Saturday, July 27, 2024

Make Dr Kaseba sole candidate-Sebastian Zulu


Sebastian Zulu
Sebastian Zulu

Former Justice Minister Sebastian Zulu has urged PF presidential contenders to withdraw their nominations and allow Former First Lady Dr Christine Kaseba to be adopted as a sole contender.

Mr Zulu said in an interview that Dr Kaseba is the best suited candidate to take the PF and Zambia forward.

He said the high number of candidates vying for adoption will make it difficult for the party to unite after the general conference.

Mr Zulu who was one of the first imminent personalities to call on Dr Kaseba to vie for the seat said the Former First Lady has made a good decision to file in her nomination papers.

“We don’t have a lot of time in which to campaign and it is in my view that in these circumstances, PF stands a better chance to win this by election with the First Lady on the ticket,” Mr Zulu said.

He added, “I strongly that among all the candidates in the PF, Dr Kaseba is on top of the list. When her husband died, she had two options, either to continue mourning according to our tradition or coming in to stop the party which her husband founded from collapse.”

Mr Zulu also dismissed reports that he is supporting Dr Kaseba’s political move because he is an agent of the Cartel.
“I don’t belong to any Cartel. What I believe in that Dr Kaseba is a better option for the PF and no one told me to support her,” he said.

And Southern Province Minister Daniel Munkombwe said Dr Kaseba’s departure will help unite the party following the death off late President Michael Sata.

“She said her candidature will help unite the party and I believe she is right. We just have to support her.”


  1. awe ba zulu what have you seen in her,am not pf,guy scot sounds sane to me but i just want the whole bunch of ba kasai to go,zambians are not thieves,the whole pf bunch of loosers has strange weired uncommon names should be originating from congo that we dont have in zambia

    • Now that we know who the contenders are in PF let’s analyse them:
      1. GBM
      He’s not popular as he purports to be, Kasama people will tell you the truth. If he is not that popular in his own town he’s certainly not popular anywhere else in Zambia. Beats workers and wife? Not sure.
      2. Miles
      Media reports that Miles was throwing K50 notes in the air at UNZA as students scrambled, if you think you are popular you do need to come out so cheap. A person who is Capable of such acts he’s capable of corruption and bribing, he’s not confident of his own popularity and is likely to fuel violence by such acts. I hope ECZ is taking note of such people and their practices. You don’t buy popularity you earn it.

    • 3. Kambwili
      My brother Kambwili has a problem with PR, he’s too loud, that’s why the late president moved him from ministry to ministry. He’s too aggressive for the Job.
      4. Kaseba,
      You are a wonderful mom and a mother to many Zambians but the timing is wrong. You’re welcome in 2016.
      5. Mulenga
      You are a brilliant and a hard worker but timing is wrong, throw your weight behind a popular candidate, he’ll look after you, but try 2016.
      6. Simusa
      A very intelligent and hardworking and loveable man, but the problem with my brother is that he’s too reserved to pull a crowd.
      7. Bashi Nono – Just the title is enough not much needs to be said.
      8. Lubinda – A very smart and working man – not just sure how he go about the constitution issues regarding his ability to stand.

    • 9. Edgar
      A people’s darling, the crowds at the filling in for nominations spoke for him. Late president’s confidant oversees two important ministries, was party SG till yesterday, acted as president before and most feared by political opponents including the post who are always searching for negative stories to publish against him. Once fired but miraculously brought back. The only one who can win the entire Eastern Province for PF.
      10. There is a 10th person, can’t even remember his name.

    • Mr Zulu, what experience does your Christine have? People call Hakainde under Five – what about Kaseba, Mulenga etc. You are a job-seeker trying to get a job from the person who is not employed herself!

    • Sebastian is a sensible Zambian with foresight and the country at heart.

      All of you saying Christine shouldn’t stand because she is a widow are retrogressive and a danger and detriment to the development of the country as a whole and the advancement of women.mbi

      Zambian women don’t listen to your mosi headed husbands, support Christine and push your Agenda.

    • 1. Is Kristina a politician?
      2. Is she a doctor, a good or bad one? Good or bad enough to have selfishly allowed her husband to travel to USA when he was clearly in bad shape?
      3. What are her achievements in public life?

