Tuesday, February 18, 2025

Wynter Kabimba has resigned from PF


PATRIOTIC Front Secretary General, Wynter Kabimba and Eastern Province Interim Party Chairperson, Lameck Mangani, listen to questions from party members during a meeting at Luangwa House in Chipata
Wynter Kabimba (L)

FORMER Patriotic Front (PF) Secretary General Wynter Kabimba has resigned from the party, sources have revealed.

According to sources, Mr Kabimba, who is also former Minister of Justice, has written to PF president Guy Scott and secretary general Bridget Atanga citing the state of the ruling party as the reason for his decision to resign.

Mr Kabimba could not be reached for comment as his mobile phone was off while Mrs Atanga declined to comment.

President Sata fired Mr Kabimba as Minister of Justice and PF Secretary General in August this year and has since been out of public limelight.


    • I hear the reason he resigned is because all the DCs he recruited countrywide have told him they and all PF combined with MMD structures are supporting HH…Wynter and his friend M’membe know that PF died with Sata

    • I speak as one of Zambia’s great political analyst and take me serious .PF have lost a hard work and patriot in the name of winter Munakulya Kabimba.Mr Kabimba worked hard to come with PF blue print.He followed sata’s instruction to the latter and he was creative and innovator as a party manager.He assembled a strong observer team to run a parallel voter tabulation call center.He single handndly Smuggled Kenyas to come and hack the ECZ electrol system.After PF won some Bemba clique gun up to chase such a person out of the party due presidential ambition,which is not a crime in itself but because winter was Tonga they chased him like a Dog.We in UPND knew as a threat and was destroying our territory with by elections.Now that winter as seen what his father told is welcome home.

    • Pf is gone and winter is safe were is.Winter will now destroy that party he built painfully to what it is.He spent sleepless nights only to be chassed like a dog.Winter is the only SG who made an opposition win election after 20yrs of MMD.Thats not a joke.He has a rich CV.He will now pilot FlightHH2015.He is the winning team and at peace with himself.

  1. R.I.P lets hope who you are not contemplating on joining the winning team of the UPND we dont need arrogant individuals like you though we need numbers

    • UPND will take Kabimba at their own risk…………Winter is just too arrogant for any normal human being’s liking. He has no gentle language and even if there are no permanent enemies in politics but taking Winter into your Party is a risk. He has no use to anyone!!!!!

  2. Kabimba, try re inverting yourself into a useful citizen. Repent of all your misdeeds and humble yourself. On the other hand, I hope you are not just another Frank Bwalya.

  3. The way to go Winter. I also can not associate myself with people like Bridget Atanga. She is a failure just like the husband at Zambia Railways, total lunacy….

  4. Its good that he has resigned. He’s being blamed for the confusion in PF now that he is out lets see if there will be peace. Good timing Kabimba before the bloody convention. No one will point a finger at you.

  5. A known phenomenon is that when a ship is about to sink the rats and cocroaches are the first to jump overboard. He should have taken his Masebo with him. The writing is on the wall!!!

  6. The “cartel’s” excess baggage & the PF’s tribal gold diggers/riff raffs like nsanda, kambwili, GBM have done too much damage to WK. Bashed by both friend & foe. Take timetable reflect. Sad but crucial lesson for all not just Winter.

  7. Kabimba was at the time of his ditching the PF a mere member just like those Kaponyas who have no influence in PF. The moment Kabimba was fired from the two positions, he became a non entity in PF and even after the death of the serpent, Kabimba could not come back strong. Now he has simply acknowledged that he is done with the PF, what an era he had in PF.

  8. What does he mean when he says he has ‘resigned’? He does not hold any position in the PF to resign from neither does PF have membership cards like other parties were the retaining a party card is a sign of membership. Instead of stating that he is resigning from PF it would have been more meaningful for him to say whom he is now aligning himself with since he no longer wishes to be associated with PF

    • Hehehe, and the other point is that PF has no cards. So if you are fired from Party positions you are a non-entity. He is just trying to make news. He was already written off in PF and he is just doing EYE FOR AN EYE.

  9. You should have known from the start that you were not Bemba.They used you to get what they wanted.They always do that to unsuspecting fools like you.Always look behind you and around you.

  10. Praise God, he is weeding out useless things like Kabimba. This guy thought he could purge PF of all popular colleagues like Lubinda so that he could have a path to the Presidency. We have heard of his farm in Mumbwa and his corrupt hand in the Chingola- Ndola dual carriageway. Bwana all assets acquired corruptly during your PF days will have to be fully accounted for. You may be done with PF but the people of Zambia want you to account for the shady deals you controlled from Ministry of Justice where you approved all Government contracts. We are watching you, you will soon face the law and only death will take beyond reach!

  11. It is customary for someone that holds or recently held high office in any organization to have their desassociation reported in the media. Two reasons one is tbat person would like to publicize their withdrawal of support and secondly the organisation might want to make it clear that particular individual does not represent them in any way. Kabimba has left PF that is news. Unless of course you are a PF sympathizer. You realize that one of the architects of the current disaster has abandoned ship. Its time to dive into the waters and swim for shore.

  12. Kabimba thought he was the son of man!! Be careful Zambian are not stupid. They are tolerant!! When they get notice of your stupidity the out come will be like Kabimba!! It is sad that he was used to sheet!! People advised,but he didn’t heed the warning!! But busy mentioning HH as tribalist!! Today, fellow Zambians, who has proved to tribalists?? People like Kambwili,GBM and others are not administrators!!! They are like Tuponyas!! They have insakas,Zangos,Nkutas…where men learn manners. when you mix up with them you are doomed!!! We not be ashamed say that Bemba’s are the worst tribalists! But the M’membe are busy undressing an innocent soul HH! Shame upon you!! Time always catches up with the evil ones!! Back M’membe and Ba Kabimba,it’s high time we did the right things to help…

  13. Kabimba thought he was the son of man!! Be careful Zambian are not stupid. They are tolerant!! When they get notice of your stupidity your exit will be like Kabimba!! It is sad that he was used to sheet!! People advised,but he didn’t heed the warning!! But busy mentioning HH as tribalist!! Today, fellow Zambians, who has proved to be a tribalists?? People like Kambwili,GBM and others are not administrators!!! They are like Tuponyas!! They have no insakas,Zangos,Nkutas…where men learn manners. when you mix up with them you are doomed!!! We can not be ashamed to mention that Bemba’s are the worst tribalist in zambia! Beacause they broadcast “UMUTUNDU umbi teti batuteke”But the M’membe are busy undressing an innocent soul HH! Shame upon you!! But let him be the president, he will…

  14. Good move Kabimba, concetrate on yr businesses if any.Zed politics is dirty game. But dont forget to expose PF dirty tricks at a right time.

  15. Winter/Summer ain’t going nowhere! He cannot survive outside the system! Remember, as a practicing lawyer he was not very successful, to put it mildly! Further, he has too much hanging over his head, (Trafigura, Sudanese TRAINED MILITIAS, etc.). This is a strategic move to allow him execute the diabolical plan of imposing the cartel’s preferred candidate on the electorate thru his machete wielding “Janjaweed”! All of you who think this is the end of Winter Mwanachambwa Kabimba should think again! He has strategically retreated before the final thrust into PF. Lungu and Co. have been dribbled, together with the rest of Zambia by the cartel, with chaps like Kambwili, GBM, Lubinda, et al. playing the role of “Useful *****s”, albeit unwittingly! Watch this space! Cry Mother Zambia,…

  16. Kabimba will never be a factor in Zambia’s politics. His personality does not inspire anyone in Zambia. He has no gentle and acceptable language. I am sure he can not even say I LOVE YOU in a gentle way to a lady. He has no use to anyone. Even if there are no permanent enemies in politics, Winter will not attract any political party. You MUST accept Winter at your own risk!

  17. Sir its gud u have confirmed your Death&burial in pafyongo which is well known .but all in all u ar as dead as u have sed&any political party that will exhume u will risk there parties political affiliation&schemes referring to ur recent behaviour whilst on the higher positions in Government. May U continue resting in Peace

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