Friday, January 17, 2025

Lusaka election day in Pictures


A blogger records an interview with UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema in Lusaka
A blogger records an interview with UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema in Lusaka
One of the UPND supporters that accompanied party president Hakainde Hichilema to visit the City Library polling centre in Lusaka
One of the UPND supporters that accompanied party president Hakainde Hichilema to visit the City Library polling centre in Lusaka
An identified polling agents wait for usher voters at Kanyama ward in Lusaka
An identified polling agents wait for usher voters at Kanyama ward in Lusaka
An unideitified woman waits for her turn to vote in Chilenje South
An unideitified woman waits for her turn to vote in Chilenje South
An unidentified Lusaka resident tries to capture photographs of UPND president Hakainde Hichilema at City Library Polling Centre
An unidentified Lusaka resident tries to capture photographs of UPND president Hakainde Hichilema at City Library Polling Centre
An unidentified polling officer ushers a voter into the Kanyama ward polling centre
An unidentified polling officer ushers a voter into the Kanyama ward polling centre
An unidentified voter casts his vote at City Library  Polling Centre in Lusaka
An unidentified voter casts his vote at City Library Polling Centre in Lusaka
An unidentified voter in the voting booth at City Library Polling centre in Lusaka.
An unidentified voter in the voting booth at City Library Polling centre in Lusaka.
An unidentified voter in the voting booth at City Library Polling centre in Lusaka
An unidentified voter in the voting booth at City Library Polling centre in Lusaka
An unidentified woman straps a baby on her back before proceeding to vote in Chilenje South
An unidentified woman straps a baby on her back before proceeding to vote in Chilenje South
A polling officer with indelible ink waits to mark thumbs of citizens who have cast their votes in Chilenje South
A polling officer with indelible ink waits to mark thumbs of citizens who have cast their votes in Chilenje South
Cozmo Mumba and his security team outside City Library Centre after casting his vote
Cozmo Mumba and his security team outside City Library Centre after casting his vote
Hakainde Hichilema with supporters in the Lusaka Business District
Hakainde Hichilema with supporters in the Lusaka Business District
Infamous Katondo street boys rough each other over an undisclosed amount of money left by one of the UPND politicians in the Lusaka Central traditing district
Infamous Katondo street boys rough each other over an undisclosed amount of money left by one of the UPND politicians in the Lusaka Central traditing district
PF Lusaka province chairman Kennedy Kamba captured on a mobile phone at C ity Library Polling centre in Lusaka
PF Lusaka province chairman Kennedy Kamba captured on a mobile phone at C ity Library Polling centre in Lusaka
Polling officers wait for voters inside the City Library Polling Centre in Lusaka
Polling officers wait for voters inside the City Library Polling Centre in Lusaka
UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema mobbed by supporters in the Lusaka business dirtsict
UPND leader Hakainde Hichilema mobbed by supporters in the Lusaka business dirtsict
UPND president Hakainde Hichilema gestures at supporters at the City Library Polling centre in Lusaka
UPND president Hakainde Hichilema gestures at supporters at the City Library Polling centre in Lusaka
UPND president Hakainde Hichilema leaves the City Library Polling Centre in Lusaka
UPND president Hakainde Hichilema leaves the City Library Polling Centre in Lusaka


  1. Thanx for the pics. Am waiting anxiously for the results.

    This Cosmo Mumba is also a character. Does he have millions to be able to pay his security personnel. Too many attention seekers. Even Muliokela has joined the list.

    • @pretty, am glad to see you on here partner. I am on holidays so I will see our standoff to an end. Do you know when the results are going to be announced? Are the polling stations still open.

    • Low turnout reported in most parts of the country…. this might be to the advantage of HH

      PF will not accept the results…. we will have to revote when the weather gets better

    • My Phone is jammed with questions and concerns and that famous word “update”
      We are so far doing very well across many parts of the country. A sample of some results counted so far show a good picture for the Patriotic Front.
      We are doing very well in Eastern, Lusaka, Copperbelt, Luapula, Northern and Muchinga provinces. Some parts of the Central Provinces Like Kabwe and Kapiri urban also show good results.
      But however hold your fire. let’s wait for results from ECZ and from the various Parallel Voter Tabulation NGOs and ourselves.
      And please note that the results will remain provisional or unofficial until ECZ confirms them.
      Out of 6456 polling station, voting started late in about 74 polling stations and voting might continue up-to tmrw in those affected areas.

    • Am relying on some blogger going by the name “Vodka” with a Canadian flag who seemed to be well connected to update “me”.

  2. HH was busy campaigning after voting. He is a useless loser. Dipak Patel has under the influence of black label complained bitterly thta Masebo has let him down. How come she could not tell ZAWA officials not to let lions away from Headman Mulopa’ area in Siavonga. UPND will lose 361 votes from Namomba village.

  3. mwebena zambia, vote HH, and see what an economist can do for you. right now, is not the time for liberty or negotiations, cheap/smart talking, propaganda like lawyers love to do. we need economic development who better than HH to do it. try him for a year or two and then vote for your lawyer in 2016 if you want. but i bet you, once you see the works of the economist HH, you will never go back my friends. Anyway, it is your civil liberty to choose who you want as the leader of our beloved country Zambia. Its you right too, to continue to wallow in poverty. I wish us all the best mwebena zambia. Happy voting.

    • And it is lungu they want, it is lungu they will have. But noti ifya kulila lila kuntashi. Ifwe tuli pali ba HH, all the lies about masonry dont mean jack. Zambian reads a few books on secret societies thinks he knows it all, they forget to read the origins of these societies and become blinded by bible propaganda of an evil being no one has ever seen as the overseer of the masons. Ask a civil engineer what a masonry is in construction and then from there do your research. You will then get to understand masonry. dont get corrupted with ideas and morales around terms which have been corrupted by european subversion of the truth. Read history mwebantu.
      @robin – may the peoples choice prevail. But as for me and my household we are for HH, even if we will be the only people voting for HH.

  4. ……first picture….had it not been for the strict rules and laws, most women would choose to walk around naked…..that is why pants, petticoats and bra are defined as ‘underwear’…..they are not supposed to be exposed any how in public except if one is participating in a swimming gala or you are on leisure at the beach…….the lady in the photo is half dressed….the top half is as good as naked atleast to Zambian standards

  5. Low turn put in pf strongholds means HH carries the day. And ba pf dont cry foul if your supporters dont turn out in numbers.

  6. The bad weather is whole over Zambia so nobody has an advantage, though PF who has a lot of its supporters in urban areas stands a better chance bcoz its a had for a villager to go and vote for your tribal HH when its raining!!!already the information we’ve is that PF is leading in almost all pollition centres counted so far in Lusaka!!SO THIS CONFIRMS THAT PF WILL WIN IN ALL ITS STRONGHOLDS!!TRIBAL HH WOULD NEED A MIRACLE TO DEFEAT MIGHTY PF!!!


  8. nothing interests me in Zambia these days. dirty everywhere. if the city library can look like that, how about the rest of the city? and zambians are voting for pf instead of changing govt

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