    • Sebastianis right… We should lear to move on after death.. The stigma is better under stood by Dr Kaseba as a doctor ,we are all on borrowed time the question is when and how.. Sitting at home crying won ‘t change anything but going out there and carrying the husbands legacy is great…..
      We wan to eat , dress, live like westerner’s but sill old on to ancient beliefs when it comes to death.. Go Kaseba actually it will be some fresh air ..

    • Shocking innuendos from Mr Zulu. She can be the PF president but not the country.

      Death of a husband should outweigh Dr Kaseba’s political ambitions, in fact, its an African and Zambian.

      What a way of destroying the respect and admiration the people like myself had for Dr Kaseba.

      Mr Zulu, would you marry another woman barely 9 days of burying your late wife? She would have stayed reflecting maybe until 2016 because a year can give her serenity of healing for the loss of her husband, Mr Sata. Why rushing into political limelight when even strangers tears have not yet dried out as most are still grieving with the Sata family.

      A presidential loss can trigger PTSD crises and episodes in contingent of the husband’s death.
      63 days left.

    • That’s why this man was fired by Sata, too daft, ancient thinking, the Electorate are not based in the West – they are in villages & kombonis, someone just has to remind them how a Mukamfwilwa has so soon abandoned her role to go campaigning, as campaigning is seen to be related to lots of partying – time will tell!

    • Kaseba vying for Presidency…. Well, well, well; this wasn’t entirely unexpected – Kaseba grabbed a Sata from his wife leading to couple breaking up, and this in itself symbolizes NO LOVE AT ALL! As a much younger woman, Sata lured KRISTINA with expensive clothes and gifts, which constituted THE ONLY REASON to be close to Sata. And over the years the hunger for these material things has grown to the luxury of PRESIDENCY itself, what a shame!!!!! Ala KRISTINA Kasebanya nausebana!!!!

    • Apart from been recently widowed, Iam yet to hear any plausible arguement of why she should not stand in a democracy…well so we claim.The arguements advanced so far have been bordered on hatred and sexism,nothing to do with the person and what she can bring to the gender deprived politics in Zambia.Infact its shocking that the so called ‘women rights’ establishments have sat on the side lines and watch people who have no credibility to assasinate the character of an innocent woman.Its her husband who passsed on,she returns the full exclusive rights on how long she should mourn her husband.let me put it clear: I do not believe in the existance of the ‘cartel’ this an imaginery mafia body,but like they say, when you consistently repeatt something false,people will eventually believe…

    • If Azulu fancies Kaseba, he should just tell her not use the public domain to propose to her. After all she is ready for it now!

    • The article is shocking! When did Mr Zulu become Mrs Agness Zulu? When exactly did he have a sex-change? She is not good looking.

    • This senile old man just wants a job.

      Gone are the days of sole candidates. Sometimes even I am not the sole candidate in my own house, so what gives this Zulu !mbecile??

    • My fellow citizens let us all wake up and rise, Guy Scott is shifting gears every day to favour him over other people he doesn’t like Lungu, GBM, Given, Mulenga Sata. If he continues am afraid things will really get ugly. Scott, Fred,Wynter,Mwenye cant be bigger than Zambia. PF CC why not expel Guy Scott.? How much damage do you want him to cause.? Rememeber we only have one Zambia. I plead with you lets show Scott that we can only stretch as far.

    • @1 humanity, you are not making sense with all your kasai, uncommon names blah blah blah. Why not just shut up if you are ignorant?

  2. Sorry but that’s not democracy … Guy Scott is trying to make sure that the process work for the right reasons. We have had picked people int he past and we just end up going backwards instead of forward traction. Please stay out of this … talk about the Coup in your MMD not this, thanks a trillion

    • Now, I too believe she is the best candidate they have but in a democracy you prove your worth by going through the process and Guy Scott is doing the right thing.

      That process should not take a long time because time is of the essence but overall, PF will emerge stronger if they choose a candidate they can all agree on.

      I have said it before and I will say it one more time, democracy is a messy enterprise but it is the closest thing we have to self-rule. We should not short-circuit the process for whatever reasons.

      In fact, a week before Mr. Zulu even mentioned Dr. Kaseba as a potential candidate, I had mentioned it here on LT. She has the right political capital to excel, in fact all her detractors are simply scared of how formidable a candidate she is.

