Monday, June 17, 2024

Eight heads of State to attend Sata’s burial


Pallbearers carry Sata's casket
Pallbearers carry Sata’s casket

Eight African Heads of State have confirmed their attendance of late President Michael Sata’s burial.

The late Head of State will be buried next week on Tuesday 11th November at Embassy Park the presidential burial site in Lusaka.

Addressing a media briefing in Lusaka today, Foreign Affairs Minister Harry Kalaba says this is an indication that President Sata was loved across the continent.

Mr. Kalaba says the Heads of State who will attend the burial of President Sata include Zimbabwean President Robert Mugabe, Democratic Republic of Congo President Joseph Kabila, Namibia President Hifikepunye Pohamba, Kenyan President Uhuru Kenyatta, Ugandan President Yoweri Museveni, Rwanda’s Paul Kagame, Mozambique’s Armando Guebuza and Malawi’s Peter Mutharika.

Mr. Kalaba says Tanzania will send its Vice President Ali Bilal while South Africa will be represented by First Lady Mrs Zuma.

He adds that Chairperson of the African Union Commission Dr. Nkosazana Dlamin-Zuma will also attend the burial of the late President.

Mr Kalaba says China, USA, Japan, Australia, Seychelles and Sri Lanka will send Ambassadors and other high ranking officials.

Meanwhile, Mr. Kalaba has appealed for peace as the country continues to mourn late Republican President Michael Sata.


  1. Guy Scott & Edgar Lungu should not speak at funeral, unless they stand together and read speech together.
    Main speakers:
    Robert Mugabe
    That is it…

    • It doesnt matter, let them speak if they want. Who cares about them both? They do not represent the Zambian culture, yes, both are unzambian in their approach. Scott should tame his actions and Lungu his tongue

    • How can Cameron or Obama come to sata’s funeral ,when he had no capacity to debate intelligently in the world high level meetings.The man was a dwaf intellectually .Zambia should stope voting for every jim and jack as president even a standard or sub A could be a president mwe bantu.This time a round rise the profile of a president by voting for pipo like HH.tribalism a side.

    • @Nostradamus: Why Mugabe for what??What has Zimbabwe done for Zambia? At least we liberated them under Kaunda and not Sata?? I cannot just link the relation. Sorry to say but Zambian values are not to give recognition to Dictators. We are a country that liberate. Letting Mugabe speak means we honor him and agree with his behavior.

      Main Speakers:
      KK (1st Zambian President) Father of the Nation.
      RB (As 4th & Mbuya to Sata) He should be the Chief Mourner.
      Guy Scott (Current Acting President)
      That’s it we don’t need anyone else. They just put Flowers.

    • Stop bulling Guy Scott, he is peaceful man and he well married.
      I don’t know if he has any child.
      And tell Edgar Lungu to behave.

    • with Guy Scott being the Acting president, south Africa will not send it highest delegation. after being called coward by Scott, also PF have no good relationship with South African Government. that why Sata he preferred for his medical assistance abroad.

    • If Cosmo Mumba should attend the funeral please, please let there be muscular bodyguards to catch him on his way down as he faints over and over again. Not to forget a good photographer at hand ready to take those dramatic pictures.

  2. …sad to note that even in time of bereavement, South Africans are showing signs of still being upset with us because of those unwarranted comments made by one individual or is it that they just don’t want anything to do with the ‘caretaker’…….of all the dignitaries only managed to send the first lady….. the VP or just Mbeki would suffice………..

    • Not one but two of them. Sata mocked Zuma.. Scott mocked SA.. Bush was avoiding confrontation.. what you expect from them??

    • @Dudelove

      Glad to see you’re still here. And I swear I’m not stalking you. I come here from time. Just saying hey!

  3. “Mr Kalaba says China, USA, Japan, Australia, Seychelles and Sri Lanka will send Ambassadors and other high ranking officials”. Umm, aren’t these guys already in the country and would attend the funeral by default anyway?

    • ….and no mention of the United Kingdom the former master leech? May be they are being represented by Guy Scott! We’ll soon change the country name to ZAMLAND with the capital city being called LUSBURGH.

