Saturday, July 27, 2024

Let Guy Scott continue Acting -ZCTU


ZAMBIA Congress of Trade Unions secretary general Roy Mwaba addresses journalists while his deputy Alfred Mudenda listens during a media briefing in Lusaka
ZAMBIA Congress of Trade Unions secretary general Roy Mwaba

THE Zambia Congress of Trade Unions (ZCTU) has called on the Patriotic Front (PF) and other political parties to allow acting President Guy Scott lead the country during the transition period.

ZCTU secretary-general Roy Mwaba said this is in order for the nation to have a smooth presidential election.

“We demand a transition period which is devoid of violence, instability, intolerance and character assassination because these elements have the potential to divide the country and disrupt the peace currently being enjoyed by people,” he said.

Mr Mwaba was speaking during a press briefing at ZCTU headquarters in Lusaka yesterday.

He said ZCTU is looking forward for a smooth transition through the presidential elections to be held January 20 next year to replace late President Sata.

Meanwhile, ZCTU says it will remain non-partisan to ensure unity in the institution and allow workers to vote for a candidate of their choice.

“The workers will be encouraged to vote for a candidate who is pro-worker and is able to honour their manifesto,” Mr Mwaba said.

He also called on PF to stop the in-fighting which is threatening the existence of the party and respect their party constitution and structures.

Mr Mwaba also called on the media to give all political parties equal coverage to level the playing field.

And ZCTU has thanked security wings, political parties and the people of Zambia for the peace and tranquillity during the period of national mourning and burial of President Sata.

Mr Mwaba also said that once the country elects a new president in January next year, people will expect the head of State to immediately begin working on a new Constitution to be enacted before the 2016 general elections.

Mr Mwaba also said the ZCTU will petition Dr. Scott through cabinet office to lift the wage freeze.


  1. Which universe is the chap from. Guy Scott is already acting President until the next President is sworn in. Everyone knows that. It is the PF that has issues with him acting. Why are people making PF issues seem like they are national issues?

  2. These ZCTU guys are fake and do not qualify to represent people. This is the worst group to head the union of this country.
    Why can’t they just go and feast on the allowances they get instead of marking with unwarranted noise? Hikaumba and team have been a let down.

  3. If PF internal fighting goes against Scot, we shall have a NEW acting President. That could confuse thing. That what this “sell-out” is seeing. But you guys seem not to understand that! LOL

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