    • Iwe B R Mumba, you sound like part of Kristina’s family connection. When on earth did capacity to run a country start depending on whose spouse a candidate is (or was)? The last time I checked, you were in USA. Can’t you draw lessons from how Obama beat Hillary Clinton as the DP’s presidential candidate? I think you’re related to Kristina Kasebanya!!!!


      You really sound scared of her candidacy to me … your preferred candidate is likely to lose if she stands against him. You have not given me any other rational reason to engage you at a higher intellectual level.

      So, for the record I don’t belong to her family but I know her well to scare your candidate. The best you can do is sell your candidate to the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise and not denigrate Dr. Kaseba hoping that would buy votes should she be the PF choice.

      You also sound chauvinist to me … it sounds like you can never stand a woman in charge of things. Guys like you have no understanding what kind of material they are made of so their only weapon is suppression, enough said … I don’t need to waste more neurons on you.

    • B R Mumba,

      A candidate for PF cadres, its okay but not the country. Its people to decide the final fate at the by elections, unlike the PF conference where things can change at a whim of few tribalist elites who can impose a candidate.

      Remember, its the same PF who all, as Sata called them “foolz” wanted to go against their own party constitution and imposed the allegedly “drunkard” Lungu.

      Who is who? Saulous & the Chellah’s have packed their merchandise and next is surely you.

      Time of reckoning has come, & every PF will have to account for their lies of short legs. The lies only went on for only 3~steps and the 90 days of their maladies have reversed on PF.
      Those in foreign affairs from the one tribe are packing!
      Patiently watching!

    • Ba Skeleton:

      You point about the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise being the final arbiter of their fate is correct and I am with you on that a 100% but please spare me the tribal nonsense. I don’t subscribe to such notions.

      So, meet me at meritocracy and we will excogitate but bring in tribalism and racism, you loose me. I am completely neutral when it comes to any form of bigotry.

      Back to the smart people of the Zambian Enterprise, those who want to lead this special breed called Zambians do that to their own peril if they think they are docile.

      I don’t call them smart for nothing, they are because only smart people get what they want, it may not be what they “need” but they surely get what they want. Zambians always get what they want, even this time around they…

    • BR no Guy has vested interests. He has everything worked out and sadly its nothing good cause I believe people will we don’t want that but I guess Scott doesn’t care. Lets see Scott for who he truly is… Guy must be expelled by PF to save our country.

    • @B R MUMBA: friendly advise my brother- time is against you. You need to quickly come back to Zambia, work your way onto the PF Conference delegate list and support your SISTER. Do yourself this favour and stop pretending. Personally, I get very offended when stupidity prevails over SUPPOSEDLY Educated men like you. Are you a real Dr(PHD Holder) , or the Grace Mugabe type?

    • this is crap pf have lost their filthy minds. that kaseba is a hoe and i will plunder its bottom without lubricant any day now; evans mfula at evaduco reporting live from lusaka

    • Iwe naiwe chinanikane. Which diaspora do you reside in? Serious people in diaspora with good jobs cannot waste time blogging.
      We don’t need your vote after all for all we know you clean toilets at night clubs for three (x3) hours per day.
      PF has changed things for the better in Zambia and not Kaseba. She was busy travelling the world the President was dying, what can you tell us today you *****?

      Ifwe pa ZED are resolved that our next President is Edgar Lungu, period! Why didn’t your Kaseba challenge honorable Katema when he reviewed the confidence late president had in Edgar Lungu? That was live ZNBC interview, she could have refuted if what he told the nation was false.
      I commend Central Committee for rallying behind E.Lungu

    • Ba Pa Zed:

      What a cheap shot, cleaning toilets and blogging!? Is that the best you got? How about owning my own companies, employing a bunch of Americans working for me, independent consultant and does not need a job like you to live! I work when I want to or take a vacation any time I want to.

      I don’t have to be confined to make a living because I don’t work for money any more, money works for me 24 hours a day 7 days a week. I am online 24/7 managing my investments and enterprises, every now and then I go into the office for a few minutes but I am available to take care of other things.

      Good luck with your life, I got mine exactly where I want it to be!

