Monday, June 17, 2024

ZCID happy with conflict resolution in PF


The Zambia Centre for Interparty Dialogue (ZCID) has commended the Patriotic Front (PF) for amicably resolving a potentially explosive internal conflict following the death of President Sata.

ZCID Executive Director Horrance Chilando said his organisation was happy that the PF leadership has demonstrated political maturity and exemplary leadership for peacefully resolving the wrangles that had engulfed the party.

Mr. Chilando said the successful handling of the internal conflicts in the ruling party should be made the hallmark of intraparty politics in Zambia.

He said in a statement issued to ZANIS in Lusaka today that the ZCID has always promoted dialogue in interparty relations.

He noted that effective and inclusive dialogue within and between parties was an essential element of the democratic process of any country.

Mr. Chilando further pointed out that intraparty strife and polarised relations between political parties can block the country’s development.

He has since urged political parties to nurture a culture of trust, dialogue and cooperation in order to foster peace, stability and sustainable growth.

Mr. Chilando has since called on all political players in the country to respect the funeral of departed President Michael Sata.

Mr. Chilando urged political parties to desist from fanning violence but instead rise above selfish interest for the sake of the country.

He said his organisation will de-campaign any political party bent on plunging the country in disorder and unrest.

Mr. Chilando has meanwhile applauded opposition political parties for the magnanimous manner in which they have responded to the tragedy of losing a sitting President to death for the second time in the history of the country.


  1. PF is a big party and you can’t expect some quarrels within the party. it is however good that those wrangles have been halted and we commend the top leadership.


    • Ka NGO for “Inter party dialogue”, but same-time the director he saying they will “DE-CAMPAIGN” any political party.
      So what dialogue are they are up to? These are the NGOs for earning a living.

  2. Sometime m’membe is right..Bembas are out for a kill, this country is in big trouble, take a look at the click which went to Scott’s house when it was announced that lungu has been dropped? lets open our eyes, lets not support blindly…these bemba are going to destroy this country…I am not being tribal but I just love Zambia more that individuals who wants to ruin it…

  3. Living on planet Mars surely. Ati the PF wrangles have been sorted out. Wait and see. Zambians very gullible indeed. Is this a party that can solve its issues, the PF party wrangles were even more serious when their leader was still alive and in your wisdom you think in his death they have solved their problems. If your statement is a public relations stance to ease the tension, well done but it’s a factual statement, please go home and sleep, wake up and come and tell us something that is factual and making sense.

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