising lungu (alcoholic) after he sold himself during the jubilee celebration. Young Sata, Chenda ???

  5. I would not blame GS, I think all these mishaps are down to SATA himself (MHSRIEP). Having left behind a VP with no experience at the helm (and am not going into the reasons why). Such blunders where always going to happen for a man not trained. I think we’ve all been there. At whatever level you usually need some kind of experience more so at SUCH A LEVEL. GS’s situation is exacerbated by the fact that he is ‘A WHITE MAN WITH BLACK BLOOD’ (to quote what he himself said). The opposition will opposed him anyway AFTERALL THEY ARE OPPOSITION PARTIES. Give the guy a rest and ‘LET THE GUY GO SCOT-FREE’ (Ref: The post in the 90’s).

  6. I do not see Guy Scot managing the transition. He is too petty and lacks a thick skin. He will sue all the Zambians finally for racism.

  7. Guy Scott was born in Zambia. It doesn’t matter where his parents are from or what colour his skin is. It requires maturity to see past these shallow differences. Guy Scott is not Scottish, he is Zambian.

  8. Now he wants to fire ZNBC directors. Don’t temper or the riots will start again. Fire them after you leave office within 90 days. We ask the cadres to invade your farm

  9. When Wynter Kabimba was fired recently, they gave accolades to the one who fired him and convened a party to celebrate Kabimba’s political demise. When Edgar Lungu got fired under similar circumstances, they viciously turned on the one who fired him, cursed and called him all sorts of innuendos and convened an emergency meeting to have Lungu reinstated. These are the kind of animals we are dealing with.

  10. “He died that day because his body had served its purpose. His soul had done what it came to do, learned what it came to learn, and then was free to leave.”
    – Garth Stein, The Art of Racing in the Rain

  11. Vicious politicians fighting Acting president. If the law permits the acting president should dissolve parliament so that we have general elections in 90 days instead of a bye election.

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