    • Ba DOKOTA @ 2.7:

      I appreciate your advice, unfortunately I am still UNIP and don’t belong to PF. My word and vote would not mean anything if not deemed illegal at their conference. So, I wish them well all of them so they can agree on a candidate of their choice.

      But as an outsider, I think they are better off with Dr. Kaseba as president and Lungu as vice. That’s their winning combination for the next year and half before the General Elections of 2016.

      Guy Scott is ready to retire after acting; after all he is now entitled to a retirement package as presiding President and Commander-in-Chief of our armed forces for this transition however short, but technically he is Zambia’s 6th President.

    • With Dr.Kaseba in place not even campaign would be necessary, besides females are majority voters and like President Sata believed women are less prone to corruption. One blogger asked whether she has any political leadership experience. She was defacto-president by virtue of being wife to the president, the 24/7 advisor/consultant before the president spoke to anyone else. I hear she was the private campaign and votes counting strategist for Mr. Sata during the 2011 Presidential Elections. The present President of Argentina also took over and continued after her late husband died in office. This will not be the first time such blessed occasion happens.

  3. What advice can one expect from Seb Zulu? This guy is UNIP minded and has no idea of the true workings of a democracy.

    • That man has started speaking after Sata has died. Why didn’t hear him speak after he was fired? He is nothing but a big joke not only in Political circles but in the legal fraternity. Even the title of state counsel need be revoked. Any person with the resume that Zulu has would be sitting at home in retirement. No embarassing himself in court, poorly representing clients. This man is not capable of being counsel. Busy lying that he is a headman while stealing his friends’ wives. True he is looking for an angle to get back in the “game”. Nothing but a schemer….From UNIP to PF? Let’s have folks how are vibrant and give us direction…NOT this tired SOB…

    • ZULU is such a failure. Sata fired you for failing to run Ministry of Justice. politics of the belly at your age! still looking for a job. shameful. will sort you out. old people in this country are misbehaving alot Zulu receiving money from the cartel for making such a statement. Zulu you are no different from childish sampa. your brains are that of a twit.

  4. Does this Grey minded Zulu know the meaning of competitive democracy and freedom of choice?

    Some dull minded old tards like Zulu should learn to shut up than open their chibuku mouths to prove their retardation.

  5. Please don’t misunderstand me to be gender biased for my comment below, i’m just trying to be realistic in relation to what is currently obtaining in Zambia.
    Empirically, Zambia is not ready to have a female president. The majority voters still look at women as inferior to men and incapable of leading, though they can.
    We have a few who are educated and civilized with good understanding that women can also lead just as good as men but it’s unfortunately they are few, and not all educated and civilized Zambians share this opinion.
    In some parts of the country, it’s still a taboo for a woman to challenge men for a leadership position and the majority Zambians live in rural areas.
    With the aforesaid, I strongly doubt Kaseba’s winning of presidential elections should she be adopted…

    • CONT’D

      projects and added new ones. I can go and on but what I have said so far is enough for anyone with good IQ.

  6. mr zulu is an old fool, this woman has proven has no morals to begin with. if you need a job do say but don’t sale zambia in the process. Edgar Lungu is and has proven to be the only person in pf that has popularity and also experience to manage, just look at how many positions he held. he also respect democracy, who would have given the power instruments to unqualified scott in pf if not lungu who put the interest of the country first?

    • Edgar Lungu has deployed cadres at Ministry of Justice (MINISTRY OF JUSTICE). This tells you a lot about what country this could be if this man became President. Those of us who were there during the UNIP vigilantes and those of us who witnessed incidences at INTERCITY Terminus and KMB in Kitwe can only feel sorry for those of you who are busy praising this drunk called Edgar Lungu. Those who think Dr Kaseba has done something wrong by declaring her interest, have not deployed themselves to reality, they have not identified themselves as to who they are (DR MYLES MUNROE MHSRIP), they are born to be under others not on their own, no wonder they can not understand what Dr Kaseba is trying to do. People must not come to you because of you but because of what they see in you (DR MYLES MUNROE),

