Saturday, July 27, 2024

ECZ urges political parties not to celebrate before the actual results are announced


Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Chairperson Irene Mambilima (right) consults with ECZ Director Priscilla Isaac (center) and ECZ Commissioner Joseph Jalasi
Electoral Commission of Zambia (ECZ) Chairperson Irene Mambilima (right) consults with ECZ Director Priscilla Isaac (center) and ECZ Commissioner Joseph Jalasi

ELECTORAL Commission of Zambia (ECZ) chairperson Irene Mambilima has urged political parties in today’s election not to celebrate before the actual results are announced.

And acting chief justice Lombe Chibesakunda yesterday officially opened the presidential election results centre at Lusaka’s Mulungushi International Conference Centre.

Justice Mambilima said at the official opening of the results centre that political parties and members of the public must wait until the winner is declared before any celebration can be conducted.

“In short, I am saying curtail premature celebration,” she said.
Justice Mambilima also called on the media to desist from speculating election results but to report on the results as they are announced by presiding officers.

She said that speculating on the results of the polls can result into conflicts and adverse consequences, which can negatively affect the nation.
“I urge all of you to be patient and await the final declaration of the result of the poll, which will be made by the chief justice,” Justice Mambilima said.
She appealed to the police command to be alert and ensure that law and order is maintained during the polls and up to the time of the declaration of the results and thereafter.

Ms Mambilima said the commission will ensure adequate flow of information to all stakeholders through help desks and press briefings.

She called on observers to be vigilant and attentive as the ballot papers are being counted at polling stations.

“If you notice any need for a recount, apply for one to the presiding officer as no recounting of votes will be allowed at the totalling centre or results centre,” Justice Mambilima said.

She appealed to political party leaders to advise their supporters and cadres to conduct themselves responsibly during the polls today.

Justice Mambilima officially launched the election centre, which she later toured with her entourage.


    • I already voted for HH. It’s raining cats and dogs. So the queue is winding down.

      Voters go and cast your vote for Chipimo, Nawakwi, Lungu, HH, Sondashi, Chanda

    • Question to my Southern Province brothers and sisters who vote in block like they are put at gunpoint:

      Thinking loud: Since you have been taught that every opponent to HH is a foreigner. E.g you call any leadership from Northern province (Sata) called Tanzanian, Luapula product (FTJ) called Congolese, Eastern product (RB) called Malawian, Central (Levy) called him a Yao from Malawia and North Westerners you call them Angolans.

      God forbid, if you were to win this election, won’t all of us coming outside Southern Province be registered and forcefully deported a
      based on the propagated theory that we all foreigners?

      What guarantee do the rest of Zambians have that you will sober up and discard your xenophobic SP Groupthink?

    • Senior Citizen

      Chill…. Go and vote. No more tribal card pushing. You have a choice of 11 candidates. No one, absolutely no one can now be influenced to change candidates.

    • @Senior Citizen naimwe kalani chabe! I think your RB looks out of context with him saluting with an MMD symbol in the midst of PF Kaponyas!

    • I agree.

      We vote. I have already voted for HH. But am NOT Zambia. Other citizens are also voting. The majority will carry the day.

      I will accept whoever wins as my President be it Chanda or Nawakwi or Lungu.

      That is democracy.

  1. HH will carry the day. How do you vote for someone who insults you? If you are a woman, mother, daughter, grand mother, tell Lung you do not insult a woman in public, maybe in Malawi. Vote this disrespect man out, he belongs in a Tarvan.. Vote HH

  2. I like the picture, the body language shows a united and focussed electoral commission. Kudos to ECZ, we love you!

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