      Didn’t someone say history has a way of repeating itself? Funny that! it’s happening right at the turn of half century of our independence. Let Guy Scott rule! We want the Scot farmers to flock to Zambia to turn that county into a food belt. The English too! they are tired of England due to an influx of polish people and other Eastern Europeans in their country taking all the jobs. They want out but South Africa is too dangerous now Zambia will do. Think outside of the square and move away from mental rigidity. The more people with money the better the facilities. Think about it.

    • Not a one! We can’t expect dignified Western politicians to dignify Sata’s burial. He was the architect of all this drama. We act like a dust bowl country. We can’t even select dignified Leaders!

      In truth though, Diplomatic mission Heads will attend on their behalf, and most have already sent condolences.

      PF should prevent him from speaking, and ask a senior politician or even KK to address the mourners, to dignify our Man Sata, please.

    • I mean…… PF should prevent SCOTT from speaking, and ask a senior politician or even KK to address the mourners, to dignify our Man Sata, please.

    • South Africa may hate us politically but not economically – just look at the shelves in the shops. Anyway, I don’t like them for their savagery – just look at how they murder each other and please don’t blame apartheid because it was abolished more than 20 years ago. Oh, and don’t blame it on poverty because we are poorer than them.

    • The appearance of South African products on Zambian shelves does not mean they like us. We are doing them a favour by buying their stuff due to our mediocre local products

    • South Africa should not even bother sending their head of state. I personally don’t like their attitude towards us. South Africa is the reason why our tourism industry can’t take off (yellow fever in Zambia?). Someone correct me if am wrong but Zambia spent over 10 billion dollars (today’s currency, Inflation included) to liberate them. Removing the yellow fever certificate will do wonders for our tourism industry (current figures just over 900000 tourists). If they drop the yellow fever certificate, the number above will triple (generating about 2billion dollars). If Scott becomes president 5 million plus tourists (generating over 3billion dollars at list). At this point we can even close the mines. That is my issue with south Africa.

  4. These Characters they never visited him when he was alive now that he is gone they have the courage to come to Zambia?

  5. BEWARE: Stop using the abbreviation “LOL.” “LOL” stands for “Lucifer our Lord.” Satanists end their prayers by saying “Lucifer our Lord,” in short, “LOL.” Every time you type “LOL” you are endorsing Satan.

    • Yaba…Awe sure..the intellect here is astonishingly bad. Surely on endorsing such a statement means that one spends too much time looking for evil rather than actually doing good. Jeesh!! LOL (lots of the way but in this case “laugh out loud”). Ijit.

  6. Only presidents from great lakes region attending- symbolism for coming to wash away all the PF engineered mess… and thats after not visits during Sata’s rule.

  7. South Africa is sending the First Lady? That shows how insignificant SA attaches to this funeral, especially that Scott will be receiving the dignitaries. Am sure Sata’s death is good riddance to SA and similarly Scott’s leadership is a pain in their skin, they would rather he follows.


    • True, genuine and stable leaders don’t lead by regime. Learn some vocabulary to best get your arguement across…and possibly some simple grammar and punctuation. OK?

  9. @Ama- its a good thing he was not appointed vice president as he claimed he had been promised! From a Kaponya to a Kabova for a President! Whao!

  10. Sata insulted Zuma – bold head, bold head! He nearly hit him with his plastic name tag at the AU Summit in Addis. South African security with Zuma nearly opened fire on Sata because they deemed Sata’s irresponsible antics a security risk against their head of state. Scott insulted all South Africans leading to an apology by the Zambian High Commissioner to SA, Dr. Kseba’s relative. Should you wonder why South Africa does not think much of Sata’s death?

    • Maybe Sata claimed diplomatic immunity in Addis Ababa and that is why customs didn’t find the stash of weed he was carrying and proceeded to smoke before harassing his playmate Zuma. In any case Zuma should stay away from Zambia so the impressionable PF cadres will not start copying his polygamous debauchery.