    • CONT’D
      this is the exact opposite with Edgar Lungu. People are coming to him because of him (weak and perhaps penetrable individual) not because he has anything to offer the population because in his state, he can not offer anything. Any sensible woman who believes in the good works of her late husband strives to carry on his dream instead of locking herself up in the house crying because by the time she comes out, she will find everything her husband worked for is gone. Those of us who have been in the same class with women in University can confirm that the notion that Zambia is not ready for a female President are simply absurd and misguided because some women are extremely capable. Sata would be the happiest person if he woke up one day and found that his widow had finished all his

  7. You people, can you please start thinking. Can you make one stand as president with the qualification being that she is a wife of a former President. How cheap? Where is the thinking in this country, can people be serious for once

    • Let’s face it both Kaseba and Mulenga are looking for sympathic votes. Sadly folks have had enough of placing people in positions where their self interest trout the stewardship role. Kabapa can be a good dokoyta but that doesn’t make her a good leader. Ba Zul is just one of the many hungry wolves that want to cheat us that he has something credible to say. The level he is willing to stoop is surprising. As a headman in his village(all things being equal would he support this untraditional behaviour? As author of the lands act you all seen what his thinking has produced. As Minister of Justice how much did he devote himself in bettering the legal system that he now uses to abuse his clients.

  8. The lady told us the husband was fit. just one simple test failed and somebody is suggesting she be president. OMG what a country. No scrutiny, no nothing, every thing goes

    • Tell them, these reta.rds – every voter should put these questions to her – How did your fit & well husband die? What did he die of? Considering he only went for a Medical Check up & he died during the process, has she sued the King Edward VII hospital for Negligence??

    • Maybe “Intelligent” zulu has already asked the lady the above questions, would he care to share the answers with us , we might then concur with his advice!!

  9. The lady has not even demonstrated any leadership that we can rely on so far to pick her as a candidate. but somebody in his wisdom believes being a wife of a president is automatic qualification. F00lish. I like her but I need to see leadership track record which unfortunately is not there

    • Edgar’s ‘supporters’ were hired from Chongwe and Kafue with the help of Nsanda and ZESCO MD. Pray they dont do Donchi kubeba on him after chewing tax payers’ money. History has it that anyone annoited by KK loses elections.

  10. Wisdom comes from the east, but I guess you have to go past Chipata further east to find true wisdom. This man has lost his mind.

  11. I have been in PF for a long time, I have never seen her mobilizing meetings or addressing rallies like Grace Mugabe is doing. What criteria are we as PF going to use to adopt her. That she has done what for the party? Nifunsa chabe

  12. Dr Kaseba looks so dull to be president. She maybe book smart like most women, but when it comes to figuring out the political and economic presidential intricacies, awe M’membe will always win.

  13. whether Sebastian Zulu or Munkombwe like it or not Kaseba cannot win. Tradition would work strongly against her. People would perceive her as someone who does not respect tradition by departing from mourning her late husband too soon to go campaigning. I thought these were wise elderly men who cannot ignore this. But who said all elderly men are wise?

    • If you don’t know that Dr. Kaseba participated in campaigns then you don’t know her at all and should stop making ignorant comments. Way to go Dr. Kaseba. You are the one!

  14. Mr. Zulu is a let down….How do you talk about sole candidate in this period our democracy? Everyone including yourself knows that you are looking for a job. Is it possible to keep quiet so that you do not b speak for everyone. You are a let down. Let democracy grow!

  15. What’s good for a goose should be good for a gander. We refused Edgar-not that I fancy him- to go unopposed so let the process continue thru the conference. Someone winning thru a conference will galvanise the party

  16. No, Sebastian was fired by Sata because he had an eye on Christine and Sata found out! But I am not in PF. I leave this nonsense to PF minions.

  17. The problem that we have as Zambians is poverty, people will say and do anything just for money or
    a job. its difficult to get a true opinion of the people
    in this country. Zambia is not a farm she is not for
    one family or a particular tribe . let us think about
    the future not what we ll eat after saying chite ,chite
    for president

  18. Mr Zulu sir, with due respect we have for you , u cant say such a thing , you have disregarded your traditional nomes because of politics , u are a disgrace man in society and nation at large. please madam(Kaseba) just withdraw you application for Nomination otherwise u will turn into raughing stock by many zambians.
    Mr Zulu, what interest do u have in Madam Kaseba? u want ukupiana , that is nonsense old man , if u have got nothing to offer to the nation go to hell.

