Sunday, June 16, 2024

Miles Sampa Supreme Court ruling on today


Miles Sampa with his supporters at Cabinet Office
FILE: Miles Sampa with his supporters at Cabinet Office

THE full bench of the Supreme Court is today expected to deliver judgment in a matter in which presidential hopeful Miles Sampa is challenging the declaration of Minister of Justice Edgar Lungu as Patriotic Front (PF) president.

Mr Sampa appealed to the Supreme Court against two High Court decisions which dismissed his application and two others to join the matter as interveners.

When the matter came up before a full bench of the Supreme Court led by Acting Chief Justice Lombe Chibesakunda last Friday, judgment was reserved to today.

The judgment will determine whether Mr Sampa, Kasama Central member of Parliament Geoffrey Mwamba and former diplomat Selemani Phangula will be joined to the matter as interveners.

Mrs Justice Chibesakunda said the court would not hear the second appeal in which Mr Sampa is challenging the consent judgment delivered by High Court judge Mungeni Mulenga, which declared Mr Lungu, who is also Minister of Justice, as duly elected PF president.


  1. Contempt of court!Sampa has no respect for the court period.
    Otherwise pipo won’t respect court orders if politicians start abusing the courts.Why should u seek judgement in yo favor when u never obeyed the same court?Hypocrisy in sampa’s camp!!Mind u sampa is being used by Mmembe n Scott.PF members don’t want him not even in matero.He is not ready to lead anyone.Viva PF

    • These are the same thugs that have been terrorizing innocent people at buseko market and yet this stupid sitting in president continues accusing innocent Edgar. I CAN’T WAIT TO SEE HIM HANDING OVER POWER TO LUNGU AND ADDRESSING HIM AS MR PRESIDENT SIR!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

    • PF are copy cats, not capable of original ideas. Their symbol is copied from ZANU -PF. They’re copying anything they see UPND doing. Now the Red berets copied from SA’s Julius Malema’s EFF’
      The walking stick from Kamuzu Banda…yaba!

  2. WG…your report is totally biased and useless. You have predicated all the possible outcomes of the case so that you can claim that you said it. The outcomes are that Miles, withdraws the case before the decision this afternoon, or the Supreme Court rules in his favour or it rules against him which is the likely outcome.
    At the hearing last Friday, it was established (and not disputed by the Miles team) that the injunction the Edger team obtained on 1 December, 2014 was served on Anthony Kasolo before the election which purportedly voted in Miles. On that basis the 1 December, 2014 conference was illegal and therefore the Miles team cannot asset any rights from an illegal conference. The courts do not take lightly to people ignoring their orders. The knowledge of Kasolo who was an…

  3. Our capable Judiciary should show ordinary citizens that they do not award Contemptuous politicians or citizens.

    There is no need to allow, Sampa, GBM and Phangula to join any other cases ongoing because they are all contemptuous. More importantly, they do not hold any meaningful majority support in PF. I think that the current conduct of Lubinda and Kambwili shows what is desirable in politicians, they must be able to act reasonably, and support their Party if they lose, not tear a path through all the courts.

    Honourable Judge Mungeni is very capable and must have her judgements upheld by the Supreme Court. Her Honour Judge ruled as the people wanted.

    We will the court to show a firm hand against vexatious, duplicitous cases and Contempt to our Courts and Judges, by…

    • We will the court to show a firm hand against vexatious, duplicitous cases and Contempt to our Courts and Judges, by our Politicians.

      The Law Must be above ALL citizens even the President. We want Order in our gov’t.

      We urge the courts to dispose of this matter today, so we can have peace over Christmas and be prepared for our elections early January.

    • Miles is a humble and selfless leader compared to Edgar. Edgar will unleash his panga thugs on innocent citizens when he loses.

  4. Does Sampa honestly think he is presidential material.He should be content with his Deputy ministerial position. These delaying tactics, they are trying to auction the PF to the opposition and they have no heart for the party with his Guy!Viva ECL!

    • Atleast Miles is sober. EL will always be nursing a hangover. What time will he develop Zed? Miles is better presidential material as far as I’m concerned! Viva Miles!

  5. Our prayer is always the same.Amighty God guide our learned supreme court judge to rule in favour of Edgar Lungu whom majority PF lovers want!viva EL viva PF!

  6. let todays rulling send a strong message to all and i repeat to ALL those who disobeyed the court order on that day not to go on with the general conference. honestly speaking how can sampa seek rulling in his favour when leaders at the same conference disobeyed the same court order??????? no one at that illigal conference is above the law. real leaders , kambwili, lubinda, simusa, mulenga sata, have the country at heart and they are working with in coming president lungu. sampa swallow your pride, work with lungu just as others have done. or go join hh a man who is trying to climb a tree through leaves.

    • @Factman, do you know the outcome already? How if the courts rule in favor of Sampa, Who do you think is going to be taught a lesson? The courts are in the process and the ruling has not yet been passed. Your emphasis to a case……….. mmmmm rise alot of suspicions.

  7. zambia is an indipendent state and i have high respect for our judges. let todays rulling send a strong message to all regardless of position they have that no one shoud disobey the court order. and please the holders of that illegal conference should be purnished. ALL OF THEM.

  8. HH is the best of all candidates. He offers hope, he offers fresh beginning, he offers Zambia Unite. HH is the only true hope for Zambians and even our wise and principled Acting President knows this fact and in a way he has been pointing the nation to this direction. The Acting President is great but he is in wrong company. HH, true son of the soil, a patriotic son of Africa, the gallant son of our motherland, be rest assured that the whole country is behind u. Pls the whole country knows u as a hard worker. Do not at any point in time let us down. Consider reintroducing ZNS, ZCF, & let us up our stake in mining companies. Companies with Zambian stake in them should be paying corp. tax @ 20%. This will encourage partnerships with Zambians. Go son of our motherland. Africa is…

  9. Mumeembe has two supreme court judges under his belt, Wood, and Malila watch what decision these two take. I hope the have not influenced others on the bench

  10. Does he expect anything different!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! its the same old judgment Bwana miles. you are miles away from real justice in Zambia. My advise is just humble yourself like the Zayellows, Inshimba bwali. swallow your pride and join them.

  11. cominamisa edgar is worse than the late sata in terms of lies and pangas.please fellow zambians lets vote for HH in order to lessen beggars in the country zambia

  12. edgar has once been displined by law association of Zambia for drinking a clients money minus a service and some one says lets
    vote for his please think again HH is the only man who can save Zambia from these crooks God will not forgive us this time

  13. Fellow Zambians, do not be fooled. The reasons Mr. Banda is back is for following reasons: dust himself off the shame of losing elections to MCS in 2011; to complete clandestine dealings he left unfinished in 2011; just to leisure around in state house; for personal prestige purposes & NOT for overriding interest of the country. Otherwise voting for Mr Banda is sheer waste of time & is going several yrs backwards. So naturally he supports retiring at 65 yrs! Vote for hope, vote for Zambia Unite, vote for all inclusive Govt, vote for serious devpt, vote HH-son of the soil, son of our motherland, son of Africa. HH will reintroduce ZNS to equip youths with survival skills. All 10 provinces will be represented in all sectors of Govt. Zambia Unite, Zambia Fwd, One Zambia One Nation.

  14. Manzi amoyo the truth hurts. you chaps want to blame the food the mazoka eat in kalomo. sorry baba it was HIV/AIDs. this is a sexually transmitted disease and not food borne

  15. Miles Sampa, let me give u advise. Munshebwa aile namafi kubuko. you may think u are doing the correct thing. those pipo who are supporting u are just escorting you to burry ur uncles sweat. look around and see plzzzzzz. dont be proud. realise one thing. support edgar n u r saving ur uncles legacy. open ur eyes n c

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