  11. Inferior Zambians! Who cares whether other head of states will attend or not. Are they the one feeding us? Who cares about Zuma or not? Are they gods and you Zambians worship them? Are they not made of dust like Zambians? Who cares about other head of sates from Europe? You Zambians have inferiority complex. Whether they come or not doesn’t matter. They won’t bring Sata back. Even Jesus despite being the savior, imbeciles like anti Sata bloggers still killed Jesus. Besides most of these head of state you want to come to Zambia are part of the Satanic new world order 666 and lucifer as their leader. Why worry if people hate you? I would worry if God almighty hated me, but a fellow human being? Nop! How about Lazarous and a Rich man? Who went to
    Heaven? Am sure a rich had wealth friends

  12. LOL it is you who needs to learn some simple grammar because the correct spelling is argument and not arguement. Chizungu ni chovuta ka? For sure even an online spell check cannot catch stupid!

  13. “Harry Kalaba says this is an indication that President Sata was loved across the continent.”

    Mr. Kalaba why do you make such inflammatory statements. This is inviting people to tell you different.
    The president is being mourned as a head of State, as he should. Don’t make sanctimonius statements like this. It makes it look like you are trying to convince everyone that he was loved because you yourself don’t think he was. We don’t need evidence. Everyone who knew him has an opinion one way or another. Some good, others not – we don’t need indicators.

  14. Firstly, am happy that this stupid Jojo has announced leave of absence from blogging. He is a PF cadre who has benefited from PF’s blood money.
    Secondly, why should all these presidents plan for their state visits to Zambia after the Cobra’s death? They never visited apart from old Mugabe when Sata was alive. Am sure they are all coming to celebrate his death as good riddance of an ***** president who was an embarrassment to Africa and SADC. “One day” as it is said.
    Thirdly, which First Lady from South Africa is coming? Zuma has more than three wives, therefore which one among them?
    Fourthly, South Africa’s decision to send one of Zuma’s many wives is a sign of boycott following Scott’s insulting words on the people of South Africa. He called them backward, triggering a…

  15. Only 8 out 54 heads of state attending (15%) and you call that as an indication that your president was loved across the continent. Cant you for a change stop lying you PF people!!!

    • All this shows is the level of respect that the world community has for SATA, his policies and the Zambian who put him in office. There are 47 countries in Africa alone and 53 if you count the Islands, of that only 6 showed up… that speaks volume regarding the oaf like SATA-N that the Zambian people keeps putting in power; no one has any respect for that. You all may be proud of your tribalism and the people you put in office but the world is laughing at you and saying you are all F-O-O-L-S.
      Mandela’s funeral had 82 current Heads of State, 32 former Heads of State, 6 International Organization Heads, 9 Crown Princes plus Kings, Queens and other dignitaries. See the difference? You want respect? Drop the tribalism and vote for people that can represent you on the world stage.

  16. when we complained in the past that no president has come to visit us in the past 3 years we were called haters. When we complained that the late president lucked diplomatic etiquette u told us that we are jealousy of the dead president.
    Don’t believe that good for nothing harry kalaba that is the chap who lied on national radio that the president was enjoying good health. When we complained that we needed to be addressed by the dead president through a press conference or state of the nation address . that chap harry kalaba whose telling you that the 8 heads of states will come for burial said what is wrong with a president talking to his people via face book? we are jokers as a nation. am mourning the dead president via facebook.

  17. All this shows is the level of respect that the world community has for SATA, his policies and the Zambian who put him in office. There are 47 countries in Africa alone and 53 if you count the Islands, of that only 6 showed up… that speaks volume regarding the oaf like SATA-N that the Zambian people keeps putting in power; no one has any respect for that. You all may be proud of your tribalism and the people you put in office but the world is laughing at you and saying you are all F-O-O-L-S.
    Mandela’s funeral had 82 current Heads of State, 32 former Heads of State, 6 International Organization Heads, 9 Crown Princes plus Kings, Queens and other dignitaries. See the difference? You want respect? Drop the tribalism and vote for people that can represent you on the world stage.

  18. SATA-N and the people around him believes he was a great man… well, he was great to his family that all got rich and his friends that made off with the countries money and to SCOTT who is basking in the thrill of being President for 90 days… but for the rest of us what greatness did he achieve on the country’s behalf??? NOTHING… he was useless and the world has responded in kind… viva world! You sent a clear message… he did nothing for his people; he did nothing for his country hens he was and remains a nonentity and a poor excuse for a leader.

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