    • Why is it that every Jim and Jack thinks he can tell Dr. Kaseba what to do? She is an intelligent adult who weighed the odds before making her application. Let her do what she feels is right for her as she alone will bear whatever repercussions will come as a result of her actions. None of you were there when she went through difficult times so get your filthy hands off her!

  19. I wouldn’t care less if Christine Kaseba became the president of PF. But not president of Zambia. No, no, no, no. There is nothing worse than Bemba tribalism, nepotism and regionalism (Sata’s vision which she obviously espouses). Zambia saw it during her husband’s three-year misrule. HH or Lungu would be a better option to rule Zambia. May be it is high time someone from the South became Republican president. It should not always be someone from the northern or eastern regions.

    • Dr. Kaseba’s candidacy is not about tribe or regionalism. Let the general conference decide who will be PF candidate and then the Zambians will vote.

  20. There is UNIP mentality for you….sole candidate. It is the same mentality Banda has brought to MMD. For democracy to work in Zambia we need generation change. It is true, you can take a man out of a village but you cannot take the village out of a man. Once UNIP always UNIP mentality

  21. Chi Zulu!!! Chi Zulu!!! Ninshi? What is your problem!!!! What’s your interest? Probably, that’s explains why you were the first Minister to be fired by the late President. Very useless indeed!!! Nangu nikufuna nchito iyai!!

  22. Some lawyers you worry which school the went everyone knows that this greedy woman and son are still in morning this is not North Korea. Zambians let us wake up before we end up with a great leader or family to be worshiped this is how it starts.

  23. Sebastian Zulu is just exposing his ignorance. Scot has been calling for a democratic means to elect a PF presidency despite Lungu being overwhelmingly nominated and endorsed by the PF family. Sebastian is fighting a battle of chieftainship in Nyamphande and fears Lungu will not support his dreams as he belongs to another kinship.

  24. One wonders what vision of the late president she wants to complete because her son, nephew and sebele are already there saying the same thing. Surely they should have sat down as a family to choose which of them should carry the supposed vision. The scramble for the top seat within the same family is sending wrong signals, one of which is desperation. We need someone who will offer solutions to the bad governance experienced during the MCS presidency and not perpetuation of the status quo. Zambia has what it takes to be a really prosperous country where citizens all have equal opportunities. I strongly feel that we should put PF aside and go for UPND which has shown remarkable balance and stability over the years.

    • All of this family have benefited from CORRUPTION.

      What they fear is being exposed, charged and imprisoned for their crimes.

      So their only hope is to seize power by fair or foul means to cover up their crimes.

      THAT is why they are DESPERATE!

  25. I don’t understand these primitive types. Zulu makes no sense at all.

    If his quest is that we give her an honorary role in memory of Sata, then that makes sense. However a Health Role in gov’t would have been suitable. Even as Minister of Health.

    Lungu is the candidate with the most support. PF will lose elections and if the 70 MP’s backing him, wanted to protest, they can all resign. Then what?

    70 more by elections? There won’t be unity in PF. It’s feels as though the PF vehicle is driving at high speed and now whilst negotiating a bend, oops, a wheel has come off.

    This whole thing stinks. It has the potential to destroy PF.

  26. There are only TWO descriptions that can be bestowed on Bwana Sebbastian Zulu. This man is:
    (a) either exhibiting high levels of INSANITY that has mutilated his legal brains;
    (b) or just playing toxic politics to seriously divide and kill the PF party as a revenge against Sata who fired him from the PF Govt.

    Dr. Kaseba must look around the African continent to gauge for herself that the phenomenon of a 1st Lady aspiring for Republican Presidency soon after the demise of a husband has not as yet been reported. She will soon join another property grabber in the name of Winnie Madikizela Mandela. The Year 2014 has indeed seen Dr. Kaseba and Winnie Madikizela as strange and cruel women who have astonished Zambia, South Africa and the African Continent.

    Mr. Zulu is MAD.

    • I agree with your sentiments.

      But sorry, Kaseba is NOT in the same league as the honourable Winnie Madikizela Mandela.

      At least Winnie cut her teeth in active politics.

    • My dear blogger, there is always a first time. If strong women like Dr. Kaseba did not rise to the occasion, women would still not have the right to vote; if two women did not defy the odds many years ago and dare to be doctors, we would not have female doctors like Dr. Kaseba today.


  28. Ancient job seeker Daniel Munkombwe, has already started boot licking for a job!! Is not the one just week’s ago who was part of that infamous kaponya MPs demanding that EL takes over? Please mulekwatako isoni shikulu!!

  29. Sebastian, tell the nation, why did HE the late President Sata fire you? It’s incompetency period and you want to bring your incompetence’s in our beautiful country? Shame on you old madala. Imwe chalipwa palifita

    Its time for young and vibrant Edgar to take Zambia in serious development.

  30. No one candidate is selling their very own vision. They all want to carry on Sata’s vision and legacy. We all know Sata’s vision; that of a chaotic, violent, undiplomatic, dishonesty, stup!d, immoral, clownish, nepotistic, tribal, family tree appointments, intellectually stunted, immature and delinquent society. This Kaseba lady is no different from her late husband, they all lack integrity and are both congenital liars. The lies she told the nation concerning her husband’s ‘fitness’ can testify to this.

  31. Mrs Sata has never been a ward Councillor nor a chair-lady. Michael Sata (Mhsrip), the founder of PF emphasized on experienced starting from leadership at grassroots.

  32. I have already made my stand known and public. All the presidential contestants in PF are capable. For me, whoever wins the PF presidency wins my heart. For me the identifying factor is the boat. Akatanshi kulolwa, bwato no muntumo.

  33. Mr. Zulu, I am very sure you smoke dagga. If you do not, I will be very shocked. No wonder you were fighting to be a chief in some remote part of Eastern Province. It was chamba (dagga) that was pushing you. Or was it Mrs Kaseba Sata that had recommended you to the late president for the ministerial position and is now pay back period?

  34. Let us try to understand what Mr. Zulu is saying, there’s some percentage of sense. There’s something wrong in PF and Dr. Kaseba is the best solutions. Ladies also this is the time you can have a woman President wake up please.

  35. Dr.Kaseba is never the best!should Guy Scott impose her us voters,then PF is in for a rude shock!ask anyone across Zambia about whom PF must adopt,out of 100 people 99 or so shall back Edgar Lungu!this man is very famous on the ground!

  36. Edgar Lungu is the wisest man from the East. How can it be that Rupiah Banda and Sebastian Zulu are dullest men from the east. Ironic.

    Kaseba cannot be President, not for now, not until 2021.

  37. sometimes l feel l should agree with Sebastian, because the wife was always with the husband. In parliament this year even the president acknowledged that he had two vice president one at home. meaning SHE WAS ACTIVE WITH THE HUSBAND. We can give it a try::: who knows a woman can bring a new hope for the nation

  38. For a moment I thought these comments were made by Sebastian the lobster- you know – the one in Disney’s The Little Mermaid?

    But alas they are made by one who once walked the Zambian corridors of power.

    I think I’ll re-watch The Little Mermaid – at least Sebastian can sing.

  39. KASEBA….! WHAT A JOKE! Kaseba is wasting her time trying to contest this presidency save for her right to do so. She is in the air only bcos she has been staying at state house and imagines that she can be president. The Zambian presidency should never be left to opportunists with nth to offer. We have in the foray HH with all his credentials and 8 years running a big political party that has never been faulted in governance like the MMD and the PF. It sounds realy sheer nosence to believe that against presence of far more credible names for the Zambian presidency we can start talking about a KASEBA to do what at state hse. KASEBA N HER PF SHUD NOT BE ALLOWED TO WASTE OUR TIME we alredy no the poor capacity of her husband who only saw things thru the tribe and coruption in road sector.

    • How does the issue of HH come into this? If he’s your candidate just vote for him and campaign for him. If people prefer him, he will win but seriously speaking, Kaseba is a much better bet than your candidate.

  40. Ask yourselves people; what leadership qualities does Kaseba have? Why do you think Zambia cannot move on without the Sata family? It is a disgrace to think that spouses now necessarily qualify to be leaders of nations by the mere fact that they were married to dead or ageing presidents? Zambia is full of intelligent and capable leaders. Wake up and elect a capable leader. You made a mistake, and so it is time to reverse that. Period!!

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