Saturday, July 27, 2024

Choma residents complain over garbage


A HEAP of uncollected garbage behind a shopping mall in Choma
A HEAP of uncollected garbage behind a shopping mall in Choma

SOME residents in Choma have expressed fear that uncollected heaps of garbage in the town centre and around townships could lead to the outbreak of water-borne diseases such as Cholera.

But Town Clerk Timothy Mambalakata attributed the slow pace at which the council was collecting the heaps of garbage to constant breakdown of the dumping truck.

Mr Mambalakata said in interview that the local authority was facing some challenges in collecting the garbage but had since engaged a private contractor to carry out the work.

“We have about three trucks but there are not in good conditions, one which is meant for collection of garbage has some mechanical challenges but we are trying by all means to work on it,” he said.

He attributed the increased heaps of garbage particularly in town centre to some marketeers who were fond of throwing litter such as plastics in undesignated dumping areas.

Mr Mambalakata said people were generating a lot of garbage but were not even paying to have them removed hence the local authority finding some challenges to get rid of the litter.

He said the council had since embarked on a vigorous sensitization campaign to educate the residents on the need to keep Choma clean and observe the highest hygiene standards.

Some residents spoke to appealed to the local authority to ensure garbage in the town centre and around townships were hauled and deposited in the rightful dumping sites.

Amos Mweemba, a trader, said the garbage posed health hazards to the people citing the possible outbreak of water-borne diseases such as cholera especially that it was rain season.

Another marketer Getrude Siampweka, however, called on the residents to support the council’s efforts of ensuring garbage was disposed off in designated areas if Choma was to be kept clean.

A HEAP of uncollected garbage behind a shopping mall in Choma
A HEAP of uncollected garbage behind a shopping mall in Choma
A HEAP of uncollected garbage behind a shopping mall in Choma
A HEAP of uncollected garbage behind a shopping mall in Choma


    • PRESIDENT EDGAR CHAGWA LUNGU has been cautious in his campaign messages. All his promises are feasible and backed by clear steps of what is being done and what the next steps are. He has a well-crafted and realistic development agenda.

      2015 vote PF(Edgar)

      I thank you

  1. This is not to sound like a grouchy prick but Choma is not unique. This kind of garbage pile-up affects many other communities in Zambia. Too many.

    • Cleanliness is a joint responsibility….and they expect someone to clean after them. Did HH not promise them some cleaning material.

      2015 vote PF(Edgar)

      I thank you

  2. Who throw the garbage you are complaining about? During elections its HH solving your problems its PF. so HH despite having all the monies cant even help to remove garbge from his relative. look at that boy from lusaka central Tembo and see who a good leader is. Bamwitwa kulanda landafye kanshi. Edgar lungu is coming to clean provided you cooperate

  3. Zambian Councils need to be run by qualified & civilised personnel.The incoming government should bring civility & remove cadreism in these critical sectors of development.There’s too much mismanagement in the councils of Zambia & most of the levies collected are never used to uplift the faces of most councils.

  4. You I.diots its not about garbage collection. Who put it there in the first place. Same reason you shi.t it toilets with out running water one after the other. Dirty animals you are Zambians

  5. Cat power don’t insult my people like that. let me tell you ever since your PF came into power our country has becone more trashed up, so it’s not just Choma, and the people have every right to demand solution, we don’t elect people to just sit and enjoy 4 positions like Lungu with his constituency laying in ruins. But one thing I know God is saving us from this mess come January 20.

  6. Council government v failed us.Put ur Fellow HH in PLOT one,evRything gone be well.HH ni 4ward..these *****s they don’t care abt us,Panga Family be ready tipoka ma DEPO yonse.I know u r in fear. WAPYA BAISA out out out PF

  7. Solid Waste Management a big challenge in most countries.

    For Choma residents to minimize garbage problems you need pay and avoid careless disposal

  8. Councils in Zambia were defanged financially by the MMD/Chiluba govt. He took away a lot of income generating schemes (like council houses) from local govts. In Zambia, even levies or taxes that city govts in advanced countries collect for things like garbage collection, street lighting, drainages, city parks, etc, are not left to councils to collect. Everything has to come from Lusaka and that’s where the problem is.

    If people were made to pay for some of these services and actually see where and how their taxes/levies are being spent they would definitely hold local leaders more accountable. But, as things stand now, council leaders can just tell a good story to save their behinds because, really, no one even knows how much these people get from Lusaka